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  Everyone's dark and light sides are different.

Just like Lin Ke, his bright side is a helpful moron, and his dark side is a bastard who has nothing to do with himself.

As far as the magician is concerned, since his bright side is a person who is too willing to take responsibility and believes that everything is wrong with him, his dark side is probably a person who thinks that the whole world is wrong.

Of course, all this is caused by the contradiction between reality and ideals, because the mirror made by the magician is the best mirror in the world, but the players smashed the mirrors he poured his heart and soul into. He was also turned into a demon in the mirror.

The cruel reality completely broke the magician's ideal of making the world's best mirror. In order to accept this ending, the magician is either forced to admit that he is not good at his craft, or he goes to extremes, thinking that everyone is persecuting him.

This is how to separate the two sides of the one body.

Obviously, now the bright side magician has been PUA'd by the players to have no ego, the beloved mirror is broken, and he still thinks that he did not do well, how can this happen?

It is conceivable that the magician on the dark side should have a great hostility towards the player that cannot be resolved.

After a brief analysis of the current situation, Lin Ke first moved Uncle Chen, who was resting on the opposite side of the third mirror, to the blind spot beside the third mirror, and then hung the Bright Magician diagonally opposite the third mirror, Only then did he drag the dressing table to the third mirror.

Sure enough, the moment the mirror captured the photo of the magician, black clouds surged on the mirror, as if a demon was angry in it. After a while, a pair of gloomy eyes appeared, looking angrily at Lin Ke standing outside. Lin Ke stood five meters away from the mirror. First, he was worried that the demon inside would suddenly reach out and grab him. Second, at this distance, if the demon wanted to come out of the mirror, he could subdue the demon. Sure enough, the arrogant magician wearing a top hat looked at Lin Ke from a distance, and then sneered, "Ha."

Lin Ke remained silent, waiting for him to continue.

"You look...very beautiful, I knew there was nothing wrong with my mirror..." He glanced up and down unceremoniously on Lin Ke, then raised his jaw slightly and said, "Hmph, but that can't cover you up That stubborn aura on his body."

Lin Ke: "..."

His heart skipped a beat.

No way? Had his appearance changed in the "real world" as well? But this magician is quite discerning, and it is really rare to see the domineering under the appearance of his mother monster.

Lin Ke's heart was turbulent, but his face remained calm.

Finally, the arrogant magician looked past Link, and looked at the cowardly magician behind Linke. He showed a very disdainful expression: "Why is that trash still there?" Following his words, the cowardly magician trembled three times

. Trembling, the neck shrinks like a quail.

Lin Ke understood the oppressive relationship between the two, so he moved away, blocking the arrogant magician's sight, and asked what he had just thought about: "I want to buy a mirror, but he said the mirror he made is not good— ——"

"——not good?" Sure enough, the arrogant magician interrupted Linke's words loudly, "The mirror I made can reflect the most real scene, and can expose your heart without doubt. You are selfish and ugly. Come here and blame me for making a bad mirror? You don't even look in the mirror to see who you are."

Link was silent for three seconds.

Then, he asked sincerely: "Am I ugly?"

Arrogant magician: "..."

Arrogant magician: "..."

[Bullet screen: Hahahaha boss speechless. 】

【Barrage: This is really difficult. 】

【Barrage: It's hard to tell nonsense with your eyes open, isn't it? 】

"So your mirrors are fine, I trust you very much." Linke sacrificed himself for the sake of the plot, and endured the complaints in his heart, "I want to ask you to make me a mirror, can you?

" It's the main line! Little brother rushed! 】

【Barrage: I burst into tears watching this, I finally have hope in my life to see the big boss take the main line in the A-level dungeon. 】

【Barrage: Really, it used to be random killings. 】

The arrogant magician was stunned for a moment when he heard this, and the expression on his face became stiff. It seems that it has been a long time since a guest invited them to make a mirror.

He was full of reluctance and disgust, but the conceit of a craftsman revealed at that moment still failed to escape Linke's eyes.

"Please," Lin Ke struck while the iron was hot, "There is no one who can make mirrors better than you."

A trace of extremely complicated emotions flashed across the face of the arrogant magician.

