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Lin Ke was very sensitive, so he turned his head immediately, only to see Jin Qingyue and Yu Sheng talking with a smile.

He was about to leave when he heard Mr. Blind's hoarse voice.

"However, I still won't let the guests leave the town."

Hearing this, Link paused and turned around to look.

In the center of the townspeople, Mr. Blind stood beside the witch with his back straightened. His words were firm and frightened all the players. One player blurted out: "Why?" Mr. Blind glanced

around in the void, Finally, he turned his head to Nightingale and said, "Because a guest told me that as long as I don't let everyone leave the town, no one can fool me."


Everyone was dumbfounded.

They were a little stunned at first, then thought of something, and looked at Link in disbelief—after all, Link's customs clearance method is too personal, and it's hard not to remind people of him.

Facing everyone's eyes, Lin Ke said calmly, "Yes, that's right."

[Bullet screen: Hahahaha, it's also strong to be unreasonable! 】

【Barrage: Yes, what's wrong with the little brother teaching the boss to pass the level? no problem! ]

[Bullet screen: Laughing to death, you won't be unable to pass the level because of this, right? ]

[Bullet screen: No, in the full protection stage, even if you don't clear the level temporarily, you will just have to stay for a few more days. ]

The two "looked at each other" for a while.

Mr. Blind's voice was hoarse, but he smiled heartily: "It's you, thank you. I'm going to invite you all to play in Rose Town for a while." Following his words, Witch Nightingale turned her dark eyes to Link, and she turned to Lin Ke

. Lin Ke bowed slightly to show his thanks.

Lin Ke was startled, and suddenly realized that the witch couldn't speak—her voice belonged to a boss attack with a strong spiritual appeal in this world, so she had been restraining herself just now, and even when she saw Mr. Blind, she didn't make a sound.

And witches have obviously not been able to accompany their lovers like humans for hundreds of years.

Lin Ke was in a complicated mood, and nodded slightly in return, somewhat awkwardly.

The mood of the players around is more complicated.

What are you doing, it turned out to be a joke.

I was so surprised that I thought it was going to be cold.

They all breathed a sigh of relief, Yang Yue's face flushed red, and she made a big grimace at Lin Ke, as if saying "Look at what you have done, little brother".

Jin Qingyue turned his head and made a "powerful" gesture to Lin Ke. Behind him, Yu Sheng smiled happily.

Seeing this scene, Lin Ke saved himself the idea of ​​following Jin Qingyue's mouth. Anyway, this person has not been paying attention to him for a day or two. There is a high probability that the next dungeon will follow in, so let's talk about it at that time.

In short, this copy has ended, and the state of the service object is unprecedentedly good.

Link looked at Mr. Blind with a relieved expression on his face.

Mr. Blind in front of him has learned how to joke, and the shrinking shadow on his body is gone, as if he has changed back to the humorous gentleman in the past.

The last problem he was worried about just now was also solved.


Just as he was thinking, he heard the electronic sound of the main god system.

[Main God System: Additional tasks, Mr. Blind invites all players to play in Rose Town in spring for a while, please enjoy the town's scenery to the fullest. ]

[Main God System: If players are willing to help the townspeople restore the town, they will also get exquisite gifts from the townspeople. 】

This is not a visit, this is clearly a bonus egg link.

The audience is boiling! The few surviving players couldn't hide the excitement on their faces.

You must know that the Lord God World is very stingy when it comes to gifting items. Usually, the reward for an F-level dungeon is only one to two items, and a C-level dungeon is no more than three to five items. , in low-level dungeons to perform mindless quick brushing and accumulation of props.

Not only do newcomers do this, but advanced players do this too. Over time, everyone seems to agree that only by having more and more advanced props can they pass the level smoothly; and to obtain more and more advanced props, the only way is to quickly spawn dungeons.

Due to the increasingly fierce competition between players and dungeons, everyone has rarely felt the joy of clearing the level, and began to care about the time it takes to clear the level.

Just like this dungeon of Frozen Rose Town, they spent three days in total, and there are still barrages quietly saying that if they choose to fight the boss plot line, they may have cleared the level on the second day, and take the extra day Wouldn't it be nice to have an F-grade book and get an extra item?

But now, the electronic tone of the system gave them another answer.

The main god system is telling all players that their efforts in the dungeon and their outstanding contribution to the completion of the dungeon will get a positive response from the dungeon.

