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The reason why Lin Ke made such a bold guess was because of Sang's inadvertent little action just now.

When Sang Shi fought with Ji Hong and was grabbed by the hair, he subconsciously restrained himself from hurting Ji Hong. Judging from this reaction, it should be that some kind of body memory was activated.

——Anyway, Sang Shi's wife is quite fierce.

Sang Shi stared at him with his mouth open like that for a while, then stammered, "Ni..."

"I'm here to assist you with your work." Linke quickly glanced back.

In the rear carriage, Annan's cries mixed with the cries of the zombies, gradually fading away. Seeing that Annan was outnumbered by several zombies, the battle was about to end.

"I look like a human, but I'm actually a zombie, but I can't stay with you all the time, you understand why, I have to go back to them. So tell me, how can I find you after that?" Lin said the guest quickly.

Sang Shi was obviously a little dazed, but after digesting for a while, he still understood. His cloudy eyeballs rolled, and then his lips trembled with difficulty.

The shouting behind him grew weaker and fainter, and finally died away. Link deduced that Annan had been defeated, and then the zombies besieging him were slowly "swishling" to their feet.

They are likely to come this way, or go to the player over there.

Both situations are dangerous.

Link's eyes fell on Sang Shi's trembling blue and white lips again, and his own lips buzzed subconsciously, trying to understand what it said.

Finally, when the stumbling footsteps of the zombies sounded behind her, Sang Shi choked out a word: "...car. Truck."

Car? truck?

Before Lin Ke realized it, his eyes blurred.

It was the zombie who pushed him away suddenly, with such force that he fell into a row of seats and then rolled to the ground.

[Barrage: Why did you suddenly attack the little brother! ]

[Bullet screen: It's not an attack, maybe it's because of its strength. ]

Link naturally knew that Sang Shi was trying to save him.

He let out a muffled grunt and fell to the ground, Xin Dao was saved by Sang Shi a few more times, and he was almost dead.

Sang Shi in front of him stopped the five or six passengers, while skillfully yelling "Wah-wah-wah-wah-wah-wah-wah-wah-wah-wah-wah-wah-wah-wah-wah-wah-wah-wah-wah-wah-wah-wah-wah-wah-wah!"

They didn't forget to take Ji Hong with them, and they didn't forget to take Annan with them.

It seems that it is indeed linked to their performance.

Lin Ke stood up out of breath, stumbled to find the little girl, and took her back to the original carriage. In the aisle of the previous car, there was still a player who was poking his head, and when he saw him, he called: "Linker!"

The voice was very excited.

Behind the players, Weng Tianwu flashed out and strode out, grabbing Lin Ke's arm to take him back.

When the two people approached the player at the gate, the player let out an exclamation and pointed at the little zombie in Linke's hand with a horrified expression.

"It's okay, my own." Weng Tianwu panted, but stopped.

He understands that in the dungeon world, the relationship between players is limited, and everyone has their own way of clearing the level.

He trusts Linke, and believes that Linke bringing the zombie girl can make it easier for everyone to pass the level, but it doesn't mean that all players have to accept staying in the same car with the zombies-they have the right to refuse this matter.

Sure enough, the tall and thin player glanced at Weng Tianwu cleverly, then stared at Lin Ke, his eyes shuttled back and forth between Link and the little girl, as if he was struggling.

At this time, a fat man behind him came out to look. After asking the reason, he said to the tall and thin man, "What are you dawdling at this time? Come in!


As the fire doors in the aisle slammed shut, the first four cars were completely isolated from the cars behind. Finally, there was a small cheer in the carriage.

Lin Ke was brought in by Weng Tianwu, only to find that there were at least 30 players crowded here, and their faces were full of fear and joy after the disaster.

But this joy turned into panic when they saw the little zombie girl led by Linke.

"Don't be nervous, the little girl is very good." Fatty opened his mouth and came, while gesturing for Link and the others to sit down.

Link then hugged the little girl and sat in the corner farthest from the crowd.

The players turned their heads to look at him frequently, and only after seeing that the little girl did not rush forward did they turn back with lingering fear.