"It's a pity," he said stiffly after a while, "I don't want to make mirrors for you anymore. After all, you are too ugly, too ugly. You should hire someone else.

" His eyes moved unnaturally to the side.

[Barrage: This is the first time I have empathy with a boss, is it difficult to say ugly to such a little brother? 】

【Barrage: Laughing to death, you are NG this time, Mr. Boss. 】

It is impossible for Lin Ke to ignore the obvious expression that even the barrage has noticed.

Despite the ten thousand reluctance in his heart, he can only use his own advantages at this moment.

After a silence of about thirty seconds, Lin Ke spoke.

"If you miss me, you will never have the chance to find a customer who is so good-looking and can prove that there is nothing wrong with your mirror. Have you ever seen someone who is more innocent and cute than me, and more worthy of appearing in your mirror?"

[ Barrage: Hahahahahaha, my little brother is about to cry with his self-promotional expression. 】

[Barrage: Distortion.jpg. But still very nice! ]

[Bullet screen: Little brother's ears are red, and he feels shame through the screen, screaming! ! 】

When Lin Ke said this, he felt that his whole body was burning hot, but Chen Bo beside him was still looking at him without a word.

If I knew it earlier, I should have covered Chen Bo's entire mirror.


Shame and throw back before liberation.

The last time Uncle Chen showed this kind of gaze was when Ke Lin proposed that he want to have his ears pierced. At that time, he was too naive, thinking that no one would bully him by wearing earrings and studs like those rebellious punks, so he struggled to hit one, but he was severely reprimanded by Uncle Chen, and he sat at home and made a fuss a few days.

Uncle Chen couldn't believe his idea, but he didn't want to let Uncle Chen know that he was in trouble. In the end, he was forced to ask questions anxiously, and he sat in front of the broken desk and yelled loudly, "Because it's so beautiful", "Boys are so beautiful." Can't it be pretty?"

He still can't forget the indescribable look that Uncle Chen looked at him at that time.

Just like now.

Lin Ke subconsciously pinched the Southern Cross earrings on his earlobe again.

Uncle Chen still thinks that he loves beauty, because Uncle Chen not only accepted that reason, but also asked his friend where he could get his ears pierced without pain, and took him to the small shop that day.

It's a pity that after the left ear piercing, Lin Ke himself felt too stupid, and he was unwilling to accept his "beauty" setting in his heart, and he refused to have the right ear piercing again. Bo was very sorry, thinking that he had hindered the development of Lin Ke's nature, and kept in mind that he specially bought a Southern Cross earring for Linke on his birthday.

I was pretty good at that time, thanks to Uncle Chen's patience with the brat, Lin Ke thought.

Thinking about it this way, although this dungeon is a bit complicated, it's good for him to talk to Uncle Chen again.

Suddenly, Lin Ke's heart moved.

A thought suddenly appeared in his mind, making his whole heart tremble.

"To be honest, I like your mirror very much, and I want to buy one to take away." Lin Ke took a deep breath, looked at the mirror and said humanely.

"Humph," the arrogant magician gave him a cold look, "Yes, everyone who came to me once said they liked the mirror I made, but in the end? Ha, when they found that it couldn't reflect them When I wanted the answer, I ruthlessly smashed her to pieces. You are also one of the duplicity ones, and you said you liked it, but I didn't see you bring the fragments of the mirror with you." [Bullet screen: I... the reward

item of this dungeon Should, should it be...? 】

【Barrage: I want a mirror like this too! ! ! ]

[Barrage: Is it really possible? is it possible? ]

[Barrage: What charades are you playing? 】

【Barrage: I also want to have a mirror where I can see important people! ! ! 】

The barrage came over, and he began to refresh the screen excitedly, and Lin Ke's heartbeat was also slowly accelerating.

He just thought of it, the rewards of the first few dungeons were all related to the content of the dungeon, so what about this dungeon?

Since the items copied in this dungeon can be taken out of the world of the Lord God, if the reward of this dungeon is a mirror, will he have a chance to take Chen Bo out?

Lin Ke knew that he couldn't show his desire for the goal when he was shopping, otherwise he would be easily hacked, but when he thought of this possibility, not only his breathing became short of breath, but even his fingertips tensed up, like a little The child suddenly saw a toy that was so exciting that he insisted on buying it home.

