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 Lin Ke's mind went blank for a moment.

No, when did this person come?

As if hearing the question in his heart, the bishop gently pulled out his right hand, which was behind his back, and there was a piece of clear ice in the palm.

Different from the previous world, this world has magic. The moment Ji Hong turned into ice, she had disappeared, and the ice was also purified by the holy light, leaving no trace of her breath.

Therefore, what the bishop was holding in his hand at this time was only crystal clear ice cubes.

But Lin Ke looked more and more like his own head, and it was about to be crushed.

He can understand the emotions and thoughts of all players, npcs, and bosses at a glance, but this terrible client avatar/avatar in front of him always makes him fall. What is the meaning of the ice cube in his hand with a sullen face?

Lin Ke was also a little bit crazy for a while, but in the madness, there was a trace of tension that he didn't realize.

Yu Lin watched from the sidelines and almost fainted from fright. You must know that when facing the big boss of the dungeon just now, Lin Ke was able to handle everything with ease, but seeing him like this now, Yu Lin only felt that both of them would die on the spot.

"Bishop," fortunately, Linke paused, and said first, "Are you looking for us?"

[Bullet screen: He panicked, he panicked, he panicked. ]

[Bullet screen: Don't say he panicked. Just now, when the camera turned and he saw the bishop's expression, I almost died on the spot. 】

【Barrage: So you can come here for whatever you are afraid of. People hate witches, and my little brother has to come to witches. ]

[Barrage: ... Are you worried about him or are you? 】

【Barrage: Of course I'm watching the fun! 】

The bishop's heavy eyes fell on Link.

Lin Ke: "..."

He was convinced.

He lost.

He really couldn't tell whether the look was resentment or anger, disbelief or disappointment, and he couldn't tell whether the bishop wanted to arrest him or take him away.

However, the bishop's eyes moved slightly following the changes in his complexion.

The man seemed to be very satisfied with Lin Ke's emotional turmoil for him, his eyebrows stretched a little, and when he lifted his hand, the ice cube fell to the ground and shattered.

The bishop calmly said: "Next time, don't throw things around."

The main god system almost followed immediately.

[The main god system: the bishop formulated the second town rule that must not be violated. As a civilized and friendly townsman, he is not allowed to throw objects in the sky without permission. ]

[Bullet screen: ...a high-altitude parabolic, how high is it? 】

【Barrage: This parabola is very subtle. Does throwing herself on the little brother like Ji Hong count as a high-altitude parabola? 】

【Barrage: What the bishop really means is that from now on, we can only fight on the ground, and no one is allowed to bully my wife with high-altitude throwing objects. ]

[Barrage:? ? ? Where did the cp fans get in here? 】

【Barrage: Although the cp upstairs is talking nonsense... But I have to say, I always thought that the rules set by the disciplinary boss were to increase the probability of death. It opens up more fighting possibilities, doesn't it? ]

"The church is open today, and the townspeople will come to the church to share their concerns, and the guests can also come to the activities together." The bishop seemed to have not seen Yu Lin, and only spoke to Lin Ke, "Although the church does not welcome asylum seekers Evil, especially the evil guests at night, but if the guests are willing to repent, of course they can still be forgiven." At the

end, his tone was a bit dry, so Linke couldn't tell whether he said this for the sake of the plot or simply Say this to yourself.

"..." Link remained calm, "Okay, thank you for the notice. To express my apology, I will take care of myself first before going."

[Barrage: Hahahahaha, it's a play in a second, it's okay to take care of yourself, little brother, why don't you take a bath and fast? 】

【Barrage: It's too cruel, too cruel. The bishop woke up and was gone, and the house collapsed, so he had to come to his love rival early in the morning to send a message to his little brother. ]

[Bullet screen: ... you describe it! I suddenly felt that my little brother was such a scumbag. 】

【Barrage: Scum +1. ]

Lin Ke, a scumbag, didn't just say it casually.

He was chased by Ji Hong yesterday, but he was injured. The mud sticking to his body made him feel extremely uncomfortable.

Moreover, when visiting the town yesterday, Lin Ke had already discovered a spring on the top of the back mountain, where he could wash casually, and it would be best to bring a basin back to the room to wipe his body.

It's just...

"Under your protection in Rose Town, bishop, there shouldn't be anyone spying on the room at random, right?" Linke asked politely.

【Barrage:......? ? ? ]

[Barrage: Wait! The little brother is using tricks to prevent us from watching him sleep! ]

[Barrage: Bishop, don't believe him! ! ! Don't answer! 】

It's a pity that the bishop has already replied coldly: "That's natural."

【The main god system: The bishop formulates the third rule that cannot be violated, and he is not allowed to spy on other people's room at will. Please note that this rule will be combined with the system blocking rules. When people in the house carry out activities that are not suitable for broadcasting, the live broadcast will be automatically blocked. Please be aware. ]

[Barrage:! ! ! ! cunning! ! ]

[Bullet screen: Sleepy faces are not allowed to be seen, I want to cancel it! ]

[Bullet screen: Don't be angry, you will come back, touch your head. 】

Lu Zhou has become more and more sober.

Just like at this moment, although he was affected by inexplicable emotions, he still knew who the person in front of him was, and consciously wanted to help Lin Ke.

However, every time he sees this person wearing his token, he will recall those comfortable experiences that gripped him, and these memories will further deepen his current irritability, making him so angry that he wants to go to someone every minute post, or simply arrest the person and grab him for a while.

not like this. The bishop's Adam's apple rolled up and down, and he said coldly, "I'll go back to the church to preside over it first, so please go your own way."

After speaking, he turned around and strode away, looking like he was fleeing in a hurry.

Lin Ke was a little taken aback by this unexpected momentum, but he had never accurately predicted this person's behavior trajectory, so he gave up after thinking about it for only two seconds.

As soon as he turned around, he met Shang Yu Lin's suspicious eyes.

Yu Lin watched him hesitant to speak, hesitant to speak, and finally couldn't help it: "You... What is the function of your prop? No, no, it doesn't matter if you don't tell me, I just asked, really I'm too curious."

Too curious - what kind of props can attract the boss to take the initiative to send messages!

"I don't know either." Linke replied casually, and left with his head buried.

Yu Lin didn't know that Lin Ke, a poor laborer, really didn't know the high-end secrets of Shangfeng. He just thought that Lin Ke didn't want to say more, so he could only follow with envious eyes.

Originally, escaping from Mr. Blind and the bishop was a relaxing thing to do, but when the two came to the residential area and saw the players standing solemnly in front of the hut, they realized that things were not that simple. 

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