018 [M]

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Seonghwa went out of the pool, with Hongjoong in his arms, placing him on one of the daybeds. He crawled above him, sliding his hands up to his pink nipples, where he played with them, while Hongjoong moaned into the kiss.

Seonghwa didn't want to stop the kiss, neither Hongjoong wanted. His hands slid to Seonghwa's bare shoulders and grabbed them. The black haired male slowly pulled down Hongjoong's bikini bottom, revealing his wet pussy. He didn't care if Seonghwa saw him naked, he just wanted one thing right now.

"You are so gorgeous, Baby~" Hongjoong slightly blushed and looked at the side. The older chuckled and pulled his swimming trunks also down. The smaller gasped when he saw Seonghwa's length. Lets say, he was...pretty big.

Hongjoong even thought, it wouldn't fit into his hole.

He flipped Hongjoong around, before smacking his ass. "So perfect." Seonghwa mumbled and kissed one of his asscheeks. The black haired male spat on his fingers and entered the younger, who loudly moaned by the contact his hole and Seonghwa's fingers made.

Seonghwa pulled his fingers out and rammed them back in. "S-Seongie..." He moaned and squeezed his eyes shut in pleasure and pain. "Relax Baby, you're almost stretched enough." He whispered into the Littles ear and began to massage the smaller's ass, to make the pain as light as possible.

The last thing he wanted was hurting Hongjoong.

"M-More," He gasped and Seonghwa moved his fingers faster. Short, before cumming, Seonghwa pulled his fingers out of the wet hole. A soft whine left the other's throat, as he turned his head around.

"Ass up." Hongjoong did what he was told to and stretched his ass out. Seonghwa just had eyes for his, wet, little hole. He wanted to destroy it, wanted Hongjoong not to walk for a week straight. "I'm going in Sweetheart. If it hurts, tell me." Hongjoong nodded.

Seonghwa stroked himself a few times, using the precum as lube, before entering the smaller. A moan escaped Hongjoong's pink lips, as Seonghwa was half in him. The older pushed his dick further into him, until he was completely surrounded by Hongjoong's tight and warm walls.

A soft groan came out of Seonghwa's throat, as he slapped the blonde haired male's ass. "Your ass is so gorgeous." Hongjoong already loved the way being praised by him and oh boy, did it turn him on.

"M-Move...Please..." The younger whined and Seonghwa chuckled, before following his wish. He started to thrust slowly into the boy underneath him, grabbing his hips to pull him back- and forwards to the rhythm.

"Ah~ Seonghwa~" The way the Little moaned his name, sounded so unreal to the older, that he thrusted a bit faster than before. He gripped Hongjoong's left asscheek, to hold himself, while he threw his head back into his neck.

Sounds of slapping skin filled the fresh air, and both of them knew, someone could hear them, but neither of them did care. Seonghwa picked up pace, wich drove the other crazy. "Fuck~" - "Don't curse babygirl, or else I'm gonna punish you!" Seonghwa growled and slapped him one more time. "O-Okay..."

Hongjoong didn't expect Seonghwa, to fuck him that good. He didn't know when the last time was, he actually felt so good.

"You're doing so well baby." Seonghwa groaned and thrusted now deeper and harder into him, hitting is prostate. Hongjoong's moans soon turned into screams of pleasure and overstimulation.

"I'm so close..." - "You're close?" Hongjoong nodded immediately, breathing harshly. "Do you wanna cum?" Again, a nod. "Good, then do it little one." Those words were enough to get Hongjoong over the edge. He came on the daybed and let out a loud moan.

Seonghwa was also close but kept thrusting violently into the abused hole of Hongjoong.

Hongjoong's butt was already swollen through all the slaps, and the harsh gripping from Seonghwa's hands. But the older thought, he looked hotter like this.
"Hwa!" Hongjoong's voice was shaky, just like his legs. Seonghwa moaned out loud, as he released in the other one.

Carefully, he pulled out, watching Hongjoong collapse on the daybed. Seonghwa chuckled and kissed the cheek of the younger, who's eyes were closed. He wasn't asleep but not fully awake.

"I think we should clean up." - "'M too tired..."

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