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  [Barrage: I really want to cry, how did our home become like this. 】

【Barrage: Is it possible that I can never go back? ]

[Bullet screen: I suddenly feel that the dungeons that have been cleared are not good. ]

[Bullet screen: Is what we are doing now completely meaningless...]

"This, is it because the main god wants to punish us?" The female player who hadn't spoken much murmured now.

"It must be!" The man beside her said in horror, as if remembering something, "The world is taking revenge on us!" The

other man directly crouched down with his head in his arms: "We didn't do anything wrong, no, I It is true that I have done some bad things, but it is not unforgivable! I made up for it later, and I cleared the customs normally, and I also persuaded others not to break the rules easily! It is all their fault!" "It's about this time,

say Is this still meaningful?"

The three of them ran out with Lin Ke by chance to survive until now, and finally had a little hope of survival, and now seeing this deserted city, the whole person's spirit collapsed.

Originally, they could deceive themselves, thinking that this is just a copy, as long as they try their best to survive, they still have a chance to return to their original life.

But everything in front of them extinguished all their hopes.

Can not go back.

The real end has come.

The panic of losing their homeland, coupled with the exhaustion of fleeing for days, directly crushed the three of them psychologically.

"Cheer up." Weng Tianwu encouraged them, but the strong man's hands were also shaking.

Xin Chen stood beside him, did not speak, but looked at Lin Ke, as if waiting for Lin Ke to say something. It was as if he knew Linke must have seen another side of the matter.

Lin Ke's breathing was very slow. He stood in the night and quietly looked at the faint light in front of him. After a while, he said, "It's not over yet."

Hearing his voice, everyone looked at him.

"I don't know what the main god thinks, but if he wants to punish us, he doesn't have to make such troubles." Linke looked at the familiar yet unfamiliar city in front of him, carried the little zombie girl on his back, and tried hard to let The voice seemed relaxed, "This dungeon, this condition, it is impossible to complete the task in any place we are not familiar with. Thinking about it from another angle, what if the main god wants to give us a chance and a way out? Isn't it? "

When Lin Ke said this analysis, he actually didn't know the bottom line. Because he couldn't guess the real intention of the Lord God—but anyway, avoiding and catching zombies on a map he was familiar with would definitely be easier than attacking and defending in a strange city.

He just packaged up this advantage and took the opportunity to cheer up the few people who had lost their fighting spirit.

Hearing his interpretation like this, everyone was stunned.

Lin Ke didn't know that it was his packaging that gave everyone hope.

[Barrage: Really! The Lord God has not given up on us? 】

【Barrage: I think what my little brother said makes sense! It must be the Lord God who is testing us! 】

【Barrage: If we clear all the worlds perfectly, the Lord God will definitely see our efforts to restore the world! ]

[Barrage: Come on! ! ! 】

In the screen, when the three players heard what Lin Ke said, they were full of disbelief at first, but seeing Linke's calm performance from beginning to end, their hearts were slowly shaken.

Perhaps, this is really a glimmer of life left by the Lord God?

After all, the world was broken by them, and it can be repaired by them.

That's right, otherwise, why would the main god make such trouble, just move his fingers and let them be wiped out!

The desire to survive slowly gathered, and their eyes gradually focused.

Weng Tianwu had already unloaded several boxes of reagents from the car, and asked in a deep voice, "How to divide the work?"

"We have to find a safe place to store these reagents first, we can't run around with the boxes." Xin Chen's voice trembled as he tried to maintain his composure.

The remaining three players were silent and did not speak, and approached Weng Tianwu in a nonchalant manner.

Seeing them gathering, Weng Tianwu handed the box to them in silence: "Let's think about it together, where is the safest place?"

He was talking when he saw the zombie workers in the carriage carrying the reagents, Passed by them like the wind.

This start speed...

Weng Tianwu's face changed slightly.

