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    [Barrage: Don't speak? I knew people were gone, just like your shy-headed Yin. 】

【Barrage: Hahaha The previous article is too image, it is really a typical case of shooting and running. ]

[Bullet screen: Don't focus on the garbage, pay more attention to the good life-do you understand me? ]

[Bullet screen: I understand, understand, the little brother who is watching is confused online...]

The voices of "I understand" came out one after another in the bullet screen, and Lin Ke was indeed confused online.

For a moment he even thought he heard it wrong, but the voice clearly came from the mirror—and the mirror itself was stunned.

Yuan Jing blinked her big eyes: "But, no, no!"

It was probably the first time that it was refuted by the owner, its eyes turned into light bulbs, and it was full of bewilderment.

This time, the person in the mirror didn't speak anymore, as if he cherished words like gold and had already expressed his opinion.

The mirror was completely tangled up, "Woooooooooooooooooooooooooh" for a long time, and finally said: "You, you are right, if you don't have any aggressiveness in your heart, you can become a real little angel, but it's really not possible now , I can't let the master come out to see you."

Although it still doesn't work, it gave an extremely important message.

It is telling Lin Ke that only players who are completely "bright side" can invite the owner of the ancient house in the round mirror.

From the looks of it, it is not up to the punishment boss whether he can pass the test of the mirror, because the punishment boss itself will also be bound by the "existence form" in the four-sided mirror world.

Thinking of this, Lin Ke completely realized.

The round mirror in front of him is a complete mirror and a template.

The answer to the customs clearance is in it!

According to the analysis of the relationship between the characters, the mirror itself and Lu Zhou in the mirror form a relationship of dominance and domination, which is the "bright side" and "dark side" of the round mirror. Now it seems that the mirror is selfless, but Lu Zhou may... be eccentric.

As the ruler of the world, he is eccentric! Isn't this the "dark side" of the gods?

Lin Ke's heart skipped a beat, and he felt a little uncomfortable for no reason.

He forced himself to return to his senses and continued to analyze.

At that time, the place he was brought into by Lu Zhou was the "safety mirror" in the round mirror, which meant that the "dark side" of the round mirror lived in the "safe area", while the round mirror body had the right to punish, which meant that the "bright side" of the round mirror lived in the "safe area". "face" controls the "danger zone".

Use the safest and warmest place in your heart to guard the dark side, and use light actions to master the dangerous power. This is the correct way to assemble a mirror.

And this whole world is a nested space of countless mirror fragments. The main god who wants to draw out the dark side naturally needs an absolutely safe and harmless little angel to turn the outside of the mirror into a "safer mirror".

All conditions and clues are all connected in series.

Of course, this is just Lin Ke's one-sided interpretation, but no matter what, the round mirror that only accepts the bright side is using this condition to limit and give players hints.

If there is no such restriction, all players will choose to use the dark side to use dangerous power, the combat power is extremely strong, but they will never be able to pass the level.

They will only fight to the death in the copy.

There is one last thing - find the connection between the round mirror and the customs clearance conditions, and the mystery of this dungeon will be completely solved.

Before that, he had to let Lu Zhou come out first.

Lin Ke took a deep look at the mirror in front of him: "I see."

The eyes on the mirror were shining brightly: "You are welcome to come again next time.

" 】

[Barrage: What do you understand? ! ]

[Bullet screen: This mirror is a customs clearance template, the little brother should have summed up the assembly method of the four-sided mirror. I haven't figured it out yet, this logic is really awesome. 】

【Barrage: Is this the end of the level? ]

[Bullet screen: The dog hasn't hit yet, so what pass. 】

【Barrage: Hahahahaha, the previous article, don't be blinded by hatred. Beating a dog is just a matter of passing. 】

When Lin Ke returned to the fifth floor, he was slightly shocked by the scene in front of him.

Dozens of fat ghosts were pressing down on other skinny ghosts, punching and kicking, and dozens of fat ghosts were opening door after door to investigate, apparently wanting to dig three feet into the ground.

In less than an hour, the situation has completely reversed. Originally, the ghosts manipulated by Yin Li were chasing Lin Ke and Jin Qingyue everywhere, but now they were ghosts manipulated by Jin Qingyue chasing Yin Li everywhere.

It looked cool, and the live viewers were in high spirits.

But Lin Ke, who had just learned about the dungeon mechanism, realized that this was an endless loop——if this continues, no one can leave safely.

