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   [Main God System: Congratulations to the player for successfully entering the dungeon "God's Wish", please activate the god's wish. 】

Activate wish? How to activate the wish?

Hearing the familiar electronic sound of the main god system, Lin Ke didn't feel any better. He tried to communicate with the main god system, but failed.

In front of him, the man stared at him closely, and asked again: "Who is it?"

Who is Lu Zhou, how to answer this question?

This person will remember him if he promised him. It's good that I don't even remember myself.

Lin Ke stared at the pair of golden eyes in front of him, speechless for a while.

But he soon discovered that there was hidden anger hidden deep in the eyes of the Lord God, as if he was getting angry about something. Reminiscent of the situation in this world, Lin Ke had a guess in his mind-

the main god might have lost his temper once. Originally, this dungeon should have a complete map like other dungeons, but the main god directly destroyed the world in a rage. This guess made him shudder. Seeing the eyes of the main god gradually becoming impatient, Lin Ke could only bite the bullet and answer: 

"He is the main god here. He promised me before that as long as I enter this world, he will recognize me. Me."

The Lord God: "..." 

The Lord God lowered his eyes and observed Lin Ke condescendingly, as if he wanted to see if he was lying. At one point, Lin Ke almost grabbed a whole Lu Zhou from his handsome eyebrows.

  It's a pity that the other party still didn't seem to recognize him, but leaned back, seemed to find it very interesting, and said, "I am the main god here." 

" I know." Link answered him. "And you are also a main god, although it is only a newborn and weak main god," the main god said in a tone of disbelief, "I hope you can understand that no main god will invite another main god to enter His own territory... that is an affront to himself, unless he has decided to give up the world."

It turned out to be like this? Lin Ke froze for a moment, then looked at Lu Zhou involuntarily.

The Lord God noticed his gaze and looked back.

"Actually," Link thought about his words, "he has already given me a world."

Now, the Lord God showed a deeper layer of surprise, which even overwhelmed the hidden anger that was already there. .

"Ah, that's it," the main god lowered his voice, "It's strange, but why did he give you a world? For the main god..." At this point, the main god paused slightly

. I kept asking: "How is it for the main god?"

Perhaps the situation was very complicated, and the main god also showed a puzzled look, he raised his hand to support his forehead, looked around, and said after a while: "You, you used to be human, right? "

Lin Ke nodded.

"Although I don't understand why a human can become the main god," the main god obviously doesn't like human beings, "but it's much easier to explain to you this way. The act of gifting the world, in the world of the main god, means a The Lord God is willing to share his creation with each other. Just like you humans are willing to share the same cub."

He seemed to feel that this explanation was not enough, and added: "This is basically impossible, because humans The cub is still a new life, but the main god's world is an extension of the main god's own life. To be precise, if two main gods share the same world, their spiritual power will be linked together. It's like... well, It's like making a marriage contract in the human world."

Link's heart skipped a beat.

"So did you accept it?" the Lord God asked with great interest.

Wait, something is wrong.

Very wrong.

Would a lord god who was in a rage patiently explain to him the rules of communication between lord gods?

Would a main god who said he didn't recognize him curiously ask him if he had accepted gifts from others?

Lin Ke narrowed his eyes and carefully looked at the man in front of him.

I saw the man's charming golden eyes full of anticipation at this time, and the eyes were so deep that it seemed to make people sink in. The anger, viciousness, and impatience at the beginning disappeared in no time.

Realizing that Link was looking at him, the main god seemed to realize something suddenly, and his handsome eyebrows frowned, and his eyes showed arrogance, unhappiness and disgust for humans, as if the person who looked good-tempered just now was not him.

But he reacted too late, and the dark history of this person pretending to be uncomfortable in the mirror and relying on him has flashed through Linke's mind.

"You don't recognize me, do you?" Linke slowly confirmed without answering, staring into the eyes of the main god.

"..." The Lord God was silent for a moment, then gently looked away: "Why should I remember a human being?"

Yes, you are a powerful Lord God, so naturally there is no need to remember a human being, but there is no need for you to avoid a human being's gaze .

And since you said the word "remember", it has been exposed.

Lin Ke thought blankly.

Lu Zhou was obviously fully awake when he yelled "Lu Zhou" for the first time. Everything after that was just to induce him to say the words "accept the world" and "conclude a marriage contract".