Lin Ke didn't know that it was his awkward expression and posture at this moment that moved the arrogant magician in front of him.

"Actually, if I had met a customer like you earlier, I would be very willing to create a mirror for your beautiful face, a precious mirror...but you have made me wait too long..." the magician speak slowly.

This A-level dungeon has gone through hundreds of years, at least to say the least. Players who have lived in the main god world for a long time know that A-level dungeons can be rewarded with S-level items, and S-level items have completely different powers from other types of items.

Just like the rose Linke obtained by accident, it has the ability to resurrect.

And Zhou Zhao's night lantern used in the first copy has the ability to penetrate space.

Every S-level prop is a miracle, they are a gift from the gods, and they are the tolerance of the world.

Also, getting them is not easy, no one gets perfect rewards from a wounded world.

The arrogant magician hadn't seen such a person who sincerely asked him to make a mirror for a long time. He had waited for hundreds of years until he was disheartened, but he didn't expect to meet him now. He paused for a long time, and suddenly let out a strange laugh.

"But you're late, my honored guest," he turned sideways, showing Linke to look under his cloak, "you know, I'm a tough guy with a tough temper, and usually I make decisions that don't allow myself Change. Just not long ago, I decided not to make mirrors anymore."

Lin Ke stared wide-eyed, and saw that there was nothing under the magician's cloak, and his left and right arms disappeared from the shoulders.

His heart tightened suddenly, and he thought of the magician who cut off his own arm.

"You know, the glass knife needed to cut mirrors is very sharp, but its cutting surface is too small, and it is very inconvenient to use. I even used it carefully to make mirrors for many ugly things, just think about it. Makes me sick." The magician sneered.

It's a pity that Lin Ke couldn't hear what he said clearly. Lin Ke only felt that he was trembling even when he breathed, and the air he sucked into his lungs was also cold.

"You probably won't be able to experience the feeling that something made with all your painstaking efforts and heart is easily broken, and all the value of existence is destroyed? But it's you, let me experience this feeling time and time again... "The arrogant magician's voice became colder and colder.

clam down.

Lin Ke said to himself.

Don't be carried away by his emotions.

But Lin Ke still felt his whole body gradually turning cold. On the one hand, the hope that he could take Chen Bo away gradually disappeared, and on the other hand, the hatred in the words of the arrogant magician was too obvious.

If you encounter such a client at work, an experienced social worker will know that it is time to give up. There are some people who can't be rescued even if they are immortals. This is not a problem with the skills of social workers, but the limitations of the job itself—they can try their best to help others, but there must be times when they have no choice. Like a miracle doctor can't save all patients.

Like this moment, Link is very clearly powerless in the face of the arrogant magician's extreme emotions and problems, and his self-destructive behavior.

At this time, a low voice suddenly sounded from the side.

"Lin Ke," it was Uncle Chen. He stared at Lin Ke's research from afar, and reminded him very seriously, "The problem here is very serious. You should answer his last question first to bring back his emotions." Link

suddenly woke up.

Hearing a strange voice from the side, the arrogant magician's expression changed slightly in the mirror, and he looked at Link suspiciously.

Lin Ke reacted quickly, and immediately said: "Maybe you don't want to make mirrors anymore, but I still want to prove to you that I really like your mirrors very much." He said, walked to the side and moved

Uncle Chen completely. Come over and let the arrogant magician see a part of Chen Bo's mirror: "Because it allows me to see the person I miss, I always carry it with me." In fact,

Lin Ke wants to say, I don't ask you to do it for me A new mirror, if only you would let me take this mirror away, but he held back.

Now that the arrogant magician has screwed himself up, he has to find a way to get the arrogant magician to start making mirrors again and get back on his feet.

Moreover, the punishment bosses in this world rely on the will of the arrogant magician to exist. The magician once wanted to make a mirror that could reflect perfect characters, and thus derived a round mirror for looking for little angels. Now the magician turned to However, he was disheartened and unwilling to make mirrors, which would weaken the power to punish the boss. He must also help the punishment boss to regain strength and jointly maintain the order of the instance.

This is his job, and it is also a necessary condition for customs clearance, so it cannot contain too much selfishness.

