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 The city was in chaos, and Link raised his heart.

He leaned on the roof and looked up and down, and saw the zombies break through the high-speed toll booths outside the city, hitting the vegetation along the way, and their lethality was extremely powerful.

The zombies who were originally in the city's shopping center took advantage of the geographical advantage. They were near water and land first, and they crazily bit the people around them. The street lamps were torn off, the walls were smashed into pieces, and within a few moments, the area around the shopping center was in a mess.

The group of zombies headed for the residential area again.

They show no signs of regaining consciousness.

Seeing this scene, Lin Ke's five fingers were straining, and his knuckles turned white.

There was another loud bang. It turned out that among the army of zombies from outside the city, someone found an abandoned vehicle, drove it over the beautiful green belt, and tried to rush into the gatepost of the garden outside the bungalow.

At this time, the soil outside the garden surged wildly, and then countless arm-thick, octopus-like rose vines gushed out from the depths of the soil and swept across the body of the car. The hooked thorns on the rose vines "stab-la-la" cut open the car door and rolled it down. The zombies in the cab then fell out of the cab in panic and fled staggeringly. At the same time, other zombies who were madly attacking the building were also frustrated. They were either washed away by the flood summoned by the mermaid, or locked in the vampire's ten-thousand-year coffin. The magician's strange ring was easily teleported back to the street. The zombies felt inexplicable and unbelievable. They began to grow more and more violent, more and more fierce - and then they were suppressed by more and more powerful forces. The bosses guarded the city with strong strength, and soon let this group of zombies who are keen on biting, smashing, and looting know that they cannot easily attack buildings, otherwise they will not only get lost, but may also be beaten violently .

Within two hours, this group of "poor" zombies gathered in the streets and alleys like a group of homeless vagabonds. With low howls in their throats, they shrank their heads and looked around for targets that could be attacked.

Lin Ke actually felt that the action of them kicking the bricks on the road seemed a bit aggrieved.


It seemed that he was worrying too much.

Although the zombie group still hasn't regained consciousness, under the protection of the bosses, the city will not suffer irreversible damage.

After a long time, when the scene was at a stalemate and Lin Ke couldn't help becoming anxious again, he saw a silver-white experimental vehicle flashing across the horizon and slowly approaching from the expressway.

When the experimental vehicle approached, Lin Ke was pleasantly surprised to find that the person in the driver's seat was none other than Sang Shi, who had never shown up.

Sang Shi looked left and right in the cab, and then drove the big silver-white car to bump into ceramics, and finally parked the experimental car in the central square.

But Sang Los seemed to be doing everything he could, as if he was waiting for this moment. He turned on the injection device of the experimental vehicle, sprayed some reagent into the air, and poured it on the heads of the zombies like watering flowers.

Seeing this scene, Lin Ke involuntarily straightened his back. He knew that Sang Shi must have developed a new reagent and was trying to save people.

Sure enough, those zombies exposed to the spray suddenly became excited again. They stretched their necks and raised their noses like dogs to sniff around, like a lost dog suddenly smelling the breath of returning home.

"They must have been inspired by memory hallucinations," Linke recognized a few familiar people from the crowd, and couldn't help saying, "Now is the best chance, I have to go down..." "It's too messy now, you don't need to go down , "The person next to him interrupted him gently, "You just need to watch. You have done everything you can, you have given them direction, and the rest is up to them."

Hearing that Lu Zhou's tone was not discussing with him, Lin Ke could only continue to look down anxiously.

Sang Shi had already jumped off the experimental vehicle and drove the zombies like sheep, driving them to residential areas, opera houses and other functional areas.

Its newly developed medicine can greatly stimulate the five senses of zombies. At this time, the smell of dishes permeating the residential area, the melodious singing from the opera house, and the shouting in the bustling shopping mall all make them feel familiar and unable to understand. To endure and not to lose.

Finally, a zombie stood in front of the familiar home in a daze with its mouth wide open. Through the window, one could see the lighted candles on the dining table, reflecting delicious food and various wines, dotted with rose petals.

It feels familiar here.

But why is it familiar? It has no family since it was a child, and no one has ever cooked hot meals for it. Everything it wants, it has to grab by itself.

