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    At the end of countless traps and obstacles, a figure swayed.

The fire phoenix was reduced to ashes there.

Lin Ke was also trapped by the mechanism trap, and he was struggling to move. He yelled, supported three stacked shopping carts with his hands, turned over suddenly, and stepped on the sliding shelf on his feet-then he lost his balance. , fell forward.

"Wow wow wow!" the little girl shouted loudly on Linke's back.

Just as Link was about to fall, a black shadow flashed in front of him, and then someone grabbed his elbow and flew him more than ten meters away, landing on an open ground.

Link opened his eyes, and he saw the familiar hooked-nosed zombie.

[Barrage: Ahhhh! The little brother was captured by zombies! 】

【Barrage: Sister, calm down, this seems to be the zombie on the train before! ]

[Barrage: That's right, my God. 】

【Barrage: I'm excited, is this going to cooperate with the zombie staff? But this is only one, how can it beat so many behind it! 】

【Barrage: It may not be impossible to beat, there are so many hunting devices here, it must be a veteran. 】

【Barrage: It must have been able to beat it. You can see its expression, "There is such a good thing" written all over its face. ]

[Bullet screen: It's really...]

"Ni!" Sang Shi grabbed Link while staring blankly at the zombie trapped by the trap he set.

Of course there are not as many as two hundred, but if you count carefully, there are fifty or sixty.

Those traps are set up very delicately, which is the conclusion of Sangshi's years of experience. It places needles in various unexpected places and sprays its special reagent on sharp places. As long as the veins of the zombies are scratched, their mobility will be slightly reduced. weakened.

It's a pity that the trap can't walk, no matter how well the trap is made, it can only wait for the zombies to break into here accidentally. Therefore, Sang Shi's work efficiency is very low, and it usually takes a week or two to catch only a dozen zombies.

This speed is far from enough for it to sustain life.

But now, in an instant, in the blink of an eye, fifty or sixty zombies appeared in front of him!

Sang turned her head, her gray and foggy eyeballs rolled, as if she was looking at Lin Ke.

Lin Ke knew that he was safe for the time being, he breathed slowly and blinked slowly.

After running for so long just now, he was also a little bit exhausted.

Once relaxed, there is still a strange tingling feeling all over the body.

Taking a closer look, he didn't know when his arm had been scratched. It was a very delicate needle tube, which scratched his skin, leaving numb scars.

"What is this?" Lin Ke asked Sang Shi in a low voice, feeling his eyelids getting heavier and heavier.

In doubt, he turned his head and glanced at the little girl.

But he saw that the little girl he was carrying was also injured, and there was a scar on her delicate face.

Sang Shi didn't answer Lin Ke, but just looked at it for a while, thinking of something, stretched out his hand to gently touch Lin Ke's back.

Link's feet were empty, and then he passed through a layer of soft things and fell on a piece of soft sundries.

It turned out that this place was a rotten root of a dead tree branch, but it was transformed into a hidden residence by installing moisture-proof and insect-proof devices, laying mattresses, chiseling out wall lamps, and covering the top with leaf nets by ingenious zombies.

Through the gaps between the leaves, I saw Sang Shi let out a roar, without the slightest fear, and rushed towards the fifty or so zombies, which made everyone's heart jump.

Then there was the sound of howling and roaring, as well as the sound of flesh/body collision and biting.

It sounded like Sang Shifang had won a big victory, but Lin Ke couldn't concentrate at all, and the sudden sleepiness almost pulled his eyelids down.

He realized that there was a problem, but at this moment, the body's desire to rest completely exceeded the desire to survive.

Amid the little girl's worried "wow", Link fell into a deep sleep.


The sound of "swish rustling" became louder and louder.

No, he is getting more and more sober.

Lin Ke frowned, moved his eyelids, struggled to curl up his five fingers, and suddenly heard someone calling him and comforting him in a low voice.

That person's voice was crisp, it was a girl from a zombie, which meant that the surroundings were still safe.

Link relaxed, and slowly waited for his consciousness to gather and return. During this process, he smelled the smell of rotting flesh again. Finally, he opened his eyes with some difficulty.

At this time, it was already bright outside, and the light was not dazzling through the layers of leaves, outlining the small figure around him.

The little zombie girl touched Linke's arm: "Baba, I'm awake."

Linke groped to prop himself up, looked around, and found that he was still in the cave. Dry and comfortable in the sun.

It was eerily quiet outside, as if last night's escape and the adventure of hunting zombies were just a nightmare.

But Lin Ke knew that all of this happened in the dungeon, and he didn't know how Jin Qingyue's plan was going. Now is not the time to enjoy himself.

