Chapter 68

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Chapter 68 Clinging

    Su Qingqing felt that she had the illusion of repaying grievances with kindness, she shouldn't question him like this, and said, "Thank you."

    Soft hands loosened his clothes, and the hot feeling on the back of his neck disappeared, and the man stood up first. get up.

    The tall figure was half-reflected on Su Qingqing's thin body, and her black eyes turned to Su Qingqing, "Are you hungry?"

    Su Qingqing was asked by him, and immediately felt a little hungry because of the crazy sofa game just now.

    "A little bit."

    Mu Bai pulled the gentleman's dining chair away, "Let's eat some pre-dinner dessert to fill your belly." After speaking, he sat down calmly and wiped his hands in a slow manner.

    Seeing this, Su Qingqing felt more guilty. The indifferent male protagonist in the original text had already taken good care of her as a roommate, but she was wondering what his intentions were.

    After thanking him softly, he didn't resist Mu Bai as much as before, but sat down next to him very naturally.

    After eating the pre-dinner dessert, Su Qingqing ate for a while, and found that he did not touch the dessert in front of him.

    "You...don't you eat?" It was almost twelve o'clock.

    "I don't like sweets." Su Qingqing felt relieved with her deep voice.

    Su Qingqing nodded, so that's the case, it seems that he really doesn't like to eat anything except the staple food.

    "What do you like to eat?" She suddenly remembered to ask, otherwise she would always ask him something that he didn't like, including the barbecue...

    Mu Bai's deep and cold eyes were locked on her, and he didn't make a sound for a long time. The unknown feeling in the black eyes made Su Qingqing's spine inexplicably shiver. Just when the alarm bell sounded in Su Qingqing's heart, the other party's thin lips     lightly

    parted, "I don't like the food." Su Qingqing breathed a sigh of relief,

His gaze just now...a little frightened her, she nodded slightly at his answer, but she didn't know what to say in reply.

    After a while, several chefs came out with dishes, and Su Qingqing realized that she and Mu Bai were not the only ones on this yacht. Did she really think too much? Mu Bai just disliked the noise over there, and he was brought along by the way.     But for Princess Mubai to hug her, she never expected to understand why Mubai would the princess hug her? Also, he seemed to talk to her and touched her ear by accident...     Although Su Qingqing became suspicious, on the other hand, she felt that Mu Bai might just bump into her by accident, or maybe it was just more convenient for the princess to hug her, and she didn't think too much about it?     However, it can be seen from various sources that this is completely inconsistent with the male lead’s obsession with cleanliness and dislike of others in the original text. Thinking about many things that she has roughly ignored, she still feels something is wrong...     Su Qingqing glanced at Mu Bai who was eating elegantly, but did not notice anything unusual , now she is struggling with an angel on one side and a devil on the other.     She can't ask him this kind of question directly... "You know I'm a woman disguised as a man", isn't this playing with fire and blowing myself up? What if the other party doesn't know at all? When she asked this question, she was completely self-confident.     But how would she inquire about a man like the male lead who doesn't show his emotions and anger, and who vents his air-conditioning the most? It is also possible that the other party just expressed his love for her roommate, after all, she fainted.     Su Qingqing ate absent-mindedly, the delicious food in front of her was a little tasteless, until she finished eating, she wiped her lips and was still struggling in her heart.     "What's on your mind?" A low voice interrupted Su Qingqing's constant thoughts again.     Su Qing's clear water eyes met his dark gaze, and he shuddered, "I have nothing on my mind, it's just that there are some things I haven't figured out."     "What's the matter?" The man seemed to be asking unintentionally.     Su Qingqing glanced at him, "Actually, there's nothing wrong, maybe I'm thinking too much." No matter how you look at it, she might be thinking too much.     Mu Bai lowered his eyes, pondered for a moment, "You can ask me for help with anything."

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