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 Lin Ke was awakened by the heat.

The quilt seemed to be alive, tightly wrapped around him.

On the wristband on the forehead, it shows that the number of people is soaring again.

"Zhou Zhao?" He had a faint feeling and called out.

"Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo "

what answered him was a struggle.

【Barrage: Finally woke up, wake up, you are going to become seaweed rolls! 】

Link frowned, and tried to break free from the quilt, but the quilt at the waist seemed to be tied from the outside, and he couldn't get rid of it no matter what. He finally poked his head out to take a breath, and was instantly stunned by the scene in front of him.

I saw a piece of dark, dense hair like a mist crawling on all objects that could be clinging to, covering almost the entire room. The dormitory looked very strange, like a weird world drawn by sketches.

However, because the length of the hair is limited, the ability to move is gradually weakened, and it only moves slowly.

On the opposite side of his bed, Zhou Zhao was wrapped into a black roll and was writhing in horror. When he saw Link poking his head out, he breathed a sigh of relief: "Fortunately, we are wrapped in the quilt! Otherwise, we will be strangled to death! You're too foresighted."

[Barrage: Didn't you see that the straight guy is quite optimistic? 】

【Barrage: Actually, what he said is the truth... After watching it for half an hour, I felt that my hair was pretty miserable, and I didn't strangle my neck after searching for a long time. ]

Lin Ke: "..." There is no foresight, thank you netizens.

He had experienced the moment when the little shark was invincible, and he was not particularly frightened when he saw the hair at this time, he just thought it was too much.

This is too much!

What kind of head can grow so many hairs, it must be many heads, right?

Lin Ke squinted his eyes to look at the crack of the door, only to see that the crack of the door was opaque and filled with hair strands, making it difficult to open the door.

"Is the dean out?" he asked.

Zhou Zhao cried and said, "I didn't notice, do you still have the mood to think about him coming out?"

Lin Ke raised his arm. He sleeps in a fixed position and likes to carry his arms on his forehead, so he is not tied up in the quilt like Zhou Zhao, and his left hand can still move.

"Guys, use the props. It's fine. I've seen it for a long time. I won't snatch it." Zhou Zhao said when Lin Ke pulled his hand out.

Looking at it like this, he has already paid attention to this tail ring that seems to be hidden but is actually extremely delicate and dazzling.

Link: "Hmm."

He never thought about the issue of props being taken away, but the speaker has no intention, but the listener is tempted. From the very beginning, it's like the ring that sticks to his hand can be taken off?

There was no time to think about it at this time, Lin Ke endured the strange feeling, and gently held a strand of black hair on the quilt.

Just when Lin Ke was doubting whether the ring was effective, accompanied by a slight pain and a slight itching in the palm of his hand, the strand of black hair suddenly seemed to be stimulated by something, and it danced and twisted like a snake - this small twist The movement gradually drove the black hair on the quilt to dance together, and for a moment, there seemed to be a layer of rock black mist on Lin Ke's bed, like a wave, and then layers were untied.

Zhou Zhao: "...I really don't know how to rob, I, I'm just curious, what is the function of this prop?"

After holding it for almost two days, what kind of prop can exorcise evil spirits and control the boss! S rank is solid, but is it a control item or an attack item? Why do newcomers have non-disposable S-level props?

Zhou Zhao is an old player who has owned S-level items, and he has a feeling of reverence for high-level items in his heart. This kind of mentality is a bit like that of antique collectors. They may not necessarily grab good props when they see them, but they just want to ask, look at them, and touch them.

Right now, I don't count on it, but I still need to ask.

Hearing this question, Link paused, feeling a little sad himself—how did he know? He is also exploring the function of the ring. The only information I know is that wearing this prop may be taken away by the boss anytime, anywhere, do you dare to take it for you?

He has been released from the quilt, and the black hair around him has faded from his bed, revealing the snow-white quilt and iron frame bed.

When the black hair left, there was even a strand of it curling around his wrist with nostalgia, making Lin Kema stay in place for more than ten seconds.

"I can't say, I don't know too well. In fact, this is not an item obtained in the world of the main god, but a ring passed down from my grandfather's family." Linke replied casually when he pulled Zhou Zhao out. Anyway, sooner or later, I have to introduce the origin of the ring, so it is better to make one up now, and since everyone knows that it is made up, theoretically it can be said anything.

Unexpectedly, Zhou Zhao was shocked: "Your family passed down the single ring?!"

[Barrage: Poof. ]

[Barrage: Hahahahahaha! 】

【Barrage: Another day of being laughed to death, how did it spread to your generation? 】

【Barrage: Your family is pretty awesome. ]

[Bullet screen: save some face, save some face, the little brother is just not good at making up stories hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha This just shows how innocent and cute little brother he is! 】

【Barrage: Rainbow fart can still blow like this, I learned it. ]

[Bullet screen: Although, there are also sayings that wearing it on the left hand is a vow of love. 】

Lin Ke: "..."

He was about to explain, but he heard two "clicks" and "creaks", which sounded like the door next door opened.

The two froze at the same time, looking at the black hair crawling all over the floor, they looked at each other.

Zhou Zhao lowered his voice: "Come out!"

Lin Ke pursed his lips and nodded, listening attentively.

Sure enough, with the dean's footsteps going out, the whole orphanage suddenly became lively. Countless footsteps "dong dong dong" resounded from all directions, even accompanied by vague shouts. As for what they were shouting, they couldn't hear clearly at all.

All I know is that a bunch of people are shouting.

Wait, the sound of the dean opening the door, on the left?

The layout of the orphanage is too small, so Lin Ke immediately found something wrong. In the real orphanage world, from the perspective of the door, the children's room is on the right side of the visitors' dormitory.

