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After San arrived at the large estate, they both got out of the car.

"Is thwis San's house...?" San chuckled and shook his head. "I just live here with my boyfriend. My friend owns all of this. He is veeery rich." San took Hongjoong's wrist so he didn't get lost.

Hongjoong's mouth was still a gap open, as he looked at all the details.

Both of them arrived at a lobby, where a black haired, handsome male sat, reading a book.

"Hey baby." San called out and the man looked up at him, a smile appeared on his lips as he stood up and ran towards San. "You're back Sannie!" The black haired pulled the other into a hug and left small kisses all over his face. Hongjoong just looked at them with joy.

"Oh, is this...him?" Hongjoong didn't understand what they where talking about but San just nodded. "Okay then. Hi, I'm Wooyoung, San's boyfriend. And you are?" Hongjoong smiled. "I'm Hongjoong!" Wooyoung shook his hand. "Nice to meet you, little one. You look kind of cute." Hongjoong blushed a little. "Th-Thwank you..."

The three just chatted for a while. The pair was touched by the adorable blonde haired boy, when he was in his little space. But, it was getting late.

"Don't you think, you have to go to bed?" Wooyoung asked then and Hongjoong shook his head. "Nope! I'm comwpletly fwine." Hongjoong said but yawned in the end. "I think you must go to bed now. I can show you your bedroom. What do you think?" - "D-Down't you bwing me b-bwack home...?" San and Wooyoung shook their heads. "It's very dark and dangerous outside. You can go home tomorrow. You're drunk as well, Cutie."

Hongjoong giggled and nodded.

Wooyoung gave San a quick kiss and led Hongjoong to his already prepared bedroom.

Wooyoung opened the door and Hongjoong's eyes widened.

"Get some rest. You need it." Wooyoung smiled at him. The older nodded and waved to the black haired, who was about to close the door.

Hongjoong didn't thought long, before he looked around.

The room included a big bed in the middle of it, with a wardrobe on the other side. A big mirror and a balcony, were also there.

Hongjoong opened the wardrobe and hoped to find some comfortable clothes he could sleep in.

He even found something. An oversized pullover with some short pants. He smiled at the founded clothes and put them on.

Soon, the Little drifted into a dreamless sleep, in a foreign bed.


Early in the morning, Seonghwa arrived. He stepped out of his car and went straight to San and Wooyoung's room, where small giggles were to hear.

He knocked and not a minute later, San opened the door.

"You're already here, boss?" Seonghwa simply nodded. "Work was faster done than I thought." San chuckled. "Good to know. You probably want to know where he is, right?" Seonghwa felt his own heartbeat quicken, as he heard those words leaving San's mouth.

They both walked down the hallway, to Hongjoong's room. San suddenly stopped in front of the door.
"He's sleeping right now. He was very tired..." San began to smile at the cute memory, when the Little didn't want to go to bed.

Seonghwa just nodded and San opened the door. With a smirk, the tall man stepped in and saw the younger lay in bed, peacefully sleeping.

Seonghwa sat down beside him and looked at the blonde haired with heart eyes. Little snores escaped the throat of the younger.

"You're so gorgeous, I can't believe you are here..." He whispered and stroked a part of his hair back.

While he was still asleep, Hongjoong turned around, almost placing his head on Seonghwa's lap.

The mafia boss chuckled deep and gave Hongjoong a peck on his forehead, before he left the room.

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