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 The voice was a little strange, but not malicious, as if it came from the end of the corridor, but there were ghosts layer upon layer here, and Linke couldn't get through even if he wanted to.

His heart froze, he looked down at the ring on his hand, and grabbed a ghost in front of him.

The ghost shook its teeth and let out a piercing scream. The ghosts with different looks in the corridor stopped in unison.

Lin Ke had a guess in his heart, and while they were in a daze, he rushed out amidst the furious screams of the ghosts.

Behind them, the ghosts lined up and chased wildly, but at a distance of several hundred meters, they chased with the momentum of the army leaving the country and the zombies besieging the city. For several moments, Lin Ke felt that his head and arms were about to be pulled off.

In such a dangerous situation, he even subconsciously observed the corridors and buildings of this ancient house, leaving only two words in his heart - so big.

Just when a new wave of "zombies" appeared in front of his eyes, and it seemed that he was about to avoid it, the door on the side of the corridor suddenly opened, and a person stretched out his hand, grabbed his arm precisely, and pulled him away. into the room.

As soon as the door was closed, a few shaky figures flashed outside the door, and then four or five huge human heads stuck on the door and window unwillingly, leaving a huge circular shadow. The paper seemed to be torn...but they didn't come in after all.

Lin Ke took a deep breath, and then looked away from the window, looking at the person who pulled him into the room.

It was a young man with a very ordinary appearance, but the corners of his eyes were slightly curved, as if smiling, which gave him a simple and calm temperament. Seeing Lin Ke turning his

head, his eyes flashed with astonishment, then he looked at Lin Ke and asked, "Are you a player?


Quick, a flash of approval flashed in the other party's eyes, and then nodded: "I was before."

[Bullet screen:? ? ? ]

[Barrage: Brother Cheng? ? ? 】

[Danmaku: No way, this space is so connected, circular? That's not right, no, why did Brother Cheng say that he was "a player before"?

[Barrage: Could it be that Brother Cheng is real? ! 】

【Barrage: It was a player before, so what is it now, I was so scared to cry. ]

This sounds really creepy, but Lin Ke's brain circuit is different from that of ordinary people. He only thinks that this is a clue to the copy space.

When he entered the door, he first noticed that the layout of this room was very strange. The furnishings in the room were exactly the same as the room when he first entered the dungeon. There was also a table in the center, like a reception room, but the whole room seemed to be missing something.

Soon, Lin Ke discovered that there was only one mirror in the room, which was attached to the inner wall, and the scene of the room was reflected in the mirror.

After a little more careful observation, you will see that the room reflected in the mirror is different from the room Link is currently in. The room in the mirror clearly has mirrors on every wall.

After thinking about it carefully, Link looked at the young man again: "We are all in the mirror."

The young man smiled, showing his white teeth, his eyes still lingering on Link's face: "You are so smart! My name is Mu Cheng."

Obviously being praised by others, Link frowned, always feeling that the praise was a bit unexpected, as if he shouldn't be so smart.

He shook his head, shaking off the weird feeling in his heart, and as he approached the mirror, he affirmed: "And this mirror must represent danger and fear, but why do you appear in..." His words stopped abruptly


I saw a prosperous beauty with red lips, white teeth and shining eyes reflected on the mirror in front of me.

Lin Ke: "..." He backed away slowly, and his breathing gradually became short of breath. For a moment, he felt that his voice just now was different from usual, and his walking posture seemed to have changed as well.

Wait, who is he now?

Behind him, Mu Cheng didn't notice Lin Ke's strange behavior at all. He followed him and said, "I appeared here for some special reasons, but there is no doubt that this should be the 'main battlefield'." Lin Ke opened his mouth


He settled down, tried his best to ignore the strange feeling, and asked in a low voice, "The main battlefield?

" It is separated in its own space, but there must be a main space that hides key clues, and it is also the place where players will come after cracking the secret room, usually we call it the main battlefield." It turned out that this is the case, Lin Ke analyzed while

listening , inexplicably felt that Mu Cheng's analytical thinking and speaking style were very familiar to people.

