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   The fluorescent tubes "cracked" and the entire corridor seemed to be covered with clouds, with occasional lightning flashes.

The corridor where the head could be seen at a glance, now the field of vision is only half, the end is dark, the edges are squirming, and there is a faint cry from someone in it.

Lin Ke took two steps forward and squatted down.

Amidst a strange smell, he saw Ye Shi's head clearly.

Her face was pale, and she was obviously terrified before she died. Her beautiful eyes were wide open, with tears still sticking to her eyelashes, and her lips were slightly parted.

Observing a human head up close, it was a human head that I had known before and was still talking to me a few minutes ago, it was quite shocking, Linke's mind was completely blank for a moment.

Fear spread from the gloomy walls and floors, climbing up his back, bringing up dense layers of goosebumps.

[Barrage: I said three hours ago that this is a book that is about to be wiped out, so I didn't blow it there. ]

[Barrage: Are the Virgins clean? ]

[Bullet screen: Seeing my little brother's expression makes me feel so sad, Heizi keep going! ]

[Bullet screen: In fact, the dead in this book are just eliminations and deduction of action points, but I remember

Sister Yu said that this is her punishment book...failure will obliterate consciousness...] [Bullet screen: The perspective of two young ladies The screen was all black, and I couldn't see what happened just now! 】

The barrage is in a hurry, some feel sorry for Lin Ke's impact, some regret Ye Shi, and most of them are slanderous.

As an F-level dungeon, it is unbelievable that it has such a huge audience, and the proportion of sunspots is naturally more. Under their vision of "high standards and strict requirements" for high-traffic dungeons, the scene of Lin Ke squatting alone in front of the heads of his teammates is really too bad, it is not worthy of this traffic, and they have to wake up this group of people .

Lin Ke took a deep breath, forcing himself to recover from his fear.

Ye Shi was eliminated, don't know why, but it must have something to do with the shower room.

Maybe it was because she triggered the death condition, or maybe it was because they failed to appease Dake smoothly today. As the only child who did not receive psychological counseling, Dake went crazy.

Lin Ke felt extremely remorseful for a moment.

He still underestimated the danger of this world.

But now there is no time to think about anything else, even sad emotions can help the danger approach, Su Xue is missing, wondering if she is still in the shower.

At the end of the corridor, the crying sound of "Wuwu" became more and more obvious. The emotions carried in the sobs were sincere and extremely sad, and in the atmosphere of terror, it revealed treachery.

Lin Ke looked towards the dark end, without hesitating any longer. In any case, he wanted to take Ye Shi's head away, and if possible, to save Su Xue.

He raised his hand to cover Ye Shi's eyelids first, but a small hand stretched out beside Leng Buding, stopping him.

"Don't be sad." The boy knelt down beside him, turning his head to look at him.

[Barrage: Fuck! ! ! I almost forgot that there is a small boss here! It won't be triggered at the same time! ]

[Bullet screen: Little brother, run! ! ! ! 】

【Barrage: God, just now the anchor induced the boss to increase the force value, what is this doing, nt behavior. ]

As if he just realized that there was a "dangerous element" of the same kind beside him, Lin Ke slowly turned his head and looked at Xiaoyu.

The lights were still dim, but the boy's face was worried and excited, and his eyes were bright.

Calm down, just confirmed, Xiaoyu is fine, calm down. Lin Ke curled up his left little finger, and the tail ring was icy stuck to his fingertips. His body tensed involuntarily, ready to fight or run away.

Cold sweat trickled down his back slowly.

Xiaoyu stared carefully at Linke, as if wondering why Linke didn't answer, a little disappointed, then he looked up proudly like a show off: "Are you being fooled? Hehe, it's time to see how good I am as a shark!"


Lin Ke was startled, and then thought of what he found strange just now, his drooping eyelids suddenly lifted, and his eyes widened.

Xiaoyu did it faster than he said, and grabbed Ye Shi's head with his fingertips. Before Lin Ke stopped him, the woman's pale and terrifying cheeks were like melted rubber, gradually blurring, and her complexion turned dark.