"Follow me." At this moment, Lin Ke said again, "My home is in the central city, and I know the roads very well, maybe I can hide there for a while." With a specific goal, there is more hope

. Lin Ke confirmed the map of the central city and discussed the route.

In the end, several people decided to lure the zombies to the central square first, then escape from the path on one side of the central square, and finally enter Linke's home by climbing over the wall to see if the defense system can be opened.

This plan is quite risky, and someone needs to be the bait.

"I'll go," said the male player who said he was innocent just now with a wry smile, "I'll just accrue virtue for myself. It would be best if I could come back alive, but it's fate if I don't come back.

" After seeing a group of zombies in front of them, several people walked out from the truck cover and sneaked in along the edge of the city.

They cautiously pricked up their ears, using the distance of their roars to confirm the trajectory of the zombies.

Under the dim light, a black shadow suddenly flashed across.

Lin Ke's scalp exploded, and he shouted hastily: "Run!"

At the same time, accompanied by countless roars, four or five zombies rushed out from the dark corner, and two jumped out of the roof of the player's home in mid-air. zombies.

The body functions of this group of zombies are completely different from those of the zombies in area C, and they are as fast as monsters. They can step on half a window with one foot.

How can I run past this!

Weng Tianwu roared and used a shield prop, Lin Ke commanded the weird plants clinging to the building, which barely blocked the zombies for a moment.

The player who was willing to be the bait roared nervously. Although he attracted a few zombies, he couldn't run away from the hordes of terrifying monsters, and he was about to be thrown down.

Link kicked on the lamppost and made a loud noise, and the group of monsters stopped again and turned their heads.

Seeing the zombies rushing towards Lin Ke, Xin Chen, who ran to the corner on the other side, braced himself, picked up a brick from the ground, slammed it on the wall, dropped the brick and ran away.

Here, non-cooperation will surely lead to annihilation.

There was no other way. Just as the six people were fighting and retreating, they came to the central square and were about to be washed away. Suddenly, there was a loud explosion on the side of the square, and a dazzling white light shot, directly causing all the zombies to move. All stiff for a while.

Then several large nets fell, accurately trapping a few frantically writhing zombies, and quickly tightened them.

The zombie fell into the net unexpectedly, and was extremely angry immediately, biting the network cable frantically. Their teeth were sharp, and their saliva was corrosive. They quickly bit off several threads, stretched out their blood-stained claws, struggled while biting, and climbed towards several people.

This scene makes one's scalp tingle.

But someone on the other side shouted: "This way!"

A strong shadow flashed by, and Link could hear the voice: "Hulun?"

Hulun ran out from the dark, grabbed Link, and Looking at the others, they said, "This prop won't hold them for long, come here!"

At this time, there was another violent explosion not far from the crowd, and a dazzling white light flashed in mid-air.

Attracted by the sound and light, several zombies got up from the ground, howling and heading in that direction. The group of zombies in the entire city seemed to be alarmed, screaming one after another, and concentrated towards the explosion.

Hu Lun stared at the eyes in the darkness, and after confirming that the zombies had been led away, he gestured and took the lead in running.

Under his leadership, Lin Ke and others walked through the streets and alleys panting. From time to time, he bumped into a few lone zombies, and they were all covered with white nets by Hu Lun, but every time he encountered a zombie, Hu Lun would change his direction.

"Although they have no human nature, they have a certain ability to judge directions, can see people, and are very sensitive to sound, light, and smell. Once they are stared at to death, there is no solution. And..." Hu Lun originally had a gloomy face, Speaking of this, he showed a happy expression, and explained, "Moreover, Yin Li led a group of subordinates who lingered and occupied the tallest building. They used some props and attracted a lot of zombies, making the zombies in the city more crowded. It has been several times, causing a lot of trouble for our work. What a pity! Later, his own props can no longer be supplied, and the group of zombies are all gathered downstairs. Now they are fighting inside themselves! Dogs eat dogs!"