[Barrage: I'm done reading! I think I can too! ]

[Barrage: What can I do? Cleared the level perfectly? To be honest, I am also covered in chicken blood now. ]

[Bullet screen: Yes, I don't expect C-level books, but I feel that there is still hope for F-level books. I remember that the props that my little brother got in F-level books are also super amazing. To use it, you have to make a contribution yourself. 】

【Barrage: After watching this game, I'm going to rush! 】

The viewers of the live broadcast were envious and bloody, watching the players and the townspeople begin to plant flowers and move bricks, as if farming and raising benign interactions. Of course, most of them chose to follow the bishop to rebuild the church-everyone was full of interest in the gift of punishing the boss !

Only Lin Ke is different.

I saw Link yawned again on the spot, stretched his arms, and looked like he wanted to rest.

[Bullet screen: I think of the fear of being dominated by my little brother's sleeping face in the last dungeon...]

[Bullet screen: What's going on, little brother! I get discouraged as soon as I pass the level, and even rewards can't tempt him, just like me when I got off work a hundred years ago! 】

I saw Lin Ke declined to stay at the end, and was brought to him by the witch holding the hem of his clothes, and invited him politely to Mr. Blind at home.

——At this time, what kind of light bulb is still being used.

Sure enough, as soon as Lin Ke finished speaking, he immediately received another grateful look from the witch.

Watching Mr. Blind and the witch leave, he seemed to suddenly think of something, and turned to walk towards the rose field.

【Barrage:? ? ? Wait, aren't you going to help the bishop? ]


Five minutes later.

Lin Ke stood in front of the endless rose fields, breathing in the fresh and fragrant air, and only then did he deeply understand that spring has really come.

Looking forward, under the blue sky, the leaves are almost invisible in the flower fields, and there are plump and full blooming red roses everywhere, like a continuous flame, burning to the horizon beyond sight.


Even the wind was burning warm.

For a moment, Lin Ke was a little confused.

But he quickly came back to his senses, thinking about the scene last night, and jumped to the flower field path to search.

Amidst the barrage of praises and doubts such as "the scenic spot is so beautiful", "what are you looking for", "I lost my wallet", Lin Ke bowed his back into a beautiful arc, raised his hand and pushed aside the rose bushes, revealing the The old girl who has been restored to her former self.

【Bullet screen: This——I even forgot that there is such a person! ]

[Bullet screen: Don't tell me...I'm guilty...I thought my little brother was looking for a wallet just now...]

Link knelt down.

The rose thorns and petals on the old girl's body disappeared, and she was just an ordinary old girl. Her chest rose and fell slightly at this moment, as if she had fallen into a deep sleep.

After waiting for a while, she murmured, turned over, and frowned.

Seeing this, Lin Ke called her softly.

His voice was very soft, and he didn't scare anyone, nor did he wake them up directly. The old girl was a little dazed, her eyes were trembling under her eyelids, and she was trying to wake up, while her hands were groping on the dirt beside her. .

Then, as if awakened by herself, she inadvertently opened her eyes wide and sat up.

An ugly face, full of confused expressions of "who am I and where am I", looks a little cute.

"It's dawn..." Lin Ke sighed, his voice fell, and his eyes suddenly widened.

He didn't have time to retreat, and the old girl in front of him pinched his neck and pressed him to the ground. The old girl was heartbroken: "You liars—don't even think about destroying our town!"

Lin Ke: "..."

[Barrage: I died laughing. ]

[Barrage: Little brother, there is nothing wrong with this. 】

【Barrage: Old sister, does your village have Internet access? Open your eyes and see the world hahahahaha. 】

【Barrage: Looking at the whole town, only you are still the boss, wake up! ]

Lin Ke was speechless.

The old girl who had lost the power of the red rose didn't have much strength at all, she couldn't even get a red mark out by grabbing his neck, but howled him dizzy by herself.

He was stunned by the shouting, and it took him a long time to come back to his senses, grabbing and pressing with both hands, and subdued him.

The old girl obviously didn't expect that she was so "weak", she was stunned for a while, then struggled desperately, and found that she couldn't shake Lin Ke at all, she couldn't help but was stunned again.

Only then did she realize that the frost around her had faded, and there were roses breathing fresh air everywhere.

For a moment, she seemed to have returned to a few years ago.

"This, this is..." She felt unbelievable, looked around, and stayed still.

Link let go of her slowly.

The old girl remained motionless, her face as if in a dream. After a long while, she stood up holding the mud, looked around, and stretched out her hand to pinch her face, leaving a mud mark on her face.