This inexplicable feeling made him look up at Mu Cheng again to confirm that he had never seen him in any copy.

"You mean, the most important clue of this dungeon is in this haunted house, to be precise, in a certain room of this house." Link repeated.

"Yes." Mu Cheng nodded.

How is that possible? Lin Ke recalled everything he saw in a hurry.

Judging from the number of ghosts outside, this dungeon is basically unsolvable. Even if he has props that can make ghosts evade, some of the "ghosts" cannot be prevented from being affected by the props.

And those "ghosts" who are not affected by the ring are probably former players, just like the ghosts that haunted the night in the first orphanage dungeon, they reappeared in this dungeon for some reason, or were simply eliminated by this dungeon Players will always "stay" in this instance.

Then things will be difficult.

Thinking that the access mechanism of this A-level dungeon is infinite filling-when the old group of players are eliminated and the new group of players can enter the dungeon again, Lin Ke suddenly realizes that this access mechanism will infinitely increase the difficulty of this dungeon.

Lin Ke frowned slightly, looking out the window at the uninterrupted ghosts coming and going. The ghosts were just lingering at the door of this room, and no ghosts tried to break in, as if there was a mysterious force preventing them from entering this room.

This room looks like a safe house in a horror game.

If there are multiple such "safe houses" in this haunted house, it's not impossible to try.

Seeing Lin Ke looking around the room with probing eyes, Mu Cheng pondered for a moment and said: "There is no safe room in this dungeon. My situation is quite special. I am not only a person's safety mirror, but also a person's fear mirror. This room was created by chance and coincidence, I guess there are not many similar cases."

Lin Ke was taken aback, and said: "That's a pity, according to this, the number of rooms is also increasing."

[Bullet screen: My mother, sincerely My brother's thinking is really too clear for my wife. No wonder ghosts don't come into this house! ]

[Bullet screen: The little brother's thinking is also very clear, every look and every sentence is connected, and even more can be deduced. Is this the way of communication between expert players? I see it through now! As long as the player dies, the rooms and ghosts created by the player will not disappear, which will directly lead to the increase of the dungeon map and the increase of ghosts - Yin Li killed so many players to increase the difficulty of the dungeon! ]

[Barrage: Awesome! I got up, and the strong teamed up to match the high! ]

[ Bullet screen: Really, the progress bar of the copy is 80% in an instant. ]

[Bullet screen: 80% is an exaggeration, be sensible, 20%. ]

[Bullet screen: Reply to Qianqianqianqianqian, you are right, the little brother's thinking is also amazing, but to be honest, I can only see his face now. 】

【Barrage: The previous article spoke my mind! ! I can't take my eyes off it! ]

Lin Ke holds this face, no matter if he shows a embarrassed expression or a happy expression, the effect is equally astonishing, especially when he shuttles among the ghosts, he is like a little red in the green bushes, which is hard to miss Notice.

It doesn't even need a foil, just standing alone can be beautiful, just like now, when Mu Cheng's eyes fell on Lin Ke's face again, he hesitated to speak.

"I have one thing to say, don't be unhappy." Finally, he spoke.

Lin Ke had already noticed his lingering eyes on his face, just as he was also thinking about why he passed through the body of the mother monster, so he nodded immediately: "You can say whatever you want.

" What's the problem, I seem to hear my little brother say "you can scold me whatever you want". 】

【Barrage: I don't blame you, I sound the same way. ]

"Let me put it bluntly, you are really good-looking..." Mu Cheng hesitated for a moment, then said frankly.

Lin Ke closed his eyes: "... um."

"...It's good to see what I think is beyond the appearance of a normal human being. It's a bit like a person who came out of a myth, which made me think you were an npc at first," Mu Cheng Try to speed up your speech, "I noticed that my friend's appearance has changed when he looks in the mirror, so I would like to ask, is this not your original appearance?" Linke heaved a sigh of relief, talking to smart people is a joy


Of course he doesn't look like this!

