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  [Barrage: Woohoo surprise, thinking of my parents celebrating Children's Day hundreds of years ago, I haven't celebrated Children's Day for a long time. 】

【Barrage: Wake up, you are three hundred years old, kid? 】

【Barrage: But these kids are hundreds of years old! 】

The barrage was very exciting, but the five hundred-year-old children did not show any surprise expressions, and they were still lacking in interest. Even Lin Ke and Zhou Zhao asked them what they wanted to do for free activities, but they didn't make any requests.

You know they had a great time yesterday.

Zhou Zhao couldn't help but spoil the spoiler: "Do you want to see the dean? Surprise."

[Barrage: Heh! Straight man surprise. ]

Now the children finally reacted a bit, and the little shark smiled palely: "Yes."

Dake, Xiaoke, and Lin Lin nodded slowly.

Xiaolan picked up the little bear who was put aside, and walked out: "Brother Lin Ke himself said that the dean does not exist."

Lin Ke, who was lying on the gun inexplicably, said: "..."

Children nowadays are so realistic.

On the side, Zhou Zhao cast a frightened look: Why aren't they surprised?

Lin Ke turned around and gave a look: You are too straight.

Zhou Zhao: "..."

Straightforward, no matter what, we have to carry the basket made by teammates together, Lin Ke ran up his long legs to catch up with the obviously resentful Xiaolan: "That's when I didn't see the courtyard Long, I saw it later."

Xiao Lan paused, turned her face sideways, and rolled her round eyes on Link's face, trying to see if Link was lying.

"Didn't you also see it?" Link recalled that when he entered the dungeon, he had led the dean to activate the stone lantern. At that time, the children should have caught a glimpse of the dean... although they escaped very quickly.

Sure enough, Xiaolan said coolly, "I didn't see clearly."

As she stopped, several children behind her surrounded Lin Ke again. Seeing this scene, Zhou Zhao was terrified, fearing that the children would go crazy if they were unhappy.

Unexpectedly, Linke seemed to think that the battle was good and it was convenient for him to talk, so he squatted down and smiled: "You will see clearly soon, the principal is preparing a new small house for you."

Hearing this, the children finally came With some energy, Xiaolan asked hesitantly, "What little house?"

Hearing that there was a new little house, the other four children also looked at Lin Ke eagerly.

"Come on, let's go upstairs and have a look." Linke didn't answer directly, but stood up and moved forward.

This moment aroused the children's curiosity, they stopped talking, and obediently followed Link out of the restaurant and upstairs.

[Bullet screen: Little brother, this is a first-class babysitter. 】

【Barrage: Woohoo, the baby also wants a new little house, the dean posted it! Little brother stickers! ]

[Bullet screen: ... ... the previous article, you haven't finished Children's Day yet? 】

【Barrage: Hahaha, don't be obsessed with the little brother's perspective. I feel that there is going to be a big drama from Yujie's perspective hahahahaha, they are going to knock on the dean's door! 】

Many viewers of the live broadcast were so excited by this sentence that they couldn't help but itch to cut Ye Shi and Su Xue's perspective, but because they were even more curious about how Linke was going to fool the children, they couldn't help but cut back after a few seconds, and so on and so on. , and each of them has become a pile of grass on both sides.

Fortunately, the pace of both sides is the same.

Here Lin Ke took the children upstairs and didn't know what to do, Ye Shi and Su Xue also went upstairs nervously to test the dean.

The two sides walked to the door of the "Dean's Room" almost at the same time, but in the real world where Lin Ke lives, the Dean's Room corresponds to the visitor's dormitory.

Lin Ke opened the door, facing the empty dormitory with only white quilts and sheets on the bed, table, and said to the children behind him, "Let's start here.

" 】

[Barrage: The heart stopped beating, the lady over there knocked on the door! ]

On the other side, Ye Shi asked Su Xue to hide aside, and he mustered up the courage to knock on the door of the dean's office.

