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Ji Hong's hatred for Lin Ke has reached its peak.

Since the last embarrassing exit, she not only lost Annan's blue eyes, but was also abandoned by Yin Li.

At the same time, Annan also vented the anger accused by Yin Li on her. But she also hated Annan, who even though she was a dog, would bite other dogs casually.

The woman lowered her head slightly, hiding her malicious gaze.

She not only wanted to kill Lin Ke with Annan, but also wanted to get rid of Annan in the process.

Annan said coldly in a low voice: "If you don't succeed this time, you don't have to wait for Yin Li to punish you. You will die yourself. Sober up." "Understood."

Ji Hong raised her eyes.

The two of them put all their attention on Lin Ke in front of them, but they didn't notice that a shaky black figure suddenly stood up behind them.

The black shadow exuded a terrifying low pressure, and slowly approached the two of them.

[Barrage: Whoa! Brother Zombie again! 】

【Barrage: Could it be that the zombie brother thinks that the two of them are going to trouble the little girl? 】

【Barrage: It must be so! After all, they are not good people at first sight. ]

[Barrage: Hahaha, what a trick. The mantis catches the cicada and the oriole is behind. ]

[Bullet screen: Cut the angle of view, and finally saw someone Yin, he seemed to be haggard a lot, hahahaha, his face was full of anger. ]

[Bullet screen: After all, they use one less props now, so he doesn't have anything to show for it. 】

In the perspective of several players switching screens, a dilapidated building is being tightly surrounded with offensive props.

On the roof, Yin Li was angrily letting a few people roll down.

"Do you know how to ask me for something? Just you trash, even if I give you the most powerful props in the world, won't you still be bitten to death by zombies?"

And the few players who were submissive in front of him showed some disdainful expressions when they turned around.

Another wave of zombie attacks is coming.

[Barrage: Don't watch it, it's so boring, just fight and kill, sooner or later you won't be able to beat others! 】

【Barrage: Haha, you are so cute, come back and see Brother Lin! ]

Lin Ke didn't know what happened at all. He closed his eyes and took a nap, thinking about the logic of the entire dungeon in his mind.

He originally thought that "working zombies" were just a spoof setting of the dungeon, but now it seems that the biggest secret is hidden in Yihua Experimental Company.

The boss of this company is undoubtedly the Zombie King who appeared in the client information before... that is Lu Zhou.

Could it be that the zombies they saw were made by the company, and they used living people as experiments?

But even if you use people as experiments, you shouldn't turn your boss into a zombie king, this sacrifice is too great.

Or maybe it's a powerful technology company dedicated to human progress.

He still couldn't figure it out.

Lin Ke was thinking wildly, while reaching out his hand to gently grab the small round mirror in his backpack. The cold mirror body of the round mirror brought a burst of coolness to his palm, making him feel a little comfortable.

Just as he was about to fall asleep, he heard the sound of glass shattering, a man scolding and a woman screaming from the rear compartment.

Linger woke up with a start, and Weng Tianwu beside him had already jumped up.

Xin Chen wailed between the two of them: "Come again—"

With an expression on his face that he didn't want to live anyway, he smiled politely at Lin.

"S-level dungeon, bear with it." Weng Tianwu looked back helplessly.

Xin Chen climbed out with a dejected face, followed by Lin Ke who was hugging the little girl. Lin Ke looked over Weng Tianwu's muscular shoulders and back to the rear compartment.

It was Sang Shi who "caused trouble" again, this vicious zombie man was fighting with a man and a woman.

Although the man and woman looked like zombies, they cursed in human language, and their faces had obvious human features.

The violent movement "woke up" the zombies who were taking a nap with their eyes closed at the front of the three-person carriage, and they all turned their heads.

Lin Ke recognized the two people in front of him at a glance, and calmly said: "Close the door."

Weng Tianwu saw that they were playing vigorously, and those players did not look like normal people. Without a face, he closed the soundproof door between the two carriages.

The sound of fighting weakened, and the zombies in the carriage became quiet.

Weng Tianwu was on guard against the zombies in the carriage, while Lin Ke looked at the situation behind through the glass window on the partition door the size of a human face.

Sang Shi was still fighting fiercely with the two of them. Annan and Ji Hong heard the sound of the partition door being pulled, turned around and saw Lin Ke standing behind the door, their eyes were red with anger.

They wanted to give Lin Ke a sneak attack, but they didn't know that they were attacked by zombies instead.

And now Lin Ke is actually standing there watching a play!

Annan's head was dizzy, he suddenly clicked on the terminal, and used all the last housekeeping props Yin Li gave him in one go, and immediately Sang Shi twitched and fell to the side. It was a little confused, struggling to stand up, but its body was as soft as noodles, and its bones seemed to be broken inch by inch.

