Chapter 22

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Chapter 22 Period

    The warm touch made her froze on the spot, Su Qingqing had a painful face, she said she really didn't mean to believe him?

    In the darkness, she could clearly feel the eyes that were covered with ice and snow, staring straight at her through the night.

    Su Qingqing hastily withdrew her hand, a terrifying silence spread in the air, she might as well have turned on the light if she knew it earlier.

    "Sorry, I almost fell." So she didn't have any unreasonable thoughts about him, so he shouldn't think she did it on purpose, right?

    The male protagonist didn't make a sound, Su Qingqing hurriedly went to bed in embarrassment, hoping that he didn't hold grudges, why did he just press on his thigh...

    What's wrong with pressing, it happened to be on someone else's thigh, let alone She is still a man now.

    Su Qingqing couldn't fall asleep even more this time, and it took a long time to fall back to sleep after tossing and turning.

    It was already the second day after waking up, Su Qingqing found that her stomach hurt slightly, and she had an ominous premonition, she lifted the quilt to see...

    it's her period! Su Qingqing stared blankly at the little bit of blood, and her newly sober mind would get stuck for a while.

    She seemed to have forgotten this important matter, and was preoccupied with the protagonist and the development of the plot. On the contrary, menstruation is the most important thing to be careful about, and it is also the easiest to be discovered.

    And it still comes once a month, and I don't avoid it.

    Just when she was in a daze, a figure stopped in front of Su Qingqing's bed, and the male protagonist's cold eyes fell on her, with a trace of doubt flashing in his eyes.

    Su Qingqing hastily covered the air conditioner, covering Mu Bai's probing eyes by the way, and was almost discovered.

    Mu Bai shifted his gaze to the bed covered by Su Qingqing, and left the bedroom silently without saying a word.

    Su Qingqing breathed a sigh of relief, probably he was still angry about being pressed on her thigh last night, fortunately she got up late today, otherwise... the consequences would be disastrous.

    After confirming that he was far away, Su Qingqing rummaged through the box to find sanitary napkins, wondering if the original owner had bought them, and found them in the backpack after searching for a long time.

    I went to the bathroom, quickly washed the quilt and dried it at a high speed. After doing all this, I completely let go of my hanging heart.

    There was a faint pain in her stomach, and Su Qingqing's face turned a little pale. It was inconvenient for a woman to dress up as a man during her period, and she had to be extra careful when she went to the bathroom.

    After drinking two cups of hot water, I finally felt more comfortable. I didn't ask for leave today and had to go to class, so I simply tidied up and left the dormitory listlessly.

    The delicacy of the breakfast she liked had been reduced by three points, and this body was very weak, Su Qingqing felt weak and helpless, and sighed helplessly.

    Duan Xinghe's eyes made her ignore her as usual, but Duan Xinghe saw that something was wrong with her. Su Qingqing, who used to be thin, now looked as if she could fall to the ground at any time, and she was extremely fragile.

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