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Seonghwa woke up with his little boyfriend in his arms. A smile grew on his lips and he pressed the still sleeping figure closer to his chest.

"Hmm, Seonghwa." He grumbled and snuggled more into Seonghwa's chest. "Morning." The taller kissed Hongjoong's head. "What time is it...?" Seonghwa turned around, to take a look at the clock, wich hung above Hongjoong's door.

"8:34 a.m, why?" Seonghwa turned around and a full awakened Hongjoong sat beside him. "Could you drive me to school please?" - "What about your period cramps?" Hongjoong shrugged. "I don't know. But I have work to do." Seonghwa sighed.

"Good. Change and come down to the kitchen." Hongjoong smiled widely and kissed the older, before he headed into the bathroom with a baggy jeans and a black oversized pullover.

While Hongjoong was in the bathroom changing, Seonghwa just simply wore a tank top and sweatpants.

He went downstairs and told the cooks to make breakfast, while he waited for his boyfriend.


He loved the sound of this. Finally to call his long crush boyfriend.

After a while, breakfast was ready and got brought to the table. Shortly after it arrived, Hongjoong also came down.

"Morning Seongie!" Full of energy, his small body sat beside Seonghwa and immediately started to eat. Seonghwa looked at him with a smile and began to eat too.


"After school I'm going to go to the studio for the music project. So don't worry about me!" Hongjoong pressed his lips on Seonghwa's who returned the short kiss. "But please text me okay?" Hongjoong nodded and exited the car.

"I love you!" - "I love you more!" Seonghwa shouted when Hongjoong ran over to Yunho.

"Took you long enough-" - "I have big news!" Yunho was cut off by Hongjoong who had a wide smile on his face and had light pink tinted cheeks. The younger sighed because he knew what it would be.

"Seong and me...we're boyfriends now!" Yunho's eyes were focused on the other's one. He knew that this would come someday. But he didn't want that. He couldn't let that happen.

"That's amazing."

They chatted until the bell rang and both had to go their classes. Hongjoong and Yunho packed out and waited for the teacher.

"Do you have an idea for the music project? You know, you can always call me when you're ready to record." Hongjoong turned to Yunho. "Thank you, but I'm busy with the rest of the text. Just the chorus is completed." Yunho nodded and payed his attention back to the teacher, who walked in.

They had music again and Hongjoong's mind faded to his text and Seonghwa. His now beloved boyfriend. He almost forgot about him being a mafia boss. It didn't bother him unless Seonghwa would get hurt.

While the teacher was talking, the blonde haired male wrote some ideas for his song text down. He kept some in mind and some he deleted.


School finally ended and Hongjoong was able to go to the studio. He went through the glass doors and took the elevator into the fourth floor, where his room was.

He closed his door and settled down in front of his computer. He was ready to work, until a message popped up on his phone.

Seongie ❤️

SH: Baby are you
already there?

HJ: Yeah! Just arrived

SH: Okay good
Don't overwork yourself
When shall I pick you up?

HJ: 10 p.m maybe?

SH: 10 p.m?!
It's nearly 2 p.m now!
Are you planning on staying
8 damn hours in this little room?!

HJ: Yeah? .-.

SH: God baby
Please don't

HJ: I have to Seongie!
The song has to be a

SH: Did you seriously
spell Masterpiece?

HJ: Yes! 😄

SH: cute

SH: I'll bring you food
I'm visiting you when I'm free

HJ: Really?!
I love you!

SH: I know you do
And so do I ;)

SH: Will you give me
a small pic that reminds
me of you? I'm missing you
already :(

HJ: Oww, me too :(
But, of course!


SH: ShitYou are so perfect How tf did I deserve you?

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SH: Shit
You are so perfect
How tf did I deserve you?

HJ: I don't know how I
should answer that
Seongie 🫣

SH: Stop being so cute!
I can't hold myself back...

HJ: What do you mean
by that, Seongie?

SH: You'll see when your
period is gone baby

Hongjoong blushed a deep shade of red and looked up from his phone. He knew what Seonghwa meant and he would lie if he said, it didn't turn him on.

SH: Still there Baby?

HJ: Yeah

SH: Did I made you

HJ: Kind of...

SH: That's good honey

SH: I'll see you later!

SH: I love you ❤️

HJ: Can't wait!
I love you too ❤️

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