Chapter 67

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Chapter 67 Drenched

    When the Crazy Sofa started, she knew that she had overestimated playing this kind of exciting game, and the feeling of weightlessness was overwhelming. Su Qingqing didn't shout but had no place to put her hands.

    There was still some sea water splashed on her body, Su Qingqing could only shrink her whole body in the end, the stimulation was very exciting, the sense of weightlessness was very strong and it was at sea again.

    There was another burst of galloping, Su Qingqing couldn't bear it any longer, she hugged Mu Bai's arms with both hands regardless and buried her head between his shoulders and ears.

    The soft and hot breath hit behind his ears, the lips touched his neck but he didn't notice it, his hands were weak and he had to hold on to Mu Bai's clothes, as if it was her life-saving straw in the sea that couldn't let go.

    The burning heat coming from the side of the neck wraps the fragrance of her delicate body, and invades the man's body, arousing an unbearable burning itching in him.

    The man's slender hands naturally hugged her into his arms. The warm and fragrant nephrite in his arms made his palms tighten a bit, and the temperature in his palms gradually rose to the point that Su Qingqing was trembling with warmth...

    Her head was blank, The game ended in a daze, her body was almost attached to Mu Bai's body, she could only feel the temperature of his skin getting higher and higher, until Mu Bai hugged him tightly into the yacht, she couldn't help herself.

    This thing is no less exciting than that roller coaster, and she underestimated the helplessness the sea gave her.

    Leaning on his heart, Su Qingqing slowly had a bad feeling, and gradually recalled that he was strange to herself, and it seemed that he was treating a man differently. After all, which man would like the princess who is okay to hug another boy?

    The previous behavior was also a bit... It seemed that she was accidentally lying on top of him before, and every time he touched her because he was protecting or saving himself.

    But what about hugging the current princess just now? He can't be addicted to the princess hugging himself, right?

    Su Qingqing began to look at him carefully, but seeing his cold appearance, calm and composed...

    her heart was beating drums, she was not sure but she was suspicious, if she asked him too bluntly, wouldn't she blew herself up as a girl Men's clothing? I am in a dilemma.

    "Change your clothes." The low and cold voice interrupted Su Qingqing's thoughts.

    Su Qingqing looked at the clothes he handed over, and then hurriedly checked whether the clothes on her body were soaked. Fortunately, they were only splashed wet, but she saw that Mu Bai was even more wet...

    Maybe it was when he threw himself on him, All the water was blocked by him, Su Qingqing didn't dare to look closely at his half-drenched figure, and with reddish ears, she took the clothes and went to the bathroom to change.     Changing clothes absent-mindedly, he was still thinking about whether Mu Bai knew that he was a woman disguised as a man? If he really knew, why wasn't he angry? Instead of being angry, she protected her many times...     the belt was not wet, which made Su Qingqing whisper, if the belt got wet, I really don't know what to do.     Until she changed her clothes, her eyes were consciously or unintentionally exploring the handsome man who was sitting on the side of the yacht with the breeze blowing his face.     Perhaps hearing her footsteps, the man's abyss-like black eyes were locked on her, and he patted the place next to him with his palm.     "Come here."     As long as Su Qingqing thinks that Mu Bai may know that she is a woman disguised as a man, she will feel uncomfortable, because she has always attributed her current identity to a man, but if he knows that she is actually a woman, he will approach him on purpose , A woman who has plans for him...     Who knows if he will hide some tricks, let her relax her vigilance and click her with a knife, the man's city in the text is unfathomable, so now she decides to stay away from him some.     Even if the male protagonist finds out that she is disguised as a man, he will not think that he has seduced him, at most it is a deception.     He moved with some apprehensions and sat in the seat next to Mu Bai, the two of them were separated by a distance, unlike before when they didn't notice anything wrong.     Su Qingqing observed him quietly, wondering if he would be angry or show something...     But she was disappointed, Mu Bai looked indifferent and didn't even look at her, his eyes turned to the boundless sea.

    Su Qingqing saw that he had no expression on his face, as before, she tentatively sat back a seat, and it turned out that the other party was no different from her existence.

    Could it be that I was thinking too much? Although puzzled, she still planned to keep a good distance from Mu Bai.

    The two of them sat comfortably and felt the sea breeze, Su Qingqing couldn't help but focus on Mu Bai.

    It was another probing look, and the next second he was caught by the other party.

    Mu Bai's black eyes fell coldly on Su Qingqing who was a few people away, and his brows frowned slightly.

    "Can I eat you?" Shen Sheng interrupted the silence between the two.

    Su Qingqing probably realized that her move was inappropriate, isn't this obviously a gesture of irritability? Under Mu Bai's sight, she moved around, and moved to Mu Bai's side with a little distance, not daring to sit so close to him as before.

    The man didn't make a sound, as if he didn't care about the cautiousness she showed at the moment.

    Su Qingqing really couldn't see what Mu Bai's attitude towards her was. Is it really just a simple princess hug? ?

    It's hard to think about such a person who can't express his emotions and anger, and the two were silent for a while, and Mu Bai just asked if he would eat her, and then he didn't even look at her.

    The yacht suddenly shook violently, and Su Qingqing's first reaction was not to pull on the guardrail, but to grab Mu Bai's arm in a panic...

    Su Qingqing: "..." She really felt like she was overthinking.

    Ruanyu hugged him with panicked hands, and the two of them were close together, while Mu Bai's other hand protected the back of her neck at the moment of violent shaking, to prevent hitting the hard object behind her.

    The warm skin of the big palm pressed against the back of her neck, protecting the back of her head for the first time, Su Qingqing suddenly felt that it was really too much for her to speculate about Mu Bai like this.

    Feeling guilty, thinking of how he took care of himself these days, it doesn't seem like there is any sign of malice or conspiracy.

    The thin hand was still tightly grasping the man's hand, and his thoughts were confused for a while.

    "Did you hit it?" The man's jade voice resounded in her ears with heat.

    Su Qingqing shook her head gently, "I'm fine." He protected his head in time, otherwise he would have a big bump on his head.

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