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 The carriage was extremely quiet, except for Weng Tianwu's panting and heavy breathing, there was no other sound.

Under the extremely nervous gaze of everyone, Lin Ke raised his hand and pressed Weng Tianwu's chest, and Weng Tianwu groaned.

The people watching didn't know clearly, but Lin Ke clearly felt his palms were cold, and his whole body's strength also strengthened.

Weng Tianwu's face was flushed, and his body temperature should be higher than that of a normal person, but Lin Ke still felt that his whole body was cold, which meant that his body temperature was higher at this time—no matter what caused his body temperature and body Abnormal, which is all a good thing.

Because he was able to compete with Weng Tianwu.

Weng Tianwu roared hoarsely again, and stretched out his hands to grab Lin Ke's thin arm, but he couldn't tear Lin Ke's arm apart for the time being.

Lin Ke took the opportunity to grab his arms, and then locked Weng Tianwu's hands behind his back in an embracing posture. Jin Qingyue saw the sign, stepped up to help, and wrapped Weng Tianwu with a new white silk net. fix.

During the whole process, Weng Tianwu was constantly struggling, but because Lin Ke was heating up beside him like a fireball, he seemed a little dizzy, and his movements gradually slowed down a lot. When he tried to unravel Linke's arms encircling him, Jin Qingyue took the opportunity to tie his wrists with white silk; when he tried to attack Jin Qingyue, Linke hugged him even tighter.

After repeating this, it took more than half an hour for the two of them to barely control Weng Tianwu. Both Lin Ke and Jin Qingyue were covered with sweat.

Jin Qingyue raised his hand to wipe off the sweat, got up and glanced at Lin Ke, seeing that Lin Ke was still supporting himself, he reminded him: "It's ready." Lin Ke, who had been hugging

Weng Tianwu with all his strength, was in a daze. Hearing this sentence, he was relieved. He slightly loosened his stiff arms, took a deep breath and took a step back, frowning to observe Weng Tianwu's condition carefully.

I saw Weng Tianwu lying on his back on the seat, the blood vessels in his pale skin throbbed violently, as if the blood was speeding up in his body.

"Is he better?" Seeing that they all got up, Su Xue asked who was standing a little further away.

Lin Ke observed for a while, then nodded: "It's better, but..."

But it didn't fully recover.

Weng Tianwu's current state is closer to those of the zombie staff. Although his aggressiveness has decreased, he still cannot communicate with people normally, and he probably does not have his own consciousness.

Thinking of this, Lin Ke tried to talk to Weng Tianwu in a low voice, but Weng Tianwu just hummed uncomfortably and did not answer.

He tried to get the little zombie girl to come and translate a few words in the zombie language for him, Weng Tianwu also answered without interest, and the little girl just shook her head.

Such a scene made the hearts of the players even heavier.

"It's okay," Ye Shi stood up to comfort everyone amidst the "bang bang" sound of Weng Tianwu's continuous impact on the seat, "Brother Weng's condition has stabilized now, and the reagents we are using are not developed by Sang Shi. It is not easy to achieve this effect with the latest reagents. We can try to buy new reagents from the APP when we get to Area E."

But obviously, the effect of this sentence is very limited.

Everyone went back to their seats and sat down in silence, while Lin Ke and Jin Qingyue kept watch over Weng Tianwu at close range.

After Jin Qingyue rested on the seat for a while, he straightened up, pointed at the mobile phone in Lin Ke's hand, and asked him with his eyes if he had any new news.

Lin Ke turned on the screen, and Jin Qingyue immediately saw Sang Shi's reply of "temperature is useless", his eyes sank, and his face became serious.

It is less than one day before the annual meeting. If they can't find a way to bring the zombies back to their senses within one day, they may completely become zombies and be forced to integrate into this world, waiting for other players who may or may not appear in the future. saved.

"There's news again." Jin Qingyue reminded Lin Ke.

But saw that Sang Shi sent several more messages.

Link immediately clicked on it, and this time, Sang Shi sent some pictures.

It was a few pages of information, the handwriting was still wet, and the handwriting was scribbled, as if it had been written hastily and excitedly just now. The data described in detail what might happen when Sang Shicong became self-aware for the first time after the injection.

The first record is that Sangshi was at his home. When Sangshi realized that he had "turned into a zombie", he had already left his home, and he was carrying his wife on his back, and was about to leave the city. From this point of view, it uses improved reagents, and after becoming a zombie, it still has the instinct to take away relatives.

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