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  Lin Ke opened his eyes and found that Uncle Chen was sitting on a stool looking at him.

Yesterday he was caught in the rain, and his body temperature was so hot that he could cook sweet potatoes. Uncle Chen naturally stayed up all night.

Looking at the dim light coming in from the window, Lin Ke struggled to remember, but Uncle Chen pressed him lightly: "I asked the teacher for leave, how can I not take myself seriously?" The thin

Lin Ke remained silent. .

Looking at this appearance, Uncle Chen sighed inwardly.

Don't look at this kid who is young, but has deep thoughts. He has been raised for so many months, but he can't be "cooked" no matter what.

He could see that Lin Ke was reticent and withdrawn, and it was difficult for him to blend in with the crowd. Fortunately, the child was obedient, so he tried to ask Lin Ke to help others more, create some interaction with his classmates, and at the same time enhance his self-confidence.

Who knew that this kid was stubborn and took this matter as a task. He gave the umbrella to someone else when it rained so much yesterday.

"Before helping others..." Uncle Chen wanted to say, "I should also see if I have enough ability to help others", but seeing Linke's somewhat ashamed eyes, he couldn't say this anymore, he paused. , "Protect yourself first."

"Yes." The little boy covered the quilt.

Seeing his appearance, Uncle Chen wanted to sigh again, but at this moment he heard a knock on the door.

He turned to open the door, only to see Hu Chunfang from the neighborhood committee standing at the door holding a little girl's shoulders.

When the middle-aged woman saw Uncle Chen, she bowed her head and said to the little girl, "Lanlan, your name is Uncle."

"Uncle." The girl with the schoolbag on her back called out to Uncle Chen, and then poked her head to look inside the room.

"The child told me that thanks to your Lin Ke, she didn't get caught in the rain. She said she didn't come to class today. I wondered if she had a cold?" Hu Chunfang had a lot of dealings with Chen Bo's social work team, so she directly He came to the door.

Chen Bo hurriedly said it was all right, but Hu Chunfang still insisted on coming in to take a look, and Lan Lan also took out notes from her bag to make up lessons for Lin Ke.

She is not familiar with this new little brother, but fortunately, she is cheerful, not shy, and thoughtfully marked out all the knowledge points that Link has not learned before.

Lin Ke's fever had almost subsided, but he didn't expect to have to go to class again, and a little girl taught him again. After all, his face showed a bit of uneasiness, and he listened to each other.

Lan Lan looked at him from time to time, her eyes full of liking—although this new classmate was not talkative, he was cute and handsome.

In the next room, Uncle Chen and Hu Chunfang chatted about Lin Ke's situation, and Hu Chunfang was very optimistic: "Don't worry, this kid is quite likable. Our family Lanlan hasn't offered to ask anyone for tutoring yet. I am always afraid that others will surpass her."

Chen Bo sighed: "I hope so."

After this incident, Chen Bo never "asked" Lin Ke to take the initiative to help anyone, but Lin Ke seemed to practice this in silence, Gradually, I also made a few friends.

"Troubleshooting" has become a channel for Lin Ke to communicate with others, and it seems to be developing well, but Chen Bo is always uneasy.

Because Uncle Chen could see that Lin Ke did this not out of a good-natured mentality, let alone wanting to be appreciated, but simply because he didn't know how to communicate with others. He rarely took the initiative to find anyone, even when others asked him When going out to play, Lin Ke often refused, and those friends gradually separated from him as he took exams and entered higher education.

In the end, Lin Ke still likes to go home the most, sitting at that small table, either reading a book, doing homework, or just staring out the window in a daze.

Before Lin Ke went to the local boarding school, Uncle Chen asked him if he wanted to live in the school.

"No." Sure enough, Lin Ke refused.

Chen Bo's health is not good, he knows that he can't watch Lin Ke go too far, so he has to take Lin Ke to meet colleagues everywhere, hoping that Lin Ke can get along with them.

But no matter how hard Uncle Chen tried, Lin Ke still only maintained the most basic politeness with others, and then habitually used his very casual handsome face to harvest a wave of favorability from everyone, and finally turned around and returned without touching himself .

It's as if his going out is just a task, and returning home is the end.

Such a loner, what can one do in the future?

Uncle Chen: "..."

Uncle Chen felt dizzy for the first time.

Just when he didn't know what to do, an opportunity appeared.

One day, Lanlan didn't know what to say on behalf of Lin Ke, which made some thieves anxious, chased Lin Ke to make trouble, and even brought the fight to the house, almost hurting Uncle Chen.

Lin Ke suddenly went crazy, and the first time he fought back fiercely, the gangsters were so frightened that they never dared to provoke him and Uncle Chen again.

It happened that everyone was there that day, so Chen Bo asked Lin Ke jokingly in front of everyone: "Now there is an old man supporting you, what will you do in the future when you are alone?" But Lin Ke stared at

him for a while, as if Like a small animal, he asked very sensitively: "What's the matter?"

At that moment, Uncle Chen felt the sense of security that Lin Ke lacked so much.

He brought Lin Ke to his colleagues again and introduced him to them again. It was at that time that Uncle Chen confirmed that if Ke Lin wanted to, he would make Ke Lin a social worker—this is the profession that can best connect with others, and it is also the profession that can best tie Ke Lin to the world. career.