As soon as he said this, several players who had heard of Yinli's "big name" gasped a few times, but Lin Ke asked, "Where is he now?" Hu Lun glanced at him: "

Jin Shen said let me take him first." You go back. I'm afraid you'll go to someone else's lair in the middle of the night."

Lin Ke raised his eyebrows, didn't speak, and felt that something was wrong with his eyes down.

At this time, several people were coming to a damaged player's home. Hu Lun led everyone in, and several barrels of sealed alcohol were placed inside the door.

Hu Lun picked up a bucket first, opened the lid and poured alcohol behind him, and several people followed suit.

After completely isolating the smell of humans, everyone went up to the second floor.

Here, a window is open and a rope is installed that leads to the second story window of the opposite home.

The rope was swaying, and the windows on the second floor opposite were closed tightly, so the scene in the room could not be seen, but Link felt that the layout was very familiar.

——Wait, isn't this his home?

Lin Ke was stunned for a moment, but he heard Hu Lun tap some code on the window lattice and explained: "This is the safest place."

Link: "..."

Okay, probably because of the large area here.

The opposite window opened in response, and Jin Qingyue's face appeared in the darkness.

He stood at the window and glanced at Lin Ke and the others, with a relieved expression on his face, and then waved to them.

After receiving the order, and after several rounds of explosions, Hu Lun stood in the rear, first letting several people pass through the slide lock without any risk, and then he himself came over, turned around and closed the window.

Then he turned around and said to Jin Qingyue: "Everyone is here now."

Jin Qingyue nodded and said: "You go, I am here."

Then he said to Lin Ke: "Come here, talk in another place. Only then did Lin

Ke realize that the room was crowded with players who closed their eyes and meditated. Among them, there were many familiar faces, and a few of them collapsed on the ground, unable to move.

"A few of them were bitten by zombies, we injected the reagent in advance." Jin Qingyue followed Lin Ke's gaze and explained in a low voice as he went out. Then his eyes fell on the little zombie girl behind Linke, and the corners of his mouth twitched: "You still don't take the usual way."

Jin Qingyue led the six of Linke out of this room and came to the next room—— It was more like a dining room, with open cans everywhere.

Only then did Linke feel that he was starving to death, and he noticed that these canned foods were exactly the ones they had discussed and prepared before entering the instance.

Fortunately, it still came in handy.

Beside him, Xin Chen and the others were also very hungry. They reached out and grabbed a few cans. Lin Ke was not polite, picked out a can of oranges and opened them, listening to Jin Qingyue while eating.

Jin Qingyue told him about the current situation.

"We have more than fifty people here, and it is impossible for each of them to have a hundred zombies. At present, we have all worked together to catch two hundred, and let Huo Jianan and Su Xue complete the work tasks first and find clues for the next stage. As you can see, thanks to Yin Li, the entire central city area is now a performance indicator, but these zombies are too aggressive and flexible, and even if they run out of props, they can't catch so many—not to mention that we don't There are a few high-level props left. So I can only hide for the time being, take turns to watch the night, and then think about other ways to clear the level——Which area did you come from?" Hearing

Jin Qingyue's words, Lin Ke suddenly realized.

So it turns out that Huo Jianan and Su Xue who were in the special car of Yihua Experimental Company before were the "employees" who completed the work-then all the clues were connected.

"We came from Area C." Link then briefly talked about their experiences and main clues again, including the company's annual meeting and meeting Huo Jianan and Su Xue on the way.

"So it's like this..." Jin Qingyue thought deeply, "It seems that they were sent to the annual meeting as excellent employees in all likelihood..."

Lin Ke fed a spoonful of canned food to the little girl behind him: " There is this possibility, if you can participate in the annual meeting by catching a hundred zombies, then this is the final clearance condition. But I always feel that it is not that simple." "

Your intuition is right," Jin Qingyue nodded, frowning and looking at Looking out of the window, "This world is so big, it can't be so simple. Just talking about these one hundred zombies, do you mean you can catch them if you catch them?" From his tone, it seemed that he was already annoyed by the zombies. 

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