Hu Lun came out of a room at this time, and saw Link's eyes lit up: "Is it solved?"

Link nodded: "It's a bit of a guess."

Hu Lun grinned: "I have something to gain here!"

He said , A female ghost was pulled out from the room.

The female ghost had a fierce face, and she struggled to bite Hu Lun, but Hu Lun stopped her twice, and then let Lin Ke see her face.

There was a very obvious birthmark on the female ghost's face.

Even if she became a ghost, she obviously cared about the birthmark very much. Lin Ke's gaze on her face was softer than a feather, but she suddenly exploded like a slashed knife, furious.

Although she had a hideous expression and a birthmark on her face, Linke could still tell that she was actually a beautiful girl.

Lin Ke prevented Hu Lun from trying to put the girl down completely, but took a closer look.

look familiar.

Very familiar.

Isn't this the female ghost who frightened him when he first entered the Lord God's World?

So you are here as an npc!

He was really a "kind" old acquaintance, Lin Ke couldn't help but sigh with emotion at the coincidence of fate. At the same time, he also keenly discovered that the female ghost was a customer in the broken photo of the magician.

Hu Lun said: "Huo Jianan and the others also found a few former customers, but it's a pity that they all became like this. I guess they can't comfort the magician..."

Lin Ke said: "Let me try. Where's Jin Qingyue?"

Lin Ke just finished speaking , He heard a gloomy voice behind him say: "Here."

Turning around, I saw Jin Qingyue standing on the side of the corridor, his face full of impatience: "Have you gone upstairs to see that mirror?"

He looked at Lin Ke Ke's gaze was like a desperate hunter staring at an ineffective bait, very irritated - he was waiting for Lin Ke to successfully lure the disciplinary boss, and then successfully lure Yin Li.

Jin Qingyue became more and more spiritually polluted.

Lin Ke felt vaguely uneasy, seeing Hu Lun next to him showing a defensive expression, he pressed the words of the ring to his throat, and changed the subject: "I know how to get the punishment boss out of the mirror, but there is still one thing to confirm. " Sure enough, Jin Qingyue's eyes lit up when he heard the words, and he almost immediately

asked: "What's the matter?

" Back to the first floor. Jin Qingyue returned to Mu Cheng's room—that is, returned to the dark side of the safe house. As Lin Ke predicted, his mood stabilized a lot.

As if he had a headache, he stepped over a few fat ghosts who were sitting on the ground crying loudly, and sat down at the table, rubbing his temples: "It's so noisy." On the side,

Mu Cheng turned to Linke and Hu Lun Smiled apologetically, "I've caused you trouble."

Seeing Linke's eyes on the fat ghosts, Mu Cheng explained: "The magician's proficiency in making mirrors has increased, and gradually he can illuminate the light of ghosts." That's it."

Mu Cheng couldn't laugh or cry, but Lin Ke was pleasantly surprised.

It's great to have teammates, and sleepy can also send pillows.

What is lacking now is a mirror that can show the bright side.

Lin Ke hurriedly turned his head and said to Hu Lun who was following the female ghost, "Let her try."

Then he lowered his voice and said to the female ghost: "This mirror can make people look good, so you can take a good look at me." It's over."

[Barrage: Hahahaha Has the seller's show started? 】

【Barrage: Laughing dead, I want to watch the buyer's show. 】

【Barrage: Coax ghosts online. ]

[Bullet screen: In order to clear the level, my little brother really fooled ghosts. ]

Hearing Linke's nonsensical bragging, the magician on the other wall blushed and faltered: "Actually, no..."

"Don't talk, your mirror is very good." Linke turned around and interrupted him.

The magician bowed his head in shame.

Whether his mirror is good or not, doesn't he himself not know? Good people can be photographed as ghosts. The little angel actually lied to someone for him...

The magician was feeling sad when he heard someone gasp.

He raised his head in surprise, only to see that the tall man had let go of the female ghost, who was staring blankly at the mirror he made, and tremblingly stretched out her hand to touch herself in the mirror.

The woman in the mirror is quite handsome, maybe it is the woman's original appearance, or it is uglier than her original appearance.

But it was much better than her current appearance, so the woman was a little silly and stunned.

On the contrary, the woman in the mirror was startled by the female ghost, and retreated in a hurry, as if to escape.