Time flies, Lin Ke went to college, but just like when he was a child, he came back soon after graduation, never thinking about going to another big city.

He looked more and more handsome, with long arms and long legs, and he still sat back on the small chair in front of the desk and asked Uncle Chen, "Do you want me to be a social worker?" Uncle Chen was silent for a moment: "What do you want to do?"


Ke After thinking for a while, "It's fine."

Uncle Chen stared at him for a long while, "Then let's do it together!"

Seeing that Uncle Chen was willing to let him continue to follow, Lin Ke smiled: "Okay."

Lin Ke is too obedient, especially compared to other rebellious boys, he can be regarded as extremely caring. This is obviously something to be happy about, but for some reason, Uncle Chen can't be happy. How much he wished Linke could tell what he wanted to do, what he wanted to do, what he liked and what he didn't like, instead of just listening to him.

But Lin Ke didn't let him relax in this aspect. Since Lin Ke joined the social work team, he has been conscientious. Those troublesome things don't seem to make him angry at all, and the gratitude of others doesn't seem to make him happy.

And his body has been getting worse and worse.

Uncle Chen thought it was impossible, and he was at the last moment of his life, so he told him a few words at the end, asking him to work hard to find what he likes, instead of simply living for others.

After all, Lin Ke is obedient and will definitely do what he says.

Unexpectedly, when he really couldn't hold on, Link went to work in a small town dozens of kilometers away.

At the last moment of his life, there was only one wish left in his heart--hoping that Link would not be so tense from now on, but to find what he likes and the passion to live.

It is a pity that Chen Bo's good expectations did not come true.

After he left, Ke Lin continued to work diligently as if he had lost his backbone, but he seldom talked to his colleagues—he also turned down all the dinner parties without Chen Bo.

Colleagues who were worried about his condition once visited him at home, but saw Linke just sitting at a small table to rest, and asked him what he wanted to say, Linke only replied "nothing".

He's really fine, he's living a perfectly normal life, working, getting paid, living his life.

It couldn't be more normal.

Why is everyone always worried about him?

Lin Ke felt very strange in his heart.

Since Uncle Chen left, he felt empty in his heart, and he didn't know who to talk to, but he thought he was very healthy, and he didn't show any worrying symptoms.

But everyone just felt that he seemed to lack something. What did he lack? Lin Ke felt baffled.

There are not many people in the world luckier than him who have food, shelter, and sleep.

He doesn't think that human beings must live in groups, that they must like or dislike something, and that they must have passion, as others think.

Because he didn't understand that emotion at all, and the fire of life had never burned in his chest.

If it hadn't been for the fire, he would have lived like this until he died of old age.

——The fire still happened.

That day, when Lin Ke came back from get off work, he saw many people around the small building where he lived, and when the fire was burning upstairs, his head buzzed.

For a split second, he couldn't hear anything, couldn't react at all.

Beside him, a mother was kneeling and begging for help. Link saw that the window where he had been sitting had turned black. Looking down, he saw a child crawling on the balcony on the second floor where the iron window was welded.

He thought blankly, it was on fire, it was over, his living place was gone.

Only then did voices come from afar. The woman cried "children" and the little girl cried "brother", but the firefighters hadn't arrived yet.

Their heart-piercing cries touched Lin Ke's heart with some extremely strong emotions.

In such an instant, he realized how much he liked and loved this small room. The pain of losing something he loved made his whole body tremble. In an instant, he understood all those emotions and the bonds between people.

He finally understood what he was missing.

"Don't go there, don't be impulsive, you can't save him, you can only let yourself be trapped inside!" Someone persuaded the mother.

"Damn, there's a crazy car stopping the fire engine!"

"Do you have towels and water, let's try to save that kid?"

Firefighting, rescue people?

This is not within the scope of his business, but...

When Lin Ke came to his senses, he had already rushed into the flames. He couldn't tell whether he wanted to take a last look at the place where he had lived for more than ten years, or I really want to save people.

But he did come to the second floor and kicked open a barred window.

This gap is enough for countless hands to pick up the child.

Then he heard his name being called, loud as if a million people were calling his name, but the flames behind him and the hot railing in front of him locked him in place.

He had thought it would hurt to be burned to death, but it didn't.

A very warm touch enveloped him, and he returned to his desk in a daze.

Uncle Chen seemed to have appeared as well, standing beside him and looking at him, his eyes were both sad and relieved.

In the ear, a voice sounded.

[Dear host, hello, after testing, you are a kind, enthusiastic, and extremely professional person. Would you like to be our staff and work with us to build a better world? 】

The author has something to say: Thanks to the little angels who voted for me as the overlord or irrigated the nutrient solution during 2021-09-07 20:32:03~2021-09-12 20:59:10~Thank you for casting

mines The little angels: all the pits, Kylinsuuuuu, and Jianzhujian 1;

the little angels thanking the irrigation nutrient solution: 209 bottles of Sakurai Xiao; 15 bottles of soft kiss; ; Learn from Oda Zuo 2 bottles; Zhijiu 1 bottle;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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