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Seonghwa was downstairs with his son in his arms, because Hongjoong was still asleep. Feeding a baby late at night was tiring, especially when Jongho was waking up every hour. Seonghwa on the other hand slept peaceful and well.

"When and how can I feed you...?" He asked confused and looked into the babies eyes, to get a proper answer. But of course he couldn't get one, the baby just whined. "Of course you can't answer..." He said and placed Jongho on the baby chair but he couldn't sit and always slid down on the rest. Seonghwa sighed and took him out of the baby chair.

"What am I doing with you?" He asked more himself but suddenly his son began to cry loudly. Seonghwa panicked, he didn't know what to do but to his luck, Hongjoong just entered the kitchen.

"What-" Seonghwa rushed over to him to hand him the baby. "I-I swear I didn't do anything!" Hongjoong laughed and gently swung Jongho from side to side to calm him down. "He's just hungry, don't worry and good morning." Hongjoong said and pecked Seonghwa's cheek, before sitting down. He pulled up his shirt and held Jongho up to his chest, to feed him.

Seonghwa also sat down beside him. "Why did you take him downstairs with you?" Hongjoong asked and looked at Seonghwa. He laughed a little awkward. "Well, because you were up the whole time at night, I thought I could take him downstairs with me so you could sleep a little longer." He shrugged and Hongjoong smiled.

"He's just two weeks old honey, he will sleep around 18 hours and I need to feed him every two to three hours." Seonghwa hummed and leaned his head onto Hongjoong's shoulder. "Will you still have time for me?" He asked, trying to show his fiancé his boba eyes which worked really good. Hongjoong was a little bit surprised by his eyes, since they were always so sharp.

"Of course I will." Hongjoong said and let the baby finish eating. He pulled away from his chest, let his shirt down and kissed Jongho's soft head. "I'm going to get him to sleep and then I come back again." He said and stood up. He kissed Seonghwa and left the kitchen to go upstairs.

His eyes constantly glued on his new born son in his arms, he was so proud of himself, that he's made it. His mother would have dearly loved her grandson. He wished he could say the same to his father but he probably would've started to ignore him since he always thought Hongjoong was weird.

Hongjoong opened the door to his and Seonghwa's bedroom and walked over to the crib, to lay Jongho into it. He covered him with his blanket, so that it was warm enough for him. He kissed his head before he left the room again with the babyphone in his hand.

As soon as he re-entered the kitchen, he got immediately attacked with kisses and a clingy Seonghwa hanging around his neck. "I missed you so much!" He whined and Hongjoong laughed. "I was gone for at least two minutes." Seonghwa grumbled and pulled away. "Still too much. Anyway, I made breakfast." He said and grabbed Hongjoong's hand to guide him to the table.

Hongjoong sat down beside Seonghwa and dug in while the taller just watched him, since he already ate breakfast. "You're so cute." He mumbled, not taking his eyes off of Hongjoong. The smaller blushed and continued to eat. "Thank you." He giggled.

After Hongjoong ate up, Seonghwa cleaned the table and put Hongjoong's plate into the sink. He came back and sat down beside Hongjoong.

He placed his hands on the smaller's hipbones and pulled him onto his lap. "Hey gorgeous? I'm really proud of you." Hongjoong leaned himself at Seonghwa's chest and smiled up to him. "Thank you. I'm proud of myself too." He giggled and kissed Seonghwa's cheek.

They spent the rest of the day cuddling on the couch. Even though Hongjoong had to feed Jongho every few hours, it didn't bother the couple one bit. They were happy that they had their baby finally and it wouldn't be so boring anymore.

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