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  The potential that a person can explode in a crisis is limitless. Lin Ke never thought in his life that he could have such action power in the face of terrifying zombies.

The moment the anti-theft door was opened, six zombies from outside poured in with different postures like a small flood. At the same time, the little girl who jumped at Lin Ke just now shot at them like bullets.

Immediately all the zombies exclaimed in unison, Lin Ke ran two steps back, and from the corner of his vision, he caught a glimpse of the gray-haired zombie grandmother holding the little girl. actions are similar.

The only weird thing is the old lady's head.

It followed Lin Ke completely, with terrifying eyes.

Then the old lady charged up and rushed over.

At this moment, Linke has already picked up the backpack on the sofa. There are at least a dozen floors here. It is impossible to jump out of the window, and a group of zombies are about to charge outside the door. There are dead ends everywhere in the room—— —

no time to think at all!

When they rushed over, Lin Ke pointed at the master bedroom like a living horse doctor, and while hiding behind the sofa, he shouted hoarsely: "The master bedroom has a sealed balcony and an independent garden, which is not on the birth certificate..." Sure enough

, In this first-tier city, this group of zombies still retained the logic of human thinking and action. Although their heads were directed at Lin Ke and their mouths were drooling, their feet ran towards the master bedroom involuntarily.

"Showing the house" is really important.

Taking advantage of the logical inertia of the zombies' behavior, Link had a moment to breathe. He didn't expect that he would be the kind of person who "brings property at the scene of the fire", and even took away the eggs and Biscuit, then grabbed the umbrella on the umbrella stand, put on a pair of sneakers and went out.

Thanks to the attractive area of ​​the gift, Linke had already rushed out the door when the zombies turned around.

The elevator stopped on the "18th" floor of this floor, but Lin Ke didn't dare to go in at all. He pushed open the safety door of the corridor and closed it before the zombies rushed up. Fortunately, although the lock of the safety door was on the elevator side of the floor, the safety passageway There are two handles on the side.

Lin Ke put the umbrella on the handle as a latch, and the zombie inside slammed into the door with a "bang bang", and the ribs of the umbrella made a "click", which seemed to be about to break before it lasted even a second.

Who can stand this!

Lin Ke only took a small breath on the spot, turned his head and was about to run downstairs, he almost tripped over something suddenly, and when he looked closely, his back was covered in cold sweat.

I saw that at some point, the little girl ran out following him!

At this moment, the little girl twitched all over, and asked tremblingly, "Dad... am I sick too..."

She stumbled over, and Lin Ke was terrified. He raised his backpack and was about to defend himself, but when he heard the little girl say, "I'm sick." When he said the word "two", he hesitated for a moment.

In some zombie movies, it is also crucial to understand how people become zombies.

Right under his nose, the little girl suddenly turned into a zombie when she was neither bitten nor anything strange happened.

Maybe she has other secrets about her, and she called her father at the beginning, so it must be a little different?

It's not that he has any sense of responsibility just because he is called Dad, but Lin Ke trusts his intuition.

Seeing that the little girl had opened her mouth—

Link stuffed an egg into it.

The little girl: "..."

She crushed the egg with a "click", and started chewing it while it was still raw. It seemed that she was too hungry and didn't leak any egg white.

"...Eat slowly." Lin Ke really didn't know what to say, so he took her wrist with his left hand and ran downstairs.

In the last dungeon, after the owner of the ancient house told him that the ring was just an externalization of his "mind", he was not so worried about accidentally injuring or angering the boss and npc. Just like at this moment, he didn't want to attack the little girl in his heart, he just wanted to take her away.

Sure enough, the little girl didn't let out a scream after the slight tingling sensation from the tail ring. Instead, she swallowed the egg white, egg yolk and egg shell, obediently following Lin Ke downstairs like the wind. The security doors on each floor are open and unlocked. Lin Ke has no time and no tools to block them layer by layer. He can only use his luck and speed. Every time he passes through an open door, he feels like passing through the gate of hell. Seven or eight zombies jumped out of the room. After descending several floors in fear, the safety door was finally half-closed, but unfortunately, there was almost no light in the corridor. It was extremely dim, with only the faint green lights of the safe passage flickering, reflecting the steps like a puddle of water. No, it's really water. Lin Ke suddenly slipped and fell down the corridor in three steps at a time. He could see the "11F" on the wall clearly. Just now, in less than a minute, he went down seven floors. But still not fast enough. Lin Ke was holding on to the ground with trembling hands and wanted to get up, but the little girl slammed her head on him, hitting his shoulder with her hard head, causing another burst of severe pain. Lin Ke gasped. Just at this time, the security door next to it was opened. No matter how painful the body was, it was no match for the desire to survive. Without knowing where the strength came from, Lin Ke groaned and jumped up with the little girl in his arms. Immediately there was another burst of dizziness. Just when Lin Ke was about to ignore it and just roll down the stairs, a horrifying cry came from his ear: "Damn it! " In the corridor, a barefoot man in underwear was pressing against the door, his muscles bulging.

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