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Hearing that he accurately named his own name, Lin Ke was taken aback.

Before the two had time to talk, White Rose launched a new round of offensive, attracting the attention of the two of them again.

I saw them swinging their huge heads one after another, "bang bang" hitting the air wall, smashing themselves to pieces bit by bit with determination.

After attacking like this for a while, it gradually eased.

Jin Qingyue kept staring at them quietly until they were completely quiet, then said: "It's safe, let's go."

This man...

Lin Ke's heartbeat gradually calmed down, and he looked at Jin Qingyue in the wheelchair again: " Thanks." The

young man in front of him was in unruffled clothes, with a calm face, obviously he had not experienced any hand-to-hand combat, either his props were very powerful and completely resisted the attack, or he had discovered the correct way to fold flowers.

And he mentioned that the two are teammates, so there is a high probability that he will also pick the red rose.

It seems that people who choose the same rose will walk the same path?

As expected of a C-level dungeon player, very strong, and a teammate, this job shouldn't be so difficult.

Link heaved a sigh of relief, thinking with some relief.

"You're welcome, it's easy to do." Jin Qingyue nodded and glanced at him, seeing that Lin Ke was not at all on guard, nor did he have the slightest intention to hug his thigh, so he couldn't help raising his eyebrows, and controlled the wheelchair to walk forward along the path.

[Barrage: Woohoo, baby also wants an S-level prop with little effort. 】

【Barrage: Jin Shen has praised the little brother before, it seems that he is going to extend an olive branch. 】

【Bullet screen: It can't be, your little brother is far behind Jin Shenbi. 】

【Barrage: Don't step on it, the little brother has played a perfect ending. 】

The barrage stands at each station, but the atmosphere on the screen is extremely harmonious.

"You did a good job just now. Ordinary players would not think of picking white roses in that situation, but your first reaction in a desperate situation is to do the only thing you can do. This is a very correct way to clear the level." Jin Qingyue made comments while slowly moving forward.

Lin Ke found it amusing for the young man to speak in such an elder-like tone, and he said kindly, "You're right."

[Bullet screen: ...]

[Bullet screen: Little brother, do you know God Jin? ? ]

[Bullet screen: I don't recognize it visually, I cover my face with this coaxing tone! ! ! ]

Hearing Lin Ke's reaction, Jin Qingyue choked on his words, and cast a teasing look at Lin Ke.

Link suddenly grabbed his wheelchair.

Jin Qingyue raised his eyebrows and looked forward.

I saw a player falling down on the path ahead.

It was a young man in his twenties, half of his body buried in the soil face down, and his body was covered with vines of white roses.

Weird and beautiful.

It seems that this is also a player who unfortunately picked a red rose and was attacked by a white rose and was eliminated.

"It's a pity." Jin Qingyue said it was a pity, but he just glanced at it, then turned the wheelchair around, without any fluctuation in his tone.

Lin Ke stepped forward, paused for a moment next to the young man's body, and bent down to check.

After confirming that the young man had no vital signs, he frowned slightly.

This C-level dungeon has such a problem at the beginning. It seems that the main god system did not bluff him on this point. The difficulty of this dungeon and the F-level dungeon is indeed very different.

[Barrage: Another one was eliminated, so what are the rules? I beg God Jin to continue the analysis! ]

[Bullet screen: I think it depends on luck, some people will trigger the attack, and some people won't. I saw Jin Shen break off the rose with my own eyes, and nothing happened. 】

[Barrage: Don't be naive, can you pass the level just by luck? Jin Shen must have seen through the rules at a glance, and +1 when the secret is revealed. ]

But Lin Ke said: "It turns out that being evenly matched has this meaning."

"Did you find out?" Jin Qingyue's eyes flashed with admiration, and he said again, "Let's hear it, but don't talk about it except me." I told other people, including my teammates."

Lin Ke was startled, and was about to speak, when the flower field in front of him suddenly rustled, and then a little girl with two ponytails rolled out.

She almost rolled over and threw herself in front of the two of them, saying, "I almost died, what kind of dungeon is this shit".

Lin Ke: "..."

