Chapter 106

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Chapter 106 Red

    Under a shady forest, Chu Yunhan was waiting for Su Qingqing and Mu Bai, but after waiting for a long time, it was almost the end of class and he didn't see anyone.

    He deliberately checked Su Qingqing's courses, but he didn't expect to find anyone.

    Impatiently "tsk", what about people? When the preparatory bell rang, he could only walk to the classroom alone.

    Su Qingqing chose a corner seat in the classroom, she was the only one, and Mu Bai went back to Mu Shi to handle business.

    Her feet were a little weak, and her walking feet were slightly swollen and turned red. Su Qingqing was too ashamed to think about it, and hoped that he could stay in Mu's for two more days.

    With her fingertips lightly touching the abrupt cartoon band-aid on Xue's neck, she pretended to be nonchalant and clutched the side of her neck, but in fact she didn't dare to show her neck.

    I thought I would not run into the supporting actor or heroine in the original text today, so I felt at ease and got ready to attend the lecture.

    A figure walked in from the classroom, Su Qingqing just looked down at the book and didn't notice someone walking towards her.

    When Su Qingqing raised her eyes to see the person coming, she was a little surprised, "He Wuluo?" Is he such a coincidence today?

    He Wuluo pushed down his glasses, and as he walked closer, his eyes fell on her, "Morning, have you had breakfast?"

    Su Qingqing nodded, and replied dryly, "Yes."

    He should have seen it on the day of the dinner, right? So why didn't he expose it? Is it because of Mu Bai?

    It was not easy for her to ask, so after thinking about it for a while, Mu Bai told her not to worry.

    Sensing his eyes looking at her from time to time, Su Qingqing couldn't figure out what this sick girl was doing?

    "What's the matter with you?"

    He Wuluo pushed his glasses down again with his fingertips, and said with a soft smile, "It's my birthday in a few days, and I want to invite you and Mu Bai to my house."

    Su Qingqing didn't know if Mu Bai had time, "I want to ask if he has time to answer you again."

    She felt that these rich kids had so many parties, and she had attended several times.

    He Wuluo said again, "It may be a bit abrupt, but... I hope you can dress up as a woman."

    Su Qingqing: "!" She almost covered his mouth!

    He hurriedly looked around to see if anyone heard him, and realized that no one lowered his voice to remind him.

    "Don't say it so loudly." Scary.

    He Wuluo was amused by her startled expression, and her gentle and jade-like handsome face was full of tenderness.

    "Don't worry, I won't let anyone have a chance to take your picture." He Wuluo assured in a soft tone.

    Su Qingqing certainly doesn't want to wear women's clothing, but she can't refuse too bluntly, "I'll ask Mu Bai to see if he has time."

    After thinking for a while, "Happy birthday to you in advance."

    He Wuluo's pupils reflected her A smile appeared on her lips, "Thank you."

    Su Qingqing smiled back awkwardly. He Wuluo actually knew that she was disguised as a man, so why did he help her hide it? His thoughts flew away for a while, probably Because of Mubai.

    Fortunately, he didn't keep his eyes on himself, and the professor still didn't come after waiting for a while.

    There was a commotion at the door, Su Qingqing thought it was Mu Bai, peeking out, Chu Yunhan...

    Chu Yunhan came from outside the classroom, the smile on Jun's face seemed to overflow his words, but Mu Bai was not by Su Qingqing's side.

    This was a pleasant surprise, striding towards Su Qingqing, before he could be happy for a few seconds, He Wuluo, who was ignored by him, occupied the position next to Su Qingqing.

    Junrong's smile froze, why is He Wuluo here?

    "Yunhan, it just so happens." He Wuluo greeted him with a gentle expression.

    Chu Yunhan smiled, "Coincidental." Then he sat down behind Su Qingqing with a handsome face.

    Su Qingqing glanced at him, but didn't say hello to him. The recent Chu Yunhan looked at her very strangely, but every time she looked over, she didn't find anything unusual.

    He Wuluo knew that she was disguised as a man, so Chu Yunhan should also know.

    Does anyone else know? Su Qingqing tousled her hair angrily, who would have known that the dinner party that the rich parents were going to attend was the same as theirs, and they couldn't even hit it.

    What else can I do now? Su Qingqing sighed softly, and had no choice but to come and see the sky.

    Being poked on the back, Su Qingqing turned her head and turned back, Chu Yunhan was looking at her with his handsome face, "What are you doing?"

    Su Qingqing picked up the book in her hand, "Read." After finishing speaking, she continued to read and waited for the professor to come.

    Chu Yunhan smiled, and stretched out his hand to pull the hair on the back of Su Qingqing's head. Su Qingqing didn't feel any pain, but she also rested her mind on reading.

    "Chu Yunhan! Can you please stop messing around!" Su Qingqing turned her head and warned him.

    However, the other party still had a playful smile on his face, Su Qingqing felt helpless, so she turned her head and ignored him.

    He Wuluo looked sideways, the corners of his lips flattened.

    Seeing that her earlobe was red, Chu Yunhan subconsciously reached out to pinch her, but was blocked by a hand. He frowned displeasedly and turned his gaze to He Wuluo who stopped him.

    He Wuluo's smile had long since disappeared, and he nudged his glasses with his fingertips, "The professor is here, listen to the class carefully." His tone lost the usual tenderness.

    Su Qingqing was puzzled, and then saw He Wuluo stopped Chu Yunhan's hand that wanted to pull her hair again.

    "It's right for you to pull my hair." Su Qingqing snorted at the restless Chu Yunhan.

    Chu Yunhan withdrew his hand, and when he was about to say something, his eyes touched the glaring Band-Aid on Su Qingqingxue's neck, and his handsome face instantly pulled down coldly.

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