Chapter 23

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Chapter 23 What does he want to do in the middle of the night? (triple……

    Before Su Qingqing could breathe a sigh of relief, Chu Yunhan came closer again.

    Chu Yunhan sweated and ran towards Su Qingqing's direction, "Why are you sitting here?"

    After seeing Su Qingqing's surprisingly pale face, he frowned and put his palm on her forehead. He found that Su Qingqing's face was not as big as his slap.

    The temperature was cold and there was no fever, "Are you okay? Does your face look so ugly?"

    Su Qingqing shook her head, "It's okay, I just had a cold yesterday, and I'm a little weak today."

    Seeing that she just had a bad complexion, Chu Yunhan felt relieved, "A man can't be empty. I'll take you to have a meal tonight. You won't be empty after you make up."

    Looking carefully at her small face, she now looks more distressing than usual.

    Su Qingqing: "..." Is she the Xu he mentioned?

    "...No need to make up, I'll be fine after two days of rest." Su Qingqing couldn't even speak hard, showing a sense of vulnerability.

    "You still say you don't need to mend it? You see that you have no strength to speak." Chu Yunhan was not used to her appearance, and his brows frowned even deeper.

    Su Qingqing didn't have the strength to talk to him, it seemed that she overestimated this body, her energy and blood were so weak that she was in a state of staring at her, and she was about to faint at any time.

    Especially after the incident with the male lead, I realized what it means to be weak, and having a menstruation seems to be drained of blood.

    It seems that I still have to ask for leave for these two days, and doing anything casually in this state will cause problems, Su Qingqing pushed Chu Yunhan's hand away.

    "I'll go back to the dormitory to have a rest, and you go play with yours." She didn't want him to keep nagging beside her, and her ears had to be cocooned by him.

    It was rare for Chu Yunhan not to pester her anymore, watching her walk away slowly, the friend behind him called him a few words.

    "Here we come!" Chu Yunhan took one last look at Su Qingqing's back before turning around and leaving.

    Su Qingqing still asked for leave and went back to the dormitory, cooked brown sugar ginger soup by herself and drank it, her stomach just felt better, she couldn't help sighing while lying on the bed...

    Having a period is like having a serious illness, I hope tomorrow will be better , his thoughts drifted away and he fell asleep again in a daze.

    When he woke up, it was night again, and the bedroom was dark. It seemed that the male lead hadn't come back yet. He rubbed his eyes and got up to go to the bathroom. Someone knocked on the door hastily.

    Su Qingqing regained a lot of strength and became more energetic. The bedroom door was knocked with a "bang bang" sound, and Chu Yunhan opened the door and walked in hastily.

    She was not surprised to see that it was Chu Yunhan, the knock on the door was so loud that there would be no one but him.

    "Why don't you turn on the light?" Chu Yunhan muttered, holding a bunch of packed delicacies in his hand.

    Su Qingqing turned on the light in response, only then did she see the things in his hands, and looked at the second male in front of her in a daze.

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