The change took no more than five seconds, and Ye Shi's beautiful face turned into a failed doll bread baked in the oven, brown and brown with burnt black, and then the whole face leaked air.

Link's eyes gradually narrowed.

He reached out and pinched the broken leather ball on the ground.

Xiaoyu didn't notice the sudden drop of air pressure on Lin Ke's body, and was still patting his chest: "You can make such a joke, it's too much. But don't worry about the big sharks, you can leave it to me, I am them Boss, whoever wants to bully you, I will stand up for you!" The

barrage is gone.

After a while.

[Bullet screen: ah, this...]

[Bullet screen: ah, this...]

[Bullet screen: ah, this? ! ! 】

【Barrage: Miss Sister is still alive? ! 】

【Barrage: Vision restored! It was just that the black fog was too thick just now, so quickly cut the angle of view, the scene on the side of the young lady is very exciting! It's not a loss! I just finished crying and laughing my sisters. ]

[Bullet screen: I don't cut it, I suddenly got a little angry. I want to see the little brother beat up the children. 】

【Bullet screen: I think you have a chance to see it. The little brother's face is so dark that it's dripping water. It's the first time I see him so serious. I hurt my butt for the kid. ]

Lin Ke prides himself on being a quick-response person.

But even a person like him had to react for a full thirty seconds before accepting the facts in front of him.

He has been tricked.

He was played by a ghost who was less than thirteen years old.

He was tricked by a ghost under thirteen years old in front of more than one million people.

Thinking back carefully, there were clues, and the smell was very similar to the smell of burning rubber, but he was too shocked at the time to pay attention.

Ye Shi might still be alive, Lin Ke was greatly relieved by this news, but the top priority is to find Dake.

—and a beating.

Make him lose face too.

In the picture, the young man's eyelids are stretched, his left hand is in his pocket, and his right hand is silently holding the ball, and he follows the valiant little boy to the depths of the corridor.

[Bullet screen: How angry is my little brother? 】

【Barrage: Can't be provoked. 】

Suddenly, the light tube above the corridor "呵啦" went out, and when it was turned on again, there was only a faint light left.

Lin Ke looked up and saw thin, long, messy black hair curled up on the fluorescent tube at some point.

At the end of the lamp tube, there was a hair ball the size of a leather ball, wriggling and climbing on the ceiling. There was a protrusion at the corner of the hair group, resembling a human ear, turned to the side at this moment, and the face buried under the black hair met Linke's eyes.

In an instant, it found the target, let out a "squeak" excitedly, and rushed towards the sky.

Unexpectedly, Lin Ke waited for it to come, covered his back with cold sweat and put his hand on it, the tail ring flashed a silver light in the darkness.

[Barrage: Fight! fight! 】

【Barrage: Did you laugh me to death hahahahaha and hit me on the head? 】

When the barrage saw that the young lady was not dead, the whole audience was revived instantly. It was no big deal to watch the excitement, and they booed one after another, and called for friends and companions in the middle of the night, raising the number of viewers of the live broadcast to more than 1.1 million.

But the development of things can always be unexpected. Just as the ghost's head hit Lin Ke like a meteorite, Link also punched hard like a world champion. When the two were about to face each other, a black shadow flashed However, when he returned to Lin Ke, Xiao Yu was grinning.

In the middle of the air, all the black hair was bitten off by the roots, and the hair ball lost its support. "Gululu" rolled back to the ground, and then began to bake bread, turning into a tattered ball.

The little fish grinned, his sharp teeth gleaming white.

He didn't brag anymore, but his face was full of words, "With my little shark here, there is nothing to do with you, don't worry."

Lin Ke: "..."

[Bullet screen: ...]

[Bullet screen: Once again wondering who is the player. ]

[Bullet screen: Boss brother leads the customs clearance, ahhhhhhhhhh exciting! ! ]

[Bullet screen: I vaguely remember that a sunspot said just now that my little brother induced the boss to increase the force value by nt...]

