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central city.

Lin Ke did not expect that, compared to the retro orphanage in the dungeon, this central urban area looked like a product of the human world five thousand years later.

This "city" is clearly divided, with dense apartment areas, high-end home areas, market squares and the sky-reaching dome tower in the central garden. Everywhere is brightly lit, glowing in the night.

And most of all people.

Lin Ke never expected that only one urban area in the world of the Lord God could accommodate so many residents, especially the central square and the market, which were lit like daylight, were almost densely packed with human heads. Many sparkling props.

He was a little curious, and asked the main god system to teleport him to the central square before entering his own home.

The figure of a young man flashed from an inconspicuous advertising space in the central square. Link followed the advice of the main god system and did not go into the crowd—even though he felt that it was impossible for anyone to recognize him.

In the square, the players all frowned and looked up at the light screen, discussing a lot, some sighed, some were filled with righteous indignation, watching the countless recommendation positions on the huge screen turn blood red, and then the screen went black, entering the next cycle.

"It's too difficult. No player has cleared the dungeon since three weeks ago."

"To be precise, the only one that has cleared the level recently is the F-level orphanage .

" What's

going on? The difficulty of the dungeon has increased so much that even Brother Jin doesn't come up with a strategy."

"What else can happen! It must be that the main god system is too good at players and is not happy to take away a lot of props and resources. Not only does it increase Difficulty, inflation is still fierce, and you can't buy a good house with millions of points. Forget it, the bosses can avoid the limelight, we will die if we don't enter the capital, go to the orphanage, and pass the customs I can survive."

"You haven't queued up yet? Go! I've already queued up."

Hearing that someone mentioned the orphanage dungeon, Lin Ke was taken aback, but what surprised him even more was still behind—

"I don't know when the little brother in the F-level dungeon will come out, I've been looking for him It's been a day... I want to be with his team."

"Don't dream, how many people want to join him now. If he shows up, it will be your turn?"

"Probably not in the central city, he is a newcomer, no People with so many action points living here may be in a marginal area. I asked my friend to pay attention."

Link: "..." Is there really someone looking for him?

[The main god system: Thanks to the host, not only the bosses returned to normal, but also the players have a copy that can pass the level. ]

The main god system suddenly answered.

The communication just now where the No. 2 system finally came forward to win the respect obviously dealt a blow to it. Now it even speaks a little cautiously, showing a little conscientiousness. The exaggeration this time was not to cover up any problems, and the tone was restrained, which seemed much more pleasing to the ear.

And when players complained about the system, it instead thanked itself for the players, adding a layer of humiliation.

Lin Ke was about to answer, but he heard the very light electronic sound channel of the main god system.

[Main God System: Just say the system, the host and the master are a perfect match. 】

Lin Ke: "..." Do you really think that he can't hear the soft voice?

It's a pity that it's useless to complain, this system is like this, only the owner is in the eyes, and for some reason the No. 2 system is not there, Link has no choice but to communicate with it.

With this thought in mind, Lin Ke distracted himself and thought about the two systems—Since entering the central city, the No. 2 system has stopped making a sound, and this area should be under the sole jurisdiction of the main god system.

And in their master's study, only the No. 2 system made a sound, and there was no shadow of the main god system.

What happened in the Lord God World? Why are these two systems so different in character and in charge of different fields?

In the process of being forced to become a staff member and constantly being angered by the system, Lin Ke also has his own thinking—he never takes certain things for granted.

【Lin Ke: Are you only responsible for compliments and recruiting people? ]

The main god system obviously choked when asked this question, but it may be because of his previous performance, in order to improve his professional ability, he still answered the question seriously.

[Main God System: Host, I am only responsible for being loyal to the Master, ensuring the working status of each staff member, and maintaining the order of the entire Lord God world. ]

[Lin Ke: What about the other one? ]

[Main God System: It is in charge of the master. 】

Getting an answer similar to the result he deduced, Lin Ke was about to ask further questions, but he heard exclamations from the square.

"Ah, it's really broadcasted on the main screen. This person is ashamed and thrown out of the sky hahaha."

"It deserves it! This time I will stand as the boss." On

the central recommendation position, a fragment playback is in progress. On the screen, a The man kneeled before the throne, and the vampire throne looked down on the slaves.

As if aware of this person's unwillingness to be angry and prying eyes, the throne raised his hand, his cold white cheeks and sharpened jaw were full of anger, and his dark pupils showed unabashed disgust for human players .

So disgusted that even with white gloves on, he still felt dirty.

While the slave was struggling and using various props to no avail, the Vampire Throne slowly took off his gloves, revealing his almost unseen, transparent and flawless white hands, tapping lightly in the void.

The "slave" suddenly raised his head, bent his whole body back into a "C" shape, and then, like a spring attached to his body, swung his head back with a "bang" in this posture, smashing a big hole in the ground.

