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    The "Six Degrees of Separation Theory" says that as long as you pass through five people, you can connect with people in any corner of the world.

In fact, it is also feasible to pass through five ghosts.

When Lin Ke and Jin Qingyue entered the room belonging to the male ghost, they found that his safety mirror was full of flowers.

It is indeed a flower, and it is carefully cultivated with soil and carefully raised in various flower pots.

"Cough," the male ghost coughed uncomfortably, "my grandma prefers to grow flowers."

[Bullet screen: The safety mirror is the flower that grandma once planted... The setting of this npc is too realistic. 】

【Barrage: I suddenly felt a little sad. If the main god world was destroyed because of the players' wanton destruction, then the npcs who had been living in the dungeon would also disappear together, right? In the end, no one was pleased. ]

[Barrage: This hasn't been destroyed yet! 】

【Barrage: Yes, obviously they are about to clear the level, come on! ]

I saw the male ghost leading the two of them towards another mirror, before fully activating the mirror, he said righteously to the two: "Don't make fun of her for a while."

Lin Ke and Jin Qingyue were wondering, and the male ghost added "Although she has some unrealistic ideas, she always wants to be with me, but that's because I'm so charming." At the

same moment, both Lin Ke and Jin Qingyue felt that this male ghost had Zhou Zhao's demeanor . .

It's no wonder they cherish each other.

Lin Ke and Jin Qingyue immediately stated that they would not make fun of each other.

The male ghost gave them a suspicious look, and finally knocked on the mirror, and shouted into it: "Jiaojiao!"

[Bullet screen: Poof. 】

【Barrage: What a simple setting. ]

Lin Ke: "..."

Jin Qingyue: "..."

The two barely kept their faces unchanged, looking at the mirror with awe.

I saw the mirror brightly lit up, reflecting the picture inside the mirror.

A female ghost was sitting at the table with her feet crossed, her posture was extremely enchanting, she seemed to be staring at a mirror sleepily, when suddenly she heard a voice, her slender neck twisted like a dancing snake: "Yo... Who is it, here again?"

"It's right to protect you," said the male ghost, "don't be duplicity, otherwise why would I appear in your mirror?"

The expression of the female ghost was distorted for a moment, But she soon found two people standing behind the male ghost, and she glanced curiously.

"Oh," she asked, "Is there a guest? But I don't look good in the mirror recently. I'm not in a good mood, so I won't entertain you.

" This brother here has the secret of beauty!"

Lin Ke: "..."

He was about to deny it, but saw the female ghost standing up, walking like a snake, leaning towards the mirror, her long eyelashes fluttering: "Ah! It's that cute little brother in the mirror~"

Linke paused, and quickly exchanged surprised looks with Jin Qingyue—this female ghost has seen his bright side!

"Yes, yes, yes," the male ghost said repeatedly, "I want you to take them to find that little brother." "

Oh," the female ghost stretched out her beautiful hands to Lin Ke and Jin Qingyue respectively, "Then come on. "

【Barrage: Cow, cow, cow, a cow sound was made. ]

[Bullet screen: Does the ghost have a network of contacts? ]

[Bullet screen: Why can this narcissistic ghost become such a beautiful female ghost's safety mirror...]

[Bullet screen: What are you thinking! ! 】

Lin Ke and Jin Qingyue followed good example and entered the next mirror holding ghostly hands.

"Sit down and wait." The female ghost patted the table and walked to a row of mirrors, "I can't remember where I saw it...but this is the place where I know the most people. I can find it for you."

Then the two noticed that there were many mirrors in the female ghost's room.

Before they could express their doubts, the female ghost explained: "The magician once thought that I could prove the perfection of his mirror, so he made me a few more different mirrors... It's a pity that he was wrong. Beautiful, but in his heart he is full of jealousy and desires to be loved too much."

【Bullet screen: Although you said that, we didn't think it was too much. 】【Bullet screen: Strictly speaking, these two points are not considered shortcomings, as long as they don't hurt others? 】

【Barrage: Especially if you tell it, it's even cuter. 】

【Barrage: It's still simpler to be a ghost. ]

Lin Ke obviously thinks so too: "It's nothing, I'm still violent."

[Bullet screen: ... You are not. 】

【Barrage: Laughing and crying, little brother, what misunderstanding do you have about yourself? If you were a violent maniac, you would have let us watch a good show of beating up Yin Li a long time ago. 】

【Barrage: Hey, wait, did you notice that Brother Lin's appearance has changed again? 】

It has indeed changed. The Lin Ke on the screen has a peaceful expression and a casual posture. Except for the occasional small fangs, he can hardly be seen as a demon.

If you look carefully, Jin Qingyue's appearance has also changed. Although his body is still surrounded by black smoke, his eyes are clearer than before.

The female ghost lights up a mirror, and each mirror will reflect a different picture.

In the mirror, there are little ghosts cleaning up the room, friend ghosts sitting at the table chatting, and sleeping ghosts lying on the bed.

This A-level dungeon is unbelievably large, as if it hides a small world.

"Are these mirrors representing danger?" Linke asked casually when he saw that the female ghost was struggling to find it.

The female ghost paused, and looked at Link with a thoughtful expression: "Dangerous? I haven't considered this. I only know that these mirrors will show different pictures every time. Here, I get used to it over time."

Link nodded: "Then just now—"

He turned his head briefly, seeing that the male ghost's mirror had dimmed, and then continued.

"How did you feel about that gentleman just now?"

"He," the female ghost showed an indescribable expression, "he will always be like that. No matter how you treat him, he just has that attitude, as if he can't understand people's words It seems."

Link understood.

For the female ghost, the male ghost is "stable", while the pictures in the mirrors in front of her are "unknown".

"Unknown" is the broadest dangerous field, and it's no wonder that the female ghost knows so many people and has become a socialite in the ghost world.

So how to use the condition of "unknown" to find the girl monster?

Link looked at the picture in the mirror and asked, "When you saw that little...brother, did he wear a pendant made of red stone around his neck?" [Bullet screen: Did you mean to say

little angel just now. ]

[Bullet screen: Hahaha, it's okay to become a little angel brother in an instant. 】

【Barrage: I probably know what my little brother is going to do! He wanted to deepen the female ghost's impression of the little angel through dialogue, so that it would be easier to find the little angel through the mirror, this idea! ]

[Barrage: So that's it! ]

[Bullet screen: There are gains on the other side too! 】

With the vibration of the terminal bracelet again, several people scattered throughout the dungeon felt a glimmer of hope.

The sudden increase in the number of people was Huo Jianan's group approaching the target.

In the picture, Huo Jianan, Zhou Zhao, and Liu Meng are passing through the fifth mirror. The distribution of these mirrors is very peculiar. There seems to be no regularity between the mirrors that can pass through and those that cannot, and some mirrors even become distorted after passing through. For a dead end, some turned around and entered another scene.

Huo Jianan speculates that this is due to the influence of the original owner of the room. Some people have a more closed mind, and the mirror is in a closed state. Some people have a lively mind, and the mirror can lead to all directions. 

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