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Wooyoung gasped loudly when Seonghwa came to an end with his explanation about what Jisoo had told him. He needed San, Mingi, Yunho and Wooyoung to this plan and also needed to tell some informations about it. He also needed to give reasons why they should kidnap and kill her.

"Wow, this is actually sick." San said as he placed his chin on Wooyoung's shoulder, who was still shocked about everything the oldest told them. Seonghwa could just nod and sigh. "I know and that's why we must get rid of her." Everyone shared worried glances and looked at each other concerning. Hongjoong was their friend and something very precious everyone wanted to protect. If something would happen to him, everyone would be sad.

The smaller currently had an other check up with Jisoo and therefore wasn't here. "So, San, your job is to get everything ready in the basement so we won't have any complications when she arrives. Yunho, Mingi, you'll be guard everything while I deal with her. No one is allowed to enter the basement, unless something is wrong with Hongjoong. Wooyoung, you keep him entertained until I'm done okay?" Everyone nodded.

Seonghwa smiled a little because he was so proud of his small team of best friends. "Baby, take out the camera, he's fucking smiling!" Wooyoung screamed at San and the rest just laughed.

"What are you all laughing about?" A small voice from behind asked. Seonghwa turned around and his smile widened when he saw Hongjoong standing right behind him. "Sweetheart, hey! How went the check up?" He asked and let Hongjoong hug him. "Very well. Jisoo said in two weeks, we'll be able to see the baby's gender!" He said excitingly, making everyone in the the room smile as well.

Then something came to Wooyoung's mind. "Oh! What about a gender reveal?" Yunho nodded. "We could do that for you. Maybe you can go and do something fun, while we prepare the gender reveal." Seonghwa thought for a while and then nodded. "That'd be awesome. Thank you guys." The oldest said and pulled Hongjoong closer.

After all that, the couple wanted to get a bit fresh air and decided to go to the park. It was cold outside and Hongjoong practically shook, when he clung onto Seonghwa's arm. The taller caressed his back gently while they walked through the park in the city.

They came there with the car, since Seonghwa's mansion was located near a forest, away from the big city. "Baby, if you're too cold, tell me and we can drive back home." Hongjoong shook his head. "Everything is okay." He said and reached down to Seonghwa's hand to intertwine their fingers. The taller smiled at him and kissed his cold cheek.

The park wasn't full, it was more empty. The couple were the only persons, with maybe a few more, there.

"I'm really excited of the gender reveal...Although I really want it to be a girl, I do not care about what gender it is." Hongjoong blushed and looked up at his fiancé with a smile. "And I'm excited about what the guys will plan for the gender reveal." Seonghwa chuckled and nodded. He was also excited.

They continued to walk and came to a lake, with beautiful plants around it. The couple sat down on a bench right in front it and cuddled up to each other, so they wouldn't freeze.

Seonghwa placed his head on top of Hongjoong's one. "Honey, tomorrow you must promise me, that you stay with Wooyoung in our room okay?" Hongjoong didn't question it and just nodded. He trusted Seonghwa and he didn't want to think bad of his fiancé.

"Seongie, what if we postpone our wedding, so that we could celebrate it next year when the baby is born? It's December by now and when everything goes as planned the baby will come in May, so we could marry in August or September when it isn't so hot from the weather on." Seonghwa smiled at him and kissed him once again. "You're a genius, Joongie." Hongjoong blushed and smiled.

It soon started to snow and the couple slowly began to walk to the parking lot to their car. "Hop in princess." Seonghwa said and held the door open from his McLaren. Hongjoong giggled and got into the car.

Seonghwa started driving and placed his hand on Hongjoong's thigh, squeezing it slightly and making butterflies erupt in Hongjoong's stomach. His hand glided down to Seonghwa's hand and grabbed it to intertwine their fingers gently. "I love you." Seonghwa chuckled. "I know baby...I know. And I love you too." He said and caressed Hongjoong's hand with his thumb.

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