Fortunately, he was sad for a moment because Lu Zhou didn't remember himself. I didn't expect Lu Zhou to play tricks on him here.

On such an important occasion, I was so worried about him, even put down the whole world and entered the dungeon to find him, yet he dared to act!

Lin Ke was so angry that his heart beat faster.

For a moment, 10,000 ways to deal with Lu Zhou flashed through his mind.

He didn't expose Lu Zhou, but said bluntly with his eyelids closed, "Then do you want me to help you remember?"

Lu Zhou turned his head and raised his eyebrows, not knowing how Lin Ke could help him remember.

However, before he could figure it out, Lin Ke rushed up to the suspended throne, and grabbed the Lord God's wrist hanging by his side.

His movements were natural, smooth, and done in one go. Due to his haste and anger, his whole body fell on the main god—the main god didn't even have time to be surprised by his initiative, but met Lin Ke's fiery eyes hastily.

The next moment, both of them froze.

Lin Ke forgot that he is also the main god now, and possesses considerable spiritual power. At this moment, his inner rage collided with Lu Zhou's full of desire, and a reaction happened that neither of them expected.

For a moment, the main god looked at Lin Ke with darker eyes, and his eyes became dangerous and aggressive.

Lin Ke's heart skipped a beat, and he wanted to run away subconsciously, but following a familiar sharp pain from the tail ring of his left hand, restless emotions ignited from his chest, and an eager anger fueled the flames again, driving this Emotions burn more intensely. He suddenly longed desperately to hug the person in front of him. The two contradictory emotions only confronted each other for a moment, and the longing got the upper hand.

After all, he also has his own mind.

In an instant, Lu Zhou's eyebrows, nose, and breath suddenly became impossible to ignore. He couldn't help getting close to Lu Zhou, lowered his head and took a deep breath, desperately trying to regain his sanity, but he heard a man's deep and hoarse voice above his head: "Oh? I seem to remember..." This voice made Lin Ke's scalp

explode , he only felt like a prey discovered by a hunter, instinctively aware of the danger.

The next moment, the main god's cold fingers pinched his jaw, forcing him to raise his head.

Lin Ke caught his breath when he met the gaze of the Lord God.

Lu Zhou said in a hoarse voice, "I remembered that there is one unfinished business."

After speaking, he leaned down gently and savagely.

Lin Ke suddenly opened his eyes wide, and his unspoken words melted into the warm breath of the Lord God.

In the infinitely cold space, a sliver of temperature suddenly appeared, and then a dense fragrance was released, and countless ivy filled the air, breaking through the darkness.

A whole new world is slowly being woven into shape.

[Main God System: Congratulations to the player, successfully activated the wish of the god. ]


Seven days have passed.

"No, I can't go on like this anymore. Lin Ke is so powerful, no matter how difficult it is, it won't take him seven days! What can he do for seven days!" Zhou Zhao stood up angrily.

"That's right, according to the legend, it only took seven days for God to create the world." Xin Chen said with reason and evidence.

"It only took a moment for Pangu to open the sky." Another person answered.

There are many players, NPCs and bosses in the central square. Everyone is worried, anxious and exhausted.

In just seven days, many places in the main god world collapsed. Even though Uncle Chen took a mirror to rescue everywhere, he still only saved a few residential areas and the central square.

Because everyone is worried about Lin Ke, and these emotions affect each other, causing the world to collapse even faster.

If this continues, they won't last long.

"Why don't we go in? The S-level dungeons have come over, do you want my little brother to suffer in there alone?" A brave player suggested. "But, will going in hastily make his situation more dangerous?" Another cautious player was worried.

"Trust Lin Ke," Jin Qingyue interrupted them, "He asked us to wait for him to come out, and we will wait for him here." After he

finished speaking, he looked at Uncle Chen and asked for Uncle Chen's opinion.

Everyone then looked at Uncle Chen. After Lin Ke left, Uncle Chen became their patriarch.

Uncle Chen pondered for a moment, then said: "According to what the kid himself said, Xiao Lu only recognizes him, and no one else can go in, so it's not good to go in rashly. But everyone has seen the current situation. If the whole place collapses, we will Let's go in again. But the big guys can't do everything, you can guess what you're going to do after you go in, and make preparations." After

Chen Bo said this, everyone suddenly became enlightened.

