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    Lin Ke's body and legs were cut by rose thorns in many places, and his cheeks were also bruised, but there was a disdainful smile in his eyes, and Ji Hong almost died of anger on the spot with a light word.

Ji Hong is not as calm as An Nan, she has always been arrogant by An Nan's side, and no one has ever dared to mock her in front of her.

What's even more exasperating is that she couldn't get in and tear the two dogs that Jin Qingyue was protecting into pieces.

After all, the punishment boss once proposed the first rule of the dungeon - no trespassing on private houses.

No player, any dungeon boss, or even dungeon npc can violate the will of punishing the boss, and no one dares to disobey the rules set by him. Because there is no reason or exception, as long as you violate it, you will be out.

He is the law.

Under extreme shock and anger, Ji Hongsheng couldn't help panicking. In order not to let Hua Jinmian's little white rabbit spirit take her place, this time she took the initiative to ask to enter this dungeon, and issued a military order to An Nan before entering.

She had to go back with Linke's tail ring.

In order to achieve this goal, she did not hesitate to use props on herself. The props will be invalid when the first ray of morning light appears. If she fails to get the tail ring by then, Annan will definitely give up on her and let her die.

Lin Ke must be killed!

Her anger turned into rage, her chest heaved desperately, but she saw the young man in front of her no longer looking at her, turned around and walked upstairs.

Even the wimpy Yu Lin got up trembling, and closed the door with a "bang" in front of her.

[Barrage: ... Poof. 】

【Barrage: Hahahahaha, really, shut the door! 】

【Barrage: Bishop Sai Gao, you can still protect my little brother when he's not around. ]

[Bullet screen: Don't overdo the previous article, don't forget that the first person who almost stepped on this rule is the little brother...]

[Bullet screen: So, he didn't want the little brother to come to the witch's place at the time, but the little brother not only came, but also came at night, and even entered the room. The bishop woke up and knew that he was going to die of anger. ]

[Barrage: ... Poor punishment boss. 】

Ji Hong: "..."

Being so neglected, she was completely annoyed, her eyes almost turned completely blood red, her shoulders shrugged, and she drove the snake body to climb up to the second floor on the wall.

She could hear clearly what Linke said to Mr. Blind just now.

She wants to see what Lin Ke can hand over.


Yu Lin followed Lin Ke who was walking in an orderly manner, feeling panicked. Although being chased by the alienated Ji Hong and being chased by the unknown flower vines were terrifying, it was not much better to communicate with the boss face to face empty-handed. When halfway up the stairs, Yu Lin called Lin Ke: "Lin Ke, you, what do you want to give him

?" Lin Ke stopped inexplicably, and looked back: "It's nothing." I was shocked into a cold sweat: "If you give the wrong props, you will die.

 This is a C-level dungeon, and there is no error tolerance rate." "But there is no rule that you must give props when you enter the house, right?" Lin Ke asked strangely. "..." Yu Lin froze in disbelief, "But you just said that you brought what he wanted!" "Oh," Lin Ke realized, and then said, "Didn't everyone say that this boss is very good? Lie?" Yu Lin: "!!!" 

[Barrage: ! ! ! ]

  [Barrage: Is it a lie? The little brother turned out to be such a little brother! 】

[Bullet screen: Of course it's a random talk, how could it be possible to pass the level on the first night... If they were all serious about looking for clues from the beginning, there is still room for so many people to be discussed by Ji Hong and others. I didn't go deep, I just walked around the town and just watched the boss's big move, how could the real clues be complete. ]

[Bullet screen: What should I do? I think this boss is a bit pitiful, even such a good-looking little brother lied to him...]

Yu Lin was completely speechless, thinking that he would die anyway if he went out, so why not follow Lin Ke to death? Horse doctor.

Thinking of this, his face became even more ashen, and his footsteps seemed to be heavy, like going to the guillotine, he followed Link up step by step.

Lin Ke didn't seem to feel the low air pressure behind him at all, and his footsteps were even lighter than before.

The situation inside this small house was completely different from when he first came in. Although the light was dim just now, he could still see that the first floor had been cleaned up, even the spider silk that would be very obvious under the moonlight was gone, and the fruits in the fruit basket were replaced with fresh roses, red ones Both white and white.

Even the petals on the stairs and on the walls that had been stepped on and touched by countless people have been cleaned up, revealing a very clean wall although the paint has faded.

Mr. Blind came only in the evening, and more importantly, he was still a blind man, so he managed to take care of the house so seriously. Although he was dressed in rags, he should be a very elegant person in his heart—and he was very fond of this hut. Pay attention to.

People who value something in their hearts, and those who will pay for the things they value, are usually willing to communicate as long as the goal is not impossible to achieve.

