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The room was silent, only the sound of the young man moving the mirror.

Now that the four mirrors have completed their lore two by two, Lin Ke first put the No. 1 mirror back in place, and then tried to move Chen Bo so that Chen Bo and the "self" in the No. 2 mirror can be matched together to see if any special plot can be triggered.

It's a pity that this time he failed to guess the idea of ​​the game, Uncle Chen and the little angel stared at each other for a long time, nothing happened.

In the end, it was Lin Ke who successfully broke through the defense under Uncle Chen's comment of "it looks like you".

He closed himself off, stopped talking, and searched for clues.

The fourth mirror was still covered with fog, but there was clearly something hidden in the first mirror, the layer of fog was thin and loose, and it wanted to refuse and welcome.

Lin Ke stood in front of the mirror, stretched out his hand, and really easily penetrated it, and the soft mist dispersed along the airflow of his movements, revealing the scene inside.

It was another room, dimly lit and messy, with a large bed in the center.

[Bullet screen: So this is really just a map exploration type secret room? shocked. ]

[Bullet screen: It's not that simple, otherwise, which world would those players who were brought into the mirror world by themselves in the mirror go to? I'm dizzy, how much space is there if everyone's room is connected to another separate room. 】

【Barrage: There should be a main battlefield. 】

【Barrage: If you cut Jin Shen's perspective, won't you see another situation? 】

In the picture on the other side, half of Jin Qingyue's body has entered the mirror, and he looked back before leaving. Mu Cheng also said the last sentence to him: "I won't come back."

Jin Qingyue no answer.

Then, as he passed through the mirror, the picture also fell into darkness. After a few seconds, the scene was blurred and reconstructed, showing the dark corridor under the eaves of an old house.

It was late at night, with bright red paper lanterns hanging from the eaves, and the rolling hills in the distance looked like the back of a sleeping dragon.

After adapting to the dim light of the picture, the audience saw that the two people in the original picture had become one.

Jin Qingyue, who was always in a wheelchair, was gone, and what was left was the No. 1 "Jin Qingyue" with healthy legs.

【Barrage:? ? What about Jin Shenren? ]

[Bullet screen: If you can see this perspective, it means that this is the player's perspective, and this is Shen Jin. ]

[Barrage: Huh? That is Jin Shen used the body in the mirror? ]

[Bullet screen: Correct answer. ]

I saw the young man stunned for a moment, then stretched out his hand to touch his legs, and tried to take two steps forward.

He was obviously still not used to it, and he swayed a little when he walked, but this did not affect his sharp eyes and calm aura around him in the slightest. He was indeed the well-known Jin Qingyue.

In front of his eyes, on the side of the guest house, there were many rectangular objects wrapped in rags leaning against the wall in disorder. Judging from the size, they looked like mirrors in the room.

Jin Qingyue didn't touch them rashly, but after approaching, he raised his hand and summoned a small round mirror in his hand, and waved it over the object.

A very slender neck is first reflected on the round mirror. As the mirror moves upward, the sharpened jaw, shriveled lips, sunken nose bridge and dull eyes slowly enter the picture.

Suddenly, as if knowing that he was being spied on, those dull eyes suddenly filled with malice, staring at Jin Qingyue through the round mirror.

Although Jin Qingyue was as calm as Jin Qingyue, the hand holding the mirror still trembled.

[Barrage: Oh my god, I get goosebumps all over my body, is this a former player? Is this eliminated or not eliminated? ]

Jin Qingyue's expression was not very good after seeing the contents covered by the rags from the mirror. He followed the corridor and observed them one by one. Without exception, these objects wrapped like zombies were indeed mirrors. And each mirror has a player's image. They seem to have completely lost their vitality, like corpses.

At the end of the corridor, the array of "mummy" was abruptly broken, and a door was ajar, revealing the dim light in it.

Jin Qingyue stopped, turned sideways and looked in cautiously.

[Bullet screen: Ah, the layout of this room is exactly the same as what the little brother saw! ]

[Bullet chat: In addition to the first room, this room is also repetitive, take notes. ]


Lin Ke is finally ready to enter the mirror world.

He also did a final check on the four mirrors in the original room.

The No. 1 mirror is used as a passage to the next small room, so it must not be taken away, and the No. 2 mirror can be disassembled, but the "little angel" told him not to worry, and he didn't need to take this mirror, and said that he would always Be by his side.

Link gave him a polite smile, and kindly left the No. 2 mirror in the original room.

Mirror No. 3 is Uncle Chen, so it must be taken away.

The remaining mirror number four is the only non-removable mirror. Since someone had captured him through this mirror, Lin Ke studied the mirror carefully and carefully. After confirming that it is indeed tightly glued to the wall and cannot be removed, and that the mirror surface is also blocked by a layer of gravitational fog, it cannot pass through, and then give up.

Finally, Lin Ke held Uncle Chen in one hand and stuffed the letter paper found on the table in his pocket, and walked through the No. 1 mirror.

A burst of coolness came to my face.

Link shivered, and when he opened his eyes again, he was already in a completely unfamiliar room.

He turned his head for the first time, and as expected, there was a smooth mirror behind him, the passage just now disappeared, and he came to a secret room again.

