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It's God Jin again.

Knowing that the dungeon was dangerous at night, Linke didn't open the door directly, but turned to look at the window again.

Outside the window raised by the thin gauze curtain, the vines were swimming fast, and the sharp thorns on them kept scratching the harsh sound on the glass. The scene actually made Lin Ke's slightly frowning brows relieved.

His thoughts are relatively straightforward. Before, he had been lying on the bed and sleeping. If these roses came towards him and the glass was broken, wouldn't it be good to come in and hang him?

Why is it like now, the group is circling around like a headless snake outside.

The fact that the roses didn't come in just showed that either Rose's target wasn't him, or the bishop's room was a safe house.

He is safe.

And the people outside, who said they came to "save him", must be able to protect themselves.

It's better to ask again.

Lin Ke sighed from the bottom of his heart, a little dizzy.

In this dungeon, not only the boss kills randomly at the beginning, but the npc tries to cover up when answering the questions, and even the players seem to be divided into cliques... He has some empathy with Mr. Blind, who has never communicated in depth.

In this world of frozen roses, it seems that no one can easily believe it.

"What's going on outside?" Link walked to the door. He wanted to pretend to be scared, but Naihe was really not afraid, so he pretended to be sleepy.

The outsiders had been waiting for him to respond, when Lin Ke spoke, Yu Lin seemed relieved, and explained: "It's good that you didn't open the door for me immediately, and it's good to be vigilant. I'm a player of the White Rose team... ...Jin Shen said that if you don't open the door, let me ask you what you found in the witch's room, I don't understand, he said you will understand." In the

witch's room? Jin Qingyue has also been there?

Under this restriction, Link can only think of the half red and white rose.

Does it mean that the red rose player and the white rose player need to cooperate?

Lin Ke could only think of this for a while, and was about to ask again, when he heard a harsh and crisp sound from the glass behind him, and then "cracked" and shattered into raindrops, and the alienated stem of the rose was as thick as an adult man's arm, and exploded at the window , poured into the room, dust was flying everywhere in the room, and vines climbed the wall and rushed towards him.

This trend is completely different from just now, as if something is guiding them to rush in by inertia.

Lin Ke reacted very quickly, he was only stunned for a moment, then he opened the door and closed the door behind him, his movements were done in one go, and it was only at night that he saw clearly that this was a low room next to the church.

With the sound of a sledgehammer-like rosebone hitting the door behind him, the door trembled violently.

He was about to run, when someone pulled him abruptly, and saw a rather mature man looking at him, pointing in a direction, his voice was slightly lowered: "Run over there."

Although Yu Lin was not chased by Rose, his face Shanghe also tried to keep calm in his words, but there was a faint aftershock of shock in his expression. Link noticed that there were dense rose vines not far behind him, as if chasing him here, but stopped again.

And the direction he pointed was to the east, and there were indeed houses for players to live in, most likely it was a safe house.

"Let's go!" There are many strange things, but in the face of danger, we can't analyze too much, Lin Ke ran away, and Yu Lin followed.

At this moment, with a loud noise, the door behind him was broken, the whole house collapsed, and rose vines rushed towards the two of them like a flood.

[Barrage: Although it was midnight, I was keen and still found something amazing. The third perspective appeared again. 】

【Bullet screen: I just noticed that even though my little brother's screen was black just now, I can still see the exterior of the bishop's hut, and I'm still next to my little brother! What the hell is this thing that has been following my little brother? And perspective? 】

【Barrage: Don't talk about the ball, I'm terrified when I think about it, I'm shaking right now. 】

[Barrage: This "thing" has a perspective, which means it's a player, not a ghost? 】

【Barrage: It's the players who are more frightening, thank you. 】

【Barrage: Damn, I'll just leave for five minutes, what happened, so many roses! Midnight chase? 】

The movements of the surrounding roses are very strange. Sometimes they roar and rush at the two, and sometimes they turn and flick their tails, trying to whip the two of them—they are too fast and have strong interception and pursuit capabilities. Lin Ke and Yu Lin can only Shuttle between houses and rose fields, looking for cover everywhere.

