Chapter 128

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Chapter 128 Sky-high price

    Two billion? ! Du Shanming and Su Zhen couldn't believe their eyes.

    The whole living room was quiet for a long time before the two of them gradually came to their senses. How could this be sent by the school! !

    "...Mu...Mu Group...Mubai?" Du Shanming was the only one who could think of him.

    "The villa was also arranged by him?" Su Zhenzhen was shocked, she had only heard so much money on TV, two billion! !

    Du Shanming didn't know, "I'll call the principal." After speaking, he quickly dialed the principal's phone number.

    "Hello? Principal? I'm Du Shanming. Tell me the truth, who asked you to give this villa to me?" It's definitely not a lucky draw.

    Seeing that he had exposed it, the principal didn't hide it from him, and sent it out anyway.

    "It was given to you by Mr. Nangong. His secretary found me and asked me to give you this villa, saying that he must give it to you." The other party sponsored many poor students in their school, so he said nothing. Don't say yes.

    Mr. Nangong? Du Shanming was puzzled, who was it?

    "Should be clear." But she was always familiar, Nangong...

    Du Shanming asked a few more questions, the principal himself didn't know who the other party was, but that person was quite familiar with Du Shanming.

    Asking more was fruitless, Du Shanming sighed softly, "We can't take real estate that is too expensive and sky-high."

    Su Zhen nodded in agreement, but became worried again in the next second, "Mr. Nangong knows us very well, but we have nothing I know." No one can be sure.

    This island was probably given by Mu Bai, she said how she saw the luxury car that brought her back last time at school and thought it was such a coincidence.

    Du Shanming decided to call Su Qingqing to tell her about it. Su Zhen thought more carefully, thinking that it would be more appropriate not to disturb her on the eve of graduation, and to tell her after the graduation ceremony.

    "Tomorrow is the graduation ceremony. Tell Qingqing now that she may come back soon. We will explain this to her after she returns home after the graduation ceremony tomorrow."

    Su Zhen didn't want to trouble her before she graduated, Du Shanming put down the phone, and it wasn't long before she was right.

    "Then shall we go to Qingqing's graduation ceremony tomorrow?" Qingqing's grades were beyond their expectations, she was surprisingly excellent, her temperament was neither arrogant nor impatient, and her mind was very stable.

    Du Shanming didn't hesitate, "Go, Qingqing wants us to go there."

    Su Zhen sighed softly, she was worrying too much, Qingqing would not be ashamed of their well-off family, she...not Ruoruo.

    He breathed a sigh of relief, clearing his care and greetings to her during this time, a warm feeling surged in his heart, and he smiled unconsciously.

    "Shan Ming. Do they want to pursue Qingqing?" Su Zhen was a little worried, Qingqing looks too good.

    "It should be, but I personally think that the one from Mu's Group is very stable." Although he has never seen it with his own eyes, Su Zhen generally can't make mistakes in seeing people.

    Su Zhen nodded again, "Mubai is really good, standing with Qingqing, it's a good match."

    Du Shanming was told by her, and even began to look forward to how much the grandchildren born by the two of them would be irritating.

    A certain villa,

    Su Qiangqiao, found out that Nangongli and Du Ruo had broken up, so she didn't show Du Ruo a good look, but she kept it a secret for the past few months, and paid her 10,000 yuan for living expenses every month.

    She didn't have enough, and she spent tens of thousands of dollars to buy this and that with him every month, saying that it was to get close to Nangongli, but Su Qiangqiao refused to give it to her, and

    asked her to let Nangongli take it home for dinner when she was free. He agreed with his mouth, but there was no further text.

    Only now did they know that Du Ruo and Nangongli had broken up a long time ago, and they hadn't had any communication in the past few months.

    Being played around by his own daughter, Su Qiangqiao couldn't take it anymore, so he went to the phone and scolded Du Ruo.

    Du Ruo had never been treated so badly by anyone, not to mention that this person was her biological father, she also scolded him mercilessly, and the two quarreled furiously.

    Su Qiangqiao smashed the phone to pieces, this daughter has no choice but to take it!

    Chen Meini was on the side, but she didn't listen to her persuasion. If the two of them weren't on the phone, they might have started a fight.

    "Marriage! Find a company that is most beneficial to our Su family and let her marry it!" Su Qiangqiao is too late to regret it now, and she has almost spent a million in a few months! My heart hurts with regret.

    Chen Meini didn't want to talk anymore. Since that dinner, many children from rich families thought their daughter was Su Qingqing. Last time, the grandson of the Hu family also thought it was her, but when he saw the photo it was Du Ruo, he lost interest for a moment.

    I didn't call her or send her a message to greet her. The key is that Du Ruo is pretty, although she is not as good-looking as Qingqing.

    While in a trance, her stomach churned, Chen Meini went to the bathroom with nausea and vomited.

    Su Qiangqiao is still angry, thinking about how to maximize Du Ruo's interests, so much money cannot be wasted.

    After Chen Meini rinsed her mouth, she planned to go to the hospital for another checkup. Some time ago, she detected some stomach problems and felt nausea from time to time, but she got better after a while. Why is it getting worse today?

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