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They arrived at the last warehouse for today. Hongjoong was really interested in his boyfriend's work and also showed him that. Seonghwa was loving him more and more by that.

"That's the warehouse that got attacked." Seonghwa back hugged the younger and placed small kisses on his neck. "Woah, that looks...very...demolished..." Seonghwa chuckled. "You're right. But in a year or two, this will look again like every other one." - "I want to go inside!" Hongjoong exclaimed happily but Seonghwa froze and shook his head. "No, baby. Not today. Everything in there is unstable and could break down any second. It's too dangerous." Hongjoong pouted but nodded.

"I have an idea. It's Friday and I could show you one of my restaurants and other buildings and in the evening, we can visit a club of mine." Seonghwa said as they walked back into the car. "That sounds great. But I don't really want to drink alcohol, since I'm afraid I'll get drunk again..." Seonghwa stopped his movements and looked at him in disbelief.

He didn't know that.

"But...you have drunken before?" Hongjoong nodded.

"I don't really feel comfortable at clubs or bars anymore. This one time I once went with my friends to a club, I got so drunk, I don't even remember the day after." Hongjoong giggled.

"You're so cute!" Seonghwa fangirled again and squeezed his boyfriend's cheeks who just laughed at the others behavior.

They soon started driving in the direction of Seonghwa's restaurant he owned. Everything went well. Except for Hongjoong. He soon felt the slight pain in his under abdomen. At first, he didn't let him bother but the pain began to grow. Hongjoong didn't want to ruin everything and just kept quiet, suffering silently. One of his arms wrapped around his tummy secretly, so Seonghwa wouldn't notice. He curled his toes in his shoes to get rid of the pain but it didn't help. He felt like crying but Hongjoong didn't want to.

He was nauseous and almost ready to throw up. The blonde haired couldn't hold it anymore and let out a small and quiet sob. He quickly turned aside to Seonghwa, who was still focused on the road. Hongjoong sighed relieved and tried to sleep a little bit before they'd arrive. But the pain wouldn't stop.

No, it even got worse from time to time. He said to himself he didn't want to ruin the day with Seonghwa but on the other hand he didn't want to suffer in pain all the day.

So he tapped his boyfriend's shoulder, who turned around smiling. But the smile faded away, as soon as he saw the tears falling down his love's cheek.

"What's wrong baby? Why are you crying?!" Seonghwa panicked.

"Please...pull over..." Seonghwa nodded and quickly made stop at a nearby forest. Hongjoong opened the door and basically ran out into the forest, to throw up.

Seonghwa ran behind him and settled down behind Hongjoong, to hold him, while the other threw up.

His small hands were placed on the ground to hold himself. Seonghwa's arms were wrapped around his waist, holding him up before he could collapse. They didn't know how long they sat there, while Hongjoong threw up but soon everything went better and the blonde haired small boy laid in his boyfriend's arms in the car.

"I'm sorry for that..." Hongjoong whispered and looked into Seonghwa's eyes, who connected their lips in a lovingly way. But Hongjoong immediately pulled away.

"Don't kiss me, I stink..." Seonghwa sighed.

"Trust me, I do not care about how you smell. The only thing that matters is your health right now. Are you feeling better by the way?" Hongjoong didn't answer. He wanted to continue the day but he knew he couldn't. "Baby, answer me."

"No Hwa, I feel like a piece of shit but I don't want to ruin the day. It was so beautiful until I had to ruin everything just because of that damn vagina I have." He sniffed and cuddled more into Seonghwa's chest. "If I would be normal, like every other man in this world, we wouldn't be in this situation and I wouldn't have period cramps." Seonghwa's hand rested on the other's head.

It broke his heart to hear those words leaving his mouth. He didn't want Hongjoong to be insecure about that body part. He took Hongjoong's chin and made him look at him. "Listen baby. I have absolutely no problem with you being intersex. It makes you something special. And you didn't ruin the day. We can still continue on an other day, this won't bother me."

Hongjoong cried even more than before of his happiness. He didn't know how he deserved that man, sitting in front of him.

"I love you so much Seonghwa." He cried into the older's chest.

"I love you more, my sweet angel."

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