This room has the same dim lighting and mirrors on all four walls as the previous one. But it's obviously more complicated. There are messy items everywhere, broken photos all over the floor, and everything looks terrible, disorganized, and disturbing.

It turns out that this is the feeling of breaking through the pseudo-multiplayer dungeon-this is a person with poor mental quality, unable to communicate with other players for a long time, and unable to solve puzzles by himself, there is a high probability of mental breakdown, or magnifying the mental tension. The dark side, or increased inner fear, makes this room more and more menacing.

But Lin Ke is okay, because he brought a mirror with him.

He put Chen Bo on the wall where he entered the "door". When he was at ease, he heard the old man complain: "This room is as messy as a doghouse."

Uncle Chen is a very self-disciplined uncle. Fuck, Lin Ke has never lived in a "kennel" with him.

Lin Ke also knew that this room was in the way of Uncle Chen's eyes, so he glanced at it and made a vague promise: "Clean it up immediately." His extremely

upright attitude was immediately exchanged for Uncle Chen's disbelieving "hmph".

Lin Ke: "..."

Conscience, he really wants to tidy it up, this room is full of clues, how can we get out if we don't tidy it up? But for some reason, when his eyes fell on the large carved bed in the center of the room, an unstoppable drowsiness gripped him.

Knowing in his heart that something was wrong, his footsteps still quietly moved towards the big carved bed.

And Chen Bo said again from behind: "Come on, rest first when you are tired."

Wake me up quickly! Hurry up and scold me! Let me sweep the floor and wipe the wall, why are you so considerate at this time!

Lin Ke's heart sank slowly, he gritted his teeth, struggling to compete with the mysterious power in his body, but couldn't say a word to answer.

It was useless, the force was too strong, and he was still forced to fall to that bed.

The moment his head touched the soft pillow, Linke's upper and lower eyelids immediately stuck together, and he couldn't open them anymore, and a low whisper sounded in his ears.

"...It's your turn."

He was startled suddenly, his body sank, and then he lost consciousness.

[Barrage: Help! There must be something wrong with this bed! About a dozen people have been eliminated! ]

[Barrage: Get up! ! ! 】

【Barrage: No way, no way? Can't this bed struggle? How to break this dead point? 】


It is a bed.

Jin Qingyue stared at the big bed, thoughtful.

Through the crack in the door, he could see the chaos in the room.

I saw a deep hole in the center of the carved bed, as if someone had slept on it but was eaten by this bed. The whole room smelled of hunger and death.

Seeing this, Jin Qingyue still did not choose to push the door in, but took a step back, turned around the corner of the corridor and continued forward.

[Bullet screen: Jin Shen is too stable, perfectly avoiding the point of death, Jiang is still old and spicy. ]

[Bullet screen: woo woo woo brother, the screen is black again, let me take a look at the clues here. ]

[Bullet screen: Damn what is this! 】

Suddenly, the footsteps of the boy in the picture stopped.

In the dark part of the corridor in front of him, mirror fragments were scattered all over the place, and there were bursts of painful wailing from each fragment.

Jin Qing stood still far away and listened to the content.

Sentences of curses that are not nutritious but full of resentment are also passed on to the ears of every live viewer.

"Go to hell..." "Why does this world exist?"

"Hee hee, I hope that everyone who comes in will have the same fate as me."

"Don't even try to escape..."

"Everyone is the same!"

After a while, I saw that the mirror fragments were like some kind of insects, "swishling" moving, and joined together with the fragments next to them, and gradually restored the appearance of a mirror. Soon, a blind eye A god, a man with a stiff body appeared in the mirror.

The man's eyes slowly turned, and his eyes finally fixed on Jin Qingyue's face outside the mirror, and then the corner of his mouth split open, revealing a bloody mouth that opened directly to the brain.

He was dead at last, and "lived" in this mirror.

Jin Qingyue's pupils shrank, and he stretched out his hand to summon an item.

——In the live broadcast room, all the screens were black, and the main god system reminded again.

[Main God System: Because the number of players in "Four Side Mirror" is less than 50, the live broadcast room is temporarily closed, and it will automatically exit the live broadcast room after five minutes. ]

[Barrage: Closed again? ? ? Was that ghost just now an eliminated player? ]

[Bullet screen: Counting it, a hundred or so people have already entered. ]

[Bullet screen: Oh my god, I've been watching my little brother and Jin Shen's perspective and didn't realize that so many people died in this book? ]

[Barrage: What do you think! This is an A-grade book! ]

[Bullet screen: Listen, we can't mess around, everyone first read the forum! Take a look at the dungeon mechanism and how Yin Gou is shady, don't die in vain! We want to bring the information to the little brother. 】


While Link was still sleeping, the floors in the forum supporting him and Jin Qingyue's customs clearance had been built up to the sky.

The players spontaneously summed up the details of the dungeon that each player can see from the perspective of each player since he entered the dungeon and the dungeon was full, as well as the death methods of all eliminated players.

There are relatively few details in the dungeon, because many players were trapped in the first room, and were directly caught by the elusive Yin Li to another space, and were eliminated before everyone could see what happened.

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