Lin Ke dragged Yu Lin to the back of the residential house again, and several vines rolled around his sleeves.

"No, it's getting faster and faster."

Lin Ke also realized something was wrong while fleeing: "It doesn't feel like it's coming towards us, but it seems to be attracted by something, let's hide it!"

Yu Lin gasped and nodded , his eyes flashed again and again, remembering Jin Qingyue's advice, he still didn't say anything, just said: "Don't worry, you'll be safe."

Lin Ke was not so optimistic, he smiled and jumped out from the side.

It happens to be a small hillside that is not suitable for building a house. There are many stone bunkers and tall weeds. Yu Lin followed closely. of slow vibration.

"It must not be chasing us," Lin Ke confirmed this time, and he lowered his voice, "If it's a dungeon mechanism, there's no way these roses can't find us."

Yu Lin nodded scribbled, with a little irritability between his brows.

Lin Ke saw his expression, and his heart moved. When Lu Zhou took him away, there were no players following him, so how did Yu Lin find him? Surveillance props, or...

He pursed his lips and reached out to caress his back.

Sure enough, there was a very inconspicuous bump on the Oxford shirt, which felt like a plastic sticker the size of a fingernail.

The memory went back to when Lu Zhou invited him, Jin Qingyue told him to calm down, and used some kind of props that could keep him awake to wake him up.

Is that time?

Just as he was thinking, the stone behind him suddenly moved, and then rose from the ground, and the vines directly rolled up the stone!

A huge shadow enveloped the two of them.

Both of them were startled and jumped up, only to hear a voice of resentment behind them.

"You are good at acting, and you are also very bold. You dared to join forces with Jin to lie to me. Unfortunately, your Jin god is nothing more than that—"

Yu Lin was shocked, turned around and looked up, his pupils shrank instantly.

Lin Ke also glanced back, and after seeing the "thing" in front of him clearly, he also felt a chill.

I saw Ji Hong floating in the air, with rose vines curling around her body from the waist down, and the sharp thorns pierced into her flesh and blood, leading her to hover in the air.

The blood-red highlights on her ears and the red roses on the vines complement each other, coupled with the fierce light in her blood-red eyes, swaying like a poisoned beauty snake.

Lin Ke noticed that a small piece of yellow paper was pasted on her forehead, like a miniature version of a zombie charm.

"That's a talisman prop in the zombie world. Using a talisman can temporarily disguise her identity as a non-player, so she can manipulate vines, she..." On the side, Yu Lin's face was so dark that he could drip, his voice trembling, talking to Lin Ke Turning his head, his words froze when he saw Lin Ke's expression clearly.

Under the night, the shadow on the face of the young man in front of him was dark and uncertain, his eyes were black and shiny, and he was staring at the monster above his head.

That look was like saying "you are here, ugly thing".

[Bullet screen: Damn, the change of the angle of view frightened me. I thought this girl was not very good, but at least she looks good. Let's see now...]

[Bullet screen: She hasn't changed, it's because your eyesight has recovered . ]

[Bullet screen: You can finally see the ugliness of the human heart. 】

[Barrage: Hahahahahahaha, are you participating in the bamboo shoot contest? ]

[Barrage: Stop laughing! Little brother is in danger! It's not wise to get on the bar now, run away! 】

Yu Lin: "..." He was startled in his heart, thinking that Lin Ke couldn't be lucky, thinking that his power could compete with the alienated Ji Hong, right?

"You can't kill her. Her essential identity is still a player, and she will be punished by the dungeon." Yu Lin followed Lin Ke and turned into another alley in an instant. An unfeasible idea, "She is connected to the leylines with the flower stem. Although she moves fast, her movement is limited, so she can only block one side. Let's try to bypass her and go to the east!" But

Lin Ke said coldly: "It can't be avoided."

Yu Lin was startled.