Time flowed slowly almost in seconds, and only heard a "click", Ye Shi suddenly raised his head.

It was the first time for her to face the legendary punishment-level boss who could determine life and death by setting up rules alone. Although she had done enough psychological construction, her legs were still weak when the door opened, and she was dizzy before she could see the person clearly. Forced a cold sweat.

When he refocused his gaze, he met the cold eyes of the man in front of him.

Ye Shi said in a hoarse voice, "Hello."

At the same time, she couldn't help being startled when she saw the room behind the dean that was exactly the same as the dormitory she had lived in.

The dean noticed her gaze, lowered his eyes slightly, and did not answer, with a colder expression on his face.

The atmosphere thus became more dangerous.

Ye Shi swallowed lightly, summoned up the courage to ask: "Is there anything you need me to do?" Or, do you have any wishes?

The dean looked at her even more indifferently, and said in a low voice: "I don't have anything—

" Before he could finish speaking, he heard a loud bang from behind him.

The movement was so loud that not only Ye Shi suddenly looked at the place where the sound came from, but even the dean frowned and turned his head slightly.

I saw a warm wood-colored, home-looking desk dropped against the wall, replacing the original bunk beds, standing abruptly in the middle of a pile of snow-white backgrounds.

It's a pity that the desk is too small, Ye Shizheng thought so, but seeing the desk slowly grow bigger as if alive, she was stunned, and her eyes widened slightly.

【Barrage: Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh why didn't I think I could change the world with a child's imagination! Niu Niu Niu! 】

【Barrage: This can really be called preparing a new small room. 】

[Barrage: What did you do? The dean was so handsome just now, I was stunned, I didn't have time to cut the angle of view, I was wrong! 】

【Barrage: Let me tell you what happened! 】 Just a few minutes ago, Lin

Ke pointed to Laike's dormitory and said to Xiaolan and other five children: "This room has good lighting and is more suitable for the dean's office. As

if it was real, Xiaolan asked blankly: "What desk?"

Linke walked to about three-quarters of the depth of the small room, raised his hand and stroked in front of him: "It's right here, facing the door, there is a desk behind it." The bookcases are all made of wood, and the color is lighter than the trunks of the trees next to the yellow land."

Children's imaginations are actually the most abundant, and before Lin Ke finished speaking, Xiao Lan and Xiao Shark had thought of it. That beautiful desk, even the matching chair with backrest was thought out.

"It can't be too small, because the dean is very tall, taller than me." Link made another stroke on his head, and finally compared the size of a table at hand.

The children nodded repeatedly.

Oh, and a little bigger.

Just right! Ye Shi's heart skipped a beat, he watched helplessly as the desk was adjusted to a suitable size, and finally stopped moving.

Not to mention that Ye Shi felt this scene was sudden, even the boss in front of him reacted for more than ten seconds.

The dean turned around unconsciously, and when he walked to the table, a bookshelf appeared out of nowhere behind him, the window screen fluttered, and there were more thermos cups, notebooks and expensive-looking pens on the table.

For some reason, there was also a pair of work gloves.

Then suddenly a trampoline that almost filled the entire room appeared in the middle of the room!

Ye Shi took a step back in shock, and the dean turned around and raised his eyebrows.

In just an instant, the trampoline turned into a pure wool carpet with quite elegant patterns and a single bed, and the functional areas of the room were immediately divided very clearly.

But the single bed is still restless.

It got bigger and bigger until it was the size of a double bed. The quilt has also changed from plain to colorful, with bears and fishes on it, and a Q version of the king.

[Bullet screen: This... I remember that I watched the show that redecorated the old man a long time ago... I always thought it was a lie...]

[Bullet screen: I remember it too! ! But the room really does look a lot bigger! 】

【Barrage: The dean has secretly protected the children for so long, and now the children have come up with a small warm room for the dean. The Tang Tang between the bosses is so sweet. ]

[Barrage:? ? ? Between bosses? Where did you put your little brother who worked so hard on his brain! 】

Little brother is really working hard.