He rubbed his temples and sat up, touched the face of the zombie girl, and found that the scar from yesterday was gone.

The little girl looked more sober than before. Seeing Linke's gaze on her face, she even reacted quickly: "The wound is healed."

Linke was keenly aware of this, and stared at the little girl. girl.

The little girl was puzzled and blinked at Lin Ke.

It seems that the "potion" that fascinated him yesterday is not the same one distributed by Yihua Company. When this medicine acts on zombies and humans, it can have completely different effects.

Thinking of Sang Shi's verbal lectures to make the little girl more sober, Lin Ke couldn't help wondering, is Brother Sang Shi still a scientific researcher?

Thinking of this, he smiled at his "daughter" and said, "That's good, let's go out."

The little girl obediently climbed onto Link's back, and Link grabbed the vines clinging to the cave wall with both hands, Stepping on the dry wall of the cave, he tried his best to climb out of the cave.

Suddenly, a smell of rotting flesh hit his face, Lin Ke raised his head, caught off guard, and saw Sang Shi who was looking down with his probe.

Sang Shi looked ruthless, and his face was covered with blood, Lin Ke was startled when he saw it. As soon as he let go of his hand, his feet slipped, and he fell back into the cave heavily, making a muffled sound.

Fortunately, he turned around before landing, so as not to crush the little zombie girl.

Sang Shi at the entrance of the cave was stunned when he saw this. Seeing that he was frightening Link, he hurriedly withdrew his body and moved his face away from the entrance of the cave: "Where is Li...?"

It lost several teeth, and it was a bit leaky when it spoke.

After this bumper harvest, it seems ready to communicate with Lin Ke.

"Come to help you." Linke rubbed his waist that fell on the ground, and did not immediately answer its question of "where did it come from?

" . Then, a thick vine hung down from the entrance of the cave.

Lin Ke stretched out his hand to grab it, and with the help of the upward force of the vine, he got close to the entrance of the cave in a few strokes. Without hesitation, he grabbed the arm that Sang Shi handed over, and with light force, he jumped out of the cave and returned to the ground.

Seeing the surrounding scene clearly, Lin Ke couldn't help but gasped.

A dozen meters ahead from him, there were pieces of flesh and blood all over the fence and the ground, and the obstacles and traps that had been placed neatly before were damaged beyond recognition.

A broken iron railing pierced into the air, and the severed limb shook slightly, indicating the fierce battle that had been fought here.

Looking further into the distance, although the dilapidated central urban area is shrouded in sunlight, it reveals a gloomy and dead silence.

A wooden bird hovered in mid-air and kept circling.

This is the signal agreed by several people earlier, which means that everything is going well.

Lincoln breathed a sigh of relief.

Sang Shi stood beside him thinking about it for a long time, and finally said with difficulty: "It's okay. During the day, don't come." It

thought Linke was worried about the attack of the zombies, so it told Linke that although these zombies have no IQ, they are still alive in broad daylight. Yes, and will not easily fall into the trap.

Link nodded, and when he opened his mouth, he realized that his throat was a little dry: "Where did you get them?"

Sang Shi turned and walked in the other direction. Link put down the little girl on his back and followed it.

One person and two zombies bypassed a series of pulled up barbed wire and came to a building like a small garage on the ground.

I saw more than fifty zombies neatly lined up along the walls of the building, some with missing arms and some with broken heads, and their eyes were tightly closed.

There were "bang bang" crashes and roars from inside the small garage.

Sang Shi's stiff and twitching face rarely showed some human-like panic expressions. It stumbled, walked quickly to the garage, opened the door to go in to comfort it, but suddenly let out a cry of pain, and then the whole zombie was dragged into the garage.

Seeing that the situation was not right, Link told the little girl not to approach, and walked forward by himself—

but he saw a hand that was so dry that it was almost skinny to the bone, tightly clutching Sang Shi's hair, pulling Sang Shi into it.

But Sang Shi not only did not resist, but instead yelled "woo woo" to appease the owner of the arm.

Lin Ke understood.

It turns out that the Lord is here.

When Ji Hong attacked Sang Shi, Sang Shi's conditioned reflex to the action of "grabbing hair" was very wrong. Lin Keben judged that he had a partner who was keen on scratching hair and was unconscious, so he guessed "madam" in a hasty way. ", now it seems that the guess is almost inseparable.

This female zombie should be Sang Shi's alienated wife. For some reason, Sang Shi did not allow her to receive "treatment", but kept her in this room, and through two staff ID cards, She has always maintained her personal identity.