Just as Link was thinking this, the door at the end of the corridor creaked open, Mr. Blind did not turn on the light, the room was as dark as the corridor, only a little bit of moonlight poured out.

A stooped figure walked out step by step.

Lin Ke stopped in his tracks, and clearly heard Yu Lin gasping for air from behind.

He was amused in his heart, but thinking of Jin Qingyue again, his smile subsided a little, and he tentatively said to the front: "Mr. Blind?" The

figure moved, and then a young but tired face appeared in front of the two of them. The gatekeeper of the room stood like that, as if he didn't intend to let them into the room, he just turned his dull eyes with thick dark circles in the direction of the two of them, and said hoarsely, "Where's the thing?" No

one answered for a while, Only the "swish" sound of the rose vines sliding on the outer wall of the house was heard.

Lin Ke was originally fooling around, but at this moment, he seemed to have noticed something from Mr. Blind's posture, and showed a serious expression of thought.

Yu Lin next to him caught a glimpse from the corner of his eye, and was about to go crazy. His thoughts had already come to this point, even if it was a nonsense, he still had to say a few words! Otherwise, is it waiting for someone to get impatient and make a fatal move?

As if responding to the fear in his heart, Mr. Mang's voice suddenly became low and stagnant: "You guys are lying to me again?

" Lincoln finally spoke.

Lin Ke frankly said: "The things have been brought to you, and they are in your room."

Yu Lin: "..."

Looking at Mr. Blind who was stunned with him, Yu Lin roared in his heart——could it be more fake? son? Where's the thing in the room? Can you believe it when you say that you pass the customs directly? Unexpectedly, Linke

vowed again: "If you don't believe me, let me in, I'll find it for you."


[Bullet screen: But looking at the expression on the person next to him who is about to die, I think he is lying. ]

[Barrage: Not necessarily, right? Why do liars have to go into the house to cheat, can they escape? The windows are all blocked by Ji Hong's monster...]

[Bullet screen: It's useless whether we believe it or not, it depends on whether the boss believes it or not! ]

Sure enough, Mr. Blind also showed a hesitant expression.

After a while, he wrinkled his nose, and said slowly, "You can't even say what you want to give, so why should I let you in?

" Know.

Mr. Blind: "..."

Mr. Blind felt that he had stepped on a hole, and his face showed a little annoyance. The original intention of his words just now was to reject the ignorant player in front of him, but in this way, it seemed that the other party answered The problem, he insisted on leading someone into this room.

Mr. Blind stood on the spot, frowning into a pimple, not thinking about his logical problem, and finally even more dissatisfaction flashed across his face, and he exhaled fiercely: "Huh! Then you come in!"

[Bullet screen: ? ? ? This is letting people into the bedroom? 】

【Barrage: I want to report to the bishop! ]

[Bullet screen: Forget about the previous article, if the bishop makes a rule not to enter other people's bedrooms for one night, the survival rate of the whole team will be reduced by half. ]

[Bullet screen: Fuck you, think about it carefully, it's really possible. ]

Lin Ke and Yu Lin followed Mr. Blind into the house.

Seeing the scene inside, Lin Ke was slightly surprised again.

The cleanliness of the bright hall is a certainty, and there is a cardboard box at the foot of the bed, which is full of petals of red roses, and the huge two-color rose is carefully placed on the bed with its head up and its stems down, like A girl seemed to be lying there delicately.

Under the moonlight, it looks extraordinarily quiet and beautiful.

Noticing Linke's silence after entering the room, Mr. Blind probably felt that he had been tricked again, and couldn't help becoming angry from embarrassment: "Look for it, or I'll kill you if you don't look for it!

" 】

【Barrage: Otherwise, you wouldn't be deceived into such a miserable situation, right? This boss has always been like this. At the beginning, he couldn't speak more than this. He was a bit shy and shy. He believed everything you said. 】

[Barrage: Could it be that the little brother has already seen through his essence at a glance? 】 Mr. Blind

was angry, but Lin Ke was not afraid. Instead, he approached the rose and said in a low voice, "It should be it."

Touching those delicate rose petals on the pillow, I couldn't help but look angry: "Nonsense, this one is not, don't bully me I can't see it, I can tell it's not hot at all, half of it is cold! She and I said, she said—"

"She said she would prepare a red rose for you." Linke took up the conversation.

Mr. Blind was completely stunned, looking as if he was very shocked: "You, how do you know!"

[Bullet screen: This, this dungeon has a strategy, of course he knows! ]

[Bullet screen: Ah no, no matter if it is a strategy or not, the little brother may just cheat him, he is too easy to cheat! 】

Mr. Blind also immediately realized that he was cheated, and the corner of his bent mouth finally flashed a hint of sternness, and with a roar, he rushed towards Link like a jackal.

