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   【Barrage:? ? ? ]

[Barrage: What is God Jin talking about? ]

After Jin Qingyue said a word, Lin Ke was also taken aback.

He couldn't help asking: "What?"

Jin Qingyue repeated it again, this time he spoke more slowly, and finally explained: "I chose the demon mirror with stronger combat power, which can pass The number of times you travel through the mirror increases your strength, but... Yin Li has a copy of your tail ring, so we are no match for him if this continues. I know this ring is very important to you, but from the overall situation, I hope you can Cooperate with me. After all, my friend also lent you a very important prop."

He said while spreading his palms to Link.

In the palm of his hand is a bloodstone that emits a slight red light.

It was only then that Lin Ke felt a slight heat on his trouser legs. It turned out that the stone that Mu Cheng gave him seemed to be moving as if it had sensed it.

After hesitating for a moment, Link went into his pocket and hooked out a corner of the pigeon blood stone pendant.

The moment Jin Qingyue saw the pendant, there was an obvious change in Jin Qingyue's expression, which was keenly captured by Lin Ke. He lightly let the pigeon blood stone fall back into his pocket.

It turns out that the friend Mu Cheng mentioned was Jin Qingyue? Before Jin Qingyue kept mentioning that he was very similar to his friend, could it be that he was talking about Mu Cheng?

Lin Ke suddenly felt a little unbelievable.

The Lord God world is really small.

Jin Qingyue didn't ask about the origin of the pigeon's blood stone, but said with deep eyes: "And you don't seem to know the real way to use this ring. After I solve Yin Li, I can tell you."

"Why?" Lincoln asked.

The hidden hatred and determination in Jin Qingyue's words were too obvious, which made Lin Ke very concerned.

At present, the mechanism of this dungeon is very clear. The mirror will give players a character strength bonus; players who choose the bright side are more likely to activate the main storyline, and players who choose the dark side will gain stronger combat power and survivability; and By choosing to bring the light side and the dark side together, you can get a "representative" who can appear in the mirror instead of the deity.

If according to what Jin Qingyue said, constantly traveling through the mirror can enhance the influence of the mirror on the player, then there is a theoretical basis for Lin Ke to become "more and more beautiful", because every time he passes through the mirror, the attribute of the bright side of his body increases. will be strengthened once. 

In the same way, Yin Li's strength must have reached the peak that normal players cannot match, and with the duplicate of the tail ring, it is even more powerful. From the point of view of the power system, only another demon with the tail ring can compete with him match. 

But... Lin Ke glanced at Uncle Chen, and then at Jin Qingyue. From the aspect of fighting against Yin Li, cooperation is fine, but easily lending such an important item to Jin Qingyue, who is in an abnormal state, will easily cause himself to be passive.

  Lin Ke doesn't like to be passive, even if it's against Yin Li, he prefers to play in person. After a while, he confessed: "I don't think this is safe enough, maybe we can try other solutions..." While waiting for Lin Ke's answer, Jin Qingyue's face became more and more gloomy. When he said it, he seemed to have known that this would happen a long time ago. He lowered his head and clutched the pigeon blood stone on his chest, and said with a low and miserable smile: "It's not safe... Do you also think that I was dazzled by hatred? If that's the case , I can take away your props from the very beginning, can't I?"

  This topic changed? Link was taken aback for a moment. He didn't think so - but Jin Qingyue's state was obviously wrong. Lin Ke gently clenched his left hand, and slowly tried to appease Jin Qingyue: "I didn't feel that way—"

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