Lin Ke: "More than one." As soon as the words

fell, Yu Lin felt his side was hit by a giant whip, and he flew five meters and rolled to the ground. Thanks to Lin Ke, he raised his hand to hold him, otherwise he would have hit him directly on the stone. The head is blooming. Yu Lin was pretending to be dazed for a while, only then did he realize that the rose vines that were chasing the two of them had also come - they were not from the same batch as Ji Hong!

Two giant snakes danced wildly, flying sand and rocks on the ground.

Ji Hong looked down from above and chuckled in the strong wind: "Let us teach you how to use the rules—hunt and kill players!" The

two snakes suddenly ambushed!

Lin Ke grabbed Yu Lin's collar, jumped away suddenly, and then let go and ran wildly.

Yu Lin just hesitated for a moment, and was almost taken away by Ji Hong who was following up. Seeing that the road to the east residential area was completely blocked, what's more, even if it was not blocked, he would leave Red Rose according to the death rules at night. As Linke, he would also be chased by Rose. In desperation, he gritted his teeth and ran wildly with Linke.

Except for Jin Qingyue, he had never trusted anyone so much at all. If he went to the hinterland of the town like this, he might have no way out. But Lin Ke gave him the feeling just now that he was a bit tougher than Jin Qingyue, so he subconsciously followed.

The chase lasted for half an hour.

Yu Lin followed Lin Ke, out of breath, but secretly frightened.

This seemingly thin young man has amazing explosive power in his body, his movements are extremely sensitive and his mind is clear, he sometimes appears to attract the two snakes to attack, and sometimes hides to trick the two snakes into staggering their positions. Hong was almost exasperated. When he came back to his senses, the two of them had already entered the hinterland of a town that was extremely quiet and full of fragrant flowers.

Lin Ke didn't have a frontal hard bar, and seemed to bring them here on purpose. For some reason, after entering the central area, the movement speed of the two rose vines slowed down, as if afraid of disturbing something, and the pursuit battle seemed anxious.

At this moment, Lin Ke jumped into the bushes again to hide himself, and when he turned around to see Yu Lin was still there, he was a little surprised and said, "I led them away, why didn't you leave?"

Yu Lin: "..."

He couldn't speak . Said that it would be more dangerous for him to leave Lin Ke, and only said: "They are too tightly surrounded."

Then he watched as the words "No way" flashed in Linke's eyes.

Yu Lin remembered that he had vowed to Lin Ke before, "I'll save you", and his face ached for a while.

But the pain was the pain, and seeing Ji Hong's other end jumping into the air, she let out a loud and annoyed scream—she was becoming less and less human, so Yu Lin wanted to ask Lin Ke about his plans.

Unexpectedly, before he could ask, Linke jumped out of his hiding place under the shadow of the "tail" of the giant snake, and knocked on the door of an inconspicuous second-floor brick house in front of him.

Yu Lin: "???"

What, is this asking for help from an NPC? Is this possible? He was so startled that he wanted to go up to stop people, but he heard a hoarse voice in the room.

"Who... has brought what I want?" The

voice was not loud, but it was clear enough for people to hear, and it was full of malicious intentions.

[Barrage: No way, no way, my little brother changed sides again? Split again? 】

[Barrage: I was worried all the way, and suddenly I didn't worry anymore. Just look at the friendship between the little brother and the bosses, so be careful! ]

[Barrage: Go, go, go! ! Ji Hong, what can you do with a fake boss, Brother Lin is going to bring a real boss to attack you hard! ! ]

[Barrage:? ? ? I can't understand what you are talking about. Is this player familiar with Mr. Blind? ]

[Bullet screen: I'll be familiar with it soon. ]

[Bullet screen: I will be familiar with it soon +1. 】

Different from the sudden optimism of the barrage, Yu Lin was covered in cold sweat. This is not an npc! It is clearly the boss of the dungeon! Extreme fear left him speechless.