[Barrage: Damn, is this a zombie raising zombies? ]

[Bullet screen: This can't be called a zombie anymore...It's more like a mummy...]

[Bullet screen: Is this his wife? ? ? 】

"Aww! Wow!"

I saw a monster locked with an iron chain in the small space inside the door.

It was a completely withered female zombie, its abnormal thinness made its eyeballs sunken, and the whole person looked thin and long, like some kind of reptile. At the moment it is grabbing the head of the zombie and hitting it against the wall, trying to escape from the chain.

The zombie still didn't resist, screaming miserably as if explaining something, and stretched out its hand to caress the belly of the female zombie.

With this movement, Link saw that the stomach of the female zombie was completely deflated, and all internal organs should have dried up.

Such a situation can continue to live. To a certain extent, the survival ability of zombies is indeed admirable.

Outsiders can't intervene in housework. This tragic scene directly scared the little zombie girl standing outside the door to tears.

Link was stunned for a moment, and then went to appease the frightened little girl.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he turned around, he heard Sang Shi shouting hoarsely in the garage: "Blue, blue!"


Link hesitated for a moment, then saw several boxes placed on the shadowed side of the garage.

The box was filled with reagents of various colors, some of which were crystal clear and shone with a faint blue light.

He patted the little girl lightly, let go of its shoulders, and approached the boxes cautiously. When he walked less than three meters away from the box, he smelled a delicate fragrance at the tip of his nose, and at the same time, felt a refreshing refreshing feeling all over his body.

With a thought in his heart, Link took a tube of blue reagent and walked back to the garage door. Sang Shi was waiting for him inside, and when he saw him coming, he stretched out his hand excitedly.

"Here—" Link didn't start a sentence, but the female zombie grabbed a stone out of nowhere and threw it at him.

Lin Ke was caught off guard, turned around to hide, and the stone hit the door heavily.

In an instant, there was a crisp sound of "slap" coming from the front, and it was Sang Shi who was slapped again.

[Barrage: ...]

[Barrage: Touching is touching, and evil is also true. 】

【Barrage: Before this lady turned into a zombie, she must have had a bad temper! panic! If I was swung like this, everyone would be gone. 】

【Barrage: It's too fierce...I feel like Brother Lin was stunned. ]

Linke was indeed stunned.

But what surprised him was not the ferocity of the female zombie, but the way the female zombie attacked.

It seems to prefer scratching hair and slapping people, and scratching people's faces with its claws, rather than biting people. These are all behaviors that are more inclined to humans, but it is clearly a completely alienated zombie.

Could it be that Sang Shi is trying to cure it?

But why didn't Sang Shi send it to Yihua Company for treatment?

Lin Ke suppressed his curiosity, took advantage of the fight between the female zombie and Sang Shi, and passed the Youlan Reagent to Sang Shi in three steps at a time like passing a baton.

Sang Shi felt relieved, his stiff movements became extremely smooth at this moment, and he injected the reagent into the vein on the female zombie's arm quickly and steadily.

There was no blood in the female zombie's body. The blue reagent was like mutated blue blood, and a thin blood vein flowed out under its pale skin.

It trembled violently, breathed, and then lay down on the side with a crash.

The embarrassed Sang Shi stood up staggeringly, looking more haggard than he had been fighting all night.

"What is this?" Lincoln asked.

His eyes looked at the reagent glass tube that rolled to the ground.

Sang Shi let out a cold snort of unknown meaning from his nasal cavity, and did not answer Linke's question directly.

It pushed Link out of the garage with some rough movements, then turned around and closed the door, looking very rude. Then, he stretched out his pale hand and pointed at the fifty-odd zombies along the wall: "One, average."

According to what it meant, he wanted to share the fruits of victory with Lin Ke equally.

This also means agreeing to cooperate.

It's a pity that at this moment, Linke Lin's mind is full of questions about the female zombie in the garage, and he doesn't feel too excited.

Link looked at the garage door again, but finally said nothing.

He understood that it was impossible to directly ask for more information based on the current friendship between him and Sang Shi. If you ask too many questions rashly, it may have the opposite effect.

Lin Ke decided to test it out.

"I don't need it, I have to go. You'd better strengthen the trap here, and there may be more zombies coming here later." Link pointed to the zombies by the wall, and pointed to the barbed wire outside. He said every word.

Sure enough, when Sang Shi heard Linke say that he didn't want these zombies, he was not only unhappy, but showed a vigilant expression, staring at Linke with his foggy eyes: "No?" "No," Linke smiled

. , Gently spread his hands, "I can't take them away by myself."