"Don't go," Lin Ke, who was watching this scene quietly, had to say, "Do you still remember what happened?" The

woman in the mirror turned half-turned, looked at Link timidly, and the next second Shocked by Lin Ke's astonishing face, he took a few more glances.

In the process of taking a few more glances, she also gradually calmed down, realizing that the hideous woman outside was her original self.

She suddenly came back to her senses, her eyes turned red all of a sudden, against the dimly lit old house behind her, she looked like a ghost revived after a thousand years.

"Remember some." Finally, she said softly.

These words made the eyes of several people in the room brighten up.

The woman thought for a while: "My friends and I came here to find the magician. Because I heard that the mirror he made has the ability to make people better, so we all wanted to buy one of these mirrors. But the magician refused. For us, he said that what he wanted to make was a real mirror..." "

...We didn't give up, but kept begging him, and finally he couldn't help but made mirrors for each of us and took a group photo with us "

This mirror has really improved my life a lot. Whenever I see myself in the mirror, I can regain my confidence. But soon, I heard rumors that a magician made a mirror. A mirror that can really change people, so I couldn't wait to ask my friends to come together, but this time, it's very strange." Speaking of

this, the expression on the woman's face became puzzled and fearful: "The magician looks very haggard, and He became very cold and irritable, and there were broken mirrors everywhere in his room, as if someone came to make trouble with him."

The woman may not know what happened, so she couldn't tell the whole story, so she had to tell what happened at that time. Repeatedly.

At that time, the woman saw the mess all over the floor and asked the magician what happened.

The magician said that a group of greedy people came here, which made him feel uneasy, and he hated those people, so he couldn't continue making mirrors.

The woman is very desperate, hoping that the magician can make one last mirror for her.

Seeing the woman's refusal to give up no matter what, the magician was so entangled that he couldn't help it. He was also angry at the moment, and said to her seriously: "You are a living person, how can you rely on a mirror to live your life? If so , you might as well live in the mirror."

The magician spoke angrily, but unexpectedly the woman agreed, and she said, "Instead of being stared at by others outside, I'd rather live in the mirror!"

In this way, the magician has no choice.

Speaking of this, the woman seemed to be happy with her courage, and laughed softly: "Then the magician took me into a mirror and asked me to wait here, and he said he had made a very perfect mirror. I just waited and waited until I heard the sound of the mirror being shattered..."

This part of the story silenced everyone.

Hu Lun changed his naive look and said seriously, "That means we are still in the mirror. We have been in the mirror since the beginning of the dungeon." "

Then the mirror was shattered." Mu Cheng said slowly.

The answer is becoming clearer.

If returning to the real world means clearing the level, then this mirror is the target they want to repair.

This confusing A-level dungeon finally quietly revealed its full picture to everyone.

"I have an idea." Link told all his conjectures about the four-sided mirror.

Hu Lun's eyes lit up when he heard this: "So it must be like this!"

Mu Cheng also nodded: "I can't think of other possibilities for now. If this is the case..."

"If that's the case," Link said, "we must be in the magician's safety mirror right now. Our first task is to clear the ghosts and restore the safety mirror, so that the magician from the dark side can come back from the mirror."

Hu Lun nodded repeatedly, as if he knew exactly how to pass the level.

[Bullet screen: My head hurts, what kind of gods are these people, they understand all of them? Where is the woo class representative? ]

[God A: Let me try to make a brief summary. The condition for clearing the dungeon is to restore the mirror broken by the magician. According to the compound clue of the four-sided mirror given by the round mirror, restoring the mirror requires a bright-side magician, a dark-side magician, a dangerous mirror, and a safety mirror. From the description of the female ghost just now, it can be heard that the magician who received her for the second time was already a dark-side magician. As for why Lin Ke speculated that they must have entered the safety mirror, I am still thinking about it. ]

[God B: To put it simply, this is an infinite nesting doll world. One mirror can be disassembled into four mirrors, and the fragments of the four mirrors can be further disassembled. The worlds inside and outside the mirror are also nested. It is safer, the inside of the mirror is a safety mirror, if the outside of the mirror is safer, the outside of the mirror will become a safety mirror. It's like you see a safety mirror in a dangerous space in world A, inside the safety mirror is world B, but for players in world B, the world you are in is the dangerous mirror of world B. 】

【Barrage: ... This is what you said, simple? ]

[Barrage: tears streaming down my face. 】

【Barrage: Speaking of which, why doesn't Jin Shen analyze it? ]

Jin Qingyue remained silent.

