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 It turned out to be like this.

It wasn't until this moment that all the players understood the real way to clear the level of this S-level dungeon. It is not only testing all the players participating in the S-level dungeon, but also testing all the residents of the main god world.

If everyone is still unaware of the correct way to survive in this world until the last moment, and still tries to control the world with a rude and disdainful attitude, then they will never be able to get help from NPCs and bosses, and their consciousness will be completely obliterated .

Fortunately, this time, everyone made the right choice.

In the blink of an eye, the five children had surrounded Lin Ke, Ye Shi and Su Xue. Da Ke supported his head, looked up and asked, "Where's the other big brother?

" There were four older brothers and sisters who helped them. At this time, it was Zhou Zhao who asked. Lin Ke turned to look at Xin Chen: "Where's Zhou Zhao?"

Xin Chen curled his lips and was about to cry again. He pointed to the shopping mall.

Immediately, several people fell silent. But the children were not afraid at all. They turned their heads and saw the shopping mall and cheered.

"Shopping mall!"

"I heard from the dean before that there are a lot of toys in it!"

"There are a lot of delicious food!"

They were as excited as all the children who came out to play. But thinking about it, I can understand that the F-level dungeon they were in originally didn't have much space. Apart from going upstairs and downstairs, they just went to the playground to look at the sky. How have they ever seen such a big and beautiful city with such a rich variety of items? shopping mall?

This is much better than an ordinary spring outing.

"Can we go in and play?" Sure enough, the five children headed by Xiao Shark and Da Ke all dragged their clothes and asked eagerly.

"Should we let them in? Would it be a little dangerous?" Su Xue looked at Lin Ke with some hesitation.

"But maybe the children can pass this kind of happiness to the people inside." Ye Shi analyzed.

"Ask them yourself." Link rubbed the head of the little shark that was about to squeeze into his arms, lowered his head to meet his excited eyes, and said, "It's a bit dangerous inside, big brother and big sister may chase you If you run, you may even bite you. Do you still want to go in and play like this?"

"Bite us," the little shark grinned, showing sharp fangs again, "Then their teeth are as powerful as those of sharks? "

The horrified audience: "..."

Lin Ke said without changing his expression, "No."

"Then can they swim faster than sharks?" The little shark asked again.

All of a sudden, Lin Ke, Ye Shi and Su Xue all remembered the fear of being dominated by children who run at amazing speed.

"...No." Link replied again.

"That's all right!" The children cheered again.

Since the wishes of the children cannot be blocked, and they are all powerful bosses, they can't find a reason to reject them.

So the ashen-faced Xin Chen shivered and brought the five little bosses to the side door. As soon as the door was opened, a zombie jumped out from inside, but was punched back by Dake.

Facts have proved that in terms of combat effectiveness, the player who became a zombie is still a player, and the boss of the F-level dungeon is still a boss.

Seeing the children cheering and rushing in, screaming and taking away a large number of zombies, they played a chasing battle in the brightly lit shopping mall.

The zombies, who were originally anxious and angry because they were locked in the shopping mall, were confused and confused by the sudden intrusion of these uninvited guests, and they all yelled "wow" and chased after them. Chasing and chasing, I completely forgot that I was a zombie trapped in the shopping mall, and even got excited together, and started fighting and looting with the children.

Seeing that they didn't bite the children, and actually couldn't catch up with them, Lin Ke, who had been standing outside the glass door on the side, turned around and walked back to the central square with Xin Chen.

On the square, Jin Qingyue and Hu Lun were counting the number of bosses and NPCs, and began to assign management areas to everyone.

"For the witch, can I trouble you to open the flower bed? If it is full of roses, it will look very beautiful." "

Mermaids, please go to the opera house. I remember that there was a mermaid performance in the opera house, and there were many people present at that time." ...should also wake up part of the memory." "And you..."

Jin Qingyue frowned and looked at a group of passer-by NPCs who were looking around curiously, they were all ordinary and without special features, and they didn't know what to arrange for them it is good.

They themselves obviously knew this, and they became even more embarrassed.

Lin Ke just saw this scene, so he suggested: "Can you bother everyone to visit your homeland? It is a place where players have lived before, and it needs to be more popular." Jin Qingyue raised his head and said: "This

can If there are people at home, it will be easier to create a feeling that people want to go home."

Well, this group of ordinary npcs also have their own missions, let them visit the player's beautiful bungalow, everyone is very happy, a few The townspeople of Rose Town are ready to come up with their own special dishes to cook a table of delicacies for the players who can't go home for the time being.

All raw materials, including household items, can be purchased directly from the APP and delivered instantly.

Soon, the pitch-dark home was lit up with stars, and the aroma of the food was overflowing, which greatly stimulated people's desire to go home.

Only the central garden of the castle in the air, which was once occupied by Yin Li and his party, is still dark and dead. The npcs and bosses seem to hate that place, no one wants to go there.

