Chapter 90

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Chapter 90 Charming

    How could she react so slowly! The extravagant feast in front of me is very likely to be the same dinner party!

    This realization made her scalp tingle, so didn't exposed just now! !

    Originally, she thought that the dinner party attended by the wealthy parents would definitely be different from the dinner party attended by Chu Yunhan and He Wuluo.

    But looking at it now, it is very likely that it is the same banquet! Then I accidentally became the focus just now, if Chu Yunhan and He Wuluo attended the dinner party, they must have seen it...

    Su Qingqing was so shocked that she was chilled, what should I do? She said she is a twin sister, do they believe it?

    Don't say they believe it or not, I don't even believe it when I say it! How to do how to do! !

    Su Qingqing was so anxious that she wanted to run but had nowhere to run. She seemed to have fallen into a trap at this moment, and it was too late to escape.

    He Wuluo's eyes followed the flustered and helpless figure, and a smile flashed in her eyes. I guess she is... frightened now?

    Thinking of her usual panicked appearance, He Wuluo took a sip of champagne. It turned out that the secret was a woman disguised as a man... Such

    a woman disguised as a man, even he was tricked.

    Chu Yunhan drank his wine in sips, staring at the soft figure in the corner, as if he was weighing whether to disturb her or not.

    Du Ruo originally thought that she was stunning, but Su Qingqing suddenly appeared, and she... was directly suppressed without any radiance.

    But what shocked her even more was that Su Qingqing was actually a woman... I thought she was a man, but Mu Bai must have known it long ago, right? That's why I was with Su Qingqing.

    The two of them still live in the same dormitory... Du Ruo's nails are almost sinking into the flesh.

    Chen Meini and Su Qiangqiao thought that Su Qingqing would follow behind, but found that she did not.

    Many rich men were scrambling to ask Chen Meini and Su Qiangqiao about the beauty's boudoir name, but it was a pity that Su Qingqing didn't follow them, otherwise it would be a good thing to see her stunning beauty up close.

    Su Qingqing was thinking about how to slip away, now she didn't care whether He Wuluo and the others attended the banquet, or whether they noticed her.

    As long as she escapes now and refuses to admit it, I don't believe they can do anything to her?

    "Qingqing? Qingqing?"

    Su Qingqing looked around to find out if there was an emergency fire escape, and then heard Chen Meini's shout.

    The main reason is that the yelling is quite loud, and it is difficult for the people around to pretend not to hear it.

    He Wuluo was observing Su Qingqing at first, and when he heard Chen Meini's shout, he chuckled lightly, and the reflection of Su Qingqing's speechless figure in the corner paused slightly in the reflection of his pupils behind the gold-rimmed glasses.

    Su Qingqing: "!!!" Really powerless to complain.

    She sat back in the shadow of the corner, pretending that she didn't hear Chen Meini's yelling, and sure enough, she yelled twice because she was afraid of embarrassment, so she didn't yell again.

Dressed as a female partner who lives in the same dormitory with the male leadWhere stories live. Discover now