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Yinli's building exploded?

There is no such link in their plan?

Was Jin Qingyue plotted against by Yin Li, or Jin Qingyue couldn't hold back and plotted against Yin Li earlier?

No matter which one it is, it will add more instability to this dungeon and increase the difficulty of customs clearance again.

There was a faint earthquake on the ground, and Lin Ke stared blankly at the huge gray fireworks exploding in the center of the city, and countless thoughts flashed through his mind.

The next moment, he took action immediately, first comforting the little girl in his arms, letting her stay here obediently, and then going to the center of the city to check the situation.

Unexpectedly, Sang Shi stretched out his hand to stop him: "Ni, wait a minute."

Linke looked up at Sang Shi in puzzlement, but saw Sang Shi dryly pointing in the direction of the city: "You, work.

" Link pointed to his back.

Lin Ke: "..."

Five minutes later.

Lin Ke, who was carried on his back by Sang, moved towards the city at a speed of at least forty kilometers per hour.

[Bullet screen: Fuck, bull! It's okay to use zombies as mounts! ! ! 】

【Barrage: Is this still a serious doomsday dungeon? Laugh and cry. ]

[Bullet screen: The little brother's expression is so anxious now, maybe he is worried that something happened to Shen Jin. I don't know if he will die laughing when he learns the truth.】

【Barrage: Hahaha Who would have thought that Yin Li would blow himself up, Jin Shen was shocked at the scene. 】

【Barrage: Here comes the real-time broadcast! In the first screen, Lin Ge successfully reached a cooperative relationship with the zombies; in the second screen, Yin Li was blown up by his subordinates who turned into zombies! ! ! 】

【Barrage: Oh, everyone can coexist peacefully with the boss, why are you guys still causing civil strife? To me it was gloating. ]

[Barrage: Absolutely! The comparison is so ironic! 】

From another perspective, Jin Qingyue, who was standing on the rooftop, turned his head and looked at Yin Li who was besieged by dozens of zombies in front of him.

His expression is very complicated, whether he will smile or not, whether he will be angry or not.

The plan was completely disrupted and a crisis arose, but he was very happy.

He just stood and watched until the whole top floor was about to collapse before turning around.

Then, a leap from the twenty-ninth floor—

a few hours ago.

Lin Ke led away a large number of zombies, and Jin Qingyue successfully contacted Yin Li and proposed cooperation.

The reason for the cooperation is very simple. The first is because of key information, and the second is because of Yin Li's death. There are too many zombies in the city, and they are all surrounded by the central garden downstairs. Once the central garden is breached, not only will Yin Li lose important information, but he and his followers will also turn into crazy zombies... "I

wish you could turn into a zombie, but I don't want you to bite everywhere after death." People, it's that simple." According to the conditions proposed by Yin Li, Jin Qingyue walked through layers of zombies alone, and stood on the top floor in some embarrassment.

"Where's Lin Ke?" Yin Li asked the first sentence with a dark face.

"Then you have to ask yourself." Jin Qing smiled sarcastically, "If you didn't let zombies surround his house, how could he be besieged? Anyway, we can't find him now." "Really? But

this The method is very effective, aren't you here to beg me?" Yin Li also sneered.

"You are wrong, you begged me." Jin Qingyue said.

Yin Li sneered.

He was pale and furious, but unable to attack.

Seeing Yin Li's appearance, a mocking smile appeared on the corner of Jin Qingyue's mouth.

In the process of going upstairs just now, Jin Qingyue has figured out the basic situation in this building.

In this dungeon world of the main god that was once respected as "strong", Yin Li has many followers. As far as what Jin Qingyue saw just now, there were at least a thousand people.

They were arranged by Yin Li on each floor, responsible for strengthening the defense and protecting Yin Li on the upper floor, while Yin Li on the top floor used props to support their survival.

When Yinli was "rich and wealthy", this kind of cooperation was very close, because they could achieve the goal of clearing the level quickly by flattering Yinli, fighting and killing, crushing bosses, and bullying players. Why not?

But when Yin Li is cash-strapped, the relationship becomes fragile. In the atmosphere of doomsday, when everyone uses a prop, everyone is scared and worried about being scolded. In addition, Yin Li is impulsive, irritable and suspicious, and vents his anger of failing the previous dungeon on them. Satisfied. "Damn it, what kind of a guy is he to send us around at will just because he has a few props?"

"Yes, yes, you called me a waste this morning. I thought, since you are so powerful, why don't you guard the first floor? "

Hush, whisper, maybe there is a monitor."

"Come on, I think he is also poor now." "

Hey, thinking about it, I think he was very cowardly in the last game, and he messed with himself for a long time I'm screwed, is there any fun with him?"

Along the way, Jin Qingyue heard all such remarks.

Even an outsider could see him so clearly, presumably Yin Li knew that he had lost his "prestige" in front of his younger brothers, but it was a pity that Yin Li now had to rely on this group of unreliable players.

The building is in dire straits, inside and out.

[Barrage: I didn't expect so many people in this building! A pervert still has so many followers! ]

[Barrage: I'm so mad! I saw the garbage that killed my friend! ! ! ! ]

[Bullet screen: Don't worry, these garbage will soon be sorted and recycled together. 】

【Barrage: Hahahaha To a certain extent, Yin Li is quite capable of bringing together so many annoying people. 】

"Don't talk nonsense," Jin Qingyue said, "I've thought about it, the only way to deal with these zombies is to let the zombies enter this building and keep them in the building." "Then bite us together by the way.

" Die?" Yin Li asked.

"If you still have this attitude, we can't cooperate." Jin Qingyue spread his hands, "I mean, while letting the zombies in, we escaped and then closed the building. Is it difficult to understand this?"

" Of course I have thought of such a stupid method," Yin Li said with a sting, "but you have also seen the aggressiveness and vitality of these ghosts, they can break through the windows and jump out to kill people!" 

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