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The sky was cloudy, and the huge witch poked her round head and walked around.

For a time, the entire rose field was shrouded in shadow, as if the night had come early. The frost on the petals and branches and leaves cracked, revealing a thick and dark red-green color, and the soil seemed to be alive, tightly sucking the heels of several people, and slowly climbing up.

"The dungeon is too alienated, and it has become confrontational." Jin Qingyue retracted what he wanted to say before, and his eyes fell on the witch in the distance. "We must prevent her from entering the town and confronting the bishop head-on, otherwise the two bosses will destroy you." The power will directly destroy the copy, causing all members to be eliminated. First consume the witch to a weak state!"

【Barrage: Oh my god, it has become a confrontation. Help the bishop kill the witch or help the witch kill the bishop? 】

【Barrage: Are you sure someone can kill the bishop? ]

[Bullet screen: Obviously you can only kill witches... Poor thing, just woke up. ]

[Barrage: Huh? What about Mr. Blind? ]

From a distance, several piercing arrows came, and "swish" twice pierced into the witch's shoulder and lower abdomen. It was the players on the edge of the town who were preventing the witch from entering the town.

The witch let out a shriek, and became even more furious. The rioting branches were like rolling whips, and they slammed heavily on the dirt.

The weapons apparently did not physically harm her.

Jin Qingyue searched for something in the terminal, holding out a cluster of spherical flames in his palm. Attacking wood with fire will have a stronger effect than pure physical attack.

But Jin Qingyue showed some hesitation.

In the past, this kind of berserk boss would only randomly appear in A-level books. To conquer them, players with rich combat experience and strong team leaders can compete with them. He didn't know whether to take the risk of attacking or not.

If they attack, it will inevitably anger the witch further and attract firepower; if they don't attack, wait until the witch is introduced into the town and compete with the bishop...

then everything will be over.

Jin Qingyue's eyes darkened slightly.

[Barrage: Dangerous! Jin Shen showed such an expression. ]

[Bullet screen: No wonder Annan walked so peacefully, and he wasn't too angry. Do you think they won't survive? 】

【Barrage: I laughed so hard, didn't you all look at the little brother? Only his style of painting is completely different. 】

【Barrage: I saw it a long time ago! Why did you show such a surprised expression! ]

Linke was really pleasantly surprised.

He never forgot that the key to clearing the dungeon lies in Mr. Blind. Just as Annan was dealt with here, he was worried that Mr. Blind had no breakthrough, and the witch appeared.

It's like trying to open a door that's been welded shut, only to have a chainsaw come down from heaven to help.

As for whether a witch is scary or what she looks like, these are not the top priorities of Lin Ke. After all, Mr. Blind is blind, and if he falls in love with Blind, it doesn't matter what the witch becomes.

Lin Ke concentrated on observing the "expression" of the witch.

At this time, the witch, who was constantly twisting her body because of the severe pain, also turned her chubby head to Lin Ke, and bright petals fell from her eye sockets like blood and tears. She spit out the stamens and opened her mouth wide, making a "woo-woo" sound.

The tone was more resentful than the previous wailing, and her anger seemed to be mixed with grievance, puzzlement and resentment.

Lin Ke looked at her posture again.

The witch's upper body leaned forward, but her feet crawled forward with difficulty because the vines took root in the mud and were restrained from moving.

It looked like he was eager to find someone.

Link's heart skipped a beat.

What awakened the witch was the bloody rose that he inexplicably watered, and the purpose of the rose was to summon Mr. Blind.

It always felt like there was some kind of connection.

Just as he was thinking of this, he heard a hissing shout from the far side: "It's a monster, the monster is coming again!"

The voice was out of shape but familiar, and it was clearly the old girl.

Lin Ke raised his eyes and saw townspeople holding torches gathered at the entrance of the town.

At the same time, the fire element ball in Jin Qingyue's hand swelled five times, rose into the air, and ignited a "beep wave" flame.

Jin Qingyue told several people in a deep voice: "Yu Sheng and I will lead her away in a while, you bypass her and go back to the town first. Before the Lord God system said that the bishop was in a state of anger, you also must not confront the bishop head-on. Avoid the crowd and go back to your accommodation."

As he spoke, two fires rose at the same time, reflecting each other's radiance, illuminating the witch's desperate "eyes".

Link's heart skipped a beat: "Wait a minute!"