Seeing this scene from a distance, Ye Shi couldn't help feeling: "This is the npc and bosses instinctively rejecting them, and they really deserve it." "That's natural,"

Jin Qingyue also looked up, "Now no one Hope they come back."

So they really don't have a chance to come back.

Slowly, as the sky gradually brightened, the number of people in the central square gradually decreased.

As expected, before the start of the annual meeting, the players had symptoms of muscle soreness one after another. Although everyone was afraid, they all injected the latest reagent developed by Sang Shi without hesitation, and then entered the shopping mall to avoid hurting others.

Until the first ray of sunshine appeared in the sky, only Jin Qingyue and Lin Ke were left in the square. Jin Qingyue took out his own square mirror from his arms and handed it to Lin Ke: "If I can't wake up, Could you please take care of him for me?"

Lin Ke didn't stretch out his hand, but said, "I think it's better for you to keep a mirror."

Jin Qingyue was silent for a moment, and understood what Lin Ke meant when Mu Cheng was by his side. It's easier for him to keep his sanity, he thought about it, and finally took the mirror back carefully.

It took him a lot of effort to do such a small movement, because his muscles had shrunk to the extreme. After he put away the mirror, he stretched out his left arm to Linke.

Lin Ke skillfully injected the reagent he had prepared early in the morning into Jin Qingyue's arm.

When the transparent and blue reagent bottomed out, Jin Qingyue stood up abruptly, taking advantage of what little consciousness he had left, he took a quick step back, and then stumbled towards the side entrance of the shopping plaza.

When he locked himself in the shopping plaza, he was trembling and completely turned into a zombie. He put his palm on the glass door, and stared blankly at Lin Ke's direction with his gray eyes, as if saying "please".

Lin Ke gently threw the empty reagent tube back into the box, leaned against the railing, looked up at the dimly lit sky, and took a deep breath.

The world has become both lively and quiet. All the players have turned into zombies, and the former npcs and bosses are busy in the city that originally belonged to them.

It feels so weird to have this identity swap.

In this last doomsday moment, as the only player who still retains human consciousness, Lin Ke is a little uneasy.

Suddenly, a deep voice sounded from behind him: "This city is very beautiful now, do you want to see it from a higher place?"

Link was startled, and turned his head.

I saw that the boss of the Zombie King had come behind him at some point, and was nodding slightly to him, inviting him.

"...high place?" Link turned around and subconsciously repeated what the other person said.

Before he could make any further confirmation, the man had already come to him, holding his elbow with his big hand, and lightly tapped his toes.

Lin Ke was caught off guard, his feet were empty, his eyes widened and he lowered his head in panic.

In just an instant, he had leaped tens of meters high, and the wind in mid-air was whistling in his ears. Lin Ke was dizzy for a while, subconsciously grasped the arm of the person in front of him, and pulled himself closer to him: "You--" The

strong wind interrupted his words, and also sent a low laugh from the man above his head.

Lincoln was silent.

The Zombie King bounced on the air almost without using his strength. The higher the two flew, the scenery under their feet gradually became smaller. Beautiful model in .

It was really beautiful, Linke forgot to be afraid.

He held his breath and looked down until the high wind was louder and faster, blowing his hair wildly and blindingly.

The next moment, his feet were firmly on the hard ground.

"Okay." Lu Zhou comforted him on top of his head.

Lin Ke opened his eyes and saw the Zombie Emperor's powerful arm. He loosened his stiff fingers, took a step back and looked up at Lu Zhou.

There was a teasing smile on Lu Zhou's face, as if he was very happy to see Lin Ke's timid look.

This kind of happiness directly caused Lin Ke to explode like a rebellious psychology, but Link didn't speak because he realized that his heart was beating very fast.

He took a deep breath and tried to pretend to turn around naturally: "Where is this?"

When he saw the scene in front of him clearly, his words stopped abruptly.

This is the highest point in the central city, the top floor of the central garden. At this moment, the light blue ice fog is slowly climbing up the brick wall of the tallest building, turning into a hard and beautiful armor.

Accompanied by the gradually clear "cracking" sound, the entrances, windows, and terraces of the central garden were all sealed from bottom to top, and ruthless ice filled every gap, just like the gods closed the doors of life. The door was closed very beautifully, and the first ray of sunlight poured down in the morning, illuminating the white tower with an icy light, like a sharp sword drawn from its sheath.

And Lin Ke and the main god stood at the edge of the sword, overlooking all living beings.

"It's about to start." Lu Zhou, who is also the boss of Zombie King, said softly.

As soon as he finished speaking, he heard a cheerful electronic voice in the air of the whole city: "Dear guests, dear ladies and gentlemen, and lovely children present. After years of hard work, we finally welcome This once-in-a-lifetime moment. Today, when the first ray of peaceful sunshine descends from the sky in the early morning, the city will also resume its previous vitality. Thank you for choosing to spend and spend with Yihua Company on this special day. Carnival!"