Yes, they are anxious because they can only wait while worrying about Linke. If they can use the waiting time to do something, they will not be so anxious.

This suggestion is actually very common. Many advanced players will do a lot of homework before entering the dungeon, mainly because this time, this dungeon is too special, without any clues. Link also said before that this dungeon does not need a strategy. Therefore, everyone is subconsciously "waiting for Lin Ke", forgetting the most basic point.

So the players opened the terminals one after another and began to study the information of the S+ copy.

On the dungeon interface, all other dungeons have disappeared—because all dungeon npcs and bosses have come to the doomsday world where the players are, leaving only one dungeon of "God's Wish".

The background of the copy is full of spring.

"Actually, I have been researching this dungeon for the past seven days," Jin Qingyue said again, "I found a very strange phenomenon. The cover of this dungeon is changing every day." To be precise, this

dungeon The cover of the book is changed from gray to color. On the first day, the background inside the cover was dusty, on the second day it seemed to be a little brighter, and on the third day sprouts began to grow... until the seventh day, the cover of the dungeon became so pink and tender scene.

"So, I also remember that the cover of this dungeon turned out to be gray." The attentive player stood up to prove that Jin Qingyue was right.

"Yes," Jin Qingyue said, "From the analysis of the pattern on it, the direction of this dungeon should be more and more clear, but Lin Ke has never shown up. Maybe we can find clues from this angle "

"Jin Shen, what do you mean," Xin Chen, who is best at reasoning, was the first to raise his hand, "God's wish is a good wish, but Ke Lin can't fulfill it. Is that so?" "But Brother Lin is so powerful

. , if even he can't achieve it, who else can achieve it?" Someone worried.

Immediately, several players stood up and echoed: "Yes, how difficult is that wish to fulfill?"

"Lin Ke must have suffered in it. Alas, the wish of the Lord God must not be small." "Of course,

there is another possibility." Xin Chen saw that everyone became dejected because of his own thoughts, and hurriedly spoke again, "It is not easy to realize the wish. It must be very difficult, or Lin Ke is unwilling to do it."

Xin Chen originally wanted everyone to broaden their minds and stop thinking about the bad angle of not being easy to pass the customs, but unexpectedly, after he said this, everyone's emotions changed. got worse.

"Oh my God, that Link is so pitiful, he has to do things he doesn't want to do in order to clear the level!" Some players were filled with righteous indignation.

"We didn't do it right, we shouldn't let him in alone. He doesn't know what he's going through..." Another player said.

"But the headmaster won't hurt big brother!" Little Shark, Dake, Xiaoke, Lin Lin, and Xiaolan said in unison.

"Yes, the bishop obviously likes him very much." Many NPCs in Rose Town also affirmed.

"Even if what you said is true, the master's temperament is not good." Several bosses of Lin Ke who had never seen how Lu Zhou treated him worriedly added.

Since most of the people present were afraid of the main god, after hearing this, many npcs and bosses trembled and their eyes turned red.

It looked like they had seen the Lord God treat Link like this and that.

When the players saw the appearance of the NPC and the boss, they couldn't bear it anymore, especially Zhou Zhao and Ye Shi who were close to Lin Ke. They clicked on the terminal one after another, and they were all about to break into the pass to save people, but they were blocked by Jin Qing. The more dissuaded again.

The scene gradually became more depressing.

Everyone seems determined to think that something must have happened to Lin Ke, and it happened because of them.

Sobs began to be heard from the crowd.

Even the color of the sky darkened.

Seeing everyone like this, Jin Qingyue and Chen Bo looked at each other, feeling helpless.

This is the first time that Jin Qingyue has no clue about the dungeon clues, because this dungeon is too self-contradictory.

As everyone said, if the wish of the main god in the dungeon is good, then it is impossible for Link to pass the level; if the wish of the main god is evil, then the cover should not be the style of this girl Huaichun.

Moreover, Jin Qingyue would never believe that the Lord God would hurt Lin Ke. When the main god appeared as a punishment boss, Jin Qingyue had already noticed that the relationship between him and Lin Ke was extraordinary... It was impossible for the main god to hurt Lin Ke, and Jin Qingyue dared to guarantee this.

So what is going on here?

For the first time in his life, he felt that his brain was not enough. He always felt that the logic of this dungeon was beyond the scope of his wisdom and common sense. When he was puzzled, he heard several players around him exclaim.

