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    Link's whole body sank into the bed, and he sat up, only to see a human-shaped pit under his body, which was as black as an open bloody mouth.

Lin Ke: "..." Well, it seems that he stayed in the "dream mirror" for too long, and he also triggered the death point in this room.

He immediately touched the little finger of his left hand to confirm that the tail ring was still there.

Lincoln breathed a sigh of relief.

"Get up soon! You are still so rough in the dungeon!" Uncle Chen shouted hoarsely from the side.

When he was a child, Chen Bo called him to wake up early and called out the conditioned reflex, Lin Ke was so excited that he rolled over and got out of bed.

Fortunately, the hypnotic effect of this big bed seems to have disappeared, and it has no effect on Linke anymore.

Lin Ke looked at the furnishings in the room, but there was not much change. Because Uncle Chen saw that he was acting recklessly and in danger, he looked at Uncle Chen with a guilty conscience and asked, "What happened just now? Why are you suddenly able to speak?" He

clearly Remember that unless someone looks at Uncle Chen, Uncle Chen should be speechless.

Only Uncle Chen in the mirror blew his beard and stared: "You still dare to ask me? You can be eaten by the bed even if you sleep! See what else you can do?" Lin Ke: "..." His face became hot


habitually Embarrassed and angry: "I'm back, haven't I?"

[Barrage: Pfft. 】

【Barrage: Stop scolding, don't scold people, you're going to scold people for being stupid hahahaha. The little brother is so cowardly when he meets Uncle Chen. Is this the effect from childhood to adulthood? 】

【Barrage: Laughing to death, it's good to be back, I'm relieved! 】

【Barrage: The tail ring is still there! That is, Shi Hammer Yinli can copy props in this dungeon, but what is the effect of the copied props? ]

[Bullet screen: No matter what, he can't be allowed to copy again. 】

Uncle Chen "hummed" twice. God knows how nervous he was when he saw Lin Ke sinking into the bed just now. Now he will see that he is really fine, so he no longer wastes time criticizing Lin Ke, but puts everything he saw just now. Said it in detail.

It turned out that something was wrong just as Lin Ke lay on the bed, and his face was pale as if he had lost his soul. At that time, Uncle Chen was already shouting in a hurry, but unfortunately he couldn't make a sound due to the restrictions of the dungeon.

After about an hour or two, the bed suddenly mutated and began to wriggle like a living body, trying to swallow Link into it.

Seeing that Ke Lin started to fall into the bed, Uncle Chen, who knew what the copy was, also understood that Ke Lin had triggered the death condition. When he first came to this world, he stepped on a pit and was eliminated. Next, he began to observe the room, and found that there were cut-out photos and drawings everywhere in the room. Chen Bo had excellent eyesight, and found a piece of photo fragments of the upper half of the face, revealing a pair of eyes of the owner of the photo.

He tried to stare at the eyes in the photo and yelled, but found that he could successfully yell, and then called Link back.

Uncle Chen was very proud of himself as he talked about it, and at the end he taught Lin Ke: "So in everything, we must start from the perspective of solving problems, think more about it, and find common points between conditions. The thinking of customs clearance must be in it. "

Hearing these words, Lin Ke was dumbfounded.

[Bullet screen: I was dumbfounded, so Abo broke the shackles of his own conditions by making inferences and looking at the eyes in the photo based on the condition that he can only talk when he meets people's eyes? ]

[Bullet screen: Damn it! This also works! ]

[Barrage: Ginger is still hot! Oh my god, if it were me, I would never have thought of this method. It feels even better than my little brother's idea. ]

Lin Ke opened his mouth again and again, and then he said the question he wanted to ask a long time ago: "How...how did you get eliminated before?"

Speaking of this Uncle Chen became angry again, his eyes widened Quan: "Can I be eliminated?"

"You haven't been eliminated?" Link also stared wide-eyed.

"They bullied my old man, how can it be called elimination?" Chen Bo paused, "The world I entered was not logical at all!" It turned out that I was


The excitement of surprise was instantly extinguished, and Lin Ke said with disgust: "You said just now that you must have a way to clear the level." Uncle Chen knew that

Link looked stinky, but in fact he was feeling sorry for himself. Without choking him, he just said: "It's like this, the world I entered at the time, it was like the Star Wars in the movie, there are locomotives and mechas everywhere, can I not end up as an old man?