Ji Hong, who was looking at the front, had already smelled the signs, and turned around slowly. He wanted to call Lin Ke to stop, but his throat was so tight that he couldn't speak.

But Lin Ke was still replying to the person inside: "Bring it, can you let the two of us go in?" He pointed in Yu Lin's direction as he spoke, as if telling Mr. Blind that he has a companion in that direction .

Ji Hong's scarlet eyes flashed in mid-air, and she saw Lin Ke in the white mist, and immediately let out a scream, and came from the ground, but sure enough, when she entered the quiet center, her speed slowed down again.

With a ferocious and proud face, she approached Link, and a huge shadow enveloped him again.

Lin Ke had nowhere to escape.

There are not many bunkers in this area, he has already been exposed, and it is impossible to hide again. At the same time, the people in the room have not opened the door for him, but instead asked him further, slowly, as if to confirm clearly: "Are you sure? If you are human, I will not let you leave alive..."

Yu Lin watched until his blood froze, but under such circumstances, Lin Ke was still not flustered, and reconfirmed: "Bring Yes. Let us go in. If you don't open the door, you will never get what you want again." There was a

moment of silence inside the door.

Ji Hong's figure had already appeared on the side of the hut, her head quietly floated out from the side, she looked at Lin Ke with a smirk, then her whole body swam out and rushed over -

only heard a hoarse and impatient " Come in", the door opened at the same time, Lin Ke stepped in, but didn't close the door, turned his head and frowned, "Yu Lin!"

Yu Lin suddenly woke up, his back felt cold, obviously another snake had also come. He bite the bullet and rushed towards the door. At this time, Ji Hong had already rushed to the door. Yu Lin took Ji Hong's paw, tearing a bloody gash on his back, before falling into the door.

"Close, close the door." Yu Lin crawled upside down a few steps, looking at the trembling voice outside the door, his eyes tearing apart.

Lin Ke didn't move.

Ji Hong blocked the door, roaring angrily, propping the door frame with her estranged claws, staring at Lin Ke, her scarlet eyes full of resentment and unwillingness.

Linke looked at her, and suddenly smiled: "Come in?" "Aren't you very good at trespassing on private


:18:35 to the little angel who voted for me as the overlord or the irrigation nutrient solution~

Thanks to the little angel who cast mines: Mo Ranqing Kuang 1;

thanks to the little angel of irrigation nutrient solution: 5 bottles of Yueluohua; 3 bottles of Xu Zeqing ;1 bottle of sago mousse yyds;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

Tweet "Great fans just want to live a low-key life" The super cute Xu Xuzi is

from a super loving author who has brought little monsters for a long time. I am very grateful to

the world 1 entertainment circle:

Su Xu, who is extremely cool and radiant in the article The heartthrob protagonist who shoots.

Anyone would fall madly in love with him. He is very tired.

On this day, Su Xu entered the small world with his aura of a heartthrob, transmigrating into the 18th-tier idol who was abandoned by the first-line traffic Ji Nuocheng to despair.

Su Xu danced in ecstasy: It's so good to be confused! Enough of everyone having a crush on me! I want to go out freely!

It's a pity that the popularity still found him.

*World 2 palace: After the Buddhist scriptures, all the fierce ghosts in the palace became my fanboys, thinking every day to push me to the top?

*World 3 giants: I'm sorry Green Tea, I turned people who favored you into pampering me, I don't want to, hey~

*World 4 Hologram: I just want to play games in a low-key manner, but it's still too charming, Black Lotus is crying , Sigh

* World 5 Oiran: I'm just an ordinary woman who cooks in women's clothes, please don't praise me, please? QAQ

*The world's 6 cultivators: I practice the ruthless way! Please don't give any more gifts, go and see the male protagonist with a pure yin body accept it!

* World 7 Escape: Huh? Boss loves me too much and wants to keep me? I'll startle you by saying it, I cultivated immortals and practiced martial arts in my previous life!

Su Wen, the sand sculpture who frees himself, masters and accepts 1v1

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