Yu Lin felt the threat of death together and suffered a cardiac arrest.

Under Yu Lin's horrified eyes, he saw Lin Ke stretch out his left hand like lightning, grabbed Mr. Blind's exposed wrist and pulled it—it was a skill that was practiced on Lu Zhou. Press on the head of the bed.

The whole process takes less than ten seconds.

"I won't lie to you," Link said harmoniously, "Because I'm stronger than you, there's no need to lie to you."

After speaking, he loosened his five fingers slightly, revealing the tail ring on his little finger that was shining with holy white light.

His subordinate, Mr. Blind, was like a mouse after seeing a cat. He lost all strength and froze and dared not move.

On the side, Yu Lin looked at Lin Ke with terrified eyes, and then glanced at his tail ring, with a complicated look on his face.

[Barrage: Damn! I almost forgot that my little brother has a heaven-defying prop. 】

[Barrage: Invincible! But it is also confusing, why can such a golden finger be used by him so inexistently? ]

[Bullet screen: Because the little brother never uses it easily, you didn't notice it? Unless he has to, he won't hurt npc. ]

[Barrage: So! I haven't missed it all the time! Little brother is super super gentle! 】

I saw the super super gentle little brother showing a smile: "But if you keep accusing me of lying to you, I may still beat you."

Mr. Blind: "..."

[Bullet Screen: ...]

Mr. Blind really He was an honest man, but he was caught off guard by Lin Ke and beat him up, and he was completely dumbfounded.

Obviously, people all over the world are lying to him, but the player in front of him actually said that he framed him!

There was a flash of scowl and embarrassment on his face.

Just as he was about to speak, he heard a sudden "bang bang" sound from the window.

Then the curtain was lifted by an inexplicable force, Ji Hong let out a chilling roar, a grimace suddenly appeared, stuck outside the window, and clasped her hands on the window.

[Barrage: Damn! This just woke me up! ] Her "hissing" voice came through the window, very ethereal: "Don't trust him, he's just a stupid liar

, let me in, let me deal with him for you."

Mr. let her into the house.

[Barrage: This woman is still wicked! 】

【Barrage: What to do, what to do, the little brother's ring seems to be of no use to players. If she came in, the little brother might not be able to beat her. 】

The barrage began to worry.

And Mr. Blind was obviously in a hurry to go to the doctor. His eyes turned, and his unfocused pupils turned to Ji Hong, and he was about to speak.

But in the next second, a cold hand hung around his neck, and that hand didn't even move a little bit to cover his mouth.

Mr. Blind shut up in horror.

Link looked at the snake man outside the window, but he was talking to Mr. Blind. He said, "It's just right, I'll teach you how to tell if someone is lying to you.

" When she yells at you and can't touch you, or even asks you to let her in, she's probably lying to you."

"Because someone like her, so weak, incompetent and mean, can only rely on lies To achieve her own purpose, it is easy to be exposed, you can tell how helpless she is now just by hearing the voice."

Ji Hong's angry eyes almost exploded, her mouth was full of sharp teeth and blood, and she uttered a few more times A whimper of terror.

But unfortunately, she couldn't break through this window, and she didn't dare to break it casually.

Sensing that Mr. Blind was trembling a little, Lin Ke gently released his left hand that was imprisoning Mr. Blind's neck, stretched out his right hand, pulled him up to stand upright, and led him to the window.

Mr. Blind instinctively sensed the danger and shrank back.

"Back straight, you are the owner of this room, there is no need to be afraid of her. Who can come in and who can't come in is up to you. Whether we can leave this town or not depends entirely on you. You need to worry that anyone will hurt you, anyone will deceive you. There is no need to be too sensitive."

[Bullet screen: Wait, little brother, are you teaching him how to be a boss? ]

[Bullet screen: That's right, as a boss, you don't need to be afraid of players. ]

[Barrage: As expected of you! ]

"Tell me what you want, and we will find it for you." Lin Ke stared at Ji Hong, whose eyes were gradually showing fear, and raised the corners of his mouth. Your things will soon disappear."

"It's just impotent rage."

The author has something to say: trembling, this is the first time I write about such a fresh protagonist...

Brother Lin:? Am I not very gentle?

Monster: Gentle and gentle...

thanks to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2021-06-14 16:18:35~2021-06-15 21:02:30~

Thanks to those who voted for mines Little angels: 87 branches of peach blossoms outside Zhuwai, 2; Luo and Xu Zeqing, 1;

thanks to the little angels who irrigated the nutrient solution: not to mention 10 bottles; 5 bottles of mona;

thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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