Wait...it was a child...who is it?

So hungry, so hungry.

Then grab it!

It was annoyed and irritable, reaching out to smash the glass window. Suddenly, a pure and lovely girl appeared on the other side of the window.

The girl opened the window, easily grasped its wrist, and pushed it away.

The zombie staggered back a few steps, as if he heard the girl talking to it: "Knock the door if you want to come in, or if you are the owner of this room, go outside and enter the combination lock." Knock the door

? What does knocking refer to? What is a combination lock?

A more familiar feeling came to my mind, and several numbers flashed in my mind.

The zombie hugged its head and let out a low howl of pain.

Did all this ever belong to it? Who is so kind to give it all?

It felt like it remembered something, but its head hurt badly.

It wants to escape from here, but the person in front of it keeps the window open, allowing the fragrance in the room to permeate continuously, making it unable to walk.

The zombie knew that he couldn't leave so easily. Once he left, all this would never belong to him again.

After countless wanderings and painful bumps against the wall, it finally began to try to enter the few vague numbers on the door of the home.

The first time, it failed.

The second time, it failed.

The third time, still failed.

The girl poked her head out of the window, still cheering it up: "Is this your hut? Think again, if it doesn't work, just knock on the door and come in." No, you can't knock on the door


The zombie was inexplicably aroused with infinite fighting spirit. Not only did it not get hit by entering the wrong password several times, but it became more firm in its opinion-the hut in front of it belonged to it.

Every corner here, it remembered, its own past, it also remembered. It had lived a miserable life, and died in a whole new world, a world where hard work and kindness were equally rewarding.

It has its own house and a new life here, and every part of the room has been carefully arranged by it.

It cannot and will not return here as a guest.

This is where it belongs!

The zombie let out another high-pitched roar.

This roar affected the emotions of other zombies who were facing the same situation. They roared one by one, and the whole residential area was filled with a very desperate atmosphere.

"This is their original ending," Lu Zhou suddenly said to Lin Ke, "They will forget everything and will no longer be accepted by this world. Even if there are children, witches and magicians who help them in your favor If they are busy, it will be difficult for them to survive this difficult recovery period. If they are doing well enough, they don't need your help."

Lin Ke was holding his breath to watch, but when he heard Lu Zhou's words, he froze for a while.

Then, he realized that Lu Zhou was telling him in disguise, telling him not to take all the responsibility on his shoulders.

The feeling of being comforted by the main god in the S-level doomsday dungeon is very subtle, so subtle that even Lin Ke himself began to reflect on what he did to make Lu Zhou think he was worried about all the players.

As far as Lin Ke is concerned, there are indeed a few friends and Uncle Chen who does not know where he is, which makes him extremely worried, but whether other players can pass the level should be based on their own abilities. He does not think it is his duty to lead everyone to pass the level.

After all, he is a staff member hired by the main god system, and he only needs to be responsible to the clients he serves.

However, if you think about it carefully, he did show excessive anxiety just now. Why is he anxious?

Lin Ke was startled, and suddenly realized the deeper emotions in his heart—it turned out that in his heart, he didn't want this world to disappear, and he hoped that this world would have a happy ending.

I don't know when this feeling came into being, maybe when the children in the orphanage shared the dean's birthday cake with him, maybe when he watered the red roses that belonged to the miracle with everyone, or maybe in When both his dark side and his bright side are fully accepted...

The root cause is that in this world, there are many people who really care about him, accept him, and stand with him.

This kind of feeling was too strange, something he had never experienced before as a loner.

In his previous life, before Lin Ke rushed into the fire scene, he had no nostalgia for everything behind him.

But at this moment, he was actually reluctant to really leave here.

Lin Ke finally realized belatedly that Lu Zhou really created a very perfect world, leaving aside those horrors, mysteries, and tormenting tasks.

Just for this world, he is willing to live here forever and be a subject of the Lord God.

When his heart moved, Lin Ke couldn't help turning his head to look at the person beside him. Lu Zhou immediately noticed his gaze, turned his head and raised his eyebrows to look at him, and saw that his expression was not right, so he said again: "If you are really worried, let's go down and have a look." Unexpectedly, this time it was

Lin Ke who shook his head first: " No need."