He didn't speak until Huron asked "how to clean up so many ghosts".

"The thinking is right, but some people won't let us pass the level so easily, we still need to analyze his thinking." Jin Qingyue said.

If you think about it with your toes, you know who he is talking about.

For a while the scene was a little dignified.

"Thinking? His thinking is very clear," Linke smiled softly, he looked at the mirror on the wall, "He wants to control the punishment boss in this dungeon, of course, only I can do this I see, if I want, I can make them show up immediately. But..." "

We still can't find a reason to alarm the disciplinary boss, so let Yin Li shrink his head," Link said slowly, "He loves You can shrink as long as you want, and don't worry, it's easy to be fooled."

[Bullet screen: Pfft——I've picked up the knife so let me see this. Little brother is so stable? 】

【Barrage: Yes, hahaha, haven't you noticed? At first I thought that Yin Li only wanted props, but later I found out that after planning for so long, what I want most is to punish the boss. Now I guess I will scratch my heart and lungs in other small worlds, little brother, this is the loss. The border clearance progress is 80%, and the Yinli progress is 0% hahaha, although it is true that the ring was stolen. 】

【Barrage: +1, I feel like Yin Li is already blown up. ]

[Barrage: Laugh to death. ]

Jin Qingyue obviously showed an expression that he didn't want to wait any longer, but Hu Lun had already said: "That's right, we have a better chance of winning if we make the other party impatient first. If this dungeon can be cleared, then the reward is not small. Hehe "

Mu Cheng also said: "Alright."

Jin Qingyue lingered on Mu Cheng's face for a moment, had no choice but to withdraw his expression, and said in a muffled voice: "Whatever you want—then deal with these ghosts first. Fat ghosts stay Let's deal with those controlled by Yin Li first."

When they discussed the dungeon issue, they did not avoid the female ghost and the fat ghost in the room at all. The fat ghost was under Jin Qingyue's control and could do nothing but cry. The female ghost still had some sanity and had been standing timidly by the side. Now that she heard that these people were going to deal with her, she immediately showed a panicked and alert expression. "Let me try it first," Linke said kindly, and then motioned for the ghost to follow him, "It's just to bring you back to a safe place, trust me, we haven't hurt you, have we? " The ghost froze for a moment and looked up.

I saw the young man who walked to the door had warm eyes, and his whole body seemed to be glowing.

For a moment, the female ghost was surrounded by a very safe feeling, and felt that the night was not so scary anymore. She involuntarily walked towards Lin Ke.


On the screen, Hu Lun, Zhou Zhao, and Huo Jianan searched for the npcs in the photo according to the results of the discussion, and locked up all the ghosts controlled by Yin Li.

With the idea of ​​customs clearance, everyone is full of energy, as if Yin Li has really been left behind.

On the other side, in order to verify another conjecture of his own, Link brought the female ghost to the side of Zengsheng's ancient house.

But before starting, he stopped in the shadow of the porch, turned his head slightly and asked the female ghost: "Can he really control you? How does it feel to be controlled by the ring?" The female ghost was stunned again


This time, the young man in front of her clearly still had that beautiful face like an angel, but her voice and expression inexplicably made her a little scared.

The female ghost took two steps back, swallowed lightly, and said, "Is that the demon you're talking about? When he touched me, I felt suppressed by a powerful force, and then I felt the desire in his mind." , I couldn't help but follow suit."

"Very good," Link said with a relaxed expression, "You may see him again in a while, but don't be afraid." The

female ghost's face suddenly turned pale.

[Barrage: What kind of fairy-level prediction master is my little brother! Couldn't the words just now be to stimulate Yin Li? ]

[Bullet screen: Yin Li's perspective has disappeared, and Yin Li has a movement! 】

"Don't be afraid," Linke showed a lovely smile like a little angel to the female ghost, "I will take you to defeat him."

This smile is very gentle, but full of strength, and the female ghost instantly feels that she is also full of courage.

She nodded heavily, and followed Lin Ke to the depths of the ancient house.

The author has something to say: Thanks to the little angels who voted for me as the overlord or irrigated the nutrient solution during 2021-07-22 20:41:42~2021-07-23 20:28:47~Thanks to the little angels who voted for

mines Little angel: Soymilk, HiaHiaZ, Qingyi 1;

thanks to the little angel of the irrigation nutrient solution: 20 bottles of indifference; 2 bottles of kswl;

thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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