" screen:? ? ? World-class copy? S-class? Isn't that just a copy of No Survival, no one has cleared the level? ]

[Bullet screen: Mom, I have a new understanding of Uncle's fighting power... It turns out that Uncle is the sweeping monk...] [

Bullet screen: I was shocked. ]

On the screen, Lin Ke was obviously also greatly shocked. He asked Chen Bo the specific situation carefully, and only then did he know that Chen Bo had experienced more dungeons than him. Although he also encountered malicious players and was tricked several times, But most of them were safe and sound. In Uncle Chen's own words, he was an old uncle who looked poor and white, but he was not deliberately targeted by anyone.

But this is a dungeon, who would respect the old and love the young in the dungeon? He also felt that he couldn't keep his modesty, so he said hastily, "What these little kids are thinking, you can guess all of them at the beginning, everyone is human, that's all." All in all, after Chen Bo came to this world, he survived all the way, and was not eliminated until the last S-level dungeon.

Link was completely speechless.

"Then you see, is there any way to clear this dungeon?" He asked.

[Barrage: Hahahaha has become "you". 】

【Barrage: Respect. ]

"I don't know," Uncle Chen said cruelly, "I've been in the mirror all this time, and I can't see anything, so use your own brain!"

Lin Ke: "..."

[Barrage: The education method is good hahahahahahahahahaha. 】

【Barrage: Hurry up, little brother, the situation is urgent! 】

【Barrage: Hee hee hee, what's the use of being quick? ]

[Barrage: Me? The ingredients in the previous article are wrong, everyone run away. 】

【Barrage: What are you running for? You are Yin Li's lackeys, you all come here! Ahhh, you all thought we were easy to bully! 】

【God A: Well, we are not vegetarian either. ]

The situation is indeed urgent.

After the first round of confrontation between Lin Ke and Yin Li just now, when Yin Li got the silver ring and took Jin Qingyue away, many of Yin Li's followers suddenly jumped out of the barrage.

They were always on the verge of making a move, but kept diving because Lin Ke's voice was too loud, but now seeing that Yin Li really had the upper hand, one by one of them suddenly stood up and waved the flag of Yin Li's army.

You know, the tail ring is an item that can control bosses and subdue npcs. With this item, it is no problem to clear any dungeons. They thought it would be a waste of money for this item to fall into Linke's hands. Now they finally have the opportunity to touch it. , Of course, we must quickly support Yin Li.

More and more malicious bullet screens began to spread, which also included intimidating players and audiences who supported Linke.

They thought that the players would run away like a dog in the water when they saw them, but they didn't.

Those high-level players who are keen on diving, protect themselves wisely, and will leave silently when they see them, this time they directly turned on their mics and responded to them, while other small players with a herd mentality and cowardly strength also followed up one after another. Hit them.

They were astonished and enraged at the same time, clamoring to wait for Yin Li to finish off Linke, and then go back and punish them, the group of followers.

And all the players are worried and anxious, so they "urge" Lin Ke in the bullet screen-everyone knows that it is extremely dangerous for the ring to be copied by Yin Li, after all, everyone has seen Lin Ke. When the guest uses the ring, even the punishment boss can be held in his hand!

In the screen, Lin Ke, who even leads the punishment boss in his hand, has already started to act.

In fact, Chen Bo has already told him the biggest clue to leave the secret room.

Link slowly scanned the scattered photos on the table, stool, and floor, and then looked at the gray mirrors on the wall.

The mirrors didn't respond to Link's appearance before, because their owner was not Link, but the original owner of the room.

Since the eyes in the photo can make Uncle Chen speak, can the face of the owner in the photo also activate these mirrors?

He first bent down to pick up the photo fragments on the ground one by one, gathered them all in his hand, then cleared out the stool, sat in front of the vanity mirror, made a simple classification according to the size and color of the fragments, and then started to puzzle.


[Bullet screen: The little brother is working hard to pass the level, Jin Shen is also working hard! ]

[Bullet screen: Haha, Young Master Yin Li is so handsome~]

[Bullet screen: Why is Jin Qingyue mentioned? Didn't you see that he was almost eliminated? Don't embarrass yourself here...]