After finally guiding the children to imagine the dean's office, Link knelt at the door for a while.

This is something he has always wanted to do. Orphanages in the real world have gone through hundreds of years. They are old and dilapidated, and there are bloodstains everywhere. No matter how clean they are, they can't cover up the deadness.

Anyway, in this dungeon, the difference between imagination and reality is not far.

By the way, improve the living conditions, kill two birds with one stone.

So he wanted to make a good layout and arrange the basic furniture, but he didn't expect these little kids to have ideas, always wanting to build a trampoline or something, and finally had to use a bigger double bed to fool it, otherwise the courtyard Chang can only sleep on the trampoline... and Lin Ke didn't win the argument about the color of the quilt.

Niu, this group of children insists on engaging in cartoon quilt covers.

Forget it, it wasn't his bed anyway.

With the beginning of the dean's office and living room, the children not only became proficient, but also enthusiastic, and surrounded Lin Ke and rushed out of the corridor, completely turning passive into active.

"There are decals here." Xiaolan pointed to the corner of the wall seriously.

"Put a little shark here!" The little shark gestured at the end of the corridor.

"One small ball is not enough, there needs to be a shelf for a row of small balls." Da Ke pointed to the corner of the dormitory.

[Bullet screen: ... a row of heads... I suddenly feel that this dungeon is getting more difficult, and will add a lot of scary props next? ! ! ]

[Bullet screen: Did you just realize that I was already taking notes to record the location of the props. 】

【Barrage: The details of the world have increased, and the difficulty will definitely increase. Please rest assured and wait for the latest rating. 】

The children are working hard here, and the world over there is instantly changed.

When the dean walked out of the room, the hallway was already full of flowers and dolls.

Ye Shi: "..." She didn't know how to explain it.

Fortunately, the expression on the dean's face has eased a lot, and he no longer looks so serious. He was silent for a moment, and finally opened the plot mercifully.

"A new volunteer? Let me show you about the orphanage."

[Barrage: Hahahaha I understand, this F-level dungeon is too low-level, and even a punishment-level boss doesn't have much room to play. There are several things to do, there should be only one task which is to introduce the orphanage, I laughed to death hahahahahaha. ]

[Bullet screen: Ruthless introduction.jpg]

[Bullet screen: Dean, introduce yourself, introduce yourself, let me see if you still recognize this orphanage hahahaha. ]

[Bullet screen: So only when the little brother came, did the dean introduce it patiently? Let's see what I found! 】

The dean has indeed been unable to keep up with the progress of the orphanage.

After stepping out with his left foot and almost stepping on a small shark, he hurriedly took it back, and then there was an inexplicable bear-head umbrella stand at hand.

Constantly discovering new items, it took more than an hour to walk from one end of the third floor to the second floor, and then to the first floor.

The entire orphanage has a new look and is full of childlike fun.

Ye Shi has been carefully observing the dean, and she judged seriously that the dean should be happy in his heart.

Especially when the dean came to the dining room and found that there was an extra large stool beside the dining table, Ye Shi could clearly see his Adam's apple slipping.

You should like it, right?


After more than an hour, Lin Ke talked dryly, and finally finalized the future of the orphanage with the children.

In the end, he has basically given up on communication—whatever, the children can come here as they like, put the toys in the corridor and put them in the corridor, let the ball roll around, anyway, it's theirs to stumble and stumble in the future !

The decoration is really tiring! They were walking to the restaurant, Lin

Ke was tired and hungry, but the little shark next to him said excitedly: "I want a bigger chair, a bigger bowl and plate, and a bigger spoon!" The guest ignored him, and activated the stone lantern with a smile. Sure enough, he saw Ye Shi over there with an indescribable expression on his face: "

Is there any change in your place ?" : "No more, flowers, spicy eyes." Ye Shi: "..." Five children who followed Lin Ke walked into the kitchen: "..." [Barrage: Hahahahahaha hearing hahahaha. ] [Bullet screen: Children don't want to lose face! ] Link replied simply: "As long as they like it, come here." He waved to the little shark. The little shark came over obediently.