Annan stared at it with hatred in his eyes for a while.

He fell into the seat of the moving car, took a few breaths, and then yelled at Ji Hong who fell on the ground: "Hurry up and pull me up!" Standing up slowly with difficulty.

Her gaze also passed over the window where Link was standing, and she met Link's eyes.

For a moment, Ji Hong seemed to understand Lin Ke's gaze, as if saying "Dare to come here", it was exactly the same provocation as in the copy of "Rose Town".

The blood all over her body burned again in an instant, shame and anger rushed into her heart, she coldly stretched out her hand to Annan: "Get up."

Annan cursed, got up with her hand, straightened his clothes, and turned his head Look at Lin Ke.

Due to the use of special props that can be assimilated into NPCs to evade and flee, their appearance became more and more like real zombies in the fight just now. At this time, their vision began to blur, and their noses and ears became separated. Extra sensitive.

Even through the soundproof door, they could hear Linke's weak breathing.

"Hehe, I'm also at the end of my strength." Annan's eyes gradually turned white: "I'm still trying to be brave, see if I don't wow..." [

Bullet screen: What is he talking about... Is he completely turned into a zombie? 】

【Barrage: I'm super angry but failed. ]

[Barrage: Hahahahahahaha! ]

[Bullet screen: Cover your face, stop talking, brother, you seem to be joking. 】

【Bullet screen: I was a little worried about my little brother meeting Yin Li, but now that everyone who sees them has become this kind of chicken, I am suddenly excited, and I am starting to worry that Yin Li can't take it anymore! 】

【Barrage: There has been nothing to worry about. ]

Hearing Annan's nonsense, Ji Hong obviously felt that something was wrong, but when she opened her mouth: "Wow——"

she stopped suddenly.

A sense of fear surged into her heart, but her emotions suddenly became uncontrollable, and it seemed that all desires surpassed reason, which made her aggressive, who was already aggressive.

For a moment, she forgot to teach Annan a lesson, forgot everything else, and rushed towards Lin Ke with a roar.

Annan also went crazy and rushed over.

Sang Shi, who fell on the ground, stretched out his hand, grasping Annan's ankle with his pale fingers, causing him to stagger.

Annan kicked it away.

With a "bang", the isolation door trembled violently when Ji Hong hit it, and the glass also made a crisp sound.

Lin Ke took a step back, and Xin Chen let out a terrified gasp behind him. He saw Weng Tianwu guarding behind him, and a few awakened zombies in the front row were standing up very uncomfortably, staggering up from their seats, as if they were about to Come find out.

"Crack", the glass on the door shattered, revealing spider patterns on Ji Hong's ferocious face. Behind her, Annan attacked indiscriminately. First, he used props to place many zombies, and then rushed forward himself.

The three were flanked back and forth again.

Although Xin Chen was standing between Weng Tianwu and Lin Ke, his legs and feet were all limp, and he desperately asked, "What should I do?"

Weng Tianwu looked serious and didn't answer him, but Lin Ke whispered, "I'll open the door later. , you all step aside, run when they collide, and isolate this compartment before it becomes chaotic."

This idea is the same as he used when he first entered the dungeon, except that there are more zombies now, The interior of the train is not as spacious as the room.

It will be very risky, but Weng Tianwu can protect Xinchen, he can take the little girl to cover, everything will not be too bad.

Weng Tianwu saw that Lin Ke wanted to bring the little girl to attract fire, showed disapproval, and said in a low voice: "It's better not to open the door, I will take you to the other side of the carriage now, and then lock the door."

But that would make more noise and attract the zombies in the car ahead.

Simply incomprehensible.

The sound of Ji Hong's slamming door became louder and louder. If it went on like this, it wouldn't be long before the zombies in other carriages would also be alarmed.

Link shook his head slightly, and was about to say something, when he saw several figures appearing in the aisle of the carriage ahead, waving desperately at them.

It seems to be several players!

Weng Tianwu also saw it, and when he took a closer look, he showed a surprised expression.

Really gamers!

"It seems that there are many players on the bullet train." Xin Chen said excitedly, "This may be able to compete with the zombies." Lin Ke was also a little surprised. There was a

sound in their car, which attracted the players in the aisle, but no Zombies are attracted, which means that in the No. 4 carriage ahead, the players have controlled the situation.

Then everything becomes much simpler.

He and Weng Tianwu checked their eyes, and opened the isolation door the next second.