Under Jin Qingyue's slightly puzzled eyes, Link stared at the witch closely: "I'll come, I'll lead her away, you go back and stop those townspeople. Otherwise, Mr. Blind He will go crazy."

Mr. Blind will go crazy, Jin Qingyue has already thought of this, and even in his inference, Mr. Blind must have gone crazy, and only because there is a bishop in the town to suppress it, nothing happened. The only way for them to clear the level is to solve the witch first, and then use props or illusions to clear the npc Mr. Blind.

From the very beginning, Jin Qingyue had already figured out how to convince Mr. Blind that the witch was still alive, and even let him get a real bloody rose that belonged to the witch.

His heart ached for no reason, and he raised his hand to caress his chest. There was an inconspicuous pendant hanging in the cashmere sweater, and after he pressed it, it hardened his skin.

It would be great if someone could fool him, Jin Qingyue thought for a moment.

In a flash of thought, Lin Ke has come to him, standing in front of his fireball, with a firm tone: "Go quickly, I have a key item for the mission." Whether it is a key item for the mission or how to use the key item, Linke doesn't know

. Sure, he just had an intuition that if they were to fight the witch now, the situation would be difficult to deal with.

The gods fight, and the people suffer. Generally speaking, when you encounter people who want to start a group fight, you should mainly appease them. The group fights he encountered in his previous life were all without exception.

At this moment, there was a sound of wind in his ears, Lin Ke's eyes were fixed, and he rushed forward suddenly, almost overturning Jin Qingyue's wheelchair.

Behind him, a group of vines like octopus claws rolled over from the ground, barely brushing against Linke's back.

The two were almost drawn by the giant vine.

Jin Qingyue clenched the armrest with one hand, slammed into the back of the chair, and looked at the witch with an unkind expression.

The torch at the gate of the town had already ignited some of the vines, which ran up to the witch's stump, but were killed by the remaining frost on it.

This is the strangest boss he has ever seen. The confinement on her body can be turned into a shell to protect her. Seeing that Huo Gong is not realistic, maybe the props Linke mentioned are really interesting.

"Okay, if you are in danger, tear it off." Jin Qingyue hesitated for a moment, took out a sticker, the fireball in his left palm and the fire element bead that turned into a lollipop, and he handed the two things To Lin Ke, "Take it as a favor for me, and I owe you a favor."

When he said this, Link didn't refuse.

He said before that he didn't need protection, just to let Jin Qingyue get out of some kind of empathy as soon as possible. Now that the two have the same goal, it's not that they can't cooperate.

Under the instructions of Yang Yue and Yu Sheng, he jumped on a cane belonging to a witch, and quickly walked in the direction of the cane.

Jin Qingyue still gave him a worried look, and finally gave Yu Sheng some instructions in a low voice, and the three of them turned and left.

In mid-air, Linke seemed to be a little guy standing on the giant's wrist, tightly holding the thorny vine twig with one hand, dancing wildly with the swing of the witch's body in the wind, approaching the witch at an extremely fast speed.

This move was very risky. Firstly, he was not sure whether the witch could recognize Mr. Blind, and secondly, he was not sure whether Mr. Blind could calm the witch down.

But at present, it seems that summoning Mr. Blind in front of the witch is the only method worth trying, and it is also the most hints given by the props.

His ribs were still in severe pain, and countless vines were waving down in mid-air. With the sound of the wind, Lin Ke frowned and wanted to avoid it, but he heard the sound of "Kara Kala", and those huge vines were about to sweep over his head. At that time, they were broken into powder one after another.

Sawdust shook him all over his head and face.

[Barrage: This? What kind of diamond shield is this? ]

[Barrage: Did you forget? The bishop said, no falling objects are allowed! 】

【Barrage: Fuck, this prohibition is really awesome. No wonder I said that the attacks of vines are all crawling on the ground in the later stage, and the feelings are directly unable to fight at high altitude...The witch's combat power will be weakened by half It's over. 】

【Barrage: More than half of them have changed from sea, land and air fighters to reptiles. ]

Lin Ke soon discovered that the witch did not attack from top to bottom, and those vines waving in mid-air were restricted by invisible rules.

He heaved a sigh of relief, praised the bishop a hundred words in his heart, then jumped up and onto the bulbous knot on the witch's waist.