There are only two rooms on the third floor that can be lived in. Lin Ke didn't pay attention at first, but now that he and Zhou Zhao are in the room, the room where the children live in the real world, and the location of the dean's room is the corresponding room. Guest quarters.

What's the point here?

Before he could think about it, he heard the sound of physical collision and screams from outside, and the dean seemed to have come to the end of one side.

Lin Ke was very decisive. Seeing Zhou Zhao proficiently using the stool and starting to curl his black hair again, he immediately said, "Wait a minute, let it go."

Zhou Zhao stopped his movements—who to let go?

[Bullet screen: Hahahahahaha this is why I like little brother, of course let go of a certain little boss's head~]

"The door opens outward. If you tighten your hair like this, the outside head will get stuck in the door. Can't get out." Link explained, he had come to the door and tried to push the door out.

Sure enough, it got stuck.

Zhou Zhao saw that Lin Ke really wanted to go out, his face twisted slightly, and he looked down at the chair covered with black hair in his hands.

The wooden chair couldn't bear the entanglement of black hair, and it was almost broken.

Looking at the black hair on his hands and listening to the voices outside, he knew how dangerous it was without thinking about it, but Zhou Zhao himself knew that tomorrow would be the third day, and if he didn't go out to find clues, he would eventually die here.

He gritted his teeth, loosened the chair, and let the black hair drag the chair and stumbling towards the door.

The wooden door opened a gap. The light tubes at the top of the corridor crackled and flickered to illuminate countless twisted "things" lying on the ground and hanging on the walls.

Slowly lowering his head, he saw three distorted heads stuck outside the door, his face festered, and the details of the face could not be seen clearly.

Lin Ke vaguely saw it, suffocated his breath, and said backwards: "I'll go out first, and if I don't come back in half an hour, you stay inside and don't move."

Zhou Zhao only thought for a moment: "No, although I stay here I won't die, but if I don't have any clues tonight, I will definitely die."

Lin Ke thought it was true, and he didn't want to waste time in the house alone, so he didn't say anything more, just said: "Then let's go. "

After finishing speaking, he stuck the chair behind the iron ladder of the upper and lower bunks near the door, and stepped out.

The entire corridor on the third floor was in a mess, and the stench was suffocating. Link didn't want to get to the bottom of what those piles were, because he felt disgusted. Fortunately, these "things" were all dead. When Linke and Zhou Zhao walked through them carefully, they didn't jump up and attack them. The only three heads with vitality were stuck and couldn't chase them out, so they bounced around the door.

This night, this tranquility, was no less eerie than the previous joy and brightness.

Lin Ke felt even more strange in his heart.

Rather than saying that this is a scene of a horror movie, it is better to say that it is an afterimage of a battlefield. It feels more like everything is over, the dust has settled, and the rest are corpses.

The closer you get to the corridor, the lower the temperature, which is too obvious to be ignored. From downstairs, there was also a very subtle "rustling" sound, as if something was being dragged.

Zhou Zhao stopped five meters away from the corridor, and called Lin Ke: "Lin Ke, something is wrong."

Link raised his left hand: "I'll go down first, and call you to come again."

Zhou Zhao did not refuse this time, I didn't say much thank you, just nodded sullenly.

Lin Ke held his breath and went down slowly, but stopped at the third step from the top down: "..."

"What's the matter?" Zhou Zhao heard Lin Ke stop walking behind, and asked softly in a vigilant voice.

Lin Ke swallowed lightly.

In front of you, among the stairs between floors and floors, the children's favorite hiding place is densely packed with half-dead "people".

I saw hundreds of hands and feet entangled together, one of which was sticking out like a dead branch, and was wearing a gold chain. The heads were also crowded together, and the huge eyeballs protruded from the eye sockets. At this moment, Qi Qi turned to Linke.

Suddenly, the dead branch-like hand stretched out and grabbed Lin Ke violently. Unfortunately, it was also at the end of its strength, and its slow motion was worse than that of an old man.

Originally, Lin Ke could escape by stepping back a few steps, but he was so shocked by the scene that his eyes turned black, his stomach was churning, and he didn't move.

Just when the five fingers were about to grab his face, Lin Ke finally woke up, subconsciously raised his left hand.


The moment he blocked the dead branch hand, there was a corrosive pain on the back of his hand, he withdrew his hand suddenly, and jumped up the steps.

【Barrage:? ? ? Am I missing something? This boss's punches are comparable to those of the Nanpai Kindergarten and the Beipai Nursing Home, so they were all hit? 】

【Barrage: Thinking carefully is terrifying. ]

[Bullet screen: I always feel that there are strange things all over the floor, ah, why is this F-level dungeon so difficult, when can I clear it! I can't bear to watch my little brother get hurt! 】

The fear in Lin Ke's heart is no less than that of barrage.

The back of the hand was red, and the burning sensation was clear, but the familiar pain in the base of the fingers did not come.

A thought made Lin Ke's heart sink.

—The ring seems to have failed.


I'm used to wearing the ring, but now I suddenly lose this layer of "protection", and Lin Ke's sense of security suddenly disappears.

Cold sweat gradually broke out from the corner of his forehead.

Don't be messy, I haven't used the ring a few times before, don't panic, others have cleared the level like this - he forced himself to calm down, looked around for what could be used as a weapon, and pried open the block in front of him. human wall.

Just as he was thinking, Zhou Zhao didn't get an answer from Linke, so he also came up, and was startled when he saw his eyes clearly: "Damn, what the hell are

these—" Suddenly, he seemed to be in disbelief, and fell to the ground. Taking a few steps forward, he waved Link away and stared blankly at something in it.

A moment later, Zhou Zhao's lips trembled wildly, as if possessed by a demon.

Just when Link frowned, feeling dangerous and trying to pull him back, he spoke.

"I think . . . I might recognize him."

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