The roaring Ji Hong shot into the No. 5 car like a bullet. She still retained the consciousness of being a human being. She turned around almost as soon as she entered the door, and grabbed Lin Ke with her paw. Annan roared past Ji Hong, facing the zombies swarming outside.

Under Weng Tianwu's shocked gaze, Lin Ke couldn't run away with them as promised, but was cornered by Ji Hong, and had no choice but to dodge into the No. 6 carriage.

"Take Xin Chen to run and meet them! I'll be back in a while!" Lin Ke shouted loudly, his voice and breath made all the zombies look at him.

Weng Tianwu was stunned for a moment, but he and Lin Ke were separated by several zombies, including Annan who was fighting in chaos. He had no way to rush to save people, so he could only grab Xin Chen and run towards the front compartment.

Lin Ke glanced back hastily, and saw several players in front stretching their necks nervously to meet the two. Lin Ke thought they would close the door to death, but unexpectedly those players did not close the door, but let Weng Tianwu and Xin Chen hide in first, and still stood at the door waiting for Lin Ke.

They were all people he didn't know.

Link's heart was slightly moved, but he didn't stop walking, and ran towards the middle of the carriage.

There were not many zombies in this carriage, and they were all knocked down by Annan. At this time, Lin Ke was running towards Sang Suo—

he was very, very afraid of ghosts, but perhaps he had developed courage in the crowd of zombies. Or maybe it was the players waiting for him on the opposite side who gave him strength, and he was unexpectedly not panicked. He even thought in his heart that if he took a gamble, he might be able to win a head and contribute to the cause of saving the client.

Sang Shi on the ground widened his gray eyes, and judged the human's trajectory based on Linke's breath. It never imagined that there would be humans running towards it in this life.

Sang Shi's mood was complicated for a moment.

"You can understand me, right?"

Sensing the young man rushing in front of her, Sang Shi slowly raised her head.

Its language system has not been used for a long time, but it has never forgotten its days as a human being.

It misses the days when people could talk and laugh normally, but humans ran away when they saw him, and the zombies couldn't understand what it said to humans. Over time, its behavior and language became like real zombies, biting and roaring everywhere.

While understanding what he was doing, he seemed to have forgotten what he used to be.

But now, there is actually a human being speaking human words to him?

Sang Shi hesitated for a moment.

"Wake up! I know you can understand!" Lin Ke turned sideways suddenly, avoiding Ji Hong's blow. Ji Hong's claws inserted into the seat of the train, pulling out balls of tattered cotton wool.

He resolutely tried to wake up Sangshi. According to the information provided by the main god system, Sangshi should still retain complete humanity, and most of them can understand human language.

"Eight-eight!" Sensing the danger, the little zombie girl who was temporarily thrown aside by Lin Ke screamed.

Link paused, and Sang Shi suddenly raised his head.

The cry suddenly hit Sang Shi's heart.

If it is said that the young man who spoke human language to it in front of him might be confused, but this little girl who can also speak a little human language is a real zombie—a zombie who can speak human language just like him !

Sang Shi's gray eyes were almost filled with tears, and she opened her mouth: "Ni—"

Ji Hong grabbed Linke's shoulder, opened her mouth wide to show her sharp teeth, and bit down.

"I'll tell you why!" Lin Ke understood Sang Shi's state with just one glance, and concluded that Sang Shi definitely understood what he said.

As a zombie with human nature, it is impossible for human society to want him, and it is impossible for him to have friends in the zombie world. Seeing a similar kind now, he is probably going crazy with excitement.

Sure enough, when Lin Ke ticked off the words, Sang Shi twitched all over as if he had been beaten with chicken blood.

It was hit by Annan's sure-kill item, but as an undead, this only added some pain to it-as long as its will was strong enough, it could resist this pain.

[Bullet screen: I'm going...it got up, didn't it hit an S-level offensive item? ]

[Bullet screen: Then he is also a small boss in the S-level dungeon, you can't underestimate it, right? ]

[Bullet screen: Brother Lin, what a genius, he made the zombies come to life in one sentence. ]

[Bullet screen: Little brother rush! 】

The zombie let out a howl and punched Ji Hong on the temple.

Ji Hong had just transformed into a zombie, and still retained the fatal spot that belonged to humans, and immediately let out a scream and fell to the side.

But she soon became more angry, rushed forward as if she didn't know the pain, and started kicking and biting Sang Shi.

[Barrage: Why do I think she is more zombie than zombie. ]

[Barrage: Players are really scarier than zombies. ]

Something is really wrong.

After Sang got up, Lin Ke consciously retracted into his seat, maintaining a posture that was easy to defend but difficult to attack, and kicked Ji Hong's outstretched arm away from time to time.