When approaching the witch at such a close distance, he will be overwhelmed by her astonishingly huge size. Link can see the big black hole in her chest as soon as he raises his eyes. The branches inside are squirming vertically and horizontally, and broken dead branches are constantly falling out. . Her figure is very "good", there are no extra branches, leaves, flowers and vines, if it is not for the rough surface of the vines, there is almost no place on her body to attach and climb.

On the witch's shoulders on both sides, instead of the arms, there are three regularly intertwined rhizomes. They search around, spreading out from the small arms like radar tentacles, and the branches with young leaves cling to the ground and grope back and forth.

It seemed that the only way to reach the head that was the size of a two- or three-story brick building was to climb up from her arms.

But this arm...

Lin Ke looked at the densely packed roots on his arm, and almost imagined himself being entangled by the roots in his mind.

He subconsciously thought of the fire elemental ball that Jin Qingyue gave him, but after careful observation, he found that the body of the witch's waist above the elbow was no longer covered with frost.

Lin Ke felt dizzy for a while, and finally decided to fight with his bare hands. At the moment when the witch twisted her waist angrily, he jumped down from her waist and hugged her left arm and elbow with both hands.

Sure enough, dense roots immediately climbed up his arms and shoulders, and the furry whiskers even wrapped around his neck, causing a shiver.

Lin Ke was hairy all over. With a wave of his left hand, he repelled part of the rhizome, and with a forceful use of his right arm, he rolled over and climbed onto the upper arm of the witch, and sprinted upwards at a speed of 100 meters.

Behind him, the bearded army suddenly surged like a furry army, coming like a flood.

The witch is very sensitive, her huge head rotates, and her two flower eyes are fixed on Link.

She howled again, outraged at the audacity of the human being.

Hearing a loud noise, she forcibly pulled off the part of her right hand that was connected to the ground, and swept towards Lin Ke from the air.

Lin Ke's scalp tingled when he saw the mace-like arm. Now he was running on the other arm, which was less than one meter wide, and there was nowhere to hide. At critical moments, he could only trust the bishop's prohibition power.

He silently recited Long Live the Bishop in his heart, but still subconsciously blinked crazily when the shadow loomed over his head.

In the next second, the witch's right arm exploded into a flower in mid-air.

[Barrage: ...the bishop can. 】

【Barrage: awesome. ]

Taking advantage of the witch's stunned moment, Link stepped on her shoulder!

The terminal bounced open, and the bloody rose in the item bar fell out of thin air, and Lin Ke pinched it in the palm of his right hand, and a dialog box appeared in front of him.

[Do you use props/transfer props? 】

The witch was completely enraged, her bloody mouth opened wide, and the flower stamens shot out like a frog's long tongue. Link suddenly shook his wrist, and felt a scorching pain on the back of his hand that was scratched by the flower stamens.

I can't stand on my feet, and I can't think so much.

While choosing "use props", he turned sideways, grabbed a few strands of tongue with his left hand, temporarily restrained the witch's movements, and then sent the rose to him.

He felt a gust of cold wind blowing across his wrist, as if the void in front of him was torn apart, and a phoenix poured into the air vent from another place.

Then, a crooked figure appeared in front of his eyes.

Seeing the successful summoning, Lin Ke was breathing a sigh of relief, but suddenly saw the hunched figure bending down in an abnormal posture, as if being choked by fate.

After a while, another tall figure slowly appeared beside him.

I saw that the bishop was holding Mr. Blind's arms tightly, apparently preventing him from attacking.

Sensing the changes in the surrounding scenery, the bishop's furious face slowly turned to Lin Ke.

Then those jet-black furious pupils drooped, and their unfriendly eyes fell on the delicate blood-colored rose in the right hand that Lin Ke offered to Mr. Blind.

For a moment, the bishop's face was so dark that water dripped from his face. Not only did Lin Ke feel a chill in his back, but even the witch's neighing became weaker by an octave.

Lin Ke: "..."

Lin Ke: "???"

The author has something to say: Thanks for casting Overlord for me during 2021-06-25 00:53:34~2021-06-26 14:41:31 Thank you for the little angel who voted or irrigated the nutrient solution~

Thanks to the little angel who cast the landmine: Meng Mingkong 1;

thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 20 bottles of network cable; Meng Mingkong and mona 5 bottles; If there are no 2 bottles of Yaya in the world;

thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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