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"Damn, how did you find out just now?" Zhou Zhao stared at Lin Ke in shock. After returning to the orphanage, his whole body was still numb, and his mood could not be calm for a long time.

He thought he had already seen it, but he didn't expect that when facing death, he would still have such an intense and extreme sense of fear.

Just ten minutes ago, the two of them were finishing up all night moving bricks, and finally dealt with the zombie-like "players", preparing for the final victory - but Lin Ke actually pulled the boss back before the dean walked out of the border !

Zhou Zhao was very puzzled, until the sun was too glaring, he turned his head and found that not only the gate of the orphanage was closed, but also the windows were brand new, and the walls were as clean as new, and he suddenly broke out in a cold sweat.

The gate has already been locked. If the dean was asked to "leave" the orphanage just now, and no one can open the door for them, he and Linke will be isolated in the copy space. Even if they try their best to return to the orphanage, they will lose the conditions to return to the real world.

Such a simple truth, why didn't I think of it at all? The more Zhou Zhao thought about it, the more frightened he became.

He was so frightened that Link was not much better. He made a bold decision entirely out of intuition and subconscious judgment. At this time, his heart was still beating, and he stared blankly at the direction of the dean going upstairs. Fingertips gripped the edge of the table, his knuckles turned white: "I just subconsciously...I don't think it's that simple."

Zhou Zhao smiled wryly, and the bullet screen took the initiative to mock his inner voice.

[Barrage: Simple! I almost fucking thought I was reading an A-grade book! ]

[Bullet screen: Jin Shen gave him an A rating a long time ago

. The days are too long...]

It is true that there is no time. Although moving bricks all night made both of them a little dizzy, Lin Ke and Zhou Zhao didn't care about rest until 8 o'clock in the morning and even before they calmed down. Immediately began to search for new clues non-stop.

There are not too many abnormalities inside the orphanage, the only abnormality is that it is cleaner and tidier—or, in other words, updated.

The original green wall was somewhat old, but now it is full of grass green vitality. The big red characters "little sun" are not so strange and annoying, but really like the rising sun, bringing vitality .

If you don't look at it from the perspective of the horror world, it's normal.

Props indoor.

Lin Ke carefully picked up the overcrowded wooden tray and poured the puzzle pieces onto the small table.

After only yesterday night, the number of puzzle pieces was so large that it was about to overflow the wooden tray. Most of them were useless pieces with dark pictures, and some players with twisted bodies were also thrown aside.

The two sorted through categories for a long time, and finally found a fragment showing the gate of the orphanage in the night in the sea of ​​fragments.

After experiencing the previous fright, Zhou Zhao did not dare to jump to conclusions and act rashly. Instead, he pointed to the fragments and asked Link for his opinion: "Do you think this puzzle can be put together?"

Staring at the small gate of the orphanage, Lin Customers are not sure.

Logically speaking, the children's sandbox games have been completely over, and the Nightmare will not come again within the time limit of three days and two nights, and all links that can increase the number of memory fragments have been completely ended.

In other words, all the puzzle pieces they can see now are all the materials that can be used in this instance.

Lin Ke picked up the fragment of the half-opened door and pursed his lips for a while.

"There is still one more day," Lin Ke suppressed his voice, because the time limit was approaching, he was also a little anxious, and his hair was scratched, "Press it again, if it doesn't work, just go ahead."

This is indeed the safest method so far. , the two put the puzzle piece in a hidden and safe place on the bookcase, and hurried downstairs to catch the eight o'clock breakfast time.

"I don't know if the dean will come out today..." Zhou Zhaozheng was worried, but his voice stopped abruptly.

In front of the two of them, a man in a white coat was pacing down the stairs on the third floor. His face was calm and dignified. He was the familiar dean. His condition seemed to be much better than last night, his complexion was not so pale, he even had a bit of energy, and he looked heroic at first glance.

It's a pity that no matter how handsome the man is, there are only clues left in Lin Ke's eyes. He looked up and down the dean's eyes almost quickly, but he didn't see anything, so he gave up: "Morning."

Lin Ke took the initiative to talk to the boss, Zhou Zhao was so frightened that he was about to shrink his head to keep safe, but he heard the man nod his head slightly, and replied softly: "Morning."

Zhou Zhao: "???" Is this the ruthless boss from before? Or is it because they are about to clear the level, so the boss has become a relative?

For a moment Zhou Zhao saw the hope of clearing the customs, and immediately revived with full blood, he squeezed out a smile and said, "Morning!" The

dean glanced at him, and went downstairs coldly.

Zhou Zhao: "..."

Zhou Zhao: "???"

[Barrage: Hahahaha, I can feel the embarrassment even through the screen! 】

【Barrage: I laughed hahahaha, the straight man is worthy of being a straight man, you wouldn't think that you just wanted to wait for the dean to disappear with a bright face yesterday, and you said "finally"...you can get it today A sweet "good morning" from the Dean, huh? 】

【Barrage: Vividly interpret how you treat others, others will treat you. 】

Zhou Zhao felt bad again for a moment, and felt that he was going to die. His face was pale and trembling, and he followed Link downstairs.

It doesn't matter, there is still salvation, he comforted himself in his heart, at least the dean is willing to go out today.

[Barrage: So after the children's nightmare is resolved, the dean can rest well, and he can go downstairs after rest? Is this why the dean didn't go out yesterday? 】

【Barrage: Logician! When you say that, I suddenly love the dean a little bit. He is responsible, handsome, strong and big. 】

【Barrage: Big...】

[Barrage: Powerful! 】

The barrage became joyful because of the dean, but the two people in the kitchen who were preparing breakfast for the Buddha were very nervous.