"Look, everyone! The content of the dungeon introduction has changed!"

Jin Qingyue's expression froze, he opened the terminal, and saw the change of the dungeon panel.

["The Wish of the Lord God":

dungeon level: S+;

dungeon introduction: Please complete the true wish of the Lord God.

Participants: no limit to the identity and number of participants;

opening time: within one hour. ]

The "opening time" of the dungeon has changed to "within one hour" - this is equivalent to telling everyone that they must enter the final level!

This accident frightened everyone into stupidity. When they were talking about it, they heard a "cracking" sound from the ground that made people's teeth sore.

A moment later, with the sound of marble shattering, the floor tiles in the central square were pushed apart by vines, and the vines that suddenly grew seemed to have life, growing and condensing in the center of the square to form an arch. The pink flowers decorate the arch delicately and beautifully, just like the entrance of some wedding dinner.

Seeing this arch, Jin Qingyue felt strange for no reason, but he just couldn't say what was strange.

Even Uncle Chen frowned, looking thoughtfully at the familiar arch. In his memory, he took Lin Ke to a colleague's wedding—did the arch outside the hall look like this at that time?

Logically speaking, the information Chen Bo found at this time is the most accurate, but he didn't think about it.

At this time, the scenery on the other side of the arch became blurred and turned into a dark background, and then two figures flashed out from the darkness.

"It's Lin Ke!" the sharp-eyed player shouted.

"Yes, it's the master!" All the npcs and bosses gasped.

Sure enough, it was Lin Ke and the Lord God. At this time, the two were walking out side by side. Because the picture was very blurred, their expressions could not be seen clearly. It can only be seen that the Lord God wrapped one hand around Link's waist, and firmly held his other arm, as if supporting Link.

Judging from this posture, it's always a good relationship, right? That may have been cleared.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

However, when the two slowly approached, they found something was wrong.

I saw Lin Ke's clear and expressionless face, his eyelids were so big that he could draw a bow and shoot an arrow, but the main god's expression was full, with a trace of dissatisfaction and regret in his satisfaction.

Then, Linke saw the arch, as if thinking of something, the expression on his face cracked.

He turned his head coldly, his cold eyes fell on the man beside him, and he said something, which didn't look good.

But the Lord God was not only not angry, a trace of guilt flashed in his eyes, but he was soon replaced by determination.

This expression directly made Lin Ke throw away the main god.

In the next second, the main god stuck back to Link.

Is this still their cruel main god and terrifying punishment boss! The npc, boss and players were all dumbfounded.

In just a few tens of seconds, Lin Ke and the main god were already very close to the arch. Everyone watched the main god circle Lin Ke, lead him out of the arch, and come back to everyone.

"Okay, I'm back." The Lord God whispered to Lin Ke.

Seeing the sudden return of the Lord God with Lin Ke, and such a mysterious conversation, everyone couldn't figure out what happened, and dared not speak.

"Then next," the Lord God said seriously, "I'll announce the way to clear the final level."

Oh, it turns out that I'm here to announce the way to clear the level.

Everyone became more nervous all of a sudden, and their expressions became serious. Only Chen Bomin noticed that Lin Ke avoided his questioning gaze.

It doesn't look like she is angry, but rather like she did something bad with Lu Zhou, and she dared not let him know.

Uncle Chen frowned, feeling that the matter was not simple.

The next moment, the electronic sound of the main god system sounded in the air.

[Main God System: Today is a day of great joy. We will open the final closed as a non-injury copy, without any life-threatening, and there is no restriction on the identity of the participants. Whether you are a player, npc or boss, you can participate! ]

[The main god system: the only clearance condition is——]

I saw the main god raised the corners of his mouth, and gently pulled Lin Ke beside him to his side, pinching the young man's shoulders with his slender fingers, like a dragon holding his own. All things like that.

Then, he patted Link on the shoulder with five fingers, and said to everyone present: "The only condition for customs clearance."

"It is to let him marry me.

" During the period of 55:01~2021-09-02 20:56:48, the little angel who voted for the overlord or the irrigation nutrient solution for me~

Thanks to the little angel of the irrigation nutrient solution: 12 bottles of 53301946; 10 bottles of Puyu Youxin; 5 bottles of soft kiss daddy, 18236219, vest three and two pieces; Support, I will continue to work hard!

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