Sang Shi stared at Linke coldly.

Lin Ke looked at it calmly.

"Ka", Sang Shi's finger joints moved.

"I know you're suspicious of me," Lin Ke said without changing his face, "but I really don't mean anything malicious. Otherwise, I could have escaped with the reagent you developed just now, right? And... without my help, you probably wouldn't have There is no way to complete the work, and there is no way to obtain the raw materials for making reagents."

Seeing Sang's froze expression, he paused and said, "Besides, although I don't want zombies, I still have other needs."

[Barrage: Wait, wait a minute, the plot is getting more and more confusing, why does Sang Shi suddenly look so fierce. ]

[Barrage: Start negotiations suddenly? 】

【Barrage: Let me try to analyze it. The key is still the secret of this world. First, the world was polluted and a large number of animals and plants mutated. Then humans turned into zombies. Afterwards, Yihua Company developed a drug that could suppress the nature of zombies and created the living area of ​​Area C. This logic chain is complete, but an accident happened to this zombie. It was obviously trying to save his wife by making some kind of unknown potion. It loved her so much, but it was unwilling to give her to Yihua for treatment. Terrified? ]

[Barrage: Thank you class representative! I think a lot more clearly. In other words, Yihua has a problem? 】

【Barrage: Then this is dangerous! Everyone speculated before that the customs clearance condition is "catch 100 zombies" and then "attend the Yihua company's annual meeting". Is this also wrong? 】

【Barrage: Participating in the annual meeting is definitely a condition for customs clearance. But there may be other prerequisites before participating in the annual meeting. There should be other mysteries to be unraveled. Link can directly lock this zombie, which is already very remarkable, it's almost like cheating. ]

Linke, the staff member who opened up and hung up, was trying to convince his client at this time.

As expected, Sang Shi is the only fully human zombie, and there is no obstacle in understanding Linke's words. It moved its lips: "Say."

Link slightly relaxed his shoulders: "Then I will take it as your agreement. I have two conditions. First, within the three days, I will be responsible for attracting zombies, and you will be responsible for catching zombies. Any more than 200 zombies will be returned to you." Me."

Sang Shi snorted softly, as if he thought Linke couldn't bring so many zombies from the root.

But it nodded anyway.

Link said again: "The second condition, I will tell you after three days. I can guarantee that this condition has nothing to do with you and your wife, and will never reveal any of your secrets. You can do that Trust me, because I want to protect my daughter."

Sang Shi hesitated for a moment.

In its eyes, Linke is too big an indeterminate number. He has already discovered his secret, and he still has a close connection with Yihua Company, so he shouldn't be allowed to leave easily.

However, as Lin Ke said, without Linke's help, it is very likely to lose the person it is least willing to lose.

But in case Linke cheated, he would still lose her.

Intuition tells it that Link is different from those humans who broke into their territory and made a mess of everything - because he is not only willing to communicate with himself on an equal footing, but also brings a cute little zombie girl called his father . But reason tells it not to take risks, because it has lost everything and has nothing to lose.

Anyway, after the carnival, the world is about to be destroyed.

Sang Shi drooped his blood-stained aquiline nose, panting heavily.

At this moment, it felt very incompetent.

why? You've worked so hard, you've given everything, why can't you even do a small thing well?

It clenched its five fingers, and its bellows-like chest heaved back and forth. Its gray eyes were almost blood red, and it raised its head to look at Link.

Lin Ke met its murderous eyes without timidity, and even walked a little closer to it.

"Don't lose control," Link said softly, "Like what you once taught my daughter, guard your sanity."

This sentence reminded Sang Shi that it had helped a little girl, so she regained it. A little bit of self-control, slowly coming back to God.

"I know what you taught her..." Seeing that Sang Shi had calmed down, Linke was about to say something, but the little zombie girl next to him ran happily along with his voice because he mentioned the word "daughter", and jumped into his arms.

The little girl raised her head in Linke's arms: "Baba!"

Linke, who was suddenly interrupted, felt a little helpless, smiled and rubbed her head.

Unexpectedly, seeing this scene, Sang Shi suddenly let go.

"Yes, cooperate," it said.

——At the moment when it finished speaking, a loud noise suddenly came from the sky above the city.

The top floor of the central garden suddenly exploded.

The author has something to say: Thank you for the little angel who voted for me or the irrigation nutrient solution during 2021-08-17 20:30:34~2021-08-18 20:23:59~ Thanks for the

irrigation nutrient solution Little Angel: 38960882 20 bottles; 49969224 10 bottles;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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