He subconsciously took two steps back.

At this moment, the little girl looked up and saw the two, her eyes lit up!

"Hi Shen Jin, hello little brother, my name is Yang Yue, I have cleared two A-level books before, we are teammates, haha."

She frantically shot the two of them at close range while speaking.

so handsome!

The younger brother is beautiful and elegant, but his posture has an irresistible ruffian air; Jin Qingyue is gentle and refined, and has a stable aura.

Not only handsome, Yang Yue was excited.

These two are too good.

The little brother has already become famous after successfully clearing the F-level dungeon orphanage. Only he himself does not know how famous he is; How famous.

The little girl got up almost immediately, repaired the T-shirt and jeans with unknown props, opened her eyes and said sweetly: "Please teach me a lot."

She didn't ask if anyone would like to teach her.

——Jin Shen?

Link sensitively grasped the key words, Xin Dao turned out to be really an advanced player.

After Yang Yue joined, she immediately used her chattering instinct, and the chattering didn't make the two great gods bored, and they chatted all the way to the entrance of the town.


This is a small town with a scenery comparable to a resort mountain resort. The overall buildings are red and bright yellow bricks, the color saturation is extremely high, and the ice and snow set off it is extraordinarily delicate.

The entrance of the town is a square with a golden icon fountain standing in the center.

There are already several groups of players standing scatteredly inside, several piles on the left and several piles on the right, there are forty or fifty people.

Yang Yue said "I'll go find out the news" and rushed to one of the teams.

"Thank you just now, just tell me if you need my help." Before entering the town, Lin Ke reciprocated politely and thanked again in a low voice.

[Bullet screen: ...Wow, this newcomer, let Jin Shen find him for something... I was instantly confused. ]

[Bullet screen: But from a certain point of view, he didn't treat people as useless disabled people when he didn't know God Jin, so that's pretty good? ]

[Barrage: That's right! He really spoke so naturally, he didn't look at Jin Shen's legs at all. ]

[Bullet screen: I didn't ask much. 】

【Barrage: But the little brother secretly slowed down, he is really super nice! ]

Lin Ke said this outside the small town because he was worried that Jin Qingyue was in a special situation and would be easily targeted, but unexpectedly, when he and Jin Qingyue entered the small square, almost all the players around the golden icon fountain stopped talking , looking at them.

Many of them glanced at his left tail ring, and then quickly swam away.

"Jin Shen!" Of course, more people recognized Jin Qingyue.

Among them were men and women, old and young, and even very young girls.

Whether Jin Qingyue recognized him or not, whenever someone called him, he would smile at them.

Lin Ke didn't know anyone anyway, so he nodded when he came up to call him little brother.

Soon, Link found that people on the left side of the fountain were talking about red roses, while those on the right side were talking about white roses. Everyone is an old player and has already started to form their own teams.

There were about the same number of people on both sides, and Yang Yue waved at them from the left.

Just as Lin Ke followed Jin Qingyue to the left, he clearly felt an unkind gaze on the right.

Lincoln turned his head.

The man in the leather jacket who was staring at him frowned fiercely, glanced at him with a look of "I don't know if I've been sold, stupid ass", then turned around and asked the woman beside him coldly: "Is there anyone else?" ?" The

younger woman next to him pinned her short hair behind her ears, revealing a trace of blood-red highlights: "Annan, show others a little patience."

"Okay," the man shrugged and smiled, "Fortunately, these oil bottles There will only be fewer and fewer of them."

This sentence immediately attracted the attention of several other players, but they seemed to be fearful and envious, and they quickly looked away.

Why, there is so much love and hatred before the beginning?

Link can't help but feel a little dizzy after observing everything.

Okay, if the dungeon is difficult, the teammates will be strong, and if the teammates are strong, there will be more troubles, just get used to it, sugarcane is not as sweet as both ends.

He can only comfort himself like this.

At this time, another lame panicked man walked in at the entrance of the town. With his arrival, the electronic sound of the main god system finally sounded.