On the screen, the picture was reorganized like fragments, and the figures of two demons, one big and one small, fell from the sky above the ancient house.

"You also discovered it," Yin Li squinted his eyes and said contentedly, "As long as you decipher the secret of the mirror world, you can travel infinitely in it. Obviously only you and I are rivals, but that kid can get such a powerful item... ... Hee hee, isn't the world of the main gods very unfair?"

Jin Qingyue's robe was blown up by the wind, and realizing that his power was stronger, Jin Qingyue narrowed his eyes and raised his hand to pinch Live on Yinli's neck——

The two fell to the ground together, making a "boom" sound, and smashed a deep hole.

It was quiet all around here, and the architectural form was exactly the same as before, except that there was no one there, like a scene in another mirror.

Jin Qingyue said coldly: "What is the truth you were going to say just now?"

Yin Li showed a malicious smile on his face, and leaned into Jin Qingyue's ear and said something.

The next second, Jin Qing got more and more enraged. He suddenly turned over and threw Yin Li heavily on the ground, his fighting power was much stronger than before.

But Yin Li stretched out his left hand wearing the tail ring like lightning, and also grabbed Jin Qingyue's neck. Jin Qingyue's eyes widened and he was pressed down.

【Barrage:? ? ? How come, isn't this ring ineffective for players? Why can he restrain Jin Shen? 】

【Barrage: Could it be that the replica is stronger than the real one? 】

【Barrage: Hehe, it's too late for you to be afraid. ]

[Barrage:? ? ? Get out! 】

I saw Yin Li's left hand suddenly tightened, appreciating the ring's effect very proudly, and said with a sneer above Jin Qingyue's head: "Lin Ke is such an idiot, he doesn't know the function of this ring at all...he didn't use it at all One ten-thousandth of the power. But it is thanks to him being so stupid that I got the ring so quickly."

The boy who was pressed to the ground by him was obviously stiff and unable to move. There was a flash of astonishment in Jin Qingyue's eyes, then his blood-red eyes drooped, and he said in a gloomy voice: "Thank you for talking to me so much... It's a pity that it's the same topic, I won't let you use it to lie to me again Time. The next time we meet, it will be your death."

As soon as the words fell, he disappeared suddenly, leaving only Yin Li's left hand that was suddenly clenched into a fist.

Yin Li groaned, and then slowly opened his palm.

Blood was dripping, and there was a shard of mirror stuck in the palm of his hand.

Instead of being angry, Yin Li laughed, as if the pain made him feel very happy. Standing where he was, he laughed louder and more crazily.


[Barrage: Oh my god, this pervert is scary. ]

[Barrage: Where is Jin Shenren? ! 】

【God B: I finally understand. Players who are directly dragged into the mirror by No. 1 mirror and No. 2 mirror are all onto the mirror, and the body and the "self" in the mirror are fused, so they can directly shuttle through various mirrors. Only Lin Ke combines the No. 1 mirror and No. 2 mirror, so the "self" in the mirror is complete, and he can collect other clues through his actions in the mirror in his sleep. I tend to think that the method used by Lin Ke is the most correct. 】

【Barrage: I think so too, it's safer. 】

【C God: That's right, because the mirror fragment world is essentially a multi-space maze, and you may get lost in it when exploring. You need an original body as a fixed coordinate anchor point, which is the normal arrangement of the A-level book. The gate for customs clearance should be in the original the world you live in. ]

[God D: Rounding the guess, if you want to pass the level, Lin Ke is the only coordinate. The clues he's putting together will summon the boss. ]


There are more than ten photos in total.

One photo is a headshot of a man, that man is the owner of the "eye" that Uncle Chen saw, or in other words, a magician.

The magician in the photo is wearing a magician's unique top hat. He has an unshaven beard, a haggard face, and dark circles under his eyes. This photo distorts the whole person, and it looks like the magician himself held the camera and pressed the shutter.

There are also four or five photos of the magician in his childhood, wearing a small dress and standing at the gate of the old house to take pictures. If you look closely, you will find that the magician's clothes are a little different, more like each photo has its own time flow. The rest of the photos are group photos of the magician and several other men and women. They are all standing at the entrance of the ancient house, one on the left and one on the right, with mirrors of different shapes in the middle. Everyone has a bright smile on their faces. It seems that these are customers who have bought mirrors before, and they are all very satisfied with the mirrors. Link looked at the fragmented headshot on the dressing table.