After thinking for a while, Lin Ke briefly talked with Mu Cheng about the time he entered the ancient house from entering the dungeon to when he fell asleep. When he mentioned that he had not met other players in this dungeon, he asked casually: "Your friend?" What about your friend? What has he changed into?"

"He..." Mu Cheng shook his head, "It hasn't changed, that is, its appearance has changed a bit. But I guess, the change in appearance may also carry some spiritual effects. You yourself Pay attention."

【Bullet screen: This hasn't changed? The feeling I see from Jin Shen's perspective now is similar to Yin Li's perspective...]

[Bullet screen: Don't be sarcastic, Jin Shen is also working hard to clear the level. ]


Jin Qingyue's perspective.

The boy pushed open the sixty-third door.

It was still empty, and there was also a broken mirror on the ground.

With the experience of dealing with the first mirror, Jin Qingyue barely dodged it, but the vicious alienated player in the mirror only had time to widen his frightened eyes.

In his cloudy and round eyes, he finally reflected a young man with sharp corners protruding from his black hair and sharp teeth.

Then, with an indifferent expression in his eyes, the young man raised his foot and crushed the mirror.

[Bullet screen: My heart trembled when I saw it, is he looking for someone? 】

【Barrage: I feel like Jin Shen is getting impatient. 】

【Bullet screen: Let me make a blind guess. The space Jin Shen is in now is obviously different from that of his little brother. It is more like a complete "watch world". He is looking for game clues directly in the watch world. The watch world can lead to other players' rooms, and the door Jin Shen opened is actually a mirror in the player's room! ]

[Bullet screen: Bull, why did he go directly to the watch world? 】

Jin Qingyue's blood-colored eyes slowly scanned the three mirrors in the room, and saw that one of them was piled up with RMB, a sarcastic smile appeared on the corner of his lips.

Just now, he saw many inexplicable things in the safety mirror, including toys from his childhood, a certain place, and some powerful props. The most common thing he saw were coins that could not be circulated in the main god world.

Every unowned room he opens represents an eliminated player. Their fear mirror door is wide open, but the safety mirror is full of insignificant things, and the light and dark sides belong to the room owner. Mirrors are blurry.

It's like the group of insatiable and cowardly cannon fodder who always hide behind others to steal profits, but have no signs of existence.

Jin Qingyue didn't sympathize with them.

He walked out of the room, stood on the corridor on the fourth floor of the ancient house and looked down under the lantern. He saw the densely packed buildings growing like monsters.

The location that originally belonged to the compound of the ancient house has been overwhelmed by the rooms of the old house that proliferate like cancer cells, leaving only a crack in the wall that one person can pass through.

It is impossible to explore every room.

But Jin Qingyue couldn't help it.

He quickly deduced the original appearance of the ancient house and the location of the first batch of rooms from the speed and regularity of the growth of the house and the cause of death of the players in each room.

It's the last one.

He pushed open the sixty-fourth door—this time it finally paid off, and saw that the mirror representing safety in the room was covered with blood, while the mirror representing the bright side of the player was completely dark.

Only the mirror representing the dark side of the player opened a passage.

Jin Qingyue walked slowly to the opened passage, and finally showed a long-lost smile.

"I found you."

[Barrage:! here is? ! 】

【Barrage: Yin Li's room! 】

【Bullet screen: God, I finally understand. From the very beginning, Jin Shen began to explore dungeons from Yin Li's thinking, and found that after he entered the watch world, he had the ability to shuttle between rooms at will, and then he began to look for Yin Li's room, and finally go to Yin Li through the passage opened in Yin Li's room, this idea-absolutely! ! 】

【Bullet screen: I'm confused, if they use the same method to enter the mirror world, shouldn't they enter the same mirror world themselves? Why such a big detour? ] [Bullet screen: Not necessarily, just like many players have entered a room with a big bed, there is more than one room with a big bed, and there is not only one watch world. The only reliable thing is the ability to travel from room to room. 】 【Barrage: The little brother also deduced it. The IQ of these three people really made me feel the gap between people! ] ... "You're right, it doesn't make sense to worry about how many layers of space there are inside and outside the mirror," Mu Cheng agreed with Lin Ke, "The key is to find the clues to clear the level."

