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 [Barrage: This? Has the traversal mechanism become multiplayer? Is this a copy of Ditto? ]

[Bullet screen: I watched it for three days, and finally gave me this one, I'm convinced... If they don't pass the level, I will eat the terminal raw. ]

[Bullet screen: ...the front row is unnecessary, leave three points for speaking. 】

Ye Shi almost collapsed: "Why are you all back? What about the dean?"

But she covered her face as soon as she finished asking: "I'm sorry I got excited, and you are also very surprised."

Really surprised.

Suddenly, both Lin Ke and Zhou Zhao were teleported back to the real world, and they were completely disconnected from the dean. If Lin Ke wanted to go back again, he would have to waste another morning.

Or figure out a way to get the kids to eat more?

Lin Ke looked at the children with a big head.

But seeing that the little shark was so happy because he came back, he scooped a spoonful of fried rice with eggs from the bowl, and raised it high to his mouth: "Brother—ah——"

Lin Ke couldn't laugh or cry, and pressed his little head Gua: "Eat by yourself, if you don't get enough to eat, you won't grow your body."

Then, Linke froze when he thought of something.

Ye Shi calmed down by himself: "It seems that the rule has become that as long as you participate in making breakfast, you will travel through time, and the number of people crossing has increased. It seems that Su Xue and I will travel to the imaginary world after a while. Tell me we need What to do, let's fight it out."

[Bulletmaku: Hahaha Yujie is so cute, I am excited and calm down to analyze. ]

[Bullet screen: She is a little nervous, after all, this is her punishment book, and if she is eliminated, her consciousness will be obliterated. 】

【Barrage: The straight man is too nervous to speak. 】

In Ye Shi's anxious tone, Lin Ke came back to his senses: "...Let me think about it." As soon as

he spoke, Ye Shi and Su Xue all looked at him, and Zhou Zhao's earnest eyes immediately focused on on him.

I don't know when it started, but they all believe that Link can solve any trouble, not only the trouble itself, but he can use the power and rules of the whole world, and use all kinds of incredible resources and ideas to achieve his goals.

Lin Ke naturally didn't know that he had been put on the altar in the hearts of his teammates, he just found it very troublesome.

If this is in real life, he only needs to pay more attention to the dean's needs and ask for more information, and he will naturally be able to spell out a correct answer from everyone's needs.

But this dungeon also has puzzle-solving gameplay and fantasy dreams. Everyone has to guess what they want, which is too frustrating.

But... Fortunately, the children's thoughts are written on their faces, so it's not difficult to guess.

It was precisely because of the unintentional movement of the little shark just now that Lin Ke had a flash of inspiration.

The scene of the dean standing at the door of the orphanage to clean up the players in the middle of the night, and the scene of the dean and the children sitting around the table just now, kept circling in his mind.

Before Lin Ke came to verify, the little shark who had been staring at him and observing his expression spoke again, interrupting his train of thought: "Brother, brother, are you leaving soon?" The

little shark's words contained worry and concern. Depressed, for a moment Da Ke Xiao Ke, Lin Lin, and Xiao Lan stopped what they were doing, stopped eating, and stared at them.

[Barrage: Hey, it was a warm and touching scene, but children, if you lose your temper and don't eat, your brothers and sisters will really not be able to leave! ]

[Bullet screen: Ah no, it's hard to get along so well with the boss... Could this f*ck be a dead point? ]

[Bullet screen: Looking at the children like this, I suddenly don't want them to leave...]

[Bullet screen: The Holy Mother retreats, they will die if they don't leave. If you want to accompany them so much, go in and accompany them. ]

[Barrage:? ? ? You are sick, I just want to go in, I am already in the dungeon queue, do you want me to take a screenshot for you to see? 】

[Barrage: Lie to ghosts? This F-level dungeon needs to be queued up? 】

【Barrage: Qiantiao village is connected to the Internet? There are more than 50,000 people in line, go see for yourself. 】

【Barrage: Stop arguing, the children have started eating! so far so good. 】

Being watched eagerly by the little shark, Linke didn't answer, but just patted his head: "Someone will accompany you." The

little shark didn't get a direct answer, curled his lips, bowed his head and started eating. With him taking the lead, other children also followed suit. All silently bowed their heads and began to eat.

It just doesn't taste as good as before.

While eating, Xiaolan began to cry. Her lowered eyes gradually turned red, her left hand was pressed on the trouser leg and clenched tightly, the blue meridian on the back of her hand emerged little by little, and her skin gradually turned pale again.

Lin Ke, who caught a glimpse of the details: "..."

No way? Go black again!

Ye Shi gently tugged at the corner of his clothes, and said in a low voice, "Go into the kitchen and talk."

The four of them entered the kitchen as the children stared at him from the corner of their eyes. Discussed and cleared the level. Although they say they want us to leave, their nature is to keep us."

After all, it is a boss and a child, no matter how sensible, how sensible can be.

Zhou Zhao stood by the stove and nodded with lingering fear: "Just now their eyes suddenly became so scary again."

"Let's sort out our thoughts first." Seeing that the children were about to close themselves again, Lin Ke's head was a little big, and his five fingers were caught in the curly hair , "We are very close to the answer."

Ye Shi glanced at the clues: "The story background of this dungeon is very simple, it is the orphanage, the children and the imaginary dean, and the task is also very clear, which is to accompany the children to complete the puzzle Game. Now our clue is that the dean will maintain the order of the orphanage during the day and guard the children's nightmares at night. There is still one piece of the puzzle of the orphanage gate before the completion of the goal. What we are looking for is the gate and the children, the dean's wish connect."

Hearing this, Zhou Zhao couldn't help interrupting: "Could it be that they want to lock the gate of the orphanage from now on? Think about it, the visitors are all perverts, and the volunteers also beat and kill. If it was me, I would rather put The door is locked and the dungeon is closed." 

I send warmth to the boss in the horror world [Unlimited]Where stories live. Discover now