[Main God System: Welcome! Visitors who have worked hard and come to the town with a pious heart, the stories and experiences here will be more moving than the fragrance of roses, and you will not be disappointed. With your arrival, the frozen rose town has also ushered in new life. During the seven days you linger, do you have a chance to see the real spring day? This evening, a handsome but blind gentleman will come to the town. Remember, although he is blind, he belongs to your light. ]

[Main God System: Now, all visitors, please enjoy the scenery of the town. 】

this evening? Why this point in time?

Before Lin Ke had time to think, his arm was firmly grasped.

His heart trembled, but when he looked up, he met a beautiful woman with big eyes and long hair.

The beauty winked at him, pouting her lips: "Little handsome boy, are you coming with me?"

Lin Ke: "..."

Just as he opened his mouth, someone hugged his left arm.

A local boy with round eyes looked at him pitifully: "Brother, shall I take you to play?" At

some point, dozens of townspeople poured out from all directions. They were dressed in distinctive national costumes covered with agates and various Complicated accessories, beautiful and mysterious, without exception, they all rushed to the red rose players.

"Miss, I have a great relationship with you, why don't you just stay at my house?" The tall and elegant male townsman stretched out his big hand to Yang Yue, making the girl blush.

"Dear brother, let me show you around the town."

"Beauty, you are as attractive as a red rose, please let me..."

In contrast, there are only a few people on the side of the white rose team. An aunt very rudely asked them to find a dilapidated empty house to live in.

It seems that this is the different effect of the two roses.

A few players obviously hated that they did not choose the red rose, and they all looked at this side enviously, especially Linke.

Lin Ke was struggling desperately with his face and head bulging. Several beauties in the town stalked him around, almost fighting over him!

[Barrage: Hahahaha, how can I say this, I can only say that my little brother is really delicious! Have you seen the stunned expression of the little brother hahahaha. ]

[Bullet screen: Just look at the mother list. ]

[Banmaku: I also want to snatch my little brother~]

Danmaku had a good time chatting, but Lin Ke's forehead was already sweating, because he clearly saw the men and women who were hugging him, and their eyes gradually showed greed and fierceness!

How does this work?

But he heard Yang Yue screaming beside him: "Let me go!"

Then there were several screams and the sound of flesh and blood tearing apart.

Lin Ke heard a long hum in his head.

Just as the scene couldn't be more chaotic, when a few pairs of cold hands touched Lin Ke's neck, suddenly, everyone felt cold.

It was not the biting cold wind, nor the frosty ice and snow, but the fear and coolness slowly rising from the heels and from the bottom of my heart.

At the same time, a tall figure slowly walked out of the church not far away from the ice-snow roses. He was dressed in a beautiful dress and crown, and the sky and the earth seemed to change color for a while. He approached slowly until everyone could clearly see his solemnity. Clothes, haughty look and those sinister eyes.

The townspeople stopped their movements and retreated trembling all over.

As they let go, "Putong", "Putong", several pieces of torn players' bodies fell to the ground, and were soon wrapped in ice and snow, turning into snow-white "stones". Rao, those who came in were all old players, and many of them showed frightened expressions.

The barrage is also crazy.

[Bullet screen: Fuck... so many people die at once...]

[Bullet screen: Again? ? ? 】

【Barrage: The punishment-level boss came out too early! ! Also let people live! 】

Barely steadying his mind, he moved his trembling eyes away from the ice blocks, and Linke looked at the person walking.

Even though the aura was completely different, and even the man became more handsome than before, and the inviolable aura was closer to a god, but he still recognized this person at a glance.

Lin Ke's mood suddenly turned to ice.

No way?


This master is much more terrifying than the crazy townspeople!

With the luck of not being discovered, he even subconsciously backed away from the few townspeople who were entangled with him, but suddenly a chill ran down his spine.

I saw a gaze like a sword piercing through the crowd and stabbing at him.

"My lord, my lord bishop..." The townspeople made fearful voices and bowed to salute.

"Since there is such an honorable guest..." But there was a smile on the corner of the man's mouth, and his eyes were cold.

He walked towards Lin Ke slowly, stretched his arms, and the gorgeous skirt of the dress suddenly unfolded: "——Let me treat you."

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