During the fight, he obviously found that Ji Hong looked more like a zombie than the zombies in Area C. She was excited and aggressive, as if she had completely lost consciousness and just wanted to kill.

At least the zombies in Area C still want to buy a house under the desire to kill.

Of course, this may be because Ji Hong wanted to kill him very much.

But something is still wrong.

Lin Ke carefully observes Ji Hong who is with Sang Shidou.

At this moment, Ji Hong suddenly leaned back, and the zombie rushed into the air, and Ji Hong grabbed the graying hair. For some reason, Sang Shi froze all of a sudden, his whole body stopped moving, and even reached out to try to comfort Ji Hong's arm.

This is also a habitual action, Lin Ke's eyes widened slightly, as if thinking of something.

"Wow!" Sang Shi let out a cry of pain.

I saw the ungrateful Ji Hong crazily pressing Sang's lost teeth and face with her knees. Since she also became a zombie, she was not afraid of her knees being bitten by the zombie's fangs, which suddenly put Sang at a disadvantage.

Seeing that Sang Los's situation was turning critical, Lin Ke looked around and reached out to remove the safety hammer on the wall.

It's a pity that the handle of the safety hammer is too short and the attack distance is limited, so he can only stick out his upper body and swing the handle—this is enough, Ji Hong was caught off guard by a surprise attack, and became even more annoyed, letting go of Sang Shi and pounced on Lin Ke.

Sang Shi was suddenly let go, as if he had come to his senses, seeing Ji Hong going to kill Lin Ke, how could she succeed, immediately exhausted all his strength, hugged her waist and threw her down.

Only a loud bang was heard. The back of Ji Hong's head hit the armrest of the chair of the moving car hard, her eyes widened, showing a staring expression.

After struggling violently for a moment, she slowly stretched out her long tongue, and then remained motionless.

Sang Shi gasped for breath, got up and pressed her shoulder firmly, until she confirmed that Ji Hong would no longer resist, then stiffly supported the ground, and slowly got up.

Lin Ke leaned against the window and witnessed the whole process of their fight. Now he watched Sang Shi turn around slowly, tense up with some guard, and stared into his eyes.

Sang Shi's gray eyes rolled around, as if aware of him, but then turned his head to the little girl standing at the end of the carriage.

Sang Shi moved towards the little girl step by step.

It was seriously injured, and its feet were a little limp. Coupled with his stiff movements, it looked particularly terrifying, as if the whole zombie was about to fall apart.

Link also moved out of his seat and followed Sang Shi. Now he was convinced that Sang Shi was rational: "You can understand me, right?" This was the third

time Link asked it, and now Sang Shi Shi also understood that the young man behind him really knew its situation.

It stopped and turned its head stiffly: "Ni...recognize..."

It's normal to be stiff and unable to speak. If a person does not talk to others for decades or hundreds of years, even his mother tongue will be easily forgotten.

"I know you," but Linke understood, he thought, "The company thinks you are under too much work pressure, so let me assist you with your work." [Bullet

screen: Are you going to work for the boss? Shock! 】

【Barrage: Don't talk about zombies, even I won't believe that! How can there be such a conscientious company! 】

【Barrage: It's okay, it's okay, my little brother has always had a good relationship with the punishment boss, so it's not surprising to help run the company. dog head. ]

[Bullet screen: moving! 】

If you don't believe the barrage, of course Sang Shi is even less likely to believe it. It has survived for so long in this world where it eats people at every turn, bites each other, and has always pretended to be peaceful. Suddenly someone said to help him, which sounds like a conspiracy.

But Lin Ke was the only one who recognized its existence, and he also brought the little girl.

The little girl who helped her find her wallet back.

So Sang Shi neither answered nor refuted, but went up to touch the little girl's head again, and said a few words to her in the language of zombies.

Then Sang Shi returned to her seat, took out her briefcase, took out a tube of reagent from the briefcase, squatted beside Ji Hong and injected it into the vein on the back of her hand. Then he picked up Ji Hong and walked to the next section of the carriage.

"Wait a minute, can you really do it alone? Your wife, isn't she in a good condition?"

Lin Ke gently embraced the little girl, raised his head and asked tentatively for the last time.

But Sang Shi suddenly turned around, opened his mouth wide in disbelief, showing his broken teeth.

He guessed right.

The author has something to say: Thank you for the little angel who voted for me or the irrigation nutrient solution during 2021-08-12 19:36:30~2021-08-13 20:02:40~ Thanks for the

irrigation nutrient solution Little Angel: 30 bottles at a flow rate of 360; 10 bottles indifferently; 6 bottles with shame;

thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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