"Teach you how to cook. Although your dean is powerful, you still need your attention. When the time comes, you will cook for the dean, you know?" Linke dragged a small stool from outside and let the little shark climb on it. I wonder if the stove should be lowered? Come to think of it, they might not even need to eat at all. But the little shark has

already taken the initiative to say: "At that time, the kitchen should be bigger and the tabletop should be lower."

Lin Ke paused, chuckled and patted him on the head: "All right, it's up to you."

Foreshadowing, the children all agreed that the principal is coming soon, and now they all rushed in to toss the tableware, and under the guidance of a few people, they actually made a few barely-readable meals. Of course, the salt and sugar were placed randomly, and Zhou Zhao was by the side His eyelids twitched wildly.

Fifteen minutes later, Lin Ke and Zhou Zhao sat at the dining table, looking at the colorful food in front of them, and five children stood beside them with expectant eyes.

Zhou Zhao: "Eat, eat?" He was worried about triggering the dungeon mechanism, and he was also worried about the taste of the food.

Lin Ke moved his chopsticks.

[Barrage: Noisy...Although it doesn't look delicious, but there is only one boss who cooks and eats, right? 】

【Barrage: When children grow up, they have to feed back. ]

[Bullet screen: I was so damn touched and laughed to death, come over to see me before the previous article and I won't hit you. 】

Seeing Linke eating seriously, Zhou Zhao also started to eat seriously. Although the food tasted strangely salty and sweet, it made people feel inexplicably at ease.

After entering the main god's world, he has never had such a homely meal. Even if he is eliminated, is it the last meal? He thinks positively and negatively.

Lin Ke was really hungry, he didn't eat well in the previous few meals, and he didn't care whether the meal was good or not.

When he finished eating and went to see Zhou Zhao again, he found that the children had disappeared.

Zhou Zhao's face was full of nervousness: "They really triggered the condition to cross."

"Well, just wait. It's useless to be anxious." After finishing the work, Lin Ke closed his eyes and rested his mind.

[Bullet screen: It really succeeded... I really used the dungeon mechanism to pass the boss over... I'm speechless. The dungeon can still play like this, I have no energy to boast. ]

[Bullet screen: Immortal way of thinking, so whether you pass the level or not, the boss and the player are separated from each other in two worlds without interfering with each other. ]

[Bullet screen: Don't be so euphemistic, if this is not enough, I will! ! ! 】

【Barrage: Sister Yu and the others are back too! ]


[ Barrage: I'm back too! Just now, I saw the surprised expressions of the children from Sister Yu's perspective for a second. I can't forget that look! ! ]

[Bullet screen: Really, really, that kind of unbelievable, I rubbed my eyes when I saw the little shark. 】

【Barrage: And the dean's eyes, woooooooooooooooo, Dean's eyes suddenly became so gentle and beautiful, I want to see it again! ! 】

【Barrage: It's been ten thousand years at a glance. 】

【Barrage: Ten thousand years at a glance + 100000000! 】

Here, Ye Shi and Su Xue also just "landed". Ye Shi looked pleasantly surprised, and was about to go forward to talk to Lin Ke, but heard the system voice speak first.

[Main God System: Orphanage Dungeon, player progress 11/12, please continue. ]

[Main God System: Congratulations to the player, entering the full protection stage. 】

The barrage instantly silenced.

After a while, a barrage trembled past, and then the barrage frantically swiped the screen.

[Barrage: Full protection stage - the prelude to a perfect customs clearance? In my lifetime, this is the first time since Brother Cheng that I saw someone able to play the full protection stage...]

[Bullet screen: super god! ! ! ! 】

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