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  "Why are you nervous?" Link asked back.

The "Lin Ke" in the mirror froze for a moment, as if he didn't know why Lin Ke asked such a question.

I saw Lin Ke pointing to his left ear: "I know myself very well. I only touch this earring when I am very nervous, because it will cause pain if I touch it hard. The pain makes me calm down. Who are you? "

[Bullet screen: ... just now the mirror spoke suddenly, I was taken aback again, I didn't expect the little brother to ask directly, it turns out that the boss's way of dealing with it is different from ours! ]

[Bullet screen: I think the mirror is dumbfounded by the question. 】

"I..." The mirror's eyes were slack for a moment, and then showed a half-curious and half-lazy expression, "Who am I is none of your business?"

Linke: "..."

Okay, this person really looks like him of.

Lin Ke gently put his hands into his pockets, tilted his head and smiled, and looked up and down the mirror with the kind of eyes that can make people look at hair.

[Barrage: This? Why did I feel for a moment that my little brother and the person in the mirror overlapped! Suddenly a little ruffian! 】

【Barrage: There is a little bit, but overall it is still very gentle! 】

"Okay, since we have no interest in each other, then I won't chat with you." Link said, turned and left.

The mirror was stunned, "he" looked at Lin Ke's back, opened his mouth to say something, but couldn't make a sound, his eyes showed some resentment, and gently stroked his throat.

By talking to himself in the mirror just now, Lin Ke finally cleared up the situation on the mahogany table and confirmed that there was a letter on it.

At this moment, he followed the direction he saw in the mirror, stretched his hands in front of him, and walked slowly forward. The premonition of "right direction" in his heart has never disappeared, which inexplicably brought him a sense of security— —For a moment, Lin Ke was almost distracted thinking, this is how Mr. Blind felt when he was advancing in the dark?

The next second, his fingertips touched the cold and hard crossbar, and then he groped down to find the soft back of the chair.


Lin Ke stretched out his hand and touched the tabletop accurately according to his intuition. Without paying attention, he scraped off a layer of dust with his fingertips.

"..." What kind of old mansion is this again!

Lin Ke slandered, reached out his hand to wipe the broken pot on the table, and picked up a piece of letter paper.

That is, the moment he picked up the letter paper, a mirror appeared in the center of each wall in the square room. The lights of the four mirrors were connected together like a cross, illuminating the room slightly. The sense of "right direction" is also gone.

With light in the room, "Mr. Blind's trust" will automatically expire.

Link looked up.

The room was less than sixteen square meters, and there were no other items in the room except him, the four mirrors, and the table and chairs in front of him, which further confirmed his guess just now.

There is a high probability that this is a secret room.

Link looked at the yellowed letter paper in his hand.

"Dear guest, after a long time of polishing, I finally made this unique mirror in the world. I ensure and affirm that it can show your truest appearance. However, before letting it meet you, I will Do the last care for it, please wait a moment, I will come right away."

Signed "Magician".

Lin Ke frowned slightly.

Judging by the degree of dust accumulated on the tabletop and the limp letter paper in his hand - the magician never came back after the last maintenance of the mirror.

And the guest also disappeared, or the guest refers to the player. Judging from the previous two dungeons, the player usually acts as a "guest", but this time Lin Ke has a certain intuition that the word "guest" is not that simple, which makes him feel a little uneasy.

At this time, the terminal bracelet vibrated slightly, which was a reminder when the number of live viewers increased rapidly.

Lin Ke thought of something and clicked on the terminal. Most of the functions in the terminal are forbidden to be used, only the item item column is still open, Lin Ke took a look, and sure enough, there was a white paper full of words in the item column, which prompted "service object information", after use After opening a paragraph, it will only be displayed for thirty seconds before disappearing on the spot.

But it was enough for Lin Ke to see what happened.

According to the data, this time the service object is the dungeon boss "Magician". He is an extremely good, proud and conceited mirror maker. Until he met a group of unreasonable guests who were picky about his mirrors, always thinking that the content shown in the mirrors was not real enough, and some people even broke many of the mirrors he had worked so hard to make.

This dealt a blow to the magician. 

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