"Huh?" Lu Zhou was obviously curious.

"Because I figured it out just now." Link looked away and looked at the city below, "You are right, the people I have helped will help me, and the people they have helped will also help them... This is this The laws of the world are also the rules of customs clearance, so I don't need to worry about it."

As soon as he finished speaking, he heard a melodious singing voice not far away.

The singing started very softly, but it miraculously overshadowed the mournful roars of the zombies. It quietly floats into everyone's ears like a wisp of mist and smoke.

Even Linke was enthralled.

He quietly looked into the distance, only to see that the door of the Opera House opened at some point. At this time, the manipulated dark blue sea water gushes out from the opera house like jelly.

Then, the mermaid appeared, riding the waves, cruising from one end of the city to the other, as if launching a tour.

It was a very beautiful mermaid with curly golden hair and a beautiful silver tail. It comes from an A-level copy.

In the world that belongs to it, there have been a group of hateful destroyers. It almost lost its partner, relatives, and was seriously injured.

Just when the sea water was about to dry up, another group of people broke into its world, and they carefully retrieved the lost treasure and beautiful singing voice for it.

So now, it sings for them.

The mermaid's singing voice has more wonderful magical power than the magician's hands, and it heals all the pain in everyone's heart almost instantly.

The restless emotions and confused thoughts were all diluted.

The zombies froze in place, listening intently, and howled unknowingly. They were a little confused and let out a "wow" admiration.

The zombie that roared first suddenly raised its head.

Its dry five fingers flew, and entered a string of numbers on the combination lock.

Accompanied by a "click".

The first door opens.

The npcs and bosses who were waiting for the players in their homeland cheered.

The zombie standing at the door was also stunned. It cautiously stepped into the door of its own house and looked at the townspeople who were sitting on the sofa looking at it. The water vapor in its eyes washed away the white mist, and it could see again. , it also remembered it all.

The player wiped away tears, and said to several npcs in the hall: "Thank you...but, please, you eat first. I'll go out and help."

It walked out of the room again and began to greet those who had never lived in the central city. player.

Many zombies that had regained some consciousness slowly walked into its home.

Lin Ke who was standing on a high place breathed a sigh of relief when he saw this scene.

Before he could fully exhale this breath, he heard the sound of the door opening again and again. It was one player after another who recovered their memory and successfully entered the correct password!

Seeing more and more homes opening their doors, and more and more zombies struggling to suppress their instincts and walking home stiffly, Lin Ke's heart also became excited.

"Let's go," suddenly, Lu Zhou beside him said again, "You can go home now."

Before Lin Ke could react, Lu Zhou had already made a move.

Lin Ke only felt his waist tighten, and then his whole body rose into the air again.

Caught off guard, he almost yelled, and subconsciously grabbed Lu Zhou's arm—his movements completely caught Lu Zhou's way, and he could only hear a muffled laugh from the man's chest.

This man did it on purpose.

Lin Ke is crazy!

Facing the howling wind, and unable to open his mouth, he had to swallow his breath.

The feeling of landing is completely different from the feeling of rising. Lu Zhou somehow used some method, and the two of them slowly fell from the air like a strand of catkins, without making people feel uncomfortable at all.

During this process, Linke saw many zombies surrounding the frozen central garden, trying to break into the central garden.

But it was a pity that there was not even a single crack in the solid ice, and instead they were frozen together. They couldn't hear the mermaid's singing, and no one called them home.

What Lu Zhou just said suddenly flashed in Lin Ke's mind.

"This is their final ending."

He was stunned for a moment, and wanted to look at the situation again, but his sight was blocked by a tall and beautiful home.

When they were slowly approaching the ground, what Link saw was his own luxurious home. In the open window, laughter and laughter are constantly coming out.