"Of course, our carnival does not accept the absence of personnel, in the next three hours, we will fully open the facilities in the five districts A, B, C, D, and E, so that we can still fight on the front line The employees at work can also arrive at the venue of the annual meeting in time before the official start of the annual meeting..."

Hearing this, Lin Ke's heart skipped a beat.

Once the facilities in the five areas are fully opened, the zombies locked in the room will be released. There are tens of thousands of zombies in the shopping mall, tens of thousands of them in the experimental building of Area B where Sang Shi is located, and zombies in other scattered zombie assembly points...they will all be released.

Just thinking of that scene, Lin Ke felt his eyes go dark.

Suddenly, a cold hand grabbed his left hand, Lin Ke shivered suddenly, and turned his head to look.

Lu Zhou was walking up to him, looking down side by side with him: "Are you worried about them?" "

I don't think it's so easy to pass the customs." Link looked at the city under his feet that was about to be besieged by a group of zombies. After hesitating for a moment, he confessed Reply.

"It was really not easy before," Lu Zhou affirmed him first, and then said, "But now there is no need to be nervous... They should be glad that all this has become easier for them because of you.

" Lin Ke was stunned by the answer. He looked at Lu Zhou again, but was completely stunned, with cold sweat on his forehead.

I saw Lu Zhou looking down with his golden eyes. The expression on his face was something Lin Ke had never seen before.

At this time, Lu Zhou's eyes were different from the tone he spoke to Lin Ke, cold and emotionless, full of scrutiny or judgment, and looking deeper, there may be disdain and pity for all living beings.

All in all, like an extremely cold god.

Just looking up from the side is enough to make people want to kneel in fear. Anyone who met Lu Zhou's eyes would be scared to death on the spot.

Lin Ke didn't recover for a long time, only felt that he was holding his breath and his back was covered with cold sweat. He took a short breath. Hearing his inhalation, Lu Zhou seemed to suddenly realize that Ke Lin was watching him, and quickly narrowed his eyes. When he looked at Ke Lin again, there was some warmth in his eyes: "Is it too cold here?" "

... ...No." It took Lin Ke a while to answer him.

The two stared at each other in silence for a moment.

Finally, Linke couldn't help asking: "Do you hate humans?"

He pretended to ask casually, with a casual posture, his right hand was still lightly inserted in his pocket, but he couldn't help but want to touch his ear with his left hand. nail.

He also didn't understand why he would ask this question. For a creator, he shouldn't have any good feelings for the human beings who have messed up his world. He really didn't have to ask for trouble.

Sure enough, this question caused Lu Zhou's eyes to flicker slightly. Just when Lin Ke wanted to ask back the question earlier, he saw his eyebrows raised slightly: "Are you human?" "I am." Lin Ke didn't understand him

. Why do you ask.

"Then I don't hate humans." Lu Zhou looked down at him and whispered.

His voice is so soft that it gives the illusion of being soft.

"I'll let them understand," Lu Zhou raised his hand, and lightly pinched the Southern Cross next to Lin Ke's ear, "I'll let them understand that it's because of you that they are lucky enough to survive in my hands."

The person in front of him was too close, Link swallowed nervously.

"They are also working very hard... Actually, there are many good individuals among human beings." Lin Ke turned his head uncomfortably, looking at the city under his feet.

"Yes, I believe that too, otherwise I wouldn't be so kind," Lu Zhou said with a smile beside him, "They're just a bunch of greedy little things that don't know where to go, but once there are The stars pointed out the direction for them, and they are willing to look for the light in that direction."

"Will the light come?" Lin Ke felt Lu Zhou's eyes fall on his ear, and he couldn't help but feel his face getting hotter. He reluctantly accepted the words, staring at his feet and asking.

"Yes," Lu Zhou affirmed him again, "The light came because of you. You just watch it." "

—The annual meeting is about to start, please get ready!"

His voice was subdued The tail of the electronic sound ends.

Just hearing a "bang" sound, the earth trembled.

On the horizon, a mass of black heads flooded in like a sea.

On the inner side of the city, the four doors of the shopping center opened, and the zombies squeezed out of the door and ran in all directions.

At the same time, the npcs and bosses who had already prepared opened the door of the warmly decorated home, the mermaid's melodious singing came from the opera house, and the magician's top hat began to fly over the street. They have already established a deep friendship with the players, rebuilt their homes for the players, and are willing to live with the players in this world.

Those who have given them kindness will also be awakened by their kindness.

Amidst the angry and frantic screams of the zombies, the salute was also fired.

"Wow wow wow wow!"

"Welcome home!"

The author has something to say: Thanks for voting for the overlord or irrigating nutrition for me during the period The little angel of the liquid~ Thanks to the little angel of the irrigation nutrient solution: 15 bottles of

Meng; 10 bottles of Ruyu Youxin;

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