The head was knocked so hard that even Lin Ke's eyebrows twitched, but then he saw the content on the barrage and was stunned.

The barrage is frantically asking if this slave player is the pervert who crushed Xiaolan's head on the ground in the F-level dungeon. If so, they will pay more to continue on-demand.

Another barrage from Leeuwenhoek replied, "Obviously it is, even the position of the mole with long hair on the face is exactly the same."

Xiaolan? abnormal?

——Lin Ke suddenly looked at the screen again.

Clip is nearing completion. The boss of the Vampire Throne is obviously very angry, and is about to start a massacre. Just as the black cloud behind him is shrouded, and he is about to make a big move in front of the trembling players, the dark ink color in his eyes suddenly fades away, revealing the amber pupils like wine .

Then he paused for a moment, just looked at everyone coldly again, then turned into a pitch-black bat and screamed away.

The screen freezes.

——These eyes are too familiar! Lin Ke half-opened his mouth blankly. He immediately recalled what happened in the copy of the orphanage—when Xiaolan's memory was opened, it was Su Xue who was clearing the level. At that time, he just used an excuse to relax, slipped out of the props room, and quietly came to the door of the dean's office. He was caught by the dean and dragged into the small dark room. Later, the No. 2 system told him, "Please let the master go back quickly."

Afterwards, I started to be plucked by the dean, and I never had time to look at the terminal bracelet, but I heard from Ye Shi that the number of viewers in the live broadcast of the dungeon plummeted at that time.

Let the master go back... the

audience dives...


won't it? At that time, he thought that the dean was incompetent and furious, but in fact, this anger has passed through countless copies, directly arrived at the destination and completed a round of abuse?

The eyes of the Vampire Throne are so recognizable that Lin Ke can't even pretend not to recognize him. So the master's "clone/body" can appear in other copies at the same time? Or can a certain moment appear in all copies?

How can a boss have such great authority?

Link was in a daze while still looking at the screen.

——Still no one cleared the level.

Regardless of whether it is the central recommended position or the marginal recommended position, players are being eliminated at an increasing rate, and people are screaming in fear everywhere.

I waited for a while, but I didn't see the replay just now. When I asked the system, the system said that it was hard to find a dungeon easter egg replay for the central recommendation position. It would already have tens of millions of people requesting a show. Now everyone is struggling. It's hard to see again.

Lin Ke probably understood that the dungeon alienation caused by the personal problems of the bosses made it difficult to clear the dungeon, which has seriously affected the normal operation of the entire main god world, and many people are facing the risk of being eliminated from the world immediately. Although the part-time job is very tiring, if he does not work part-time, he is indeed a member facing elimination. Thinking of this, he decided to "go home" first and determine the next work idea with the main god system.


In view of the fact that some players mentioned inflation before, millions of dollars cannot buy a good house, Linke originally did not have any expectations for the home.

But when he saw the system home full of technology in front of him, he was still a little surprised.

The main god system usually opens its voice to invite credit.

[Main God System: It just so happened that a player jumped off a building to make a big sale, so he bought it back for the host. Although the action points of the host cannot be directly compensated due to the restrictions of the rules, we can still guarantee the basic necessities of the host. ]

Lin Ke nodded as he entered the home cottage. The interior is brightly colored, with all kinds of facilities and even a constant temperature system. The whole room exudes a faint fragrance of flowers. It seems that the previous owner must be a girl with a young heart.

In addition, there are data query system terminals and storage display terminals that can be opened at any time and projected on any wall.

These functions are similar to the terminal bracelet, but the storage system can store more props, and the data query system interface is larger and more practical, which contains information about various dungeons and player experience sharing.

This is probably why the main god system bought itself a home after giving itself a small room as a gift.

[Main God System: Host, according to the degree of loss of control of the bosses, next you will enter the C-level dungeon "Frozen Rose Town" to work. The bosses in the C-level dungeon have stronger personal mobility and better adaptation High, so there is no background, and you have no chance to contact them in advance. For your safety, it is recommended to check the information first according to the background of the copy. ]

[Master God System: Before you enter the dungeon, the system will follow the previous agreement and disclose all the information about the master to you within the scope of authority...]

Finally, the point is reached, Lin Ke is lying on the comfortable macaron-colored color matching fabric Sitting on the sofa, prick up your ears and listen.

As a result, he was confused when he listened to it... It

turned out that even the main god system did not fully confirm the "master"!

The author has something to say: I wish all the little cuties who refer to the gold list titles tomorrow! ! all the best! !

Thanks to the little angel who voted for me as a king or irrigation nutrient solution during 2021-06-05 17:34:56~2021-06-06 18:59:11~

Thanks to the little angel of irrigation nutrient solution: Xi Zhi 10 bottle;

thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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