Chapter 88

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Chapter 88 Beauty

    The time in the dressing room was a bit long, Chen Meini was all dressed up, but Su Qingqing was still in the dressing room, thinking that she was deliberately messing around.

    "Why so slow?" Su Qiangqiao urged impatiently.

    Chen Meini immediately got up and urged, "What's the matter? What is she doing inside?" Did she regret not wanting to go again?

    Before taking two steps, the people inside had already come out slowly. Chen Meini was about to ask her if she was making a fuss again in the dressing room, but the moment she saw her daughter clearly, her voice stopped abruptly.

    She was amazed by the people walking slowly, she was so beautiful...

    Chen Meini was dumbfounded, and had to say that the appearance of her daughter was not to be picked, and sometimes it was a very proud thing.

    Su Qiangqiao was also stunned, and then he felt happy, full of self-confidence, his daughter was as beautiful as a fairy, and the stars on TV were not as beautiful as his daughter.

    Su Qingqing was wearing stiletto high heels, which was uncomfortable for her because she wasn't used to them, but fortunately, it didn't hurt.

    With a frown and a turn of her eye-catching face, it can seduce people's hearts and souls.

    Just as I was about to ask if I was leaving, I found that the wealthy parents, like the stylist and others, were motionless and stared at me in a daze.

    Su Qingqing was a little confused by their look, "Are you leaving now?"

    "Ah? Oh, right." Chen Meini regained her composure when she asked her, and she was a little flustered for a while, not knowing whether to lead her or take her bag and leave.

    The stylist and other assistants watched in a daze as the fairy-like beauty walked away.

    "It's so beautiful.. I've never seen such a perfect face and figure when I grow up."

    "Hey... wipe the corners of your mouth, it's drooling."

    "It's so beautiful, it's too beautiful, I To be able to just look at her face like this for the rest of my life is definitely a long life."

    The stylist couldn't speak, and she couldn't slow down from the stunning blow given by Su Qingqing. She couldn't believe that there was anyone in this world who could be so beautiful.

    And...she did the makeup and styling. Although she doesn't need much makeup, just a little embellishment can make the icing on the cake even better.

    But she still had a sense of accomplishment, and stood at the door for a long time, unwilling to move.

    After the meeting of Mu's Group

    , Mu Bai was dressed in a well-tailored suit, which showed a sense of abstinence.

    "Master, Miss Su..."

    Secretary Wu told Mu Bai when Su Qingqing and Young Master Chu had dinner together.

    Mu Bai's desolate breath is like winter snow, and his dark eyes are like cold pools.


    Secretary Wu continued, "The matter of the Li's Group has been disclosed to the Chu family. It is said that the Chu family is now discussing the matter of marriage."

    Tsk tsk...Young Master Chu, this is something that should not be offended. The Chu family has always paid attention to rules, and they can fall in love freely but not marry freely. Some time ago, the young master was secretly suppressing the Chu family, and the Chu family complained again and again. Otherwise, there is still a big gap between the Chu family and the Mu family. If you slap a candy, the Chu family will naturally not let go of any opportunity to grow the group.

    Mu Bai was silent, his cold expression remained unchanged.

    "Master, go to the dinner tonight..." The

    tall and tall man interrupted him in a deep voice, "Push it."

    Secretary Wu was stunned for a few seconds, "But...Miss Su was taken to the dinner by her parents .”

    Mu Bai paused slightly, frowning slightly.

    At the dinner party,

    Nan Gongli walked slowly with Du Ruo in a pink dress on his arm. Her pretty appearance quickly attracted the attention of the young master at the party.

    They are all secretly asking who this is, and they are all slim.

    Nangong Li's handsome face was a bit gloomy, and he was looking for it recently but couldn't find any other similar jade pendants at all. So far, only Du Ruo matched the jade pendants found in the vast crowd.

    All the information that has been checked so far points to Du Ruo. The key point is that Du Ruo said that her so-called relatives do have several relatives who are quite rich.

    Even though all the news was directed towards Du Ruo, he still didn't give up, and gradually felt that Du Ruo and the girl he met back then couldn't overlap.

    This made him very annoyed, Nangongli was still thinking about what else to investigate.

    Facing everyone's amazed gazes, Du Ruo must be the only one who made the best appearance in the audience. With the appearance of being a school belle and the blessing of her dress and makeup, she is destined to be radiant tonight.

    Originally, Nangongli didn't intend to bring her to the dinner party, but after the cheating on him was exposed, he began to feel estranged from himself.

    It was not until she cried and talked for a long time that Nangongli finally agreed.

    People around are asking about Du Ruo's identity, wanting to know which family's daughter she is.

    "It's so beautiful. Whose daughter is Nangongli holding?"

    "I don't know her, but she is really pretty."

    "It is said that she is the school belle, can she not be beautiful?"

    "Nangongli is blessed."

    "You think You can also chase."

    "Forget it, who dares to chase the person Nangongli likes?" Although he is not as good as Mu Bai, he is still a person who cannot be provoked.

    "That's true."

    Du Ruo's smile faded due to the comments from people around her. The purpose of her coming here is to meet more people and meet more suitors to pave the way for herself.

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