Inside the mirror, the arrogant magician quietly looked at the mirror brought by Link.

[Barrage: Too cruel, did he cut off his arm? It hurts me to look at it. ]

[Bullet screen: How can this be done... Can, can you still pass the level? Yin Li did it again? 】

【Barrage: No, it seems that the boss and the player have had a long-standing grievance, self-harming and destroying the clearance route. 】

"Mirrors are hard to repair, do you understand?" the arrogant magician said suddenly.

Lin Ke was startled, knowing that there was something going on, his eyes flashed, and he looked up at the magician.

Magician: "..."

A blush flashed across the arrogant and cold face of the magician, but then he "coughed", looked behind Lin Ke and said, "Although that cowardly guy is not as skilled as me, he barely It can be regarded as my talent, you can teach him. Maybe he can make a mirror for you?"

[Bullet screen: huh? teach? How long will it take to teach this... No matter how powerful the little brother is, he can't make a mirror...]

Danmaku still finds it difficult, but Link is relieved.

With a guess in his mind, he thanked the magician, and under Chen Bo's encouraging gaze, he walked towards another shrinking magician.


In the empty space, a figure suddenly flashed.

The devil lightly landed on the door of the ancient house, stretched out his hand and pulled out a pigeon blood red necklace from his neck, the blood red stone flickered slightly.

Jin Qingyue looked in a certain direction, his gaze sank, and he walked away.


The timid magician waved his hands again and again, and refused for the hundredth time: "I can't, I can't..." "

You can," Lin Ke said calmly, "I saw you took pictures with many customers, They are very satisfied with the mirror you made. Isn't it?"

The magician hesitated: "But... no, they didn't tell me that in person, unless you asked them to tell me in person." [

Barrage : The customs clearance conditions for this dungeon are simple, it's so complicated. ]

[Bullet screen: Well, you should need to find the previous customers in the world of mirror fragments. ]

[Bullet screen: This... How can I find a person? 】

【Barrage: There are still friends who went in! 】

"Okay." Don't care if he can do it or not, just agree to it.

Lin Ke readily agreed, and was about to ask something more, when suddenly he heard movement behind him, he turned his head suddenly, and saw a person suddenly barging from the mirror on the wall opposite Uncle Chen.

First, a devil's claw was clenched on the mirror frame.

Lin Ke's pupils shrank, he walked quickly a few steps, and stopped in front of Uncle Chen.

Then the devil's horn also flashed out of the rolling black mist, he opened his scarlet eyes, and then showed a pale face, showing a gentle smile with fangs to Link: "It's me." Link tensed his

body , looked at the familiar yet unfamiliar person in front of him in astonishment, then frowned tightly.

It's Jin Qingyue.

Jin Qingyue had sharp horns on his forehead, thick and long hair, and was as white as a ghost, weak but gloomy.

He's becoming more and more like a real demon.

In this dungeon, the player's form will affect the player's mentality. Faced with Jin Qingyue in this state, Lin Ke dare not take it lightly.

"I'm awake, don't worry," Jin Qingyue seemed to see Lin Ke's guard, laughed at himself, and then lowered his eyes and said, except for his hoarse voice, he looked normal, "I heard it all, cough cough , the customs clearance conditions of this dungeon... I can travel in various spaces, let me see their photos, I will find someone for you... I will ensure that you pass the customs safely, just want to ask you to do me a small favor "

Lin Ke swallowed lightly, the aura on Jin Qingyue made him feel dangerous.

He didn't know what Jin Qingyue went through, he just felt that Jin Qingyue was much stronger than before.

And Jin Qingyue asked him to help, it must not be a very easy thing to do.

Lin Ke looked at Jin Qingyue calmly. After a while, Jin Qingyue said, "Can you lend

me your ring?"

:48 During the 48 period, the little angel who voted for the overlord vote or the irrigation nutrient solution for me~

Thanks to the little angel who cast the landmines: Camel camel camel and Qingyi 1;

thanks to the little angel of the irrigation nutrient solution: Shuben Yanyou 60 bottles; 2 bottles of Lin Kecai Zhenjue; 1 bottle of Xinsai, Fitz, and mona;

thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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