Chapter 63

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Chapter 63 Trembling

    The villa returned to calm again, Su Qingqing slept soundly this time, and was not woken up by the outside sound, probably because the male lead beside her gave her a sense of security.

    Su Qingqing originally slept against the side of the bed, and there was still some distance between the man sleeping in the middle. When she slept in the middle of the night, she unconsciously turned over, and her whole body rolled onto Mu Bai's side.

    Originally, his back was facing Mu Bai, but now he is facing him, his lips are pouting slightly in sleep, and he doesn't know what he dreamed of.

    The man opened his eyes, his eyes were cold, and his black eyes turned to Su Qingqing who was sleeping beside him.

    In the night, you can vaguely see the beautiful sleeping face of her small face, and the seductive lips of jelly make people daydream...

    The tall and straight figure slowly turned to Su Qingqing. After a long time in the darkness, her slender white fingertips gently rubbed The strength of her lips and fingertips ranged from soft to heavy, as if she was not afraid of waking up the people beside her.

    Rubbing and pressing her lips, she didn't let go until she frowned slightly and paused with her fingertips.

    The jade finger lightly touched her earlobe, causing her to tremble slightly. The man's black eyes were flooded with black ink, which was astonishingly deep.

    Mu Bai faced her face to face, through the darkness, brushed away the broken hair on her cheeks, lightly tapped her jade ears, enjoying watching her weak body trembling unconsciously.

    Ruoyou Ruowu brushed across her cheeks and eyes, and the slender, white and tender jade neck met her eyes as crisp skin as snow, with a thin layer of red that made people love her.

    The warm big palm slipped down on Su Qingqing's white soft hand, and the man lightly held her soft soft hand and raised it to his thin lips for a kiss, but the person in front of him trembled unexpectedly because of the heat.

    A smile flashed across her black eyes, she lightly flicked her jade fingers, and clasped her ten fingers little by little. The hot temperature was entangled between the two of them. Su Qingqing, who was hot in the man's palm, felt uncomfortable in the dream and wanted to withdraw her hand. But it has been imprisoned in his palm.

    Ten fingers clasped together, and the veins on the wrist inevitably popped.

    The other hand lightly pressed the head of the bed, and there was a slight sound from the curtains, and now the closed curtains were slowly opened. He held up Su Qingqing's small face, and Yu'er was also in his palm, allowing him to control it.

    The endless sea in the middle of the night is in front of you, visually as if you are in the sea.

    The moonlight sprinkled on the white bed, and his thin lips slowly approached her delicate and alluring lips. When he touched them lightly, his whole body trembled, and the strength of his hand with her ten fingers tightened. He inhaled lightly into her lips and savored carefully, Then let go...

    Thin lips lightly kissed her upper lip, his black eyes fell on her still peaceful sleeping face, he opened his eyes and slightly parted his thin lips, and lightly kissed her slightly swollen upper lip again, full of temptation...

    "Hmm~" In the dream, Su Qingqing was nearly suffocated by his scorching breath, and let out a soft moan, which seemed coquettish and irritating...

    The cold figure let out a muffled moan in his throat, as if he was trying his best Enduring something, the blue veins in the neck are throbbing, the palms interlocking with her fingers under the moonlight, wrap around the slender waist behind her to gather strength, hugging her tightly under the thin quilt...

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