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[Barrage: Ah, the little brother has come out! ]

[Bullet screen: Why are you running away with a red face like this, what happened inside? 】

【Barrage: And after staying for such a long time, it's hard not to let people imagine! Is this scientific? ]

"You..." Huo Jianan, who was standing outside the round mirror, was almost bumped into by Link, and took a step back slightly, pointing at his hair, "Here, your hair is messed up."

Link suddenly raised his head, his fingers flying Tried my hair.

I have encountered so many terrible situations in the dungeon, and I have never seen him so flustered. Huo Jianan looked at him suspiciously.

Lin Ke himself had never encountered such a situation before, and his heart was in a state of turmoil. He had no thoughts in his head, and would just look back at Huo Jianan.

Just now, after Lu Zhou said those words to him, he put the ring on for him.

Due to work reasons, the two of them had already had a lot of physical contact, but this time it gave Lin Ke a very different feeling-it made his whole body explode.

It was a dangerous, uncontrollable feeling.

So he fled immediately, and when he fled, he heard the chuckle of the man behind him.

So confusing!

Lin Ke couldn't express how he felt now, the laughter seemed to penetrate into his body along the wind, through the mirror, and tremble in his chest, and he couldn't drive it out.

"Ah, the magician is back!" So he subconsciously shifted his attention, and immediately noticed the warm and harvest atmosphere outside.

"He made mirrors for everyone," Huo Jianan looked up at the magician's carriage, "This should be the only reward item in this world. I wonder if the system will have other arrangements?" Just now, the magician told

everyone Announced that he made a unique mirror for everyone, but because of the huge workload, he was unable to make other gifts for the guests.

The dungeon that passed the level A level perfectly could only get one item, which made everyone feel "thumped". But of course, most players are still willing to think about what this item means.

The two were talking on one side, but everyone on the other side had almost been assigned, so Huo Jianan led Link to the magician.

"Well, I remember you all firmly, especially you." The magician stretched his right arm and stretched it into the spacious compartment, and the cloak fell gracefully from behind him. "Little angels naturally have the mirrors that little angels need. Thank you at that time Give me so much encouragement... you must know that my heart is very fragile."

He made a sad expression.

This expression immediately attracted the male and female ghosts nearby, and many people's eyes began to show love.

[Bullet screen: Why can an egomaniac and a little pitiful combine to form such an attractive man, pondering...]

[Bullet screen: This shows that we should be more tolerant of others, and it means that our shortcomings are cute. 】

【Barrage: If I wasn't worried about the death of the society, I would also like to go in and see my bright and dark sides. ]

[Barrage: What are you afraid of? Did we hate the fifty or so people who went in this time? no! We all love them! Despite lining up to sisters! ]

[Bullet screen: I hope the Lord God World will allow me to line up again...]

[Bullet screen: You should try it even for rewards, this mirror is so beautiful. ]

In the picture, the magician handed Lin Ke a small round mirror.

This round mirror is only half the size of Lin Ke's palm. It is small, round and fat. It is very delicately made, especially the pattern on the back, which is sacred and mysterious. It makes people feel shocking even if they take a second look, and they dare not let their eyes stay longer .

On the left and right sides of the round mirror, there are still two ear-sized handles of angel wings.

"It's cute." Huo Jianan admired sincerely from the side.

Indeed, compared with the full-length mirrors and makeup mirrors obtained by other players, this mirror looks very cute and delicate, and it can be carried anywhere.

A few people around also cast envious eyes.

Lin Ke was holding a small mirror in his hand, somehow feeling that it looked like a miniature version of the big round mirror.

[Bullet screen: I, Leeuwenhoek, are online again. Does this mirror look like that big round mirror? ]

[Bullet screen: Don't say it, it's too similar, maybe it's Yuan Jing's son. 】

【Barrage: Pfft——my son is okay hahahaha. 】

The barrage was joking, but Lin Ke suddenly covered his heart with the mirror, and looked both sides nervously. Seeing that no one noticed him, Link quietly turned over the mirror, only to see that the round eyes that had just appeared on the mirror and blinked at him had disappeared.

Before he could figure out the relationship between this mirror and the bronze round mirror, the electronic sound of the system sounded in his ears.

[Main God System: After the hard work of the players, the magician's most beloved mirror has finally been repaired. He will continue to use this mirror to continue to show his amazing magic tricks, so that all customers who buy his mirrors will be happy and satisfied. Thank you Everyone's contribution. 】

Following the solemn voice of the main god system, a series of white lights covered the fifty players, and after a while, they returned to the entrance of the dungeon—that is, the room everyone entered for the first time. 

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