Chapter 118

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Chapter 118 That girl was actually Su Qingqing...

    The boudoir is so deserted... Nangongli doesn't know if Mu Bai knows, presumably he should investigate.

    The old housekeeper couldn't help sighing again, Chen Meini had told her not to open the door of her room, so he guided Nangongli downstairs.

    Naturally, Nangongli knew that a room was missing, and seeing that the old housekeeper had no intention of opening the door, he wisely did not skip it.

    The old butler still explained, "That room is Madam's room, and there is nothing in it except a photo of Qingqing and them when they were

    young." A photo when they were young? Nangongli stopped and looked towards Chen Meini's room, thinking of Su Qiangqiao's somewhat familiar voice.

    "Master Nangong?" Seeing him staring at Chen Meini's room, the old butler thought that something was wrong with him?

    Nangongli came back to his senses, hesitated for a while and followed the old butler down the second floor.

    He was probably thinking too much, and he was going crazy looking for someone, Nangongli laughed at himself and raised the corners of his mouth, secretly feeling a sense of helplessness spread throughout his body and mind.

    Maybe he should adjust his mentality, that girl should be Du Ruo back then, it's just that he couldn't believe it.

    Walking down to the back garden on the first floor, the view of the back garden is mediocre, half of the flowers and plants are withered, it seems that they are not always at home.

    Nangongli followed behind the old housekeeper with little interest until he reached a garage.

    Su Qiangqiao was afraid that others would not know how many cars he had, so he washed them clean in advance and put them in the garage.

    Nangongli took a few glances and wanted to turn around and leave.

    The old butler originally wanted to explain something, but when he saw him walking out, he had no choice but to follow slowly and did not continue to introduce him.

    When Nangongli glanced casually and walked out of the garage, he noticed that there was only one car in the corner covered by a cloth.

    He looked around the entire garage again in surprise, only to find that the car was covered tightly.

    "Why is that car covered?" Among all the cars, the one that stands out stands out.

    The old butler was a little stunned, and looked in the direction Nangongli was looking at. He was covered by the cloth and didn't know what kind of car it was for a while, and his memory of the old days was blurred.

    The old butler approached the cloth-covered car step by step, and when he wanted to open it, Nangongli had already walked to his side and did not let the old butler do it.

    In the living room,

    Du Ruo, Chen Meini and Su Qiangqiao were sitting on the sofa waiting for Nangongli and the old housekeeper.

    "Why don't I go and have a look?" Chen Meini was worried, after all, the old butler's family members were also old, and sometimes they couldn't do what they wanted.

    Su Qiangqiao shook his head and refused to let her go, "If you go now, he will think that we don't let him see, and there is nothing to do when you go to the first floor, and the garage is over."

    Chen Meini had to sit down again, and said Too.

    For some reason, Du Ruo started to feel a little flustered, a little fidgety and wanted to find Nangongli, but thought that what Su Qiangqiao said made sense, so if he went at this time, he would clearly urge Nangongli and sit on the sofa hesitantly.

    Nangongli casually lifted the car cloth, put his handbag in his handbag and casually looked at the car model under the car cloth, his pupils shrank sharply with just one glance!

    His hands in his trouser pockets trembled, and he stared at the car in front of him...

    After the old butler saw the true face of the car, old memories came to his mind, and he caressed the car and let out a long sigh.     "It turned out to be this car. This car was driven by Mr. and Mrs. a long time ago, but because of an incident in the past, Mr. thought that this car was


Ken said where the money went, he persuaded Su Qiangqiao and Chen Meini several times, don't treat the child like this because of this little money, and even put the money on the back of the eye, but Su Qiangqiao didn't agree.

    Nangongli clenched his fists, suppressing the emotions that were about to swallow him up in his heart, and squeezed out a sentence between the roots of his teeth...

    "Unlucky?" The

    old housekeeper was only immersed in his memories, and did not notice Nangongli's scarlet eyes. ...

    "Hey.. When the young lady lost the New Year's money that had been accumulated for two years, the husband blamed the young lady, but the young lady refused to say where the money went. She beat and scolded until midnight. The young lady didn't even eat a bite. , didn’t mention a single word about where the New Year’s money went.”

    “Since then, Miss’s temperament has changed, and no one doesn’t like her because she was cute and smiling before.” The old housekeeper sighed and shook his head again with distress, and felt sad for Qingqing again in his words. And because Su Qiangqiao loves money like his life, he is helpless.

    The more Nangong Li heard it, the scarlet eyes became scarlet. He knew where the money went and gave it to him...

    Su was Su Qingqing...! !

    Nangong Li's eyes were reddened, and now he is standing at exactly the same angle as when he saw the car back then!

    His teeth were chattering, "Old butler, I want to see pictures of Su Qingqing when she was a child." The

    old butler was stunned by his request, thinking it was because he said that the young lady was cute when he was young, and wanted to see how cute she was.

    But Chen Meini said that he would not be allowed to open her bedroom door. After thinking about it, "I'll go upstairs and bring it for you." The

    old housekeeper actually wanted to see it, so he agreed.

    "I'll go up with you." Nangongli tried his best to suppress the tumbling emotions that were about to overflow.

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