Link settled down the little girl, looked up and saw that the fire door between the fourth car and the third car was also locked, and asked, "Is there anyone else in front?" "Yes, but they are all turned into

zombies. It's too scary, a chasing battle," the fat man explained while wiping his sweat, "after finally getting on the bus, the flight attendant suddenly started checking the tickets. Everyone's tickets were stolen, how could it be possible to match up with people! Those flight attendants and zombies chased and bit us... and killed several brothers. We finally stopped them, but we heard that there were people checking tickets on your side, and they were desperate, so you got rid of the flight attendants." He said

, While showing a relieved expression, a girl with a bloody face in the corner seemed to think of the thrill just now, and couldn't help sobbing again.

So it seems that the survival condition of this bullet train is indeed "correct identity". Players who took the wrong ticket and ID card would have to die, but because Sang Shi drove the flight attendant away, he gave them time to close the fire door .

Suddenly, the fire door in the direction of the third carriage made a "bang bang" impact, as if someone hit their head desperately.

After tens of seconds like this, the impact sound disappeared again.

"They won't break the door, right?" a player timidly said.

The fat man said: "No, it really crashed, we can still go to the fifth carriage."

After the fat man finished speaking, everyone fell into a moment of silence.

"But, what shall we do after arriving at the station?" Someone asked again.

Now no one answered him, and everyone's faces were ugly.

It's so desperate, there is no way for players to survive in this world.

They seem to be survivors who escaped from the zombie world, but after the moving train arrives at the station, they are very likely to face more zombies getting off the train. After all, unlike most zombie movies, no one assures them that the F area city they are going to is A piece of pure land. Looking at the barrenness outside the window, the situation in Area F may be more tragic than Area C.

How long can they survive in such a dangerous dungeon world?

The oppressive atmosphere quickly spread in the compartment accompanied by the sound of "bang bang" slamming the door from time to time.

Lin Ke was helped by Weng Tianwu to rest on the seat, staring out the window all the time.

The scenery outside the window is still flying towards the rear of the train, and the plants and landforms are becoming more and more strange. Under the moonlight, there is a faint layer of metallic light on the dark yellow land, and various metal wastes are randomly inserted on the land. Along the track, there are many scrapped vehicles on the side of the road, and the doors have been knocked out one after another, which makes people have bad associations.

Only those strange plants still grow densely and scrape against each other like blades in the wind, as if people can hear the sound.

Some villages began to appear not far away, but the fields that were supposed to be crops were also full of strange plants. The houses were all surrounded by weeds, dark and ghostly, and there were obviously no human beings living there.

From time to time, a few fast-moving black shadows would pass by, probably also zombies.

Noticing the atmosphere in the car, he withdrew his gaze, and said softly, "About this dungeon world, there are actually no clues."

[Bullet screen: I was so depressed watching it, but luckily my little brother spoke. 】

[Barrage: Yes, yes, it feels like he got the most clues! 】

【Barrage: Before the next round of pursuit begins, they really need to clear their minds. 】

【Barrage: Where there is an idea, there is hope. ]

That's true. After hearing Linke say that there is a clue, all the players, even though they were too tired to walk, became refreshed and pricked up their ears.

Lin Ke and Weng Tianwu gave a brief talk about the annual meeting of Yihua Company, the work of zombies and so on to everyone present. This shocked the dozens of players present: "You mean, Area C has been completely reduced to a city where zombies live? The zombies in the car with us are here to work in Area F?" Xin Chen nodded desperately

. : "Yes, there are zombies everywhere, the police are zombies, the ticket inspectors are also zombies, and the robbers and murderers reported on the news are all players!" After hearing this, the players' faces became even worse


"Just assume that the player is the intruder, but I don't know what the company you are talking about, what kind of business it is, and why the zombies have to travel to the F area." The fat man murmured, and he wiped his sweat again.

Perhaps it was because of nervousness that the fat man's face turned pale.

"Are you hot?" Linke asked suddenly.

His words startled everyone, and they all looked at Fatty.

At some point, the fat man's eyes became blurred, and he was sweating profusely even though he was not active and the situation was not very critical.

The fat man rolled up his sleeves, revealing a scratch on his white and fat arm that was slowly bleeding.

"Shua Shua", a dozen or so players stood up on both sides, and a few timid ones screamed directly and shrank into the corner.

"What to do!" Someone yelled and asked.

"Don't look at me!" The player closest to the fat man tried his best to avoid it. Several players took out props.

"Tie him up first," one of them said calmly, "Damn it, such a small wound, the mutation comes so slowly, hurry up!

" It seemed that someone brought a restraint prop and tied the fat man into a rice dumpling in a few strokes. The fat man made a "gurgling" sound from his throat, and he began to smile wryly.

He realized that his companions hadn't given up on him easily, but his vision was getting blurry.

"Don't be nervous," but Lin Ke squatted in front of him, "Relax a little, try to retain basic consciousness. The zombies in this dungeon... are a bit strange. Relax, you haven't been eliminated yet." Lin Ke's words made everyone

present All the players were stunned, and then they also discovered the strangeness.

That's right, those players who were bitten and infected by zombies were not eliminated on the spot. In other words, even if the player becomes a zombie, it is still considered eliminated by the instance?

After Fatty was subdued, the scene gradually stabilized. Everyone shrank to the farthest corner, waiting vigilantly, only preparing to react quickly in case of an accident.

Only Lin Ke kept squatting in front of the fat man, frowning and waiting.

He has a bold guess about the reason for the zombies in this dungeon, but so far there is no evidence to support his guess. This guess directly determines whether Fatty can continue to survive as a player.

As time passed by, Fatty's body slowly twitched, he could no longer utter continuous words, and his skin became pale and dry.

Then his eyes widened with anger, and he opened his mouth to bite Link who was closest to him.

Everyone around screamed in unison, Lin Ke retreated abruptly, dodging the attack, several players strengthened the restraints, and the black restraint belt was locked again, trapping the fat man on the ground and unable to move.

Link looked at the fat man, and continued, "Can you understand me?"

"Wow..." the fat man murmured.

Lin Ke's face darkened slightly.

"Baba, he said, yes, I understand." Suddenly, the little zombie girl who had been sitting quietly in her seat spoke.

Link suddenly turned around.

The little zombie girl smiled at him. I don't know when it started, it seems to be getting more and more awake.

[Barrage: Oh my god! The little girl became an interpreter! 】

【Barrage: So according to the copy settings, each player is equipped with an interpreter? 】

【Barrage: But this is too difficult, who dares to bring the boss with him. 】

【Barrage: Brother Lin, dare you! 】

The surprise came so suddenly that Lin Ke's voice trembled a little. He walked up to the little girl and asked, "You can understand ?


Point to the direction of the fifth carriage.

Obviously, Sang Shi must have taught the little girl some ways to stay awake just now.

Seeing this miraculous scene, the players gathered around one after another, and said tall and thin: "It, it can understand the speech of zombies? Can it also translate into human language?" "This can know a lot of information!" Several

people Surprised.

Their enthusiasm quickly frightened the little girl. The little girl pouted, grabbed Link's sleeve, and turned her gray eyes around.

Link comforted it, and then it slowly pointed to the fat man and said, "Hospital, hospital."

[Bullet screen: Hospital? Don't hospitals turn people into zombies? ]

[Barrage: What does this mean? 】

The barrage didn't understand at all, but Lin Ke was enlightened.

"Hospital! That's how it is." He turned around and explained to several people, "In District C, there was news that residents could go to the hospital if they were in poor health. I suspected that hospitals could turn humans into zombies. Now it seems that hospitals may also be able to Slow down some of the tyrannical impulses of the zombies."

He paused and continued: "Just now I found out that the players who become zombies for the first time have stronger attack power and more tyrannical personality than the zombies we encountered in Area C. This is probably because they haven't been to the hospital."

Weng Tian Wu was thoughtful, he knew that Lin Ke was talking about Ji Hong and An Nan.

[Barrage: I seem to understand it! ]

[Barrage: Me too! It means that the zombies in area C have actually weakened their aggressiveness, so they can live like normal humans before? ]

[Bullet screen: It should mean that. ]

[Bullet screen: It seems that everyone is a test product, so is that Sang Shi who can talk to the little brother just now the most successful one? 】

【Barrage: Why do you want to turn people into zombies. ]

The truth seems to be slowly emerging.

At this moment, the moving car shook violently, almost making everyone in the car unsteady.

Lin Ke leaned on the handrail to protect the swaying little girl, and looked up the car window.

In front of the bullet train, in the night, under the chaotic lights, a majestic building appeared, several times larger than the railway station that several people had seen before. But this building has obviously been abandoned for a long time. The body made of reinforced concrete is covered with mutated plants of various colors, and the platform of the train station is also covered with rotten leaves that no one has cleaned, polluting the ground like a swamp.

It looks barren, but it is also full of danger.

The train has pulled into the station.

As the speed of the train slowly slowed down, everyone's hearts were slowly raised.

The tall and thin man directed a few players to guard the two iron fire doors, and then looked at the fat man struggling and howling on the ground with some embarrassment.

"We'll be in charge of him." Weng Tianwu said.

The tall and thin man breathed a sigh of relief, and gave Weng Tianwu a hug. Weng Tianwu tore off a piece from his own clothes, gagged the fat man's mouth, and easily lifted the fat man up.

Xin Chen originally followed the large group of players, hesitated for a moment, and returned to Weng Tianwu and Lin Ke.

The train came to a complete stop, then the body trembled, and dozens of doors slowly opened.

Zombies on the train poured out of the doors like a tide and rushed to the abandoned platform, among them were players who had been alienated into zombies.

Players try to hide in the dark and watch the zombies evacuate.

"Open the door?" asked the player guarding the fire door.

"Wait a little longer, wait for them to leave first. There are so many of them. What are they doing here?" the tall and thin man stared out of the window and sighed. As he spoke, he glanced at Lin Ke again as if asking for help.

"This is also the answer we are looking for." Link answered him in a low voice.

Lin Ke has also stood up, and now his eyes are wandering outside, looking for Sang Shi in the crowd.

Soon, he locked onto a figure carrying another zombie.

It is Sang lost. Sang Shi was more anxious than the other zombies, and ran in another direction like flying feet.

Half of the huge train station building was destroyed, and the outside was directly connected to a dark wasteland, and at the end of the wasteland was connected to a city that was also fragmented and without many lights.

At the junction of the two, a huge truck with an electronic LED screen is parked.

Lin Ke straightened up suddenly, stuck to the window of the train and looked in the direction of the truck.

I saw the classic logo of Yihua Company flashing on the LED screen in the carriage, and then the screen switched—

Lin Ke slightly opened his eyes wide.

It was a suit and leather shoes, and it looked like a zombie of the company's top executives. The zombie had a heroic face that he was very familiar with. Even though his skin was pale, it didn't affect his temperament at all.

In the boundless and terrifying darkness of the night, the man's gaze seemed to meet Lin Ke through the boundless wasteland.

Lin Ke swallowed lightly unconsciously.

"Welcome everyone to Area F."

The handsome zombie spoke human language. Good PA equipment makes it loud enough to fill an empty city.

"At present, the situation in Area F is deteriorating again. Please hurry up and get on the bus as soon as possible." "Our

armed vehicles will stay here for half an hour. This half hour will be used as the first test for new employees. At that time, we will The employees who have successfully arrived here and passed the assessment will be escorted to the work area."

New survival conditions have emerged.

Lin Ke and Weng Tianwu looked at each other. It seems that apart from the zombie employees getting off the car, there are more terrifying enemies in the dark.

However, it is better to have a direction than no direction. Just when the players were about to open the door and rush out, the Zombie King spoke again.

"Of course, in order to reflect the quality of our company's employees, the company's employees must not attack each other." "

Especially take care of the sick and injured."

The author has something to say: I wish all the cuties a happy Chinese Valentine's Day! ~

Thanks to the little angel who voted for me as the overlord or the irrigation nutrient solution during 2021-08-13 20:02:40~2021-08-14 16:55:03~Thanks to the little

angel of the irrigation nutrient solution: He Sha Take 6 bottles;

thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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