[Bullet screen: I am not a sunspot. F book, let me see a handsome guy again, isn't this an angry thing I said when I was ignorant? I'm nt, it's me, I didn't expect this kind of operation. 】

【Banmaku: Oh, so is it the kind of partner who sleeps together? ]

[Barrage: The host's operation is so exciting! ! ! ! look! ]

The operation of the "anchor" is nothing exciting at all.

Lin Ke didn't need to use his hands at all. After the small fish evolved into a small shark, his speed increased by nearly ten times, or more than ten times. Anyway, his movements were already invisible to the naked eye.

Moreover, he also miraculously gained a strong sense of self-esteem and desire to show off. After solving five or six hair groups in succession, he came to the ultimate level-the front of the shower room was densely packed with hair groups, almost blocking the end of the entire corridor. Just as Xiaoyu gritted his teeth and was about to exit, Lin Ke finally stopped him: "Wait a minute."

Xiaoyu turned his head "creaking".

The two of them stopped in place, and the surroundings became silent, and then they heard that the crying had stopped slightly, and there was a vague voice that seemed to be talking to itself, vaguely saying "how could this be", "strange", "clues" and so on Words, due to the sound of water in the shower room, it is not really audible.

Lin Ke has roughly figured out how to deal with Dake's problem, but in order to avoid the situation where he was caught off guard by cos dead fish in his memory, he still prepared to obtain some more information.

"Does he cry at night?" Link asked.

Xiaoyu's blank face was a little dazed, and he shook his head: "I won't cry. He will only cry if he turns his head around."

It is understandable that anyone who turns his head will cry—if he can cry.

Link asked patiently: "Then does he turn around at night? Or does he turn around when he takes a shower?"

[Bullet screen: ...]

[Bullet screen: This also needs to be interviewed? ? ? 】

【Barrage: I didn't really want to watch an ordinary U-turn ghost, but is this anchor poisonous? When he asked me like this, I wondered why this little boy turned U-turn? ? ? Isn't it just a horror setting? ? ? ]

[Bullet screen: Welcome, welcome, introduce our invincible, gentle and cute little brother, you won't lose money if you invest in it! 】

About the U-turn question, not to mention that the live broadcast viewers want to know, even Xiaoyu was stunned by the question, "Ah" for a long time before scratching his head: "I don't know, maybe he just wanted to scare people. After he turned his head... I really like to scare people with my head, and I especially like to watch others cry. But the head will get dirty when rolling on the ground, so I prefer to scare people in the shower... Uh, wash your hair by the way?"

[Bullet screen: little brother, the logic is No, I am also used to washing my hair while taking a shower, but I don't take it off to wash it. 】

【Bullet screen: No, because anyway, you have to roll your head on the ground to scare people. It's better to wash your hair after scaring people. It's true to think in another way. ]

[Bullet screen: I am convinced, a ghost movie is still playing with logic...]

"Okay," Lin Ke knew that he couldn't ask too many questions, so he raised his hand and pointed in front of him, "Then let's go in and ask him Why are you crying?" The

little shark was so reckless, "shua shua" broke his hair twice, and "bang" opened the door of the shower room amidst the amazement of the barrage.

The lights in the shower room were bright, and even the hallway was lit up twice in an instant. In the center of the shower room separated by a total of six shower rooms on the left and right, a tall figure supported another swaying figure.

Ye Shi tried to stay calm, Su Xue cried into tears, a beautiful head floated in the washtub in front of them.

The head of "Lin Ke" was pale, and he was sticking out his tongue in the water basin and making faces.

Before Linke and Ke opened the door, Ye Shi was still saying "the strange expression may be a clue for us".

At the same moment, she and Su Xue raised their eyes together, and all three of them were stunned.

Ye Shi reacted quickly, took a short and quick look at the head again, realized something, and looked shocked and embarrassed.

Amid the suffocating atmosphere and the screen-full "hahaha" and "It's over, my little brother will turn black", Lin Ke said slowly.

"Don't worry, it's just a cover-up."

He walked to the basin expressionlessly, grabbed his head and threw it to the little fish, which turned into a ball and scoop, then moved his knuckles and made a "click".

"Okay, then let's go find Dake."

This time, no one mentioned the word "fight" in the barrage, and it was all—

[Barrage: Dake, run! 】

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