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When Lin Ke said this, even Mr. Blind was surprised.

He widened his invisible eyes, and stared in Linke's direction, as if he wanted to know who said those words to him.

But of course he still couldn't see it, he just pursed his lips hesitantly.

He was really terrified of being cheated by people. These people always have endless reasons to deceive him and make him fall for it. They are cheating and cheating, pretending to be a good person to deceive, and pretending to be a bad person to deceive him. . Therefore, even if he knew that what Lin Ke said just now was very reasonable, he didn't dare to believe it easily.

After all, the person he least trusts now is himself.

He didn't trust his own logic, his hands, his ears, and now even his nose. It would be great if he could see... As

soon as Mr. Blind's eyes turned red, he suddenly remembered what Lin Ke once said to him. Link said, "As long as you don't let the tourists leave the town, no one can be fooled." you".

He stood there in a daze for a moment, and immediately realized that he was almost stupid again just now.

Mr. Blind's mood became even more depressed.

With his back bent and his head bowed, he stood there like a child who made a mistake.

Seeing that Mr. Blind's expression faltered visibly with the naked eye, Lin Ke was a little confused, and he thought to himself that he didn't say anything? I just said take him to find a witch, how can you stimulate people like this? Could it be that the rose in my hand is really a customs clearance item, and this perverted dungeon is just to pierce the hearts of the players, and then they can pass the level?

If that's the case, the rose won't be able to bring out the dungeon anyway, so it's not impossible for him to give this rose...

Just as he was thinking about it, Lin Ke's hand turned cold and he squeezed it empty.

Lin Ke: "?"

Suddenly the bishop stretched out his hand from the side, took the rose in his hand, and said in a very flat, business-like tone: "This is the rose that you arbitrarily used witchcraft in the town. , are not allowed to be carried around, so I will keep them."

As he spoke, he didn't ask Link for permission, and as soon as he collected the rose, the petals, branches and leaves disappeared between the bishop's wide sleeves in an instant.

Linke was stunned by this trickery. But the bishop's reason for acting is justified, which is very in line with the logic of the dungeon, so he can't make mistakes.

[Barrage: Hahahaha, it's too miserable, my little brother is gone. 】

【Barrage: What a pity, the great opportunity to clear the level is gone! 】

【Barrage: This is not a chance to clear the level, but a chance to die, okay? The bishop was watching from the side. Roses are a symbol of evil witchcraft. It is impossible for the little brother to pass the level with roses. Don't be too naive. ]

[Bullet screen: You all think so complicated, I think it's just that the bishop wants to take away the rose...]

[Bullet screen: The minister seconded the proposal. 】

In the picture, Mr. Blind obviously heard the words of the bishop, and finally had to believe that the rose in Linke's hand was not the one the witch had prepared for him. He had no choice but to say in a hoarse voice: "Then I'll wait for you, If you dare to break the appointment at night, I will blow all of you lying tourists away with a cane."

After speaking, he turned around and left.

Although the witch could no longer move, she had already paved a relatively smooth path with her body and arms. Mr. Blind staggered along that road, returned to the ground very smoothly, and then walked staggeringly and alone towards the town.

Only the tall witch who was completely frozen in ice and the bishop who was silent after taking away Linke Rose were left on the scene.

Bishop Junyi's face showed some paleness, as if he had expended a lot of effort to seal the witch, all in all he felt weak.

The doubts in Lin Ke's heart grew stronger. Looking at his side face, he was about to ask a question, but suddenly his arm was grabbed again.

"Let's go," said the bishop, "repent with me."

Lin Ke: "..."

He was so overwhelmed by the dungeon mechanism that he couldn't even complain about it. He really needs to repent. According to the information he got before, people who have been exposed to roses are particularly prone to spiritual pollution at night, but those who have been forgiven or blessed by the bishop You can avoid disasters.

He had to face the witch tonight, and he'd better make a big confession in order to keep his sanity.

The bishop walked like the wind, and Link followed him back to the town in a daze.

The rose field outside the town had been damaged badly. Many roses tried to lean out to attack Link, but they all retreated as soon as they got close to the bishop.

It wasn't until he entered the small town that Lin Ke was shocked by everything in front of him.

The town was also damaged.

The brick floor that originally had a beautiful fountain was completely damaged by thick vines, the spring water overflowed the ground, mud and dead leaves floated on the ground, and the fountain was skewed and shattered from the middle, like a flower withered.

Some of the houses that can be seen not far away were hit by dead vines, bricks were scattered all over the ground, and windows were broken.

The townspeople were running around, making a mess of noise, and soon someone shouted in surprise: "Little brother, you are back!"

Lin Ke subconsciously withdrew his hand and looked towards the source of the sound.

I saw Yang Yue staggering out from the side of the path, obviously waiting here on purpose, she just ran two steps, and immediately stared at the bishop warily.

The bishop's face was flat and expressionless, he just glanced at Yang Yue and walked towards the church.

Yang Yue seemed to be frightened by the bishop, and when the bishop disappeared completely, she murmured: "It's okay..."

Lin Ke was thinking about something, and asked casually, "What's okay?"

Yang Yue revealed A "help" emoji: "You don't know, the townspeople found out that the bishop was gone, and they almost went crazy with fright, and there are all kowtowing to the church. This town is really, really weird... and..."

She hesitated for a moment, then turned her head to look around and said, "Yu Lin and the others are indeed dead. They must have been bewitched by Gao Feifan and Chen Ming. They were members of the White Rose team but went to pick the red roses.

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