[Barrage: This photo is broken into pieces, what can I do? ]

After thinking for a while, Lin Ke quickly adjusted the angle of the dressing table and the vanity mirror, and finally let the photo appear awkwardly on the vanity mirror.

[Barrage: ... Mommy! Can it still be like this? Ok, Ok! It tastes like an escape room! 】

Finally, Lin Ke dragged the whole dressing table and "creaked" to a mirror next to Uncle Chen.

After waiting for a long time, there was no response.

He "creaked" and dragged the dressing table clockwise to another mirror.

The mist on the mirror swayed slightly, but still no figure was revealed.

Lin Ke frowned, and when he was about to try the third mirror, he suddenly heard a slight sound coming from the mirror. His footsteps suddenly paused, and then he kept his composure, squatted down and looked at it as if the dressing table was stuck on the ground, hid his body behind the window sill, and let out a soft "Huh".

There was no reaction in the mirror, but Uncle Chen looked at Lin Ke squatting on the edge of the dressing table and putting on airs from a long distance, and his face was full of "what are you talking about".

Lin Ke put a finger on his lips, and then hurriedly searched around the dressing table.

Seeing Lin Ke dawdling back and forth, Uncle Chen's expression became more and more twitching, obviously he was enduring it again and again.

Finally, when Uncle Chen was about to explode like a balloon, Ke Lin made a pleasant surprise.

"I found it," Linke said, "I knew the magician hid the things here!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he suddenly poked his head out from the side of the dressing table, and it was the same as the one that quietly appeared in the mist inside the mirror. The eyes looked at each other.

Eyes: "..."

The eyes were about to disappear, but Lin Ke said coldly: "I know you are here, hiding is useless, you have messed up the world, can you just hide?"

The evasive personality derived from self-doubt is usually timid and inferior. Linke doesn't really want to scare the magician, but in order to keep the magician, he can only do this.

Sure enough, those eyes blinked, as if they were about to cry, and then the fog on the mirror surface dissipated, revealing a man sitting slumped on the ground, he was climbing on the frame in a ridiculous posture, it seemed that he was peeking just now Lin Ke's actions.

He cried with a sad face: "I didn't do it on purpose, I can't do anything well... woo woo woo..."

Then the magician really burst into tears, his big head buried in his arms, and the top hat slipped off his head.

"Okay, okay," Linke cast a smug look at Uncle Chen, and after getting Uncle Chen rolled his eyes, he went to the mirror and squatted down, "What have you been doing?" The magician said timidly while crying:

" Oh my God, that's a mirror crawled out of hell, and I just rubbed it against it, and I was, I was so ugly! Woohoo, my little sir, I'm looking at that In front of the mirror, there is at least one ten-thousandth of your beauty."

Linke: "...Speaking of human words."

Magician: "A monster ran out of the mirror!"

"And then?"

"Then he took the guests They all turned into monsters!" Thinking of this, the magician trembled all over, "I couldn't bear what I made, so I smashed it... oh my god...then there are more and more monsters, After chasing me, they also smashed all the mirrors I made before, all my mirrors! Huh, huh..."

When he said the sad part, he was really sad, and tears fell like beads.

According to the tone in the letter written by the magician himself, "I finally made this unique mirror in the world, and I ensure and affirm that it can show your truest appearance." The magician should be a very confident person, and the mirror in front of him Humans are too...weak.

Lin Ke thought about it, and asked again: "Since you knew you were in trouble, you have been hiding and never appeared again, have you?"

The magician nodded aggrievedly, as if to say "what happened after that has nothing to do with me".

Lin Ke took a deep breath and looked down at a mirror.

Nine times out of ten, the answer lies in the mirror of the dark side.

The author has something to say: Thanks to the little angels who voted for me as a bully or irrigated nutrient solution during 2021-07-17 22:33:01~2021-07-18 20:22:17~Thanks to those who voted for

mines Little angels: 2 for Qingyi; 1 for actsc and Qingqian;

thanks to the little angels for irrigation nutrient solution: 30 bottles of Mu Jinjin; 10 bottles of Luo

; Support, I will continue to work hard!

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