Chapter 141

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Chapter 141 Amazing

    Nangongli looked at the sea with melancholy eyes, Su Qingqing...should be with Mu Bai at this moment, right?

    Mu Bai can protect her very well, but he may not have Mu Bai's strength.

    He Wuluo has been inquiring about Su Qingqing's news recently, hoping to find out the news he wanted, but unfortunately, there was no news at all.

    "Yunhan, isn't your villa the one not far in front?" Gao Yuqi looked at the only villa not far away.

    His question pulled Chu Yunhan back from his contemplation, and he looked in the direction he pointed, "No, there is still a long way to go."

    That villa was taken by a mysterious person a long time ago. I didn't have time to make a move. I originally wanted to bring Su Qingqing here, but it seems...he has no chance.

    Two days ago, after learning about the situation at home, he only found out what happened to the Chu family not long ago. He calculated the time, and it happened that it was the first time he had unsuitable thoughts about Su Qingqing, and there was no one else except Mu Bai.

    Chu Yunhan was very resentful, but he knew that it was impossible for the Chu family to defeat the Mu family, and he... could not defeat Mu Bai either.

    Marriage is his end, it is Mu Bai's warning to him, I am afraid that as long as he dares to do other things to Su Qingqing, Mu Bai will definitely not show mercy.

    Several people had their own concerns and walked towards the villa some distance away. The girls behind them were whispering and discussing how to get the boys to notice them.

    However, the tall men in front didn't pay attention to their intentions, and threw them a little far away, trotting to keep up with their footsteps.

    Su Qingqing felt like she was going to die, lying motionless on the bed until the man picked her up for lunch.

    After recovering a little bit, both eyes were a little lost.

    After taking a nap in the afternoon, when I woke up, the well-dressed man was leaning on the bed and reading a book.

    "Are you awake?" A warm hand caressed her soft hair.

    Su Qingqing nodded, "Yeah~" stretched her waist and rubbed against his arms.

    "Reading again?" Why didn't she notice that he stuffed books into the suitcase.

    "Well, want to go to sea?" The deep voice seemed to shake from his heart.

    Su Qingqing immediately shook her head, "No, I got seasick last time." She was scared by that time, so it's better to be down-to-earth.

    "Then what do you want to play? I'll accompany you." The thin lips were printed on her forehead with warmth.

    Su Qingqing didn't really want to play, "Walk around, take a walk." She felt that walking by the sea was quite romantic.

    Without waiting for his response, Su Qingqing immediately took the lead from him again, "Impossible...and then..." She was really ashamed to express it.

    The man laughed lowly, "Listen to you."

    Only then did Su Qingqing heave a sigh of relief, "I won't go back on my promise." After countless times of his repentance, it's hard for her to believe his words now.

    "You swear."

    "I swear four." Shen Sheng coaxed.

    Su Qingqing nodded in satisfaction, and in the next second her soft hand was grasped by the man's big palm, which made her tremble with heat.

    Fortunately, he didn't do anything else, so he let him lead her.

    When they went out, there was still some time before the sunset.

    The two held hands and walked side by side on the beach, and Su Qingqing inexplicably remembered the ending in the original text and the dreams that she kept dreaming about a few scenes ago.

    Now it has disappeared without a trace, as if the plot master has given up on her as a cannon fodder female supporting role.

    If so, that's a great thing.

    As the yacht was returning to the coast, Gao Yuqi saw two people strolling along the beach from a distance.

    It's also strange that he didn't notice anyone at this beach just now, but now they appear.

    The men beside him were absent-minded, while the girls were very happy. Although they didn't pay much attention to them just now, they behaved like gentlemen.

    It seems that it is not impossible for them to get along with each other in the next few days.

    A group of people disembarked from the yacht in a mighty manner. As soon as they stepped onto the beach, their attention was attracted by a couple not far away.

    "Young Master Chu, thank you for helping me in time, I..." Before I finished speaking, I raised my eyes to see Chu Yunhan staring straight ahead with his handsome eyes.

    The girl followed his gaze and was stunned at the same time.

    "Su Qingqing...and Mubai!?" Gao Yuqi exclaimed!

    Her hair was as long as her ears, and a few strands of hair were blowing on the red-dyed fat, her eyes were slightly rounded, and she was full of pity.

    Wearing a simple swimsuit with a loose sun protection shirt, the skin is like white jade, which seems to be covered with a layer of luster in the dim light of the sun, with icy muscles and bones, a unique thing in the world.

    Without waiting for them to look for another second, the slender hands put the coat on Su Qingqing's body, revealing only a pair of slender legs.

    He Wuluo was so stimulated by the scene just now that he couldn't come back to his senses for a long time. Facing Mu Bai's serious expression at the moment, he could vaguely feel that it was impossible for Mu Bai to let go of Su Qingqing.

    Nangongli was amazed by Su Qingqing, she was so beautiful...but she didn't belong to me.

    Chu Yunhan clenched his fists tightly, he might have to suppress this unwillingness for the rest of his life, a long.

    Su Qingqing was surprised to see them too, what a coincidence, right? Mu Bai didn't tell her that He Wuluo, Nangongli and Chu Yunhan were coming.

    But they seemed surprised to see him and Mu Bai, could it be a coincidence?

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