"Since there are so many layers of space here, it shows that exploring all spaces is by no means a necessary condition for customs clearance. What we need to find is the place with the highest repetition rate in all scenes, or there is no such place at all, and the clues are elsewhere. ." Link smiled.

Looking at Lin Ke's sunny smile, Mu Cheng couldn't help but startled, and then laughed dumbly: "We? I'm no longer a player, and I can't leave this room." Link didn't agree with his statement: "People are not

data , can be copied everywhere, people have emotions and thoughts, I have been communicating with you for so long, I don't think you are just a product created by copying, there are still many things we don't know about the world of the Lord God. Never give up hope!

" After speaking, Link himself fell silent.

Wait a minute, did he say that just now?

[Bullet screen: Although it is simple, it is so warm. 】

【Barrage: Little brother, ah, ah, I love it! ! Super gentle! ! ! ]

[Bullet screen: Little angel! ! ! 】

【Barrage: Don't be obsessed with little brother, Yin Li is here! ! ! ! 】

The barrage screamed, but Lin Ke was still immersed in the pain of speaking the words in the second class, and Mu Cheng was also momentarily stunned by what he said.

Mu Cheng felt very complicated when he was questioned by his best friend just now, but was immediately given such encouragement by a stranger.

"Don't be too naive, you will be easily bullied." Although he knew that the person in front of him was not weak, Mu Cheng couldn't help but make a point.

Lin Ke slowly came back to his senses: "?"

[Bullet screen:? 】

【Barrage: Hahaha, here comes the best joke in the world, whoever dares to bully the little brother, it's good if he doesn't bully others. 】

【Barrage: Why are you still laughing, I'm crying, Yin Li is really here! ! Don't you all treat him as a human being? 】

Seeing Mu Cheng being distracted by his good looks, Lin Ke opened his mouth to save a little impression, but was caught by a black shadow passing by the door.

Link suddenly turned around.

The one who ran over just now...was the player?

It looked like a player fleeing in a hurry, running like the wind, and all the ghosts waiting outside the door were startled by him and chased after him. All of a sudden, all the ghosts reflected on the paper window disappeared—this was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to leave the room.

"I'll go out and have a look." Lin Ke made a quick decision.

"I feel something is wrong." Mu Cheng frowned.

[Barrage: Brother Cheng is right! don't go out! There are traps! 】

【Barrage: Help, help, help. 】

【Bullet screen: But if you don't go out now... There is no chance to go out... Yin Li did it on purpose. ]

"It's not right, it's not right," but Lin Ke didn't take it seriously, "You can't be trapped here all the time, be careful yourself."

Mu Cheng understood what he meant, nodded, and suddenly said: "Wait Wait."

He took a rhombus-shaped pigeon blood red pendant from his neck: "See if you can take it out, if you can..."

He was silent, as if he was thinking about something.

"Take it as a lucky charm."

Although he sensed that the other party was concealing something, but felt no malice, Link put the pendant in his pocket, opened the door quickly and lightly, and left.

The corridor was empty, without a single ghost, only a commotion came from the end on the right.

Lin Ke paused for a moment, then walked to the left.

The author has something to say: Lu Zhou: ...why did someone give you something again?

Lincoln. Thanks to the little angel who voted for me to be the overlord or to irrigate the nutrient solution during 2021-07-14 21:29:25~2021-07-15 20:01:45~ Thanks to the little

angel who cast the mine: Qingyi 1 Thank

you to the little angel of irrigation nutrient solution: 20 bottles of Rack and vino; 3 bottles of 28987006;

thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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