"It's over, Nightingale and Mr. Gentleman are back, you should go home too," Link said.

Hearing this, the old girl suddenly turned her head to look at Linke, her chest rose and fell rapidly, and her face flushed.

After a while, her voice was a little trembling: "You said...they are all back?"

"They are back." Linke affirmed.

[Barrage: I suddenly feel a little empathetic. Sometimes when I hear good news, my first reaction is not to believe it. If I have worked hard for more than 20 years, and suddenly one day I wake up and my dream comes true, I will definitely not believe it...]

[Danmaku: Yes, yes, you are all back, you have been alone for so long, go home quickly . 】

【Barrage: Little brother is really gentle and patient. 】

Amid Linke's repeated affirmations, the old girl finally accepted with some doubts that the town had returned to normal.

She followed Link back for a while, and not long after, the entrance of the town appeared in front of the two of them, and from time to time there were laughter and laughter coming from there.

The old girl stopped and looked around, and saw several townspeople winding the woven flower vines around the wooden poles.

A few more townspeople jumped into the flower field carelessly and picked a few more flowers.

This behavior was unimaginable yesterday. After all, the rose is the incarnation of the nightingale, a symbol of evil, and no one would touch it.

Seeing these scenes, the old girl finally believed what Lin Ke said, and the expression on her face gradually changed from dull to pleasant surprise.

She staggered and walked a few steps in the direction of the town, but suddenly she thought of something and became afraid again, and turned to ask Linke: "How do I look now?"

Before she knew it, she wanted to get safety from Linke. feeling.

how does it look

The old girl's delicate dress was torn and tattered because of her alienation into a rose monster, and her face was dirty.

And she was injured and walked with a limp.

But if she didn't look good, she wasn't ugly either.

Her appearance is completely different from before, the distressed fine lines accumulated on her cheeks and eyes disappeared without a trace because of her stretched expression, she is like a child returning to her childhood, suddenly possessing the shyness and timidity of a little girl, Take a closer look, it's actually not bad.

So Link let out a "huh", looked her up and down and said, "It's pretty good."

The old girl was relieved, and walked towards the town at a faster pace.

She was greeted by warm smiles from the townspeople.

"Ah, you're back?"

"Hey, this isn't the one with Nightingale..."

"Everyone was looking for you yesterday!"

Maybe the old girl is a secondary npc, and almost no one present can recognize her name, but everyone still gave her a warm welcome.

The old girl stopped at the gate of the town again, turned her head and said a long sentence to Link: "Thank you. I will stop doing stupid things like before. I am really sorry last time in the church. I was just a I'm worried that you guys are going to destroy the town, just to provoke you on purpose, not only that, but I also deliberately seduce people, I want all the girls in our town to be like me, I use evil power... I always thought it was right to do so, never I have not sincerely repented, and all in all, I will not continue to do this again! I will go to church and apologize for my actions!" After she finished speaking,

she turned her head and ran away.

Lin Ke didn't understand what she meant at all, but he didn't want to worry about it, so he walked around the town twice alone, just to relax.

Looking up, the town has almost been restored, and even the church not far away has been miraculously restored to its original state.

Only listen to system audio.

[Main God System: After the efforts of the players, the town has returned to its former vitality. Thank you for your contribution. ]

[Main God System: Players Yang Yue, Ah Gang... Assisted the townspeople to complete the rebuilding of nurseries and houses, and received sincere gratitude from the townspeople. ]

[Main God System: Players Jin Qingyue, Yu Sheng... Assisted the bishop in completing the reconstruction of the church, and received the bishop's sincere thanks. 】

【Barrage: Woohoo, it's so heartwarming to hear, I feel that these thanks are so valuable! ]

[Bullet screen: That's right, it's a pity that my little brother didn't participate in the construction...]

[The main god system: Player Lin Ke, assist the townspeople to complete a serious confession, and get sincere thanks from the townspeople...]

[Bullet screen: Yes Yes, there is also a townsman's thanks, which can be regarded as good people are rewarded hahahaha, sure enough, the old girl is still very kind! good! ]

[Main God System: ... and the bishop's high appreciation. ]

[Barrage: ...? ]

[Barrage:? ? ? ? ? 】

The author has something to say: Thank you for the little angels who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution during 2021-07-05 20:48:19~2021-07-06 20:20:08~Thank you for casting

mines My little angel: Qingyi 1;

thanks to the little angel for irrigation nutrient solution: 2 bottles of Ruosheng;

thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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