The big home was very lively, the elderly and children crowded together, and Uncle Chen put his hands on his knees, looking at him cheerfully. Xiaolan was sitting next to Uncle Chen, with a cute face, Lin Lin was reading to her with a book of fairy tales in his hand; Dake was playing a video game beside him. Zhou Zhao, Ye Shi, Su Xue, Jin Qingyue and others were also there. They hadn't fully recovered their senses, and they were sitting on the sofa with staring eyes. They are also very strange, they have come here instead of going home. There are so many people in the family, as if it was Chinese New Year, Lin Ke was stunned. He didn't care about the complaints in his heart just now, let go of Lu Zhou's arm and jumped down, walked to the door in two or three steps, and looked straight at Uncle Chen:

 "When did you..." You know, he didn't say anything just now. He said, but he has been paying attention to whether there is Chen Bo in the crowd from a high place, but he has not found it. He was thinking that Uncle Chen might be hiding in a corner because of his poor mobility, and was worried that he might not be able to find him if he went down to look for it, but unexpectedly, Uncle Chen had recovered his sanity long ago.

"Me?" Uncle Chen stood up with a cheerful smile, and Da Ke was still helping him, "I don't know what's going on, these kids must bring me home, here , Then as soon as I saw that room and saw your unfinished homework on the table, I remembered everything."

Lin Ke followed the direction of Chen Bo's finger and immediately understood.

I saw that the small door of the room that Lu Zhou had simulated for him was open at this time, and inside was a familiar wooden table, a familiar bed and a familiar scene outside the window. This is the place where Lin Ke and Chen Bo have lived together for more than ten years. If Link loses his memory one day, he will be able to remember everything just by sitting on the bed.

Link looked at the children who were sitting on the sofa playing and playing, and before he could speak, he heard Da Ke muffled: "It was the dean who told us that if we see old people who can't find a home outside, we should pick them up." Go home. Do you want to do this?"

"..." Lin Ke moved his lips, "That's right. You did a good job."

He paused and said, "Thank you.

" He mentioned Uncle Chen himself, because he knew that Uncle Chen must be safe.

Lin Ke looked complicated, and turned his head to look at Lu Zhou again.

Lu Zhou gave him a smile back.

"Then everyone is here now!" The little shark in the kitchen brought Xiao Ke out with his head, "We are cooking, we can start the meal!"

Xiao Ke boasted: "Big brother, I have already learned the dishes you taught me to cook." I have learned everything, and now I am doing better than you before! You also have to try our craft~"

Until this moment, the warmth of home finally relieved all the tension in Lin Ke's heart. He looked at Uncle Chen, I looked at the children, and then at a few partners.

He felt that his throat was a little tight, and he couldn't say anything else, but said: "Okay."

"It's really lively here, can I come in and celebrate with you? I haven't received any invitation from anyone yet." Behind him, the boss of Zombie Emperor asked politely.

Although Lu Zhou's skin was pale and he looked very sick, the children in the room recognized him with innate intuition.

Dake and Lin Lin exclaimed in surprise at the same time: "Dean! Yes, is it the dean?"

Xiaolan also raised her head and looked at Lin Ke and Ke with expectant eyes.

Lin Ke turned his head slowly, and looked at Lu Zhou for a moment.

What else can he say?

"Please come in, you are very welcome." Link said.

——An electronic sound sounded in mid-air.

"Wow! It looks like everyone is having a great time!"

"Although we can't prevent the sadness and sadness in our lives, we can also create happiness and joy ourselves!" "

Tonight's annual meeting further reflects that we are A dynamic and united group." "

As our grand annual meeting is coming to a successful conclusion, please allow me to thank all the employees who participated in the annual meeting again, and wish everyone a meaningful and happy night together! Remember this moment, we See you next year!"

[Main God System: Congratulations to the players for successfully opening the annual meeting, please enjoy the enjoyable night. In this city, there will be no danger to disturb your mood. ]

[Main God System: During the connection between the two planes, enter the reward link. 】

The author has something to say: Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or the irrigation nutrient solution during 2021-08-29 20:59:19~2021-08-30 20:55:42~Thanks for the irrigation nutrient

solution My little angel: 12 bottles of Heshame; 10 bottles of Meng and Ruyuyouxin; 5 bottles of Fleeting Years and 18236219; 2 bottles of flow rate 360 ​​and three or two vests; thank you

very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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