As soon as they entered the kitchen, they activated the stone lanterns, and Ye Shi, who was full of anxiety, and Su Xue, who was nervous, flashed across from them.

"Almost scared us to death early in the morning!" Ye Shi said.

It turned out that she and Su Xue were worried that the breakfast would not be prepared in time, or that they would encounter other special circumstances, so they got up early to prepare before the sun rose. But just as the two of them were about to go downstairs, they heard the children crying in their dreams. They seemed to be sleepwalking, and the door panels were pretending to be "bang bang", which startled them.

Su Xue originally wanted to go in to comfort the children, but Ye Shi felt it was too dangerous, so she just blocked the door. After a long time, it seemed that they stopped crying and making noise until the sun rose.

Calculating the timing, it was the moment when the dean was about to leave and was retained by Linke.

"In this way, the dean can't leave!" Zhou Zhao heaved a sigh of relief after hearing this.

But Ye Shi didn't let go: "Then how do I clear the level? The reminder said that the dean 'thinks his mission has been fulfilled, and he will leave soon, or invite volunteers to fulfill his little wish'."

Lin Ke had already read this passage over and over dozens of times in his heart. He originally understood it as fulfilling a small wish of the dean before he left, but now that he heard it this way, the word "or please" was very suspicious. It seems that after fulfilling a certain wish, the dean can not leave?

Still playing this word game?

It seems that further communication with the dean is needed.

Several people discussed again, and unanimously decided to let Zhou Zhao go back first, and Lin Ke still stayed in the imaginary world to contact the dean.

"Can you do it?" Lin Ke handed the ingredients to Zhou Zhao while packing up the ingredients.

"It's fine, it's fine, no problem," Zhou Zhao said with a sad face, "It's all up to you, I have no idea at all."

Lin Ke: "..."

Zhou Zhao still couldn't get out of failure, and while lighting the fire, he muttered: "What went wrong? I can't figure it out even after thinking about it. The child, we have also appeased; the player, we have also driven away, the entire orphanage is completely safe What is there to worry about?"

Ke Lin cut a few pieces of meat and said, "First of all, the players haven't all been driven away."

Zhou Zhao: "?" Link

reminded patiently: "Because we are also players."

Zhou Zhao: " ..."

Lin Ke: "Secondly, the entire orphanage is not completely safe. This is just an imaginary world, and there is no such thing as a complete eradication of danger. Didn't you also cut off the hand of the golden chain because of anger? Put yourself in the place and think, Even if you kill him one day, will you be able to forget that unpleasant memory and not be angry when you recall what happened at that time?" Zhou Zhao said

coldly, "Even if I kill him a hundred times, I won't forget it. It's too vicious. How can there be such a person!"

Lin Ke: "Then it's over, we drive away the players tonight, and tomorrow night the children continue to have nightmares, and they will come back again. It didn't solve the problem fundamentally."

Zhou Zhaoleng Ran's face collapsed in an instant: "Then how to solve the problem fundamentally?"

How to solve it? Lin Ke didn't know either.

In short, the dean can't leave, let's not talk about whether he can pass the customs after the dean leaves. Once the dean leaves, the children who have managed to coax adults will fall into a nightmare and become black again in minutes. Doesn't he, the "staff", have to go back to work? a thousand years?

He can't!

The delicious breakfast came out, steamed eggs and fresh milk were all available. Zhou Zhao specially selected the most exquisite cups and plates, and walked out with them, but was suddenly taken aback.

Lin Ke noticed Zhou Zhao's hesitation, turned his head to look, and was also taken aback.

I saw that because of the S-level props stone lanterns, on the overlapping two world dining tables, the dean was sitting among a group of laughing and laughing children. Even though he couldn't see them, his face softened a lot.

It's so harmonious.

[Barrage: This scene is too harmonious, right? 1551, Cheng Ye Yindeng is indeed a god-level prop! 】

Zhou Zhao came back to his senses, looked back at Lin Ke, and after getting affirmation, he put the cup and plate in front of the dean. He opened his mouth, but he didn't dare to say anything like "Please dine", he kept silent to save his life.

Unexpectedly, the dean was also silent, this time he didn't even glance at him, he just stared at the breakfast on the table quietly, as if he couldn't tell that it was a breakfast. The desolate aura exuding from his body almost froze Zhou Zhao.

Zhou Zhao glanced at Lin Ke again with some helplessness.

It was written brightly in his eyes, "If the dean doesn't eat, I don't know if something strange will happen. You have a good relationship with him, why don't you go and persuade him."

Lin Ke: "..."

[Barrage: When will the straight man's eyes talk! ]

[Bullet screen: Hurry up! ]

Reluctantly, he found a small spoon from the kitchen, and placed it on the dinner plate in front of the dean, which already had exquisite knives, forks and chopsticks.

"Please..." Lin Ke hadn't finished his sentence when he saw the man's big bony hands already holding a small spoon.

Next, it took a full fifteen minutes. The dean was very serious, and finished his breakfast and milk in small spoonfuls with his eyes downcast.

Zhou Zhao was speechless, and Lin Ke was also speechless. When he was about to go forward to clean up the tableware, his hands went straight through the plate. The next moment, the dean and the tableware disappeared.

Lin Ke stood in front of the empty seat, stunned by the children's laughter, then suddenly turned around and saw Zhou Zhao, Ye Shi and Su Xue who were also surprised.

He and Zhou Zhao looked at each other—for some reason, after the dean finished eating, they traveled back to the real world together.

The conditions for time travel have changed again!

The author has something to say: Thanks to the little angels who voted for the overlord or irrigated the nutrient solution for me during 2021-05-30 20:58:50~2021-05-31 20:53:01~

Thanks to the little angels